To Get To You (2SEOK)

By AkiracchiWonderweiss

498 63 97

"The war has ended... I shall take my leave first. Do not search for me." "Wait, SEOKJIN!!!" A heartbreaking... More



232 34 67
By AkiracchiWonderweiss

"I don't want to kill you...Hobi. Because I ..." Jin whimpered as his facade slowly started crumbling with tears streaming down his soft face. Jin rode fast on his pure white horse to his kingdom.

Jin rode his horse till the outer wall of the his Kingdom and came to halt. Two guards outside stopped him as Jin came down from his horse.

The two guards walked forward and one of them whispered into Jin's ear.

"The King would love to see you, Commander." He mocked.

Jin bit his bottom lip and frowned a little.

It was going to be the same as always.

Jin glared at the soldiers as they stepped back to open the gates. He climbed on his horse and kicked the side of the horse harshly as it took of straight to the palace, in a path where there weren't villagers.

As he was riding, he saw familiar, faded writing on the bricks of pathway.

Ah, how familiar it was for Jin.

He closed his eyes a little a smiled unconsciously as the memories from his past came to him.

"Hurry up Hobishine!!! People might see you!! You're so slowwwww~!" Whined and whispered an 8 year old Kim SeokJin.

"I'm coming.... you're too fast...Jinnie!!!" Wheezed an 8 year old Jung Hoseok, his Auburn hair sticking to his forehead.

Jin giggled at his world's best friend stumbling upon a few boxes before reaching him safely.

"Hobishine is sooo slow!! Here, take my hand. I'll run with you!" Jin giggled as he took Hoseok's grubby hand in his. Although Hoseok was feeling tired, after he felt Jin's hand he immediately felt rejuvenated.

"Mhm!" Hoseok nodded as his grin reached his ears.

Jin ran through the small alley of his Kingdom where there was no sign of people, while Hoseok was struggling to run well.

"Wait Jinnie, don't run that fast!!" Hoseok wheezed.

"It's fine, hold in tightly! I promise to keep you safe!!" Jin turned around and grinned at Hoseok.

Hoseok gasped a little as he saw his little sunshine smiling ever so genuinely at him.
Jin turned around and continued running.

While running, Hoseok glanced at Jin's small, pale hand cutely gripping onto his own grubby hands. He slowly used his thumb to run it gently over Jin's pale knuckles while smiling unconsciously.

'You are my world's prettiest sunshine...' Hoseok thought to himself as his attention turned to Jin's backview, his light brown hair swaying left to right.

After a while of running, they halted at a random, dirty concrete wall.

Hoseok stared quizzically at Jin while Jin grinned and looked around for something.

"Where is it....ah!!! Found it!!" Jin hitched as grabbed a sharp twig.

Hoseok's eyes continued to trail Jin's every move. Jin looked at Hoseok and smiled widely.

"Hobishine, we are going to use this twig to write on this wall here!!! This for us to always remember each other no matter where we go!! This is will be the prove of our friendship." Jin smiled and Hoseok nodded quietly.

As Jin was pulled back to reality, he realised that he stared at wall too long for his own good. The wall was dirtier than ever, yet Jin managed to recognise the scribblings.

His eyes followed the very words he promised his best friend, and yet he broke it first.

"Sunshines forever....huh...? Funny to say, Sunshines don't last forever, just like us. Except, we are always stuck in the night of sins." Jin mumbled as he felt warmth creeping down his cheeks. He reached his cheek and gently swiped it over to realize that he had been crying.

"Eh...? Why am I crying...?" Jin croaked as drips turned into a fine stream of tears. His walls, the walls that hold him up , steeling his heart, made him strong just to... collapse with a crash of his emotions running all over his mind. Moment by moment, they fall. Salty streams of pearly tears fall from his chin, sliding of his shiny armour.

" I didn't want to betray you, Hobi... Please save me..." Jin whispered and whimpered to himself while letting of all the emotions he held for years, steeling himself as the Commander.

Somewhere in Sytry's royal palace~:

A certain young King had his fist under his chin he had his legs crossed as his violaceous fur cloak majestically laid on the ground below the throne. His other hand, tapping on the armrest of the throne while a smirk played across his slightly chubby cheeks. His cotton pink hair covered his forehead as he inhaled and exhaled through his well-built body with a loud sigh.

"Well, is my Jin here yet?" The King questioned, the audible anger playing at the tip of his mouth. His eyebrows knitting together as his light brown eyes glared without emotions at another male kneeling on his knee in front of him.

"He is on his way, Your Highness." The male replied with a husky voice with his head hanging low.

The young king continued staring at the peasant with obsidian painted hair.

The king frowned even more as he clicked his tongue.

"You know, I envy you for your height? Well, that doesn't matter as long as I have all the money in the world. The last thing I need, is my Jin's heart." The king announced snapped his fingers to dismiss the peasant.

"Not at all, Your Highness! I am but a mere peasant and you are the all great! How could I ever possess something superior to you!?" The peasant gasped.

The king chuckled and waved his hand to out the peasant.

"Okay okay, get out enough with the flattery. I have things to wait for. " The lord grinned.

The peasant bowed and scurried off while the king rolled his tongue inside his cheek while tapping his shoe and looking straight at the door for Jin to appear anytime soon.

"There's nothing I can't obtain, Jin. I have already separated you and that enemy vermin. You literally have nothing precious to hold onto except me your king...

Park Jimin."

Hello babies!! It almost 2am now and I'm typing it with droopy eyes... ToT just know I love you all so much and I want you to love yourself too!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!

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