By fandoms_are_made

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Just a place where you can read or request ouat imagines, ships, and preferences. Also, discussions and rant... More

~Ship Requests Form~
~Imagines Request Form~
~Preferences Request Form~
P. Pan - "Memories" (C)
W. Scarlet - "Common Thievery" (C)
D.Nolan - "A New Addition" (C)
P. Pan - "Lost and Found" (C)
A. Booth - "What's Your Name Again?" (C)
Jefferson - "Father of Mine" (C)
-𝙂𝙞𝙛 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨
What Land You Come From (C)
Your Experience, or Inexperience, with Magic (C)
Party Behavior (C)
What Season You First Appear In (C)

Your Favorite Thing to Do Together (C)

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By fandoms_are_made

Killian Jones: Whenever you guys aren't busy saving Storybrooke from magical persons with a vengeance, he takes you out on the Jolly Roger with him. He tends to make it overnight trips for reasons I'm sure I don't need to explain. These kinds of trips are a favorite of both yours and Killian's, but you guys enjoy and make the best of any time you get together on the Captain's second most prized possession - second only to you, of course.

Charming: David enjoys taking you out to nice restaurants and treating you like the princess he sees you as. He insists on going on date nights at least once a week, and every time he insists on making it a surprise for you. Usually, you guys either have a picnic in the woods away from everyone in Storybrooke or an expensive, formal dinner at one of your favorite restaurants. Granny's Diner is also a favorite, of course.

Sheriff Graham: You both tend to be very competitive with each other, leading to your favorite thing to do being any physical competition, from throwing darts to archery. The competitions are friendly and often lead to tender kisses and other forms of physical affection.

Will Scarlet: You guys love to try new things together - whether it's going new places, robbing new stores, or landing in new jail cells, you're always with each other. Will tends not to trust people and not a lot of people trust him, but you both have an unbreakable trust in each other that makes your relationship strong (hence, why you do everything, especially new things, together).

Mr. Gold: Neither of you have a favorite thing to do together. You both appreciate all the small things so much that any time spent with each other is a favorite time. Gold concentrates more on everything about you than the activity you guys are doing.

Henry Mills: Henry loves even getting to be around you, but his favorite thing to do with you is cuddle and read/watch a movie. The two of you have an unspoken agreement that every time one of you is at the other's house, you guys lay on either a bed or a couch and cuddle. Sometimes you guys just talk and sometimes it gets more intimate than that, but you always place that time together at the top of your favorites list.

Neal Cassidy: Play video games. Whether you were into them or not, Henry forced the two of you to play together. It was typically Neal who won, but he was never super obnoxious about it - only some teasing here and there. Even though Henry did force it upon you at first, it gradually became a tradition for you and Neal.

August: Sit by the beach. The beach has never been August's favorite place to be for obvious reasons, but he loves going with you. It's calm, quiet, and nobody's ever there to bother you two. He got to know you a lot better through the long conversations you had here, which is one of the reasons why being at the beach with you is his favorite thing. Also, he loves how the sun makes your eyes seem to sparkle.

Robin Hood: Archery. You've been skilled with a bow and arrow for as long as you can remember, and you can definitely hod your own against Robin. Most of the time you help each other and try to improve each other's skills, but occasionally it turns into competition. As much as Robin hates to admit it, you beat him more times than he's like.

Jefferson: As weird as it might seem, the two of you enjoy trying on hats together. After Jefferson found Grace and she remembered him, his many hats lost the maddening affect they'd previously had on him. Now, you guys try on the hats and laugh at each other, take pictures of each other, and kiss each other in them(of course).

Pan: You both love hanging out around the campfire. You might not always get a lot of privacy there, but you still enjoy it nonetheless. Pan usually plays his pan pipes/flute, you guys have long and deep conversations, and basically just spend as much time together as possible.

Felix: It isn't usually romantic, but you both enjoy pranking the other lost boys together(especially Pan). Typically you don't get caught, but when you do, Felix always tries to take full blame and punishment. It never works, though, because Pan knows everything that happens on Neverland.

Kristoff: Anything in the snow. He's pretty fond of ice already, but being with you makes things so much better for him. His personal favorite is snowball fights, though your favorite often varies from making snowmen to sledding.

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