Dracula: The Last Descendant

By galaxysunflower

2.4K 85 11

17 year old Solana Balescu has been home schooled and living with her aunt and younger cousin for as long as... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 13

135 4 1
By galaxysunflower

Lunar Academy
Seth pulled out a pocket knife and sliced the monster. It fell to the ground, blood spewed and spilled from its body. "A vampire hunter...on academy grounds." Yumi was still standing behind him in shock. As Seth was cleaning off the knife, more vampire hunters could be heard in the distance. "Let's go!" The two then ran to find Headmistress.

"She's still in the infirmary. But yes I did tell her." Nelu nodded. Headmistress placed her hands on the desk calmly, "Good...now we can tell her who she really is." As they were getting up to join Solana in the infirmary, Seth and Yumi burst through her office. "Sorry about the interruption but we seem to have an problem...a big problem." Seth huffed.

Seth and Yumi explained to them the incident while walking to the clinic. "On school grounds, that's completely against the schools code, the counsel knows this, any issues they have regarding a student they are to notify Headmistress immediately !" Yumi shook her head. Once they reached the clinic Headmistress turned to them and said, "Well they didn't, and I don't think they wanted me to know in the first place...you said there was only one?" Seth rubbed the back of his neck, "Well only one that we actually saw, when we were on our way here we heard more in the distance." Headmistress stood in silence, her face showed her concentrating very hard. "Seth, Yumi, go alert the Elites and lock down the school now...no student leaves their dorm room." Seth and Yumi nodded and left quickly to fulfill their orders, Headmistress and Nelu opened the door to the clinic, but when they did...Solana was gone. Her clothes were gone also.

Cairo was in his office working on some homework, Alissa was next to his desk floating upside down on her phone. Seth and Yumi flung the door open Alissa fell to the ground head first, "Ow! What the hell Seth?!" She yelled. "Lock down the school, Headmistresses orders." He said ignoring his younger sister. Cairo closed his book and stood, "Everyone take a section of the school." He nodded. With that everyone broke apart searching every corner of the school for students, making sure each one were in their dorms safely. Once Cairo finished his section he remembered that Solana was still in the infirmary, when he arrived he too saw that she was gone.

Somewhere in the world...

Solana looked at the painting, she was beautiful. Her hair blonde, eyes golden and her skin silky and smooth. She began to take inspection of her surroundings, 'Some sort of mansion', she thought. It certainly wasn't the academy, she began to walk around the dark building. She reached a long corridor and as she walked the candles suddenly began to light one by one, each on their own. At first it surprised her but she decided to keep moving. Solana passed a room but something out of the corner of her eye lured her back to it, the door was cracked, when she opened it all the way she saw an entire room full of tools for a lab. A large golden telescope was in the middle, all around the laboratory were tons and tons of books. One of them was opened on the desk, she walked over and began to read. Her eyes scanned over cures for illnesses, measles, malaria, chicken pox, the plague. "Wow." She whispered. "Child..." A whispering voice said. Solana quickly turned around and saw a small vampire elf. "Hmmm...child...grown up...I see..." The elf came closer and began to squint its eyes, it took a chair and helped its self up to her eye level. "Lisa...come..." It hopped down from the chair and began walking towards the hallway. When she didn't follow it turned around and repeated itself, "Lisa...come..." Solana hesitantly followed.

The two were silent walking down the corridor. She kept looking down at the small elf, she noticed its long nails and large pointy ears. Like it had never evolved into a modern vampire. "Excuse me...my-my name is not Lisa...i-it's Solana." She finally spoke. "Yes....and no...I am Felix." Solana sighed, "Where are you taking me?" Felix looked up at her, "To see you grand father...."

Lunar Academy

"Headmistress...Solana's gone." Cairo said. "I know...she's safe...our main priority are the students...are they all in their dorms?" She asked. All of the Elites nodded their heads. "Good...unfortunately it has come to my attention that vampire hunters have targeted our school...I'm not sure of the specifics but I have asked all the staff to stand guard." She stated. "We can help." Seth said taking a step forward. "No...you all need to go back to your rooms and inform your parents, once the academy is safe I'll be sending all of the students home." Headmistress sighed. "Were not going to stand here and not do anything, were Elites and we're stronger than them...we'll help." Aaron said firmly. "Speak for all of us why don't you." Arella sarcastically said. Seth gave her a stern look and she rolled her eyes. "What do you need us to do?" Cairo asked. Headmistress ordered the elites to stand guard with a professor, each of the professors stood at the entrance of the school. "I will head to the front of the school and see what this commotion is about." Everyone followed suit and did as they were told.

Headmistress headed to the front of the school, a long weapon in her hand. When she opened the doors, she saw an army of hunters, leading them was Cairo's father. "Out of the way Layla, this does not concern you." He said plainly. "It very well does, this is my school and these are my students." She simply said. "You brought this upon them when you brought her here." He glared. Headmistress stepped up and stood her ground, "SHE is the last descendant of the Tepes family, SHE is the rightful monarch of the vampire realm, and I will not let some self centered bastard take that away from her." Some of the hunters began to growl and move forward, but Damien held up his hand, ordering them to stop. "Plus...you wouldn't want to murder your own son now would you?" She raised an eyebrow. Damien gritted his teeth. From the school walls, Cairo jumped down and joined Headmistress by her side.

Somewhere in the world...

Felix waddled up to a large door and knocked on it. He turned to Solana and told her to step back a little. After knocking a few times the door opened and Felix walked in, Solana did not follow behind. On the other side of the door, voices could be heard. After a moment of silence, Felix appeared from behind the door and waved her in, "Come..." Solana followed, Felix then closed the door behind her. In front of Solana she saw a large figure, it was completely cloaked in black. She looked down at Felix, he nodded his head, giving her confirmation to approach. Solana placed the book down on a desk and approached quietly and slowly, she reached out her hand, just as her skin was about to come in contact with the cloak, the figure quickly spun around and revealed itself. His hair was long, his skin paler than the moon, and his fangs were slightly longer than her pinky fingers...Dracula. "Do you know who I am?" He spoke in a deep voice. "D-D-Dracula." Solana stammered. "Know need to be frightened child, harm will never be a thing I bring to you." He said removing the cloak . "And yes, I am Dracula, but I am much more to you than you know, you are my great granddaughter." Solana's eyes widened. "What?" Dracula stood up and gave her a seat to sit down in. "Its almost as if I'm looking at a reflection of your mother." He smiled. "Why has no one told me this until now?" She asked. "The book, if you have come here then you must know of how I came to be, our bloodline, is the absolute purest of the vampire realm, coming directly from a demon, our family has risen above all other vampires, because of this we have been given a place in power, but unfortunately this has made my family a target..." He sighed. "And they were killed off because of it, while I was given to another family...Irina." She said sadly, "Yes...I remember when you were just a child, I would come and visit you while your parent slept." "And what about my parents? I can't remember them...can I at least see what they looked like?" She asked. Dracula stood up and walked over to a cabinet, he pulled out a jar of dust, he took out a single handful and placed the jar back on the shelf, he then walked over to Solana and sprinkled the dust over her. The world around them disappeared, the two no longer at the castle, instead they were in the back yard of a large manor, she looked over and saw a play ground, a few kids were playing on it. Solana looked up at Dracula, he pointed to the sand box, "Over there." She walked over to the sandbox and saw her younger self playing, she also noticed a young boy was playing with her too, he had red hair. "Cairo!" The little boy turned around, before running to his parents, he reached down and gave a flower to the younger version of Solana. She smiled and gave him a hug. As his parents approached them another couple stood beside them, the younger Solana smiled and stood up, "Mommy!" She ran to the woman. She too had long jet black hair and so did her father. "She's beautiful Mariana."Cairo's mother said. "Thank you." She smiled. Cairo's father placed his hand on her father's shoulder, "Congratulation Avram." He chuckled. "She'll make a beautiful queen." Avram replied, "And your son will make a wonderful husband to her." The vision then faded and they returned to the castle.

"They loved you very much." Dracula said. "I'm the next monarch...to take the throne right?" She asked. "Yes." He replied. "Good."


I love it =))))

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