
By obsession_tc

324K 10.3K 1K

To a human, werewolves don't exist, and you're crazy if you believed in the myth. That is what Alana thought... More

Before you begin...
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Alana Smith
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Its been a while...
Chapter Twenty Nine (Part One)
Chapter Twenty Nine (Part Two)
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three (Final Chapter!)

Chapter Thirteen

8.2K 274 31
By obsession_tc

I have no clue if the end makes any sense at all or not, so I apologise in advance. Sorry for the late update, I’ve been extremely busy with school (and I’m sorry for the poor excuse as well)

Please comment and vote if you’re liking the story. Enjoy :)


'I'm sorry, sir. But I'm going to have to ask you to leave.' I heard Lenny sternly telling a customer off at the automatic doors that led in and out of the shop. I could only see the Lenny's back and his broad shoulders were blocking my view of who he was talking to. I strained my neck in an awkward position to catch a glance of their person while continuing to fold the stack of clothes on the display table.

'No. I'm here to see Alana.' I heard the deep voice reply rather intimidatingly to Lenny. At that moment, I knew it was Michael who should have been waiting in the parking lot for me.

Impatient bugger.

'Look here mate,’ Lenny started telling him off and I silently laughed. Of all things he had to call him it had to be mate. I could only picture the amused expression that would be on Michael’s face as he waited for Lenny to finish his rant.

‘Last time you were here you harassed her. There's no way that's going to happen again. So I suggest you leave now before you are forced to leave. Do I need to remind you that you are banned from this shop?' Lenny questioned.

'Oi Lenny?' I yelled, Lenny's head snapped around extremely quickly to see where the vice came from. As soon as he noticed that I was the one to call him, his expression changed from confusion to worry.

'His all good now.' His eyes opened in disbelief and his mouth parted slightly from shock. Michael smugly smiled down at him and strolled into the shops and over to where I was standing, his deep brown eyes not leaving me.

'Hello beautiful,' he lowly spoke which sent a shiver down my spine and made my cheeks light up a slight pink in colour.

'What happened to wait outside for me?' I questioned in a hushed but hissed voice, getting straight to the point. Even though I was slightly irritated for him just waltzing into the shop and causing a mini scene (which I assumed would happen which is why I told him to wait outside every night), I couldn't help the small smile that played on my lips.

'I couldn't wait, I needed to see you,' he huskily spoke and took painfully slow steps toward me. As soon as he was arms distance way, he reached out and grabbed my arms, slightly tugging me into his body and embracing me in a tight hug. My arms raised from my side and wrapped around his torso returning the gesture.

I heard Michael take a deep breath in while his head was nestled in the crook of my neck, and I broke the hug and slowly took a step back and raised my eyebrows. 'Why are you smelling me?' I questioned.

I'm not sure if it's the disgust in my voice or the confusion or the innocence of the questioned, but Michael cracked one of his rare breath taking smiles and looked down at me in amusement. Let’s face it, I had been moving boxes and walking around all day. I more than likely smelled like crap.

'Because love, I'm a wolf. That's what we do,' he replied.

'So does that mean you go around smelling everyone?' I asked, quite frankly disturbed that he went around smelling people for the fun of it.

'No, only the people we care about,' he said, his eyes slowly trailing over my body. ‘And you’re smell is calming, and intoxicating.’ He huskily said.

He finished while looking straight into my eyes. I was quite surprised with his answer, so I awkwardly nodded my head and cleared my throat. I picked up the blue t-shirt that needed re-folding and started folding it.

A small laugh rumbled in the back of Michael's throat as he raised one of his hands and tucked a loose bit of hair behind my ear. 'You're gorgeous,' he muttered under his breath. 'Absolutely gorgeous.'

I kept my eyes on the piece of material, willing my cheeks to go back to their normal colour. It's like when I'm around him lately their constantly tinged pink from the compliments he gives me.

Stupid Michael.

'Well, you've seen me now. I'm done in like, 10 minutes or so. Go and wait outside,' I instructed him while subtly eyeing Lenny who was talking to Jacob and skeptically glancing my way every few seconds.

Obviously my subtle look was not so subtle, as Michaels head snapped to the direction where my gaze was. A low growl sounded from Michael as he noticed me looking at Lenny, and Lenny looking at me. 'Who the fuck is that anyways?' he huffed.

'A concerned friend,' I said, emphasising the word friend.

'Well he can find someone else to worry about, your mine. Surely he has another friend who he should be concerned about. He lowly growled while shooting daggers at Lenny in the process.

‘Yes, but his other friends more than likely don’t have werewolves coming into their work and harassing a friend, who by the way got him kicked out and banned from the shop, and have the werewolf come back in a week later and be all cosy with the friend that was harassed.’ I stated matter of factly in one large breath.

‘And don’t forget the fact that I was friends with him ling before I knew you.’ I added.

‘Well his pissing me off. I don’t want you talking to him.’ Michael commanded which I scoffed at him as my genius reply.

'Oh grow up will you,' I joked with him while playfully bumping my hip against his. 'Just because you're in the picture doesn't mean I have to stop having male friends.' I kept the same joking tone, but meant the seriousness behind the words.

'I know your only joking here,' he growled lowly, 'but to my wolf that sounds like an order and I don't respond well to those.' He said slowly walking towards me.

I stiffly nodded my head and gulped, taking a step backwards which only made Michael increase his pace to lessen the distance between the two of us. His eyes were slowly starting to turn red meaning his 'wolf' was close to the surface. His eyes bored into mine, and I stared straight back in fascination and slight fear.

Although I’m starting to warm up to Michael, the eyes are still hard to adjust to.

The sound of heavy footsteps snapped me out of the daze and I averted my eyes to where the noise was coming from, while I could feel Michael still pinning me with his gaze. The footsteps were from none other than Lenny, who was quickly stomping his way over to us.

'Sally needs you out back for the rest of your shift.' Lenny told me while staring directly at Michael.

'Maybe you should leave now,' Lenny suggested to Michael. 'Lani won't even be out here anymore.' As the two boys eyed each other up, I could feel the tension grow. More and more with each second passing by.

Slowly, the two boys started etching themselves closer and closer to one another, as if they were trying to be the more dominate man. Before they came close to each other, I stepped in between the two of them and cleared my throat trying to get attention off one another.

My back was pressed firmly to Michael’s front, and his hands went and snaked around my waist telling me I had his attention. Lenny lowered his eyes down to me for a split second before snapping them straight back up to meet what I’m assuming is Michael’s glare. Knowing I had both of their attention I started speaking.

'I'm going out back now,' I said just for the sake of Lenny. Obviously the memory of Michael freaking the shit out of in public was fresh in his mind and he didn’t trust Michael, and I couldn’t blame him. If I was in position I’d be doing the exact same.

I knew Sally didn't need me out back, she wasn't even at work today.

 But before Lenny must have sensed the slight fear from me before and did the protective friend thing for me.

'My shift ends in just over 5 minutes now, so I trust that the two of you won’t kill each other?' I questioned sternly.

I got no response from either of the two, and huffed. I undid Michael’s hold around my waist and grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the door. 'I'll be done in five then I have to pack up. I’ll meet you at my car in 10.' Before I could say anything, I gave him a slight shove to send him walking on his way.

I turned on my heel and walked out back. The whole time I could feel Michael’s eyes burning holes into the back of my head, and Lenny's eyes burning holes into the side of my head.

Knowing there was no work for me to do out here, I slumped down onto the comfortable couch in the staff room, and closed my eyes and relaxed for 10 minutes.


'You're crazy.' I stated.



'What did I say about talking to me like that?' a light growl rumbled in the back of Michael's throat. 'And why not? It's not like its forever.' He huffed.

'I have a job here. And friends and family.' I reasoned.

'It would only be for a week.'

'But,' I was cut short as a finger was gently placed over my lips to stop me from talking.

'Alana,' he softly said, averting his gaze from my eyes to my lips. I gulped.

'Do you know how hard it is for me to beg? I never beg.' He continued softly in his husky voice.

His captivating eye darted from my eyes to my lips, and I could tell he was going to kiss me. 'This is practically a first for me.'

Slowly yet surely, he moved his face in closer to mine. His neck was bent so he could lower his height down and to connect his lips to mine.

Small, hot puffs of air were breathed right onto my face, making me feel hot and flustered.

His eyes quickly darted back to my eyes, looking for any sign of hesitation, but he found none. The next thing I know, my breath is being taken away from one of the sweetest, softest kisses I had ever experienced.

Never in my many years of dating had I felt this way around a boy before. Even in high school when my ultimate crush asked me out. I was more calm and collected than how I was acting now. And let’s face it, I was a tragedy back then, always laughing and giggling at everything he said.

It's actually quite embarrassing when I look back on it.

Butterflies were floating all throughout my body as his lips moved slowly against mine. His lips, as corny as this may sound, felt perfect. They fit together with mine as if we were designed for each other. And according to Michael, we were.

All too soon he was pulling away from me. Both of us were panting and breathing unevenly. I don't think I could ever get used to the feeling I get when we kiss. Although it had only been the second time it was like kissing him was addictive

'Please Alana,' he softly spoke to me, resting his forehead on mine and looking deeply into my eyes. Still in a daze from the previous action and being held captive with his eyes, I meekly nodded my head and agreed.

A grin broke out onto Michael's face as his arms snaked around my waist and pulled me in for a tight embrace.

Asshole, he knew exactly what he was doing to get me to agree. I mentally cursed at myself for falling for his little scheme, but I didn’t feel mad or annoyed for him using his kiss to get me to agree. It only quickened the process because he would only bug me until I agreed.

'Good, because Reece has been bugging me for fucking ages to meet you. His a top bloke, you’ll love him.' Michael started ranting happily to me.

'Wow down there dude, I still have to get time off work. It may not be able to happen for a couple of days, even a week. It's summer and the shop can get quite busy,' I explained.

I’ll fill you in on what happened. Michael had begged me to go back to Apollo bay (where he lives) with him for a week. That way I can get to know his friends, his family and learn more about him and his kind.

He also said that it would be a bonding time for us as well. All though on our date he told and explained many things to me, there was also a tonne of stuff he hasn’t got a chance to mention or explain to me. Also, is closest friend Reece lived near him and apparently had been bugging Michael since he told Reece that he found his mate.

I knew that finding a mate in the werewolf life was important because the mates do anything for each other to protect their other half. And what I dint expect in this trip, was how far they go to protect their other half.


Vote, comment and enjoy :)

That is, if you want to.

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