
By CK_Jessie

44.4K 2.3K 217

After the death of his parents, young Lord Asher finds himself isolated on his family estate a few miles nort... More

Part I: Beginnings
I: Asher
II: Winston
III: Robin
Part II: The Three Days Harvest Ball
I: Winston
II: Asher
III: Robin
IV: Asher
V: Winston
VI: Robin
VII: Asher
VIII: Winston
IX: Robin
X: Asher
XI: Robin
Part III: The Beginnings of Matehood
I: Asher
II: Robin
III: Winston
IV: Asher
V: Robin
VI: Winston
VII: Asher
VIII: Robin
IX: Winston
X: Asher
XI: Robin
XII: Asher
XIII: Winston
XIV: Robin
XV: Asher
XVI: Winston
XVII: Robin
XVIII: Asher
XIX: Winston

XII: Winston

1K 64 7
By CK_Jessie

Who's your favorite king-to-be?

I stood beside Phoenix and Francis in the banquet hall, all of us standing up at our seats, waiting eagerly for the royal family of Natus to arrive. Their mother sat across from us with her mate to be, but I could tell there was tension in the air between those three. It didn't miss Duke Gerald either who seemed to be trying to comfort her without drawing much attention from other nobles assembled at the table. I made mental note to try and ask Phoenix about this later, when we weren't near prying eyes and ears.

Finally, two butlers opened the double doors and the royal family strolled in, the king at the head with the queen a step behind him, but what surprised me was that Alexander was next in the line up with Robin at the rear. This choice in formation caught the attention of the many guests, them all wondering why the Lord was allowed into the Royal rankings. On their way to their seats the royal family gave a few words to those they passed by until they finally made it to the head of the table, the king waiting for his family to get situated.

All eyes remained on the king, waiting. I think he enjoyed making us stand as he waited just a few seconds longer, adjusting his cloak to sit, and finally the entire hall sat down. Chatter erupted in the dining hall once again, servants running around to fill up chalices and place down appetizers.

I put my hand on Phoenix's knee, smiling to him innocently when he raised a brow at the gesture. Still he said nothing to me, getting distracted as he got addressed by a lord near us, curious as to the affairs of the Montenari family that allowed for them to have such a peculiar legacy. I decided to mess with him, slowly creeping my hand up his thigh, keeping my face neutral.

My hand rubbed against his inner thigh, just nearing its target when I felt my wrist get grabbed and restrained by one of his hands and silently swatted with the other. I recoiled, banging it under the table, gaining the attention of those directly surrounding me.

"Are you okay?" my mate questioned, mock concern covering his face.

I nodded, glaring at him when other people turned away.

He leaned in and whispered "I'll make it up to you."

"In what way?" Oliver questioned.

"Maybe if we're lucky he'll throw us a stick." I reply to my spirit dryly.

He was clearly just continuing to be a tease, that little minx. Knowing how this land's nobility behaved in their youths, I had no doubt that he had much more experience than he let on. This whole innocence thing was an act, I was certain of it.

"You don't know that. It could be real. If it's true, we'd be the first ones to ravish him."

"If Robin doesn't get to him first." I scoff.

A pair of fingers snap in front of my face and I turn to see Phoenix with a brow raised.

"Are you okay?" he questions. "You seemed to be somewhere else."

"Sorry. I was speaking to Oliver. I didn't mean to be rude."

He gave out a small laugh, waving off the slight. I couldn't help but smile at the sound. I wanted to hear it again.

"Hey, have you heard the story of how Robin ended up running through the gardens in nothing but a towel?" I ask quietly.

Phoenix looked intrigued by this, so I began to recount the tale of how Alexander stole our fiery headed mates clothes while he took an impromptu swim in the lake at the edge of the eastern garden.

This put the lord into a fit of laughter, garnering the attention of those around us.

Conversation went on for a few minutes before the king clinked his glass, everyone falling silent, looking at the monarch expectantly.

"Thank you all for coming to our home in order to celebrate another successful year's harvest. We've also gathered to celebrate the life and death of the daughter of one of our greatest allies. Princess Zion left us all too early." There was a pause to honor her. "We've also come together to celebrate the coming of age of my youngest son, Crown Prince Robin."

Some began to murmur at the term 'youngest'. They wondered what the king meant by such a remark, as to their knowledge, Robin was an only child.

"Bless the Gods, both of my sons have been fortunate enough to find their mates during these festivities. My eldest son, Prince Alexander, has found a young warlock of noble upbringing. I know that they'll make a strong coupling, with gifted offspring if they so desire." I caught both of my brothers-in-law to be choking on their wine, taken aback at the king's knowledge of their mating and his last comment. That old geezer knew everything that happened here, as if the walls whispered to him. I wouldn't be surprised if they did. "And as for my heir, the Olympians gave him the fortune of two mates. One of them is a hybrid of noble blood, the other is the Crown Prince of another land. I know that the three of them will rule finely alongside one another and bring us into a prosperous age. You are all invited to witness them perform their mating ritual before their coronation day."

The dinner soon came to an end, everyone dispersing, off to their own residencies now that the ball was officially over.

Phoenix and I walked through the halls, back towards Robin's chambers.

"Is everything alright?" I say.

"What do you mean?" Phoenix asks.

"You and your family looked quite tense at dinner. I don't think you or Francis spoke to your mother once and she seemed quite upset about something."

"She and Francis don't get along, and I found out something that's made me question some of her actions. Don't worry about it too much, we'll sort it out."

I hoped so. I didn't like seeing him so stressed out.

Robin rejoined us moments later, rushing into the room like a hyperactive puppy.

"Can you believe it! Tonight went so wonderfully. My father's announcements were well received and who would've ever thought that our brothers would be potential mates? Father hasn't liked anyone for Alexander, trust me he's been searching for the right second born for months, but he already seems to love Francis."

I could tell this made Phoenix uneasy.

"Why would your father make such an announcement when they've only just found each other? I mean you know how potential mates are, sometimes you find the right one and sometimes you go your separate ways."

"Maybe he knows something we don't?" I propose. "He must have a reason to do this."

"Yeah. I just hope it wasn't to trap Francis. He's had enough of that."

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