The Wedding Trials [ A Harry...

By stylishmuser

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COMPLETED // Anushka (Nush) and Aryan have been best friends since they were little. As have Harry and Eliza... More

Story Details
The Ganesha Pooja
The Mehndi
The Sangeet
The Reception
TWT Dictionary

The Shaadi

1K 62 5
By stylishmuser

Shaddi is the Indian word for wedding. An Indian marriage is intricate and includes many events both leading up to it, and during the ceremony itself. From the baarat to the mandeep, every moment of this day is special for the Mr and Mrs to be. 

Anushka is sitting on the couch in Aryan's dressing room, her henna dark and ready to go from the night before. She's tracing the patterns on her left palm with her right index finger, absentmindedly letting her mind drift to the slightly drunken stupor she went on last night. But, she's not ashamed.

In fact, from the moment she shut the door on Harry after he'd walked her back to her room (after a good 10 more minutes of not so subtle making out against her room door) she'd been thinking about him. His lips, his messy soft brown hair that fell slightly over his forehead if she messed it up enough. The way his hands had slipped around her bare waist with such ease, with such a gentle yet determined grip. The way he panted and moaned and tugged her impossibly closer to his chest under the twinkling lights of the gazebo.

And it didn't end at the simple act of reminiscing. No, Anushka had admittedly had an interestingdream about Harry. She'd woken up in a sweat with her alarm blaring, her hair wild and her fists clutching the sheets so tightly that when she uncurled them, her hands throbbed with pain.

She bites the inside of her cheek in hopes to stop the embarrassed smile from sliding onto her lips, shaking her head and pulling herself away from the recollection as Aryan calls something out to her from his bathroom.

"What?" Anushka cries back, setting her phone down in her lap as she cranes her neck.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready?" Aryan calls back.

Anushka falters, "No, your mom sent me here to make sure you put everything on the right way, dulha*." She flips her phone over when it buzzes, smiling at the screen when she sees it's a good morning text from Harry. "So hurry up, slowpoke. The baraat isn't going anywhere without me so the longer you take the more time you spend on that horse."

Aryan doesn't say anything and she glances at her reflection in the mirror on the wall across from the couch she's sitting on. She'd gotten her hair and makeup done by the artist they'd hired for Lizzie upon her insistence. They'd sat together and once they were both done she'd sent Lizzie off to her dressing room promising she'd come check on her after Aryan was ready.

Anushka is typing back a response to Harry when Aryan clears his throat, stepping out of the bathroom and turning in a circle with his arms wide and an even wider grin on his face.

"So? How do I look?" He asks, putting his hands into the pockets of his silver trousers.

Anushka drops her phone and leans closer, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. She gets up and walks over to him, standing in front of Aryan, making sure he's got all the buttons and clasps done on his indian suit. It's white with silver details and it makes Aryan's brown eyes practically sparkle.

Anushka steps back and gives him a once over, not speaking.


She meets her best friend's concerned eyes and he steps towards her immediately, hands cupping her elbows. "No, no crying. I paid a fortune for your face, you're not going to ruin it."

"Shut up," Anushka hiccups, her voice caught in her throat as she lets Aryan tug her into his chest.

He sighs, resting his chin on top of her head carefully so he doesn't mess up her hair.

"You're getting married," Anushka whispers after a moment.

Aryan chuckles above her, "Guess I am."

Anushka sniffles and then pulls away, looking up at him. "I am so happy for you, you know that?"

Aryan nods, smiling at her. "I'm happy for you too."

Anushka's brows furrow together and Aryan laughs, "You know, Nush we just wanted you two to be friends. Not to dry hump in the gazebo."

Anushka's eyes widen and Aryan bursts into rambunctious laughter.

"You saw that?" Anushka screeches, slapping her hand against his chest with a grumpy frown. The sentimental moment was fleeting it seems.

"Ow, hey! Everyone saw," Aryan insists with a nonchalant shrug.

Anushka fumbles for a response but she ends up exhaling, her shoulders relaxing before she licks her lips, "I like him. I really, really like him," she admits. "I mean... I barely know him, but Aryan he's.... He's so great."

Aryan is staring at his best friend with gentle eyes, "Good. I'm glad. You deserve to be happy, Nush." He turns to grab his phone, " And anyway, he's not going to hurt you," he adds casually.

Anushka raises a brow at him in question and he shrugs, "Talked to him."

Before she can ask what he said, Aryan hands her his phone, "Take a picture of me, will you? In case I die on that horse."

Anushka snorts but takes the phone from him, letting him pose up against the wall before she snaps a photo.

Harry is staring at Lizzie over her shoulder in the mirror she's seated in front of. She's wearing the most beautiful, dark red dress he's ever seen. Her hair is up in a bun and she's got the traditional jewelry that Aryan's mother had brought in on. She looks absolutely stunning.

"It's not nice to stare," Lizzie says, meeting his eyes with a grin.

"Can't help it, love. Yeh look...." Harry trails off, "Like the most beautiful bride in the world." He finally settles on.

Lizzie blushes slightly, her gaze shifting downwards for a moment, "Thank you, H."

"So, we ready to go then?" Harry asks, fixing his shirt collar.

"Almost, we just have to wait for your girlfriend to come by," Lizzie says.

Harry freezes and then meets her questioning look.

"She's not..." he trails off, reaching up to pull at his bottom lip with his fingers. "We're just... getting t'know each other, s'all."

"Mhmmm," Lizzie hums, turning to face him in her chair. "Half the guests saw you two getting to know each other last night."

Harry looks mortified for a second, not for getting caught but because he thought it was a moment for just him and Nush to share.

"Hey," Lizzie says, getting his attention again. "It's fine, Harry. Nush is... she's amazing. Does she make you feel..." she trails off, trying to find the word.

"She makes me feel like I can be myself," Harry admits softly.

Lizzie gives him a gentle, encouraging smile, "Then go for it, H. That's so important. She's not the type to play with you. If she wants you, then she wants you."

Harry appreciates Lizzie's input. She's seen his heart get banged up through the years and her genuine opinion is something he values more than he can convey. "Yeh don't think it's... too fast?"

Lizzie purses her red tinted lips, "Not really. I think... if you have a connection with someone, than you owe it to them and yourself to explore that connection. And with your life, even more so."

"M'glad I have your blessing then," Harry says.

And that's when the door opens and the woman herself walks in. Anushka is fixing her dupatta as she hurries into the room. Today she's wearing a white dress whose skirt and dupatta is accented with bright colors. The pink, yellow and blue stand out on the dress and she comes to a stop. Her eyes flicker to Harry for a brief moment before she approaches Lizzie.

"I'm so sorry, Aryan was- Oh, nevermind. Look at you," she mumbles, sliding her hands into Lizzie's as she takes her in.

"Is everything on okay? Aryan's mom said it was but she's nice and I-" Lizzie says frantically.

"Love," Anushka says, cutting her off. "You look beautiful. He's going to fall off that horse if he gets a look at you before he gets off."

Lizzie laughs and then Anushka smiles, bright, "Okay, I'm gonna go with the baraat before they leave me. We'll be here soon, okay? I'll be right behind you at the ceremony. Harry too."

Her eyes flicker back to Harry who has been staring at her this entire time.

He nods and Lizzie turns to put her heels on while Anushka approaches Harry. Lizzie pretends to not look as he steps up to Anushka and slides his fingers in between hers, bending his head to kiss her cheek gently and whisper to her.

"Hi, pretty girl... you look beautiful," Harry says in a low voice.

"Thank you," Anushka replies. She looks up at Harry with wide eyes. "Your tie is crooked."

Harry glances down and Anushka scoots forward, her hands fixing the tie. Harry watches her with interest, his eyes looking over every inch of her. He inhales the scent of blueberries that's masked over by whatever perfume she's wearing, but still just barely detectable. He wishes Lizzie wasn't in the room so he could press her up against the wall and kiss her neck and commit the scent to memory.

"M'not used to wearing them," Harry replies.

Anushka's long lashes flutter upwards, her eyes staring into Harry's deep green ones and she forgets what they were even talking about.

"Huh?" She asks, letting her palms rest against his chest as his hands lift to slide around her bare waist. The way she shivers at his touch doesn't go unnoticed.

"Ties," Harry explains, his eyes darting down to her lips.

"Oh... right," Anushka says, her fingers pressing deeper into his chest.

Harry is about to press his lips to hers, the care of not ruining her makeup or Lizzie seeing long gone from his mind but he hears someone outside of the room calling her name and he sighs, pulling away.

Anushka gives him an apologetic look and glances over her shoulder, her soft black hair swishing with the movement. She turns back to look at Harry, lifting a hand to press against his cheek, "I have to go. I'll see you soon, okay?"

Harry nods reluctantly, settling for a gentle kiss against the apple of her cheek that makes Anushka rise off her heels and lean into. She sighs and trails her hands up his chest and to his shoulders, squeezing them before she turns and hurries out of the room with her dress flowing behind her in all its glory.

Harry watches with fond eyes and a beaming grin as he spots Anushka in the crowd of Aryan's family as they dance and make their way towards the hotel entrance. She hadn't time to explain this part of the wedding events, but he doesn't particularly care as he watches her move and dance around with various members of Aryan's family up the street. There's men in turbans and with big drums that take up their entire torsos dispersed through the crowd, banging in a rhythm that makes Harry want to tap his Gucci shoes against the carpeted floors just behind the entrance.

London's decided to be kind on the big day, the sun making a stunning appearance and glowing all around Anushka as her black hair sways and her dress does it's own dance. Harry barely registers that fact that Aryan is on a horse and when the two sides of the family finally converge, Harry's pushing open the glass doors with his eyes trained on Nush.

He doesn't pay attention to those Londoners that are walking by the hotel on their daily commutes, turning and stopping to view the musical spectacle. He's glad he's not one of them, that he has the privilege of being a part of something so beautiful and colorful and important. But he only has eyes for Anushka in the moment.

He vaguely registers Aryan getting off the horse and walking past him in the opposite direction, but then he's standing in front of her. Her chest is heaving from the dancing and she's laughing at something a girl in a purple dress next to her said but when she sees Harry come to a stop in front of her, Nush's eyelashes flutter and a serene smile like the one she had on her face in the temple appears.

"Hi," she says, her voice a bit hoarse.

"Lo, baby," Harry's voice drops lower on the second word of his greeting as he takes a another step forward and links his hands with hers.

Anushka giggles, a soft giggle, "So, what did you think? I would've been at the front but Aryan made me stay next to him because he thought he was going to fall off the horse."

"It was... something," Harry settles on, tugging her closer.

Anushka hums and he watches her glancing around nervously.

Harry's eyebrows furrow together and then he realizes why she might be nervous, "S'this okay?" He begins to loosen his grips on her palms, hyper aware of the fact that her parents may be nearby.

"No! I mean, yes," Anushka shakes her head, earrings sparkling when the sunlight hits them. "It's okay. I promise," she reassures him.

Harry gives her a skeptical look and she sighs, her shoulders deflating a bit.

"I just want to keep this between us, for now. If my mum sees she'll ask when we met and what I like about you and-"

Harry cuts her off from rambling, "Hey, s'okay, love. Breathe." He tilts his head down so only she can hear what he has to say next, "I want t'keep this to ourselves too. Just you and me, yeah?"

Anushka nods, pulling back to look him in the eyes, "And Aryan."

Harry laughs, raising a brow at her, "Lizzie too then, I suppose."

Anushka bites her lip and Harry's eyes automatically drop down to them, "C'mon, let's go before all the good seats are taken."

Anushka grips Harry's one hand in hers and leads him into the ballroom.

Eventually they get a seat in the beautifully constructed mandap, with it's curtains and stringed lights. Aryan's parents and Lizzie's mother are seated directly behind the couple as the pandit begins reciting the incantations and prayers for the marriage ceremony. Harry and Anushka are seated just two rows behind the parents, far enough to whisper to each other and not get angry looks but not too far in case anyone needs anything.

Harry had been shocked when Anushka had grabbed his hand in hers and settled the intertwined pair into her lap. But he didn't mind, his shoulder rubbing against hers as they both (carefully) tilted their heads inwards to watch the pandit. Harry turns his face so his lips are just about Nush's ear, "What are they doin?"

Anushka's eyes are glued to the couple as the parents tie the knot between Aryan and Lizzie's respective outfit dupattas , "They're going to circle the altar seven times. For the seven vows of marriage."

Harry keeps his eyes trained on her, noting the way her hair falls down her shoulders and over them so gracefully, "What are they?"

Anushka turns her face, not shocked to see how close Harry is. "Well... " She lowers her voice a bit, "To nourish each other.." she stops, waiting for them to finish the first circle and start the second before she continues on. Stopping and saying the meaning of each of the circles as they go on them, "To remain lifelong friends, to be together forever, to take care of their children and parents, to share joys and sorrows, to preserve wealth, and to grow together." When she's done saying the last one, she turns to look at Harry.

And suddenly everyone is cheering and the two have to break their eye contact to see that Aryan has dipped Lizzie and is kissing her.

"They're married," Anushka exclaims, standing up and pulling Harry with her as she claps along with everyone else.

After a few more moments, she turns towards Harry, "Those are our best friends."

Harry laughs and nods, his own palms still clapping, "They are."

And then everyone begins to line up for photos with the new bride and groom. Harry and Anushka go up with the rest of the bridal and groom party and after the photo is snapped they all turn to go but Aryan and Lizzie stop the two.

"We want one with just you two," Lizzie explains, beaming up at Harry.

Harry smiles at her, "Alright, whatever the bride wants, yeah?"

Aryan lifts his arm that isn't around Lizzie, "Get in here, Nush."

Anushka tucks under his arm as Harry swings his over Lizzie's shoulders and the foursome squashes together as the photographer takes a few normal pictures. And then Aryan decides to put Anushka in a noogie hold and Harry is throwing up his usual peace sign and it seems they've got quite a few outtakes as well.

It won't be until months later when Aryan mails Anushka a set of pictures that she sees just how silly the little family looked on that day.

When they step off the stage for the next family to take their place, Harry turns towards Anushka. His smile is wide from laughing so much on the stage and Anushka wants to kiss his dimple so badly she has to suck her lips into her mouth.

"So... now we wait until tonight?" Harry asks.

"Well, there's lunch in the next room over. It'll be a while until those two get any food, so I was thinking of sneaking them a plate," Anushka says, glancing back towards Lizzie and Aryan.

Harry smiles at her thoughtfulness. "Alright, I'll bring it with yeh. But let's get you some food first, yeah? You've been running around all day, pretty girl."

He lifts his hand and caresses her cheek and Anushka smiles sheepishly at his concern.

"Only if you come with me," she says.

Harry links their hands together, noting that now he craves the soft presence of her skin against his, "S'no place I'd rather be, love."

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