
By Catch22inaRedDress

10.8K 333 146

You came to the tower as a shy strategist with no friends and starting fresh in a new city thanks to Tony Sta... More

Language Ma'am

Learning a New Language

5.6K 148 69
By Catch22inaRedDress

You woke up to a banging on your door or a banging in your head. At the moment you weren't a hundred percent sure what the hell it was but you were praying it would cease. "Please stop the noise, for the love of all things good in this world, or I will cut someone. With a dull knife." You heard a soft chuckle coming from your favorite Sokovian as she shuffled over to your bed and climbed under the covers.

"I'm surprised you aren't sleeping by the toilet after the amount you drank last night."  Wanda softly whispered while getting comfortable next to you. The reminder made you groaned at the images coming back in a hangover-induced fog. "For fuck sake what did you and Nat do to me?" She laughed and settled closer to your warmth. "Asgardian mead. Steve ended up holding your hair back. He stayed in here until a few hours ago when he left a run with Buck. That man is a saint. How he can drink, hold your hair back, then get up for a 5 am run is beyond me." She shook her head at the thought of Mr. Spar Spangled's dedictation. At that moment Nat came and did a running jump on both of you and yelled. "He's a 100-year-old virgin who gives Mother Theresa a run for her money. Why are you surprised?" She was laying across both of you now. "Open wide, drunkard." You opened your mouth while she free threw some painkillers in your mouth to ease the pain.

"How are you not hungover?" Nat groaned at this question. "Steve caught me getting up for a pee and a drink and made me get in a workout. Man needs to get the stick out of his golden ass." You smirked as you tossed the arm over your face to hide from the ever burdening light.

You heard your door open and someone else comes in. "For fuck sake-who else is here now?" You opened your eyes to the glorious man himself. In low-hung sweats and a smedium shirt that was drenched in sweat, his grown-out hair was wet. His beard was enough to make you clench your thighs together which made Nat's head snap to you, raising her eyebrows all the way to her new blonde hairline. You mouthed 'Shut the fuck up' and she snickered.

"Language Y/N." You rolled your eyes at him and his brow rose a bit while you're refrained from biting your lip at him and his ridiculous self. Bucky was able to release the tension when he came in and notice all of the pile-up of females. "Well if this isn't a sight for my eyes to behold. Steve, you holding out on me man?" Steve cleared his throat and looked at the floor. "I just came to get Wanda and Nat, we have some training in the simulation in 20 minutes." And he walked out when everyone groaned. Bucky just stood there eyeing all of us with his sweaty self and a playful grin on his lips.

"Don't you dare do it, James Buchanan Barnes." You shook your head but the thought was already on his mind and he was mid-leap by the time you finished the warning. He piled up and rolled around all over the three of you. To your utter delight, he tormented Natasha the most.

Wanda was the first to speak up. "Y/N, you need to talk to him. He needs to loosen up. All he does is work and sleep and train and bitch and --" Bucky cut her off. "Language." She smirked.

You shrugged. "What am I suppose to do?" Nat tossed you a knowing glance. "He listens to you. Talk to him. Before all of us, duct tapes his star-spangled ass to a flagpole." They all got up and left the room for another grueling training session.

You rolled over and looked at the picture of all of you at the last bonfire party a few months ago. It's true that you and Steve were close. You came from a foster family, got a scholarship, and put yourself through school. You were able to get out and went through Tony and Fury's rigorous screening process for the lead strategist for the Avengers. That had you working closely with Steve and the team and that was it. Home. They offered you a place in the tower. Your room was on the girl's wing but the wings were so large you felt like they were mini apartments. Steve and you were together all the time and it nearly felt like a pseudo-relationship, almost to the point you were sure that he would ask you out. Then he didn't --one month, two months....6 months. You've been there for just over a year and know that nothing will happen but the team is right. Steves ass is so tight he's about to pop out a diamond any minute.


The weekend finally rolled around and Nat, Bucky and Sam, and Tony were due back from the club at any time. You, Steve and Wanda, had just finished a movie and were waiting for them to come home for some games to commence. That was when the party started and the hilarity ensued. Wanda got up, "I'm going to go call Vis and see how he and Clint are doing on the mission." You nodded and took a drink of your beer and Steve took a swig of the mead. It was the only thing that Buck and he could get a buzz off of an even golden boy needed to get his drink on sometimes. You smiled. "What is it, doll?" You shook your head. "Nothing, just nice when you're relaxed like this. Don't see it too often anymore." He nodded and looked out onto the city. "Yea, I've...been uptight lately. I know. I hear what they say about me." You looked at his face and his stitched together brows. It bothered him, knowing his teammates weren't fond of him right now. "They trust you and respect you. They know that you have their best interest at heart." He looked into your eyes. "But...." He knew you had more to say. You stared at him a moment. Choosing your words carefully. "You don't always have to be the Captain though. You can relax. Drink. Joke. Hell, tell dirty jokes. Curse. Date. No one will judge you or out you or think less of you."

He paused just staring at your face and ruminating on your words. "I d-don't know how." He rubbed his beard with his free hand and smirked in slight embarrassment. "How to what?" He let out a small deep laugh that makes you laugh in return. "Any of it Y/N. All I know is fighting and leading. I haven't been on a date since the 40's and the thoughts scare the....s-shit out of me." You smiled encouragingly. "There ya go." He smiled earnestly at you and it warmed your heart. "I drink but never really let loose when we play games. I'm always playing safe. Cursing....I can try that. I just...I don't want to seem like a jerk. Ya know?" You shook your head. "Oh please. You are the nicest man I have ever met and you are built like a fucking tank. I expect you to throw around some curse words and as long as you open the door on a date for your girl, she won't care of you say Fuck. It doesn't make you less of a gentleman. You're a catch. " He blushed and nodded. "Alright, so will you me loosen up?"  You narrowed your eyes and took a drink of your drink. "Do you trust me? Because I will...but I've seen how uptight you are when you curse, drink, try to chill out and flirt. You want help with all of that." He paused and thought about it. "Yea. It's time I start living and who better to teach me than my best girl." You smiled but still felt a pang in your heart knowing that best girl was a code word for best friend. But hey, if it meant you could live in the moment and pretend for a bit that a few stolen moments of flirting and what not were real and yours. Fuck it, take it and run with it.

You guys talked a bit more about some random shit before the gang came stumbling in from the club.

"Game time bitches. Let's do this!!!" Nat yelled getting tequila-her drug of choice and came plopping down next to Bucky on the couch. Wanda gave you updates on the mission from Vis and Tony got his cigar out. You grabbed Steves hand and took him to his room "Be right back. Go ahead and start." Tony yelled "Hurry up. I need you Y/N.. You're the only sane one in the lousy bunch of drunks." Steve laughed.  "Was he not here the other night when you were singing Benny and the Jets off key with a celery stick on the tabletop before I held your hair back for 30 minutes?" You cringed. "Shut it spangles, tonight is about you, not me." You went into his room and pushed him down on his bed with a confused face while you pulled out a new shirt and some jeans and found a hat for him to wear. "What are you waiting for? Strip." His eyes widened. "Now?" You shook your head. "Modest much? Geez. Ok, I turn around to protect your chastity belt." He blushed and chuckled. "Did you grow the beard to hid the ever-present pink on your cheeks?" He let out a loud laugh. "Am I that transparent Y/N?" You shrugged as he continued to change.

"No, but you'd have to ask me when I'm drunk to get an honest answer out me." You turned around . "Oh, mysterious Steve. I like it. Also, noted." He smiled and put his arms out. "Ok?" You nodded and grabbed his hands and led him out. The ladies whistled and the guys just stared at him and chuckled. " What the hell Steve? You going  to go to a panty raid." He bit his lip embarrassed. "Fuck off Sam. I'd let him raid my panties anytime." Everyone ooohhheeed. You didn't mean for it to come out like that but you were fiercely protective of this man and he was trying to be more laid back and the last thing you were going to let happen was have these fucktards push him back in his shell. You played off your comment with some sass and drank some beer and sat on the arm of Steve's chair. Nat kept staring at Steve. "Take a picture, Natasha." She put her hands up. "Hey I'm just admiring your 5-minute handy work, what else did you do while we were gone."

Steve smiled and took a swig of mead. "We may have expanded my vocabulary and talked about working on my flirting skills. Basically, I need to get my head out of my ass and start acting like a normal working human being. So here's to me not riding you guys every minute of every hour and actually relaxing, occasionally." Tony eyes were as big as saucers. "Well holy shit. Y/N, you're getting a fucking raise, my dear." You rolled your eyes and the game started.

Tony went first did truth and everyone found out Nat was in his spank bank on more than one occasion. Nat went second and you found out that you and Wanda had both been in her spank bank. Bucky decided to dare and because he wanted his bank to remain a vault and Sam dared him to dance with you like from the 40's. Which you were vehemently against. The music played and you were tense. "Don't worry doll. I'm a good lead." You were frowning next to Steve and you didn't realize but were gripping his shoulder a bit. "Bucky, I'm not a good dancer. S-Sam can anyone else do it." You felt Steve's shoulders tense and that's when you realized that you were holding onto him. Sam spoke up. "Sorry, I like when tension unfolds." The statement confused you and your brain was fuzzy, you hated everyone's eyes on you. "Well fuckity fuck." You looked at Steve and he didn't look happy at your current predicament of about to dance with his ever charming and handsome best friend. You grabbed the mead and took a heavy swig. You gave Buck your hand. "Alright Soldier. Hit me with your best shot." He smiled and pulled you into his arms as the music started. At first, it was slow as his hands explored you and found and comfortable place on your body. "I got you. By the time we're done. Steve will want to be dancing with you after punching me square in the face." You pulled back and looked into his eyes and the curious smirk on his lips. Then the music really started to swing and boy did Bucky own it. He did lift and flips and twirls and by the time you were done, you were laughing and glowing. Everyone was clapping and you were out of breath. He kissed you on the cheek and walked you back over to Steve who was cold and glaring at him. "Next time maybe you'll get a lucky dare Stevie and get to dance with a gorgeous dame like Y/N." He patted him on the shoulder and sat back down. You took another drink of your beer while a few more turns went about and Steve remained silent. You leaned in to ask him if he was OK but slid into his lap instead and laughed. He smirked. "Whoa, doll. You drunk?" You shook your head. "Actually no. Any booze I had I burned it off with that dance." His eyes darkened a bit and he nodded. "You ok Steve." He shook his head. "Hey remember.You need to curse and flirt and relax." He smiled. "Ok, I didn't like him fucking dancing with you." Your eyes went wide. "Why?" He shook his head. "Don't know. It reminded me of back in the day and it was something I would've like to have shown you. I guess." You nodded.

"Well, you can show me another dance. Maybe ...a slow dance." He smiled and nodded. "Ok, that I can do to." Your turn came around while you two were deep in conversation. " Truth or dare dear little, Y/N." You smiled at Tony knowing that a dare from him is catastrophic and normally involves nudity and that your modesty would not survive. "Truth." He gagged. "And here I wanted to see your cute little ass running Stark naked." He thoughtfully rubbed his goatee while staring into space. "Kill, Fuck or Marry between Sam, Bucky, and Steve....and I want a detail as to why and legitimate." You shook your head. "I can't legitimately kill anyone of them." He narrowed his eyes. "Ok kick the shit out of." You shrugged. "Oh well in that case.....I would kick the fucking shit out of Sam. He stole my cookies." Sam stood up. "I didn't steal shit!" You stood up and poked his chest. "You wanna rephrase that Birdboy! Nat taught me some thigh wonders and I can hold my own! I saw your treachery on F.R.I.D.A.Y.  you stole my mother fucking cookies. I'd stuff your ass in a pillowcase and kick the shit out of you until feathers were everywhere." Tony had his phone out filming while Bucky and Nat were holding eachother they were laughing so hard . "Y/N loves her cookies man. I told you she would find out." Tony chimed in accusingly whole he sat down. "I'll buy you more, sorry." You sat back down and Steve grabbed your hips as you settled back in and looked at both of the two men. You knew the answer but didn't want to say it out loud and the shithead also was going to make you say why.

"I'd fuck Barnes. " Bucky let out a big ass smiled and Steve tensed. "And why would you fuck me?" You glared at Bucky and his gorgeous self. "Well I mean you have a fucking metal arm. Does it vibrate?" He smirked slyly at you and licked his lips as you continued. "Plus based on your dance moves and the super soldier serum you've got stamina. I bet you'd be a good lay. But marriage material you are not. At least not for me."

You turned to Steve. "You're more my type, to be honest. Best friend and sexy." Tony put his finger by his ear and did a come-hither signal because you had to tell him more detail. You flicked him off. "Oh come on ass hole! You need more than that?" He smiled deviously. " Fine! Just remember payback is a relentless bitch and she's coming for you Stark." You paused and looked away. "He's kind. He holds my hair back when sick. Doesn't care when  I'm a celery singing idiot. No man should look as good as him waking up. I mean look at him. He's a fucking greek god! He's a super soldier so again, stamina and I get him every fucking day? Pun intended. Yes, please. Sign me up." Steve just laughed with his pink stained cheeks and tightened his hold on you. Wanda spoke up to help me out after you utter rambling. "I'm with Y/N. Sam steals food. I'd love to see what that metal hand can do. And Steve is the best of both worlds. He's a gentleman and a looker." She let out a theatrical shiver and you winked at her for her help. Steve took a deep drink of the mead. Nat took the next turn as Tony laughed off my confession and Steves' hands moved from your hips to his thighs retreating from the intimate tough he had on you to your dismay. He was quiet and kept drinking but it was forced. You knew his body language. Wanda went up next and safely chose truth with Nat but as they continued over the next few minutes your mind was elsewhere. 

"You alright Cap." He nodded. "Yea, just more than I bargained for tonight. It's alot  take in."  He looked tense and you took that your mini confession was too much. All you could think of doing was to give yourself some space from him and walk it off.  You pushed the friend zone and it made it weird and uncomfortable, you needed to back off. You decided to go get a fresh beer. You stood up and he stared after you as you made a hasty escape to the kitchen. You put your hands on either side of the sink and just tried to breathe. 

Bucky came in after you. "You ok doll?" You were shaking and word vomit spilled out.
"I thought I could get him to loosen up and chill out but he's just so fucking sexy Bucky and I can't do it. He doesn't feel that way about me. He never will. I just made him hella uncomfortable. He just basically said it. I'm in the friend zone and I need to stay there and he just wanted help with relaxing and flirting and I was like -Hey I can do that. Sure. But holy shit. He's him and I'm I can't do this shit." He walked over and ran his hands up and down your arms to calm you. "Breathe. Breathe. What makes you think he doesn't like you?" You could feel your breathing getting shallower but you would not cry. "He's Captain America and I'm a strategist with no family and...Fuck." He shrugged. "He was a sickly kid from the Bronx and I was his best friend. So what?" He pulled you in for a hug. "You're gorgeous and he moves really fucking slow. But your fuckin' gorgeous and lovely and funny--"

"What the fuck is going on here?"  His voice was deep and startled you with the anger that seethed through it.  Bucky pulled away from you. Your eyes were glassed over and you were shaking from everything that was happening. Steve looked between both of you. Confusion and anger clear on his face and his hands were balled into fists at his side as he took a few steps closer. "I asked what the fuck is going on?" His voice authoritative like Captain America. Bucky stepped back further from you and you sniffed as a single tear fell. Steve saw it and he grabbed Bucky's shirt and pushed him up against the wall with a harsh thud. "Hey. It's not what it looks like punk. I was just calming her down." Steve was breathing hard in his face. "You have Natasha and now you have to have Y/N too?" Bucky kept his hands up in surrender and you stepped closer to Steve. "Steve, it's not like that." Steve looked at you then back at him still confused. "Fuck that, everyone always chooses Bucky." He looked at you with pure anger on his face but it was your turn. Had you not just chosen him and felt rejection? Had you not all but thrown yourself at him and here he was saying you wanted Bucky? Right before the tears were about to fall you stormed up to Steve and pushed him. "You're an asshat Rogers! Find someone else to help you work on your game, I'm done!" You fled the kitchen and ran to your room for a safe haven. 


"Don't look at me Steve, you're the one who fucked that one up. Royally." Steve ran his hands over his face and beard. "I came in and you were saying how beautiful and shit she was---what the hell was I suppose to think?" Bucky crossed his armed and shook his head. "That neither of us would betray you. "'s me.. I know you love 'er. Two are you so fucking blinded by red white and blue that you don't see how that woman only has eyes for your dumbass? For whatever reason, she has turned down every one celebrity that shows up at Starks parties and billionaire playboy to be by you and listen to your lame as stories and hope that maybe one day you finally hold her fucking hand. It's a shame and I'm embarrassed that my friend doesn't have the balls to go up to the sexy ass woman and make her his." Bucky was in Steves' face at this point and Steve was dumbfounded and shocked. "I don't know what I'm doing Buck." Bucky smiled at his longtime friend and patted his shoulder. "She loves you, man. She doesn't care, she just wants you." Bucky walked out of the kitchen and Steve turned on heel and went to your room. 

I am going to do a part 2. I've been wanting to do a Steve Rogers Imagine for a while. Hope you like it. Love to all. Please rate and comment!!!

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