By honeeylovee

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"My heart is torn between two. I love them both. I have to let one go" . . Jazmin thought she found everyth... More

Chapter One Intro: Sunset Views (Diary)
Chapter Two: Jacksonville (Diary)
Chapter Three: First Night In Redwood-Ville
Chapter Four: The Next Door Neighbor
Chapter Five: Senior Year
Chapter Six: Bright Stars
Chapter Seven: Late Night Thoughts
Chapter Eight: Letting Demons Out
Chapter Nine: A New Vibe
Chapter Ten: Mixed Emotions
Chapter Eleven: The Heartbreak
Chapter Twelve: Me Myself & I
Chapter Thirteen: School Project
Chapter Fourteen: War Declared
Chapter Fifteen: School Field Trip
Chapter Sixteen: The Healer
Chapter Seventeen: Take Me To Paradise
Chapter Eighteen: Facing Reality
Chapter Nineteen: Troubling Young Love
Chapter Twenty: Mending A Shattered Heart
Chapter Twenty-One: A Chance On Bad
Chapter Twenty-Two: Rumors
Chapter Twenty-Three: Rage
Chapter Twenty-Four: Burning Passion
Chapter Twenty-Five: A Dangerous Ex
Chapter Twenty-Six: Faded Memories
Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Vivid Nightmare
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Aching Hearts
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Singing The Blues
Chapter Thirty: Singing The Blues (pt.2)
Chapter Thirty-One: Letting Go
Chapter Thirty-Two: An Old Friend
Chapter Thirty-Three: A Ghost From The Past
Chapter Thirty-Four: Secrets (Pt.1)
Chapter Thirty-Five: Secrets (Pt.2)
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Offer
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Open Wound
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Time Heals
Chapter Thirty-Nine: A Night Of Romance
Chapter Forty-One: A Lustful Kiss?
Chapter Forty-Two: Bad Lies
Chapter Forty-Three: The Call
Chapter Forty-Four: Deception
Chapter Forty-Five: The Proposal
Chapter Forty-Six: The Hide Out (Pt.1)
Chapter Forty-Seven: The Hide Out (Pt.2)
Chapter Forty-Eight: The Decision
Chapter Forty-Nine: The Capture
Chapter Fifty: A Dreadful Death
Chapter Fifty-One: Ticking Bomb
Chapter Fifty-Two: Life Goes On
Chapter Fifty-Three: Birth To A New Beginning
Chapter Fifty-Four: The Agreement
Chapter Fifty-Five: Back To A Loving Home
Chapter Fifty-Six: Birthday Surprise
Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Confession
Chapter Fifty-Eight: A Passionate Night
Chapter Fifty-Nine: The Halloween Party
Chapter Sixty: Calling It Quits?
Chapter Sixty-One: The Reason Comes Out
Chapter Sixty-Two: The Return
Chapter Sixty-Three: Out For Blood
Chapter Sixty-Four: The Choice
Chapter Sixty-Five: Closing Two Chapters
Chapter Sixty-Six: A New Home
Chapter Sixty-Seven: Fateful Accident
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Farewell My Love
Chapter Sixty-Nine: A Life Changing Decision
Chapter Seventy: Sunset Views In Jacksonville

Chapter Forty: Unfortunate Event

280 10 2
By honeeylovee

The following day at school was hectic. With prom and graduation just around the corner. The teachers expected us to put a hundred percent of our part in order to get things done. I tried catching up on my usual class work but it was impossible to concentrate. I replayed last night on my mind multiple times throughout the day. I couldn't control the way I felt for Jake. He had woken feelings inside me I thought were vanished. I kept thinking about him constantly throughout the day. I wanted to be near him. My lips missed his and my body burned for his touch. After making me his he left me with an uncontrollable desire to be his again.

All these naughty thoughts circled my mind as I felt the erotic pressure building up inside me. As the lesson went on I looked over to the classroom clock. 'Thirty long more minutes to go' I thought as I bit my lip. I checked my phone and noticed I had a text from Jake that read "Thinking About You". If only he knew all the wild naughty thoughts I was thinking about him. He was at practice so I didn't text him back. Ever since James left town coach put Jake as the teams quarterback. The whole team respected him since he was a true All Star player.

Although there was a few players who weren't happy with Jake taking over. Of course James loyal buddies. Even though Jake had differences with a couple of them they still praised him for winning all the games. Yep that's right no game has been lost since Jake took over. Of course this doesn't mean James was an awful player. When he was head of the football team they only took one loss and multiple wins. Truth was they were both fantastic players and the team relied on them to take them to victory.

*School Bell Rings

I quickly put away my books and journal inside my purse and rushed over to the guys locker room. I knew Jake would be one of the first to go in. I wanted to catch up to him before the rest of the team went in. I was excited to show him how much I was thinking about him and how much I missed him. I hid behind one of the stalls in the showers. I texted Jake a message that read 'I have a little surprise for you..Look inside the shower stalls (;'. The anticipation was killing me I was craving his touch. The lights of the shower room were off making the surprise just perfect. As soon as I heard footsteps I quickly took my dress off. Leaving just my sexy red laced lingerie I wore specifically for him. The door of my stall opened and my heart sank. There I was standing half naked in front of several members of the football team!

Drey-Woah baby!..

Sean-I didn't know it was Christmas!..Let me unwrap you girl!

Sam -What I'd do to that body Damm it babygirl!

I stood still feeling frozen as whistles and nasty comments were being said to me. I felt their eyes devouring me. Their perverted minds full of filthy thoughts I bet. Suddenly I saw someone pushing their way through. It was Miles he quickly covered me with his Jersey. While a lot of them still continued to verbally disrespect me and whistle as if I was some dog.

Miles- Alright that's enough..get it moving!

Freddy- What are ya her bodyguard?

Miles- Get your ass moving or else Fred!

Freddy- *Laughs....Without James you ain't shit!..The whole team knows it...right guys..

Kevin- Shut up foo..Miles is the homie..

Drey-Hey Miles! Move a little to the side so we can get a good look at that bimbo!

Miles- I said move the fuck along or else!!

Jazmin- Miles it's okay just ignore them..I'm leaving either way..

Miles- No these fools need to get the fuck outta here..So you can dress yourself.

Suddenly one of the guys came face to face with Miles as I gripped his muscle shirt tightly afraid of what could happen next.

Freddy- Who's gonna make us? You?

Miles- Wanna find out?

Sean- Alright sissy's that's enough!...We a team lets not fight over a good looking piece of meat..

Greg- Yeah Miles relax we were just joking..We know who she is..We wouldn't fuck with her..

Sam- I don't know about you guys but I sure would like to tap that!

Kevin- Yo man shut the fuck up!..This girl right here is untouchable..She's James precious jewel..Ya'll should know better then to fuck with what's his!

Drey- You mean "Was"...He didn't give a fuck about her..Now another foo is smashing..Lucky bastard..

Freddy- Maybe that's what has Miles all worked up..He wants a turn but can't seem to get to hit it!..Haha sorry buddy seems like this hoe only hops on exclusive dick..

As soon as he finished talking Miles swung a heavy punch across his face sending him flying across the floor. I quickly grabbed his arm preventing him to go after him. The rest of the team got in between them to avoid another fight. I bravely stood in front of Miles and faced all of them.

"I'LL GIVE YOU ONE FUCKING SECOND TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE BEFORE I START ACCUSING EACH ONE OF YOU OF ATTEMPTED RAPE! NOW GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE SO I CAN CHANGE!". I couldn't have felt better with myself after seeing their scared faces over my threat. Although the feeling of being untouchable reminded me of James. They knew better than to fuck with me precisely because of him. What one of the guys had mention was sadly true. James never gave a single damn about me. That's why he left without giving any explanation. I had to stay strong even without him being here to defend me. I was taught to fight my own battles ever since I was a young girl.

All of them quickly left the shower room as I turned to see Miles who was shockingly staring at me.

Jazmin- What?

Miles- *Smiles...Nothing..

Jazmin- Was that outta line a bit?

Miles- Haha...Way off line but hey at least you didn't have to use physical violence to get those clowns outta here..

Jazmin- Thank you Miles..

Miles- For what?...You basically did all the magic..

I gave him a friendly smile as he handed me my dress.


Miles- Listen man she was just thanking me..That's all..

Jake- The guys told me I'd find a surprise in here..I just didn't know it include my girl!

Jazmin- Jake let me explain..

Jake- Nah don't bother...It seems pretty self explanatory to me..We're done here.

Jazmin- What!?..(I ran over to him grabbing him by the arm)....What did you just say?


Jazmin- Dammit Jake let me explain!!


Miles- Hey listen to her!..She didn't do anything!..WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!


Jazmin- Jake please calm down!..He actually stood up for-

Jake- Just stop....I'm done with your bullshit!..I don't want you anywhere near me.

I watched him leave with anger and hurt in his eyes. Tears rolled down my face once again I felt broken. "Why...Why can't I just be happy.." I said while Miles took me in his arms and gave me a comforting hug.

Jazmin- ....I really love him Miles..I can't go through this again..I just can't..

Miles- You won't..I'll make sure he listens..

Jazmin- He won't listen to you..Especially you...You're James best friend...Which makes you his enemy..Just leave it alone..I gotta try to fix this myself..I lost James..I don't want to lose Jake..I won't.

After changing into my clothes I walked out of the shower room feeling that familiar dark emptiness creeping inside me. I was terrified of losing Jake. Thoughts of us never getting back together made me desperately run after him. I was determined to not let him walk away from me the way he did again. He was going to hear me regardless and if his decision of ending it with me still stood then...I would let him go.


Miles- I know you assholes had something to do with this!!

Sam- Calm your pussy down...We were just goofing around..

Greg- You act like she yo girl..

Freddy- Ha he wishes..

Drey- I think at this point we all do!..

Sean- Fuck yeaaah!!..Did y'all get a good look on those melons! Woo!

Freddy- Shut the fuck up and take a cold shower already you idiots...

Miles- You need one too..

Freddy- Hey all is good with us right?

Miles- (I stood face to face with him)....You EVER disrespect Jazmin again..You'll regret it and if you think because James ain't around nothing will happen..Try it and you'll find out what I'm made off..

Freddy- Hey my boy I get it alright?...Jazmins untouchable..

Miles- (My phone rang saving his ass from a beating)....Get in the fucking shower you stink..

Freddy- Psh...

Miles- Hello?

- I need an update

Miles- I can't talk right now..I'll call you later..

- Miles..

Miles- What?

- Don't fuck with me..I want a full report..

Miles- I got it alright?..I'll call you later.

- Wait..

Miles- What now?

- How is she?

Miles- *Sighs...We've been through this..You already know..

- It's fine..I'll be seeing you all very soon.

Miles- What??..You're coming back?!


Becca- Was that Miles?

James- What's it to you?

Becca- Let me light up your blunt baby..

She came close to me trying to kiss me. I turned away. The smell of hers sickens me. Every scent from another female always sickened me. If it wasn't Jazmin's..then I didn't wanna be near it.

Becca- Why don't you just let me love you!?

James- Don't make me explain shit to you again..

Becca- It's always because of that little slut huh!!! When are you gonna accept the fact she's with someone else already!!

James- (As I heard her say that I looked at her in confusion)...How the fuck do you know that!

Becca- (Shit!..He can't know I've been in contact with Lina!)...I uh...I overheard a conversation..

James- Listen carefully Becca..I took you in because you said you got kicked out of that shitty trailer you were living in..

Becca- I know..You were very kind..

James- Don't mistake my kindness for weakness! I will put a bullet through that thick skull of yours if you fuck with me!

Becca- I would never play you!

James- Get the fuck outta here before I lose my shit!!

Becca- But I-

James- (I gave her a cold threatening stare)...You know what happens when people make me upset.

Becca- You've changed so much!!...But I can't hate you!..I love you!

I turned my look away as I heard her cry then finally leave. I didn't care about her or any other girl. I've fucked easy sluts to blow off some steam but none could make me forget her. There wasn't a single morning or night I wouldn't wake up thinking about her. Her body on mine..her gentle touch..her sweet soft lips. She marked my flesh and now my soul belonged to her. I will always hold her mentally even if she isn't here physically. The tattoo of her eyes on me represented the part of me that hasn't gone insane. I turned into a cold heartless monster ever since I left her. I do drug deals for the shady rich men. I can't complain I make enough money to buy whatever I want too. It wasn't enough though. I wanted more..I will continue to make more. My name had to reach high and for that to happen I still needed to play the filthy dog role. Do dirty business with these men till I prove myself to Richard. Once my goal is met I'll be able to go back. Back to that town I grew up in........Back to her.

*Phone Rings

James- Yes Sir?

Richard- I'm proud of you. I was informed about our latest deals. Well done my boy.

James- We've been through this before..I don't like you calling me that.

Richard- It's just a saying. No meaning behind it.

James- So when do I get to go back?

Richard- I'll make the decision soon. You keep bringing scores this high and we'll be talking about the bright future that awaits you in my company.

I've been working like a dog. I take those who fear me and make them do some dirty work for me. Blood hasn't covered my hands yet but that doesn't mean I wouldn't kill if I had too. In this type of business you kill or get killed. I am streetwise which gets me a step ahead. I will get to the enemy before they get to me. The goals are set high and my time here is ticking. "I'm going back to you soon..I'll eliminate anyone in our way if I have too..You're mine Jazmin..You always have been..You always will be".

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