Hunted by Ewoks

By ItzKaneMk

174 3 6

TK-779 and his squad are sent to Endor to assist on defeating the rebel and ewok forces. They soon find thems... More

A Death Trap
The Ambush
Note from Author


40 0 2
By ItzKaneMk

  "Approaching the LZ," the pilot informed us, "there's a hot battle down there, be careful about those ewok things. Lots of badly injured troopers tell horrible stories about them."

"Ah, can you tell us something more uplifting than death?" I replied, TK-783 was nodding his head. A horrible introduction to our new job.

"No not really, only that a few of you will might return. Don't get killed out there, which I doubt more than a third of your company will survive," He said with a serious voice, "unless, we're landing, Alpha One and Two, doors opening in 3... 2... 1... move it! Move it! Move it!"

The door fell open, our squad rushed out with the other arriving squads putting up a three sixty perimeter. Everything was clear, only distant gunshots, but all was to quiet. The lush green forest was the only thing but landing crafts and troopers. Guns raised, distant explosions, screams, we couldn't stop it right now.

"Huh, I guess our drama troopers that came back into the shelter of a star ship was wrong, no little stupid teddy bear ewok things." The commanding officer said. But as he said that some troopers spotted movement in the trees, most of them said wind.

"Over there!" a trooper in a different squad said, "wait, it was nothing,"

"I thought I saw some eyes over the-" a trooper got cut off be the commanding officer.

"Troopers! Split up in four groups, all head north to ambush the rebel scum. Alpha one and Bravo Two, I'll be with you guys, we'll abush from the South, we'll be Group Two. Alpha Two and Charlie Two, you're Group Three, abush on the North. Bravo One, Charlie One, and Delta One and Two, you're Group One, you'll lead the head on. We'll move out now. The rest of the info will be sent to you."

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