The Wedding Trials [ A Harry...

By stylishmuser

11.5K 506 177

COMPLETED // Anushka (Nush) and Aryan have been best friends since they were little. As have Harry and Eliza... More

Story Details
The Mehndi
The Sangeet
The Shaadi
The Reception
TWT Dictionary

The Ganesha Pooja

1.2K 66 27
By stylishmuser

The Ganesha pooja is done before Indian weddings. Lord Ganesha is the remover of obstacles, therefore before wedding rituals can proceed and go smoothly, they pray to Lord Ganesha. They offer him blessings. Due to ancient Hindu scriptures, Ganesha's father Shiva granted that he would be honored before all other deities.

It's so early.

That's the only thought that's been playing on repeat through Anushka's mind for the past hour. Despite the fact that she'd passed on the morning chai for her regular, beloved coffee, her brain still felt like it was barely kicking on and her eyes feel heavy as she watches people buzz around Aryan's house. She and Aryan had sat around at his kitchen counter for a while, watching all the older members of the family prepare the temple for the pooja that was to happen in an hour.

Anushka had come to Aryan's fully dressed and ready to go for the day. She was wearing a light sea green anarkali suit that was patterned with gold and cream floral pattern through the fabric. It gave it a elegant dimension, but not overly so since it was a house pooja. She's got her hair piled into a bun at the back of her neck, a few tendrils of her hair curled and framing her face to make it look like she hadn't woken up late and give zero thought to her hair. She dressed up the outfit with some silver embellishments and she was ready to go.

"Wooooow, look at you," Aryan had announced with a low whistle, smirking at her.

"Shut up," Anushka had grumbled. "You look good," she'd added, noting the light blue Indian suit Aryan had on.

"It's itchy," Aryan mumbled, pulling out a stool for her.

"I know," Anushka whines back, scratching at her collarbone with a frown.

They had sat there for a while until Aryan's mother had come in and whisked him off towards the temple.

Once Lizzie had arrived, in her own lilac anarkali, Anushka had helped her settle down next to Aryan in the temple and helped some of the relatives get the flowers and fruit ready for the offering. Then she'd taken a step back towards the far wall of the temple after slipping her silver heels off outside, and taken a seat on the cold marble floor. The smell of the incense was strong, and if she stood too close to the mandap* then she'd be bound to get a headache.

She took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling under the exquisite fabric as she watched the pandit* begin the ceremony. He was speaking the Hindu prayers quickly, going through the pooja steps. She scans her eyes across the temple, the murtis* of the various Gods had been cleaned and dressed up for this occasion. But one specific murti was front and center, sitting right before Lizzie and Aryan in all of it's golden glory. Lord Ganesha was wearing a purple and red peony lei that Aryan's grandmother had stitched by hand the night before. Anushka holds her gaze on the murti for a moment longer before she folds her hands and closes her eyes, lifting them to rest against her chest.

She didn't find herself overly religious, she didn't actively go out of her way to celebrate every single festival in LA. She had a small group of murti's in her apartment, but from a young age she had never been active beyond requirement in her religion. It wasn't that she didn't believe, so to speak, but she had more of laissez faire approach to Hinduism than her parents had. The same could be said about them in comparison to her grandparents. She'd noticed that with each generation, the commitment to every single ritual and pooja had been gradually lowered. There were a few festivals that were incredibly important, like Diwali* and Navratri* that were observed every year.

Anushka believed in a higher power, but she didn't know who he or she was. But she was content with believing that whoever was up there, they heard her prayers. Ganesha had always been her favorite God, though. There was something calming in him that soothed her nerves.

Harry's just wandered into Aryan's home, nodding at a few people who are taking their shoes off and following their lead before he trails after them. Lizzie had told him he didn't have to come today, but he wanted to be there for her. He also admittedly wanted to see Anushka again. He'd spent all night thinking about her. They way her eyes sparkled and her hair fell effortlessly, and how she seemed to be the most eccentric, happy to be alive person he had ever come across.

He joins his hands together, socks padding against the floors as he shuffles through the door after the others. He meets eyes with Lizzie's mom who is seated behind her, she shoots him a small smile and he returns it before moving to the side of the door to leave the doorway open for others.

Harry's never experienced a Indian religious ceremony. The most he's seen is baptisms and the inside of various Catholic churches. But he's in awe at everything as he takes it in. There's people sitting everywhere and they're clapping along as the pooja occurs. His green eyes light up as he takes in the murtis, trying to memorize each and all the details they have to offer before moving onto the next. The temple not only smells like roses, but he can see flowers on every surface- standing out brightly against the crafted marble and white temple that served as home for the Gods and Goddesses.

Simply put, it's unreal.

But it's nothing compared to how he feels when he turns to see Anushka sitting a few feet away. She's wearing a green dress that too stands out brightly against the white floors of the temple, her eyes are closed and her hair is up- exposing the skin of her neck to him. Harry lowers his eyes up and down her dress for a minute, feeling a prickle of guilt that he's checking her out during a religious ceremony. But God, he'd be damned if she didn't look amazing. The silver of her earings is sparkling in the lighting, her dress and bangles doing the same. But what catches him the most is the fact that she looks so serene, her hands folded and eyes closed as if there isn't at least 50 people in the room right now.

Harry sighs a little, his cross necklace feeling a little heavier from where it lays between his swallows. He doesn't want to disturb her when she looks so calm.

But Anushka's eyes flutter open and she lifts her head a little. Harry can see that she's blinking, her lashes long and fluttering. Then, she turns her head as if she's sensed his gaze, hands still folded as her brilliant brown eyes meet his. She smiles gently and nods at him, and that's all it takes for Harry to pad his way over to her.

"Hi," she whispers softly as he sits down criss cross next to her, careful not to sit on the fabric of her dress.

" 'Lo, love," Harry whispers back, smiling at her. The closer look only confirms to Harry that she's absolutely breathtaking, with her light makeup and plump lips- he can't take his eyes off her even if he wanted too.

"I didn't think you'd come," Anushka whispers.

Harry nods, running a hand through his chopped chestnut locks, "Wanted to. Never been to..." he trails off.

Anushka chuckles under her breath gently, leaning closer to him, "A pooja?"

Harry nods.

There's a pause in the recitation and the two fall quiet, watching as the pandit instructs Aryan and Lizzie before he starts again.

"So... can yeh tell me what's happenin?" Harry asks, leaning closer to Nush so his suit clad shoulder is resting against hers.

She nods, her body moving against his, "The golden statue, that's a deity. Lord Ganesha..." she falls quiet when a old lady in front of them turns around to give them a pointed look.

She waits until she's turned around again and shuffles closer to Harry, her knee overlapping his. Harry breathes in her perfume, a mixture of something floral and light. Her voice is softer when she speaks up, "He's the remover of obstacles. So, families do a offering or pooja before weddings or anything really in hopes that Ganesha will help everything run smoothly."

Harry nods in understanding, his eyes watching as he hangs onto every one of her gently spoken words. "S'beautiful."

Anushka thinks he's referring to the murti that she's staring at, but Harry's eyes are focused solely on her. She turns her head, licking her lips gently and is astounded to see him staring.

She lets her gaze flutter across his features, a smile playing at her lips, "It is."

It doesn't go unnoticed by Harry that Anushka doesn't scoot away, her shoulder resting against his for the duration of the pooja while the fabric of her dupatta* keeps falling off her shoulder and halfway into his lap. But, he doesn't necessarily mind either.

Harry's really wishing that he was sitting that close to her later on that night. All the guests had shifted to the hotel that the rest of the wedding events would occur, with each of them having a room. Right now, the four friends and a few of Aryan's law associates and cousins were all seated at the bar of the hotel. There were half empty martini glasses decorating the table tops in front of them.

Harry is seated next to Lizzie and Aryan while Anushka is across from them, sandwiched between two of Aryans friends. She's got her hair in the same bun but now she's wearing a sweatshirt and a pair of leggings. She looks just as beautiful as she had earlier.

But it's the tosser on the right of her with a ridiculous quiff and wandering eyes that is making Harry grind his teeth and fidget with his rings. He's feels like a bloody teenager again, his heart pumping with adrenaline while his veins quake with jealousy. He's barely known this girl for over 24 hours and he feels a need to protect her, and even more- be the holder of her attention. It sounds downright crazy, but he wants to keep her to himself. But the lad is leaning against her shoulder and Harry reckons if the rest of them weren't sitting there, he'd have his hand on her thigh. And the worst part is that he can't even remember what the bloke's name even is.

Anushka seems oblivious, or perhaps Harry is paranoid, but she's engaging in conversation with every member at the table.

"Soo, Nush," the bloke says loudly, turning his body to face hers completely, "What have you got planned for the sangeet? Heard you like bollywood.."

Harry watches as Anushka clams up, and he bets her cheeks are burning as Aryan bursts into rambunctious laughter.

"Shut up, Aryan!" Anushka says, crumbling her martini napkin and chucking it at him.

"What is it?" Lizzie asks curiously, lifting her head from where she had it resting against Aryan's chest.

Aryan grins stupidly, "Nush has... a love for bollywood. When we were little she used to put on little dance shows based on the songs from her favorite movies. Copied the moves and put on the Indian clothes and everything."

Anushka groans and buries her face into her hands and everyone whoops at the new knowledge. Harry smiles when she lifts her face away and her sheepish eyes meet his. He raises an eyebrow in shock at her and she bites her lip before shaking her head and sitting up, leaning completely away from the bloke who's somehow managed to scoot closer.

"Listen," she starts, her eyes training briefly on everyone as they stop laughing, "You're all going to be jealous when you see what I have planned, alright? Just wait."

"Okay, okay, " Aryan says after he yawns.

"Well, I'm excited. We'll see if you can dance or not," the bloke speaks up, giving Anushka a cheesy grin.

She smiles at him but Harry can tell it's forced.

"So, I'm going to call it a night," Anushka says after a little more conversation has passed. When everyone groans she frowns, "Hey, we've got the mendhi tomorrow. You men get to sleep in. And I still have jet lag."

Lizzie nods, "M'getting tired too."

Aryan kisses the top of her head, "Let's get you to bed then."

Harry watches as Anushka turns to the other side, getting the guy on her other side to slide out of his seat so she can scoot over. Everyone begins standing up and Harry does so too, scooting his chair in and putting his hands in his short pockets as Aryan hugs Nush.

Lizzie turns towards him and side hugs him, "Did you get settled in your room okay, H?"

Harry nods, squeezing her to him, "M'good, love. Got a long history with hotel rooms."

Lizzie laughs, "Okay, just let me know if you need anything. I'm in 1230, just down the hall."

"Promise," Harry says, kissing the top of her head. "Looked beautiful today, Liz."

Lizzie smiles up at him, "You clean up nice too. Forgot you owned all black suits. Thanks for coming."

Harry shakes hands with Aryan, watching as Anushka starts heading towards the elevators. He mumbles a goodbye to the others and tries not to run after her. He catches her just as the elevators are closing.

When he steps inside she gives him a tired smile, "Hey."

"Hi. What floor?" Harry asks closing the doors by stabbing the button before anyone else can pile in.

"12," Anushka says gently.

"Me too..." Harry says, tapping the button before leaning back next to her.

She really does look tired and Harry desperately wants to bring her into his chest and hold her there. He (selfishly) doesn't want the night to end just yet

"So, these bollywood movies... do yeh have any with yeh?" Harry asks, peering at her.

She nods slowly, "Got some on my laptop, why?"

"Well... yeh said you'd teach me, yeah? Figured movies make it quick," Harry mumbles, glancing up to see the lit sign change from 8 to 9. "Unless you're too tired, love. Then forget it."

Anushka smirks at him, "I'm not that tired."

Harry's dimples flash, "Yeah?"

She nods and the elevator doors open. She leads him out with a smile and he follows her to her room which is just a few away from his. She pulls her keycard out of the back of her phone case and waves it in front of the door, opening it and stepping inside.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick. Make yourself comfy," she says, smiling at Harry before she disappears.

Harry shuffles through the room and sees that her dresses are in garment bags in the sitting area of the room, her luggage bags are resting against the dresser and she's got her laptop on the nightstand next to the bed.

He kicks his shoes off and settles onto the edge of the bed, scrolling through his emails until she comes out again.

In the bathroom, after she's taken her makeup off and contacts off too, Anushka stares at her reflection in the illuminated hotel mirror. She's exhausted, but for some reason she couldn't find it in herself to send Harry away just yet. So she changes into her pjs, shorts and a faded, oversized long sleeved shirt and pushes her glasses onto her face before heading out.

She smiles when she spots him sitting on the edge of the bed. His hair is soft and messy, standing up a bit at the top of his head which makes her think he had been raking his fingers through it before she walked in. He smiles up at her, noting her cute pjs.

"Told you to get comfy," she mumbles, pulling the covers back and crawling in as she grabs her laptop and types her password in.

"Didn't kno' if yeh wanted me t'get under the covers or not, love," Harry says with a laugh. He sets his phone aside and gets under on the other side, watching her as she sets her laptop in between them. "Like your glasses."

She giggles softly, "Thanks. Okay, so this one... is about a wedding. I'll put the subtitles on."

"Sounds good," Harry says, leaning back against the pillows. He watches as she curls up on her side. "Want me t'turn the lamp off?"

Anushka hums her agreement and Harry leans over to do so as the movie starts playing.

If either of them were to move an inch over, their limbs would be touching. Harry grows less interested in the movie as he watches Anushka slowly starting to drift off, but every time he thinks she's fallen asleep she sleepily mumbles something about what's going on in the move. Harry himself doesn't know when he falls asleep, or if she does first. But the movie keeps going, illuminating the walls of hotel room as the two of them sleep peacefully next to each other.  

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