Never let me go

By sxviour_

641 49 4

“Love, not as a surge of passion, but as a choice to commit to something, someone, no matter what obstacles o... More

Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Ending note:

Never let me go

117 4 0
By sxviour_

Hey guys!! so this is a new story for you :) I have finished it and I will be uploading a new chapter everyday! The trailer is on the side if toy would like to watch it. Also note this isnt anything like TFIOS, yes it may have a few referances but it isnt a copy of it. I hope you guys enjoy! <3

To be quite frank, I didn’t have any motivation to getting up this morning or any morning to extend the thought.

Besides the fact that I have zero friends, my families constant wanting to hang out, or the “you could die at any moment” conversation I had two weeks ago, I just really don’t feel like being proactive.

I know what your saying, “dude you could die! Why don’t you try and do things?” well imaginary person im talking to in my head. I would, but I don’t like going out with people looking at me weird or coming up to me and saying how sorry they are for me.

I absolutely HATE pity. Like I know I have cancer you don’t have to remind me. But I get where they are coming from, they have perfect lives with perfect health and they see a sick teenager who could potentially blow up at any second. So with all that in mind, they feel pity.

“C’mon Aspen, you’ve been in this god awful bed for 2 days” My mum said coming in the room with a basket full of little clothes. I mean I wouldn’t have many clothes to be washed due to the fact that I haven’t been out in a while nor have I gotten dressed just to stay in my room.

“But its not like I can get up and instantly feel happy, if you haven’t noticed I could die at any waking moment” I said not realizing how harsh it came out.

“Aspen, you know that staying in here won’t lessen the fact that I am not going to stop caring and loving you.” she said placing the basket on my chair beside my bed. The ugly green chair that reminds me of throw up or green beans. I never liked that chair but Vie never seemed to get rid of it.

“I know, Im sorry I just” I sighed not sure of what to say

“I know, you didn’t mean to sound like that” she smiled as if she read the words trying to form in my mind.

“Exactly” I laughed running my hands through what’s left of my hair.

“C’mon, up up up” she said slapping my feet through my duvet

I sighed over exasperated. I waited until my mum walked out of the room. I mean I wouldn’t say it’s embarrassing that I have to put on my nasal canella or as I call it my life tubes. But its just awkward having people watch you do something you hate.

I decided to get dressed for the first time in forever; I usually just stay in my Led Zeppelin tee shirt and pajama pants. Which let me say are the most comfortable things ever?

I threw on a simple KISS shirt and some baggy mom jeans. I am not under any circumstances interested in dressing to impress.

I walked down the hall with my oxygen tank following behind me. You know like in the book the Christmas Carol, when the ghost had the cinderblock chained to his leg? Well that’s what this stupid tank feels like.

“Ah look who decided to come out of her room?” Ashton, my older brother, said.

“Well you wouldn’t come out either if you had cancer” I scoffed rolling my eyes.

“That’s where your wrong baby sis, I would be living life to the fullest” he smiled taking a bite of his toast spread with honey. That was a thing with him, honey on EVERYTHING. One night I even heard him talking to his girlfriend about how he would lick honey off of her. I think that is also a reason he has been single for 3 months.

“C’mon leave her alone Ashton. It’s good to see you honey” My dad smiled hugging me.

“You too dad” I said faking a smile.

“So, today you’re going to go to Ashton’s friend’s house.” My mum started

“Um not I am not! Have you seen this thing on my nose? I look like something out of star trek” I yelled

“Honey its time for you to get out and meet people your own age. You’ve been a recluse ever since we pulled you out of school” she finished.

“Whatever mum” I sighed sitting beside Ashton at the table.

Ive learned that arguing with the parents of a cancer patient isn’t a good idea. Ever.

“Im going to go grab my keys and they were going to head out” Ashton smiled ruffling my hair and exiting the room.

“Great” I said rolling my eyes.

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