Love, Fights...and Everything...


271K 5.9K 528

Maddie and Mason are about to head off to NYU for university. They both got in and Maddie is going into photo... More

1 week to go
Girls night in
Old times
Not again..
Drive me crazy
Hang out
You're obsessed
Kinda boring
A lot of drama
Night in
5000 words
No sleep
Back home
No way
Next day
She needs her bestie
5 hours
So In Love
Just a little bit of everything
Chill day
Ice cream
Fun night
Why now!?
No sleep and the beach
Lukes place
Not a big deal
Oh shit.
Our life
Will you........
Wedding day
Here We Go Again.

Everyone knows

3.5K 73 3

  "So you guys told everyone?" Lila asks as we lay bathing in the sun.

"Yeah. Nathan reacted poorly at first then he said sorry which surprised me a lot I guess" I said she nods.

"Me too actually" she laughs a little. "But it's great that everyone knows now" she says.

"Yeah it is" I nod. I told her about the fight and all that stuff.

"OH MY GOD. GUESS WHAT!?" She squeals I give her a look as do some other people.

"Calm down what?" I asked.

"IM GONNA BE AN AUNT" she yells and I throw my sunglasses at her. But I laugh anyway.

"No technically-" she cuts me off.

"Shut the fuck yo Maddison" she rolls her eye so laugh. "Bitch your kids gonna love me" She says. "Ima spoil the shit out of them." I laugh.

"What do you think I'll have?" I asked.

"I want you to have a girl, it would be so cute" she grins.

"I kinda want a boy" I admit.

"What about Mason?" She asks is shrug.

"He said he didn't care" I replied she grins.

"I'm kinda glad. I hate those guys that are like 'no way I want a boy'" she mocks a deep voice I laugh.

"Yeah" I nod.

"This is gonna be great. Bitch we're gonna have the best time. I'm visiting every single weekend after you have her not before cause no too much money wasted" she says I laugh.

"Okay. Do what you want" I shake my head.

"UGH. so when's the wedding?" She asks.

"Not yet" I muttered. "That's also early Lila chill" I said.

"Fineeee" She groans.

"You're sick" I laugh She nudges me with a grin.

"You and Mason are actual goals though. No joke why don't I have itttt" she whines.

"Well I mean you can" I shrugged.

"Anyway. I need to tell you something" she said.

"What?" I asked.

"What's up FUCKERS!!" We hear Luke's voice. We both turn and Lila groans out. Mason followed behind. We still never told Luke.

"Shut up" I said.

"Hurt" he mutters. Then I see he's about to jump on me.

"N-n-n-n-NO" I said mason turns to see and he pushes Luke back.

"Bro don't" Mason mutters.

"Why? I've done it before" he asks confused.

"Because I'm in a state" I said. I give Mason a sideways glance.

"What does that even mean. Cmon remember when we dog piled in high school?" He says.

"Omg that was 2 years ago" Lila rolls her eyes. "Are you willing to risk a life?" She asks.

"Uhhh depends on who" he says.

"A baby?" She asks I push her.

"Well no obviously" he shakes his head. "Why? What a weird question."

"Idiot" Mason shakes his head.

"It's not that obvious" I shrugged.

"I feel so left out tell me" he groans.

"Where's Nathan and Lily?" I asked.

"Not here" Mason replies. He sits down next to me putting his arm over my stomach. Well lays down actually.

"TELL ME!!" Luke whines.

"I'm/Maddie's pregnant" me, Mason and Lila all say. It takes him a minute then his eyes widen and jaw drops.

"WHAT!?" He squeals. "Oh my god! No way!! Your kids gonna totally love me" He says and I laugh.

"Thanks for the excitement" I say.

"I doubt the kids will like you. Especially because they're gonna like me and we already don't like each other" Lila scoffs.

"Oh yeah right I'm way cooler than you" he rolls his eyes. I look at Mason his eyes were closed then he opens then noticing I'm staring. He grins. I smile back. He kisses my shoulder because we were laying side by side.

"So what are you naming it?" Luke asks.

"We don't know the gender" I tell him looking back at him.

"But have you thoughts of names for each?" He asks. He sits down facing us all.

"Maddie likes Sam for a guy" Mason starts I nod. "And Stella for a girl but we don't know for sure" Mason shrugs. I nod again in agreement. I know it was still super early but I liked that we were talking about this now. It makes me happy about the baby.

"Going for the S names" Luke and Lila both state.

"We didn't really think of it" I shrugged. "We realized it after though."

"They're cute" Lila grins. "I like Amelia" she adds.

"That is actually really cute too" I tell her.

So after talking we went to the water for a bit and spend a couple hours more there and then went to get food and back home.


I take a long cooled down shower and lied on my bed in only my shorts and Mason's shirt.

"So officially everyone knows now" Mason jumps on the bed right next to me. I look up to his sitting figure.

"Yeah I'm happy" I nod with a small smile.

"Me too" he smiles back. "So can we celebrate?" He asks.

"Depends on what you consider celebrating" I said sitting up on my elbows. He smirks.

"I could easily show you. If you wanted me to" he tells me. But instead of my reply pushes me fully down and gets on top of me. "I also know you want me so bad Maddie" he smirks his eyes looking at my lips. I scoff.

"Barely" I roll my eyes jokingly. He looks up to meet them.

"Mm I'm so sure" he says. "Just let me do my magic Maddie" he shakes his head the grin never leaving his lips. He leans down kissing my neck slowly getting higher until he comes to my lips. He hovered above them for like a millisecond then kissed me lightly at first and it increases. I tangle my hands into his hair. That's when he pulls away and I mentally groan. He looks confused and curious. "Is it possible to put another baby in you if you're already pregnant?" He asks with genuine curiously in his voice. I laugh.

"What the fuck?" I laugh.

"I'm actually curious. Search this shit up Maddie" he tells me.

"First of all, you're ruining the moment secondly I already have one I don't need another" I said.

"It could be twins" he grins.

"What were you even thinking?" I shake my head.

"I don't know. I could put a baby in you, but you already have one starting to I got confused and curious at the same time and so this happened" he shrugs.

"Oh my god" I roll my eyes. "You are really one of a kind."

"I am and I take full responsibility and I'm proud" he grins.

"Shut up" I mutter.

"Make me" He smirks back. So I do that exact thing.


  "Wait!! WHAT!?" I pretty much yell while I stare at my phone. My jaw drops.

"What calm down" Mason breathes out.

"I can only...have 1 coffee a day and t should be decaf. NO!" I whine out.

"Babe calm down. It's 9 months. A coffee a day that's still good enough and I thought you shouldn't be having it a day" he says.

"Well if it's decaf then it's fine. NO decaf isn't the same 1 coffee doesn't get me going enough" I groan. I was ready these things on pregnancy on the Internet off my phone. "I'm also not allowed to eat fricken sushi. Come on. Because of the damn mercury" I mutter.

"You don't eat sushi regularly so it's alright" he shrugs. 9 months, and remember you can do all of this" I glare at my phone.

"Maybe it's enough of that" he grabs my phone.

"But I need to learn so I don't put this baby in jeopardy" I said.

"Maddie you won't put the thing in jeopardy. If anything you're just getting mad over everything" he scrolls through my phone still on the page I was on.

"Thing!? You consider our baby a thing?" I laugh but give him a stern look he laughs.

"Well, you know what it's not even a fetus yet so it's a thing" he rolls his eyes. "Hey look here it says "your boobs change a lot"" he smirks I roll my eyes. "Bigger?" He asks.

"Yes obviously it's like a period" I muttered.

"Ooh" he says I push him he laughs. "Oh look. SEX IS SAFE!!" He yells out I roll my eyes.

"Give me back my phone asshat" I said.

"Oh my god no. It says after birth that we can't have sex till you start bleeding again and could take up to 3 weeks" he sighs. "SUCKS" he groans.

"You'll survive" I shake my head.

"Oh I know I will baby. But will you?" He winks. I scoff.

"Yeah hun I definitely will" I say.

"I take offence to that" he stated. "It was sarcastic and you made it sound like I was not good in bed" he purses his lips I laugh.

"Just keep reading" I push him.

"You're so confusing one minute you want to phone back the next you don't" he shakes his head.

"MADDIEEEEEEEE!!!!" Lily walks into the room tackling me in a hug.

"Calm down Lily what?" I asked when she pulls away.

"Why didn't you tell me you guys were having a baby I heard it from Nathan!?" She says. Oh that's who we forgot.

"Honestly...I just forgot I guess I thought Nathan would tell you" I shrugged.

"I'm so happy" she grins. "This is so cute" she claps her hands in excitement.

"Where is Nathan?" Mason asks.

"Downstairs. He said he was going to play video games and to tell you, you can go down if you want" she shrugs.

"My cue to leave all this estrogen" he gets up I throw a pillow at him but he dodges is perfectly then smirks my way.

"Nice try Maddison" he says.

"Get out" I roll my eyes he chuckles and leaves.

"I'm actually so happy for you!!" She says.

"Thanks. I'm actually excited" I nod.

" cute I swear" she shakes her head and I laugh.

"Thanks" I grin. So all my friends are happy for me. It's great!



Ummm...guys I kinda think next one might be my last chapter...or in 2. WE'LL SEE. A giant thank you to al the people reading this, voting for it and commenting on it. You're all amazing and don't worry I'll be coming out with some sort of book soon. I was looking at ideas so you can check those out if you'd like when they come out. Thank you guys so much!! Love you all and you're the best. But don't forget. 1 more chapter after this so maybe not bad. Xoxo.


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