Back to You (finn wolfhard x...

By fxnnwolfhard4

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sequel bbys!!! More

important announcement.


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By fxnnwolfhard4

I woke up to a weird feeling, one im not used to.
I tried to sit up in bed until i realized, fuck, im not in my bed.
My whole body hurt, and im not exaggerating when i say that, but the worst pain was definitely in my head.
Whatever he drugged me with left its mark, thats for sure. It felt like a million elephants were stomping on my brain.
I squinted my eyes to adjust to the brightness of the lights, and not the natural kind.
Conveniently, there were no windows in his basement, so i have no fucking idea what time it is.
I groan and slump against the wall when i see feet coming down the stairs.
Ella is still tied up in the chair on the opposite end of the room, and that makes me beyond pissed.
"Morning baby girl" he says slyly, coming over to me.
Instead of replying, i spit in his face
"Let Ella go you asshole"
He chuckles a little while wiping his face
"Still talking about that are we?"
"Yes, and wont stop until you let her go. You're lucky im tied up right now."
"Damn, ive missed your attitude. Its extremely sexy" he says, walking closer to me and kissing my neck lightly, making me want to PUKE
"Ive missed everything about you"
"Yeah well, cant say the same. I hope you get aids someday"
He doesnt respond, just kisses my neck again, rougher this time.
I feel my anxiety starting to go crazy, and i have to keep myself under control.
"What time is it"
I decide to distract myself with the time, even though it really doesnt matter at this point. He still doesn't respond, just "kisses" me even rougher.
I cant even call it kissing at this point, hes biting me, and i know if i dont do something soon, this will reach a level i dont want.
"Get OFF me" i yell, using my body to push him, but not having much strength.
He smiles devilishly, and shakes his head
"Its cute that you think you can stop me from getting what i want" he says, slowly walking towards me
"Because you cant" he whispers in my ear, pressing himself against me again.
He starts biting my neck again, but makes his way down to my chest. He starts to take off my shirt, but realizes he cant because my arms are tied up.
"Fuck" he growls angrily, trying to rip my shirt off but not being able to because the material is too thick.
"Ha" i say quietly, smiling triumphantly.
He starts smiling too, a smile that sends chills down my spine
"Ill be right back" he says calmly, a little too calmly, and i know something bads about to happen.
Slowly, he turns around and walks back up the stairs, and something gets my attention.
Ellas hands are free.
I dont know how she did it, but she did.
"El-" i start to say, but she quickly gives me a look to tell me to be quiet.
Her hands are shaking like crazy, but she's untying her legs from the chair as quickly as she can.
When she's completely free, she runs over to me, and just as she starts untying me, we hear footsteps upstairs.
Both our eyes widen in fear, and she starts untying me faster, but i know its too late for me
"Run" i whisper urgently, but she shakes her head
"Not without you. Just give me a few more seconds-"
"We dont have a few more seconds. Get out of here now. Save yourself. Ill be okay. Go get the others"
The sound of the door opening scares us both to death, and she gives me one last look before running to the next room over.
I didnt know if she'll actually be able to make it out, but I'll do whatever i have to do to stall for her.
Whatever I have to do.
I just have to keep his attention on me.
He reaches the bottom of the stairs, and i notice something shiny in his hands.
A knife.
Hooooly shit holy shit holy shit
I need to have all his attention on me
"Whats the knife for"
Keep him busy keep him busy
"Are you sure you want to know?"
Hell fucking no i dont.
Out of the corner of my eye i see Ella peak out of the room, hes far enough away from the stairs, with his back facing them. She could actually escape.
I dont dare look at her, but im not completely sure if hes far enough away to where if he somehow did notice her, she could escape.
I need to keep him distracted longer.
His face twists up into a smile, and i know it's something bad
"Lets just say, were gonna finish what we started earlier. One way or another."
My heart pretty much falls out of my ass, but i cant let the fear get to me. I have to stay strong.
"Hmm well. I dont know what kinda kinky shit youre into, but i dont remember sex requiring a knife"
Keep being cocky itll cover how scared you are
"And for me personally? Im not really into stuff like that. My kink is sex when im not tied to a fucking wall. Also having it with someone im attracted to, that always helps"
At this point hes so close to me were almost touching, and i know Ella is safe now, but if worse comes to worse, shes fast enough to out run him, and shes got a head start.
I quickly give her a look, and nod subtly. We lock eyes for a moment and i can see the tears welling up in her eyes. She mouths a quick im sorry, and sprints as fast as she can up the stairs, thankfully she was quiet enough to where he couldn't hear her.
As soon as shes gone, i feel the tears start to form in mine.
Now im completely alone.
Im just happy shes safe. Thats all that matters.
But just as i start to believe that she actually made it out, that this actually could of worked, i hear the sound of something heavy hit the floor upstairs, and sadly, Jacob notices too.
He whips around to where Ella was previously sitting, and a twisted smile spreads on his face
"That little bitch" he says quietly, chuckling to himself, at this point i was scared shitless. There was no denying that.
"Remind me to kill her the next time i see her" he says, and coming from anyone else I probably would've laughed at that, but i knew he was serious.
Slowly turning to me, his smile spread even wider.
"No time to waste" he says, before ripping my shirt open with the knife, leaving me exposed.
My tough girl act was completely gone now, replaced with a sinister feeling.
I couldn't change what was about to happen, i knew that.
But that definitely didnt stop me from trying.
"Im gonna untie you now. I wanna move you somewhere else, where i have access to all angles"
I felt vomit in my throat, maybe i should puke on him. But i couldnt.
He untied my ankles first, which was his mistake.
As soon as my legs were free, i brought my knee up between his legs as hard as i could.
He staggered backwards, doubled over in pain, and i used this as a chance to kick him in the face.
Now there was just one little problem, my hands were still tied. And now he was pissed.
"Youve been a bad girl" he said, straightening up and flicking his hair out of his face
"Jacob stop, this isnt you"
I know, i know. This sounds stupid. But ive got nothing left.
He laughs dryly at this
"What do you mean this isnt me? This isnt some barbie movie"
Obviously this bitch has never seen barbie.
"This isnt you Jacob, dont play dumb, you know what i mean. You used to be so genuinely sweet to me. You were so kind, and light hearted and funny, and honestly? You were everything to me. But then you went and changed. Why? What happened to you?"
For a split second i see a real human being in front of me, the little boy i used to know, and care for.
But then hes gone again.
"I knew what I wanted as soon as i met you. I did what i had to do to get it. But when you rejected me? After i spent so much time being the person you wanted me to be? That was it"
I breathe in shakily
"So what are you saying?"
He chuckles dryly again, stepping closer to me
"I was never that boy. Not even from the beginning. I only acted like that to get what I wanted, and when it didnt work, i stopped pretending. And here i am, about to get what i want again."
Pure rage.
"Well see about that" i snarled, spitting directly in his eye, for once being happy that Jaeden and Wyatt insisted on teaching me how to spit.
He wipes his eyes, smile still on his face.
"Listen here little girl. We can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way" he says, getting so close to me that im pinned against the wall.
For a second i think about giving in.
It will be so much easier, probably less painful. No consequences. It's not like its the first time its happened anyway.
But then I remember something.
All the time i spent growing strong to over come my anxiety. All the nights i spent wide awake, in fear of the boy standing in front of me.
All the progress ive made from the weak, broken girl i used to be.
But most importantly, Finn.
The night on the ferris wheel so long ago, how i never thought i could get over my fear of heights.
But one single look from him changed that.
He changed me.
He made me stronger, brought out a side of me i never knew existed.
I needed to do this not only for me, but for him.
I knew Ella had probably told them by now, and they were most likely on their way to get me right now.
All i gotta do is stall for time.
"So whats it gonna be?" He asks, pushing me harder against the wall.
I look up at him and smile widely at the look of confusion in his eyes
"I choose my way."
And with that, i use all my strength to push him off me, kneeing him in the balls again.
Finn please hurry up.

Sorry for this piece of shiiit but oop if u hate u can kindly go elsewhere💋💋

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