Long Ass Day

By MkokoSwag

18.4K 669 448

Just another typical long ass day. Where Johnny and Taeyong has a bunch of kids, and I feel bad for Taeyong a... More

2 • LuCaS fELl iNtO a tREe
1 • Mark is tRaUMAtIZeD (age edit)
A Little Chat With The JohnYong Family
3 PT. 1 • sCarY mOviE niGht goNe wRoNg
3 PT. 2 • LuCas???
4 • jUngWooS biRTh pt. 1 (ps daebaek wedding)
random skit
follow my ig for requests
jeffrey wus just trying to look for sumn milk but found his parents fukcing
johnyong wedding pics
5 - Johnny at home alone with the kids | pt. 1/?
mark after he farts (short skit)
Poor jeffrey :(

1 • Mark is tRaUMAtIZeD

1.6K 70 103
By MkokoSwag



Mark was sitting on his bed, then letted out a long ass sigh as he called for his grandma, Taeil.

"What is it Mark?" Taeil walked into Marks room, then sat on the bed, putting his hand on Marks shoulder.

Trembling, Mark slowly turned his head towards Taeil. Almost sounding like a quiet whisper, the poor boy let the words slide out of his small lips.

"I hear...sounds." Mark said, his eyes wide.

Taeil raised his brows, kunfused at what his grandson might've meant. Sounds?

"What kind of sounds sweetie?" Taeil's voice was beautiful and calming, he looked at Mark with soft eyes.

"Like 'ah-ah', and 'uh-uh, and something like that."

Taeil almost choked on his own spit, luckily he didn't or else it would've made the situation more awkward. Oh, so it was 'those' sounds again. Of course Taeil knew what Mark was talking about, but the real problem here is that Mark didn't know what he was talking about. I mean, the boy isn't really 'that' much of a dirty minded person (my damn italics won't work so I just have to do it in parentheses).

"Oh well...they're just having fun dear."

Taeil gave Mark a sheepish smile, trying not to get into detail of what Johnny and Taeyong were doing in the middle of the night where everyone is either sleeping or probably awake doing something. *Cough, cough* listening to Johnny and Taeyong 'doing it' because the sounds were keeping them from falling asleep.

"Fun?" Mark squinted his eyes at Taeil, suspicious of what his grandma might've meant by 'fun'.

"I'll explain when you're older." Taeil gave Mark his usual pat on the back and tucked his grandson in so he can go to sleep, it's already 1:27 AM anyways, "Right now, you need some shut eye sweetie."

Taeil gave Mark a peck on the forehead and turned off the lamp so he could sleep. Not until he heard a loud moan coming from the JohnYong room.

"I heard it again!" Mark immediately shot up from his bed, trying to look for Taeil since it was dark.

"Shh, just go to sleep. The sounds will only get louder the more you listen."

Mark heard Taeil's voice somewhere and decided to go to sleep, although it was difficult to sleep, he was just curious of what those sounds might be, and who were making them.


About 30 Minutes Later...

Mark was twisting and turning in his bed, unable to fall asleep due to those vERy how would you say 'erotic' sounds coming from 'someones' bedroom.

"Ok, that's it. I need to find out what all of this sound is, wherever it is, and who's making them." Mark slid off his queen sized bed that he got after Donghyuck had broke his old one after bouncing his round ass on it too hard.

Being the stupid, curious kid he is, of course Mark had to go in his parents room first. The closer he got to his parents room, the louder the sounds got. Mark stopped when he reached the door, well the two doors since Johnny and Taeyong got the biggest bedroom, and you know why, so they can fu-

Mark slowly turned the doorknob, trying to be quiet as possible. Once the door was almost fully opened, the dirty sounds in the room was extremely prominent for Mark to hear. The boy slowly walked towards Taeyong and Johnny's big ass bed, made to be used for rough sex and a bunch of kids to play on.

Looking around, Mark finally set eyes on the couple who were making love to each other. Oh shit. They're really gonna get it from Taeil now. Mark stood there, his mouth was hanging wide open and his eyes were now needed to be bleached. He wasn't as terrified as this ever since he saw Lucas fell down the stairs when he thought there was a terrorism at IKEA.

Taeyong had his back arched, and his lips were in a mid moan, while Johnny was ramming himself into the younger's anus. Mark just stood there, watching everything happen with curiosity in his eyes, honestly he needed a priest to go dump an entire swimming pool of holy water on him. It wasn't that difficult to see everything happen. There was a few candle that was lit so Mark had a pretty good view.

Meanwhile Taeyong and Johnny were enjoying each other's company and just feeling the love, that was until they noticed poor Mark who was watching them this whole entire time.

"O-oh, eeh, ah- HEEY MARK. How are you?" Johnny immediately pulled himself out of Taeyong, quickly wrapping a near by towel around his waist.

Mark just stood there quietly, looking at his dad, then giving his mom a short glance.

"Ooohh, so that's what it was." Mark finally found out where all of the sounds came from.

Taeyong and Johnny looked at each other for a moment. They were both confused on what Mark meant. Did Mark actually know all of these dirty things?

"What do you mean by that?" Taeyong raised his brow, while trying to cover his naked body with the blankets.

"So you guys were the ones making all of those noises every night." Mark said the words casually, acting like he didn't give a fuck about whether Johnny and Taeyong did have sex every night.

Johnny and Taeyong stayed quiet, unable to think of anything to say the boy. Mark was only 10. He shouldn't know all this already, right?

"Mark, don't tell me-"

Taeyong's words were cut off by a panicked Taeil storming into their room.

"Mark! What did I tell you about going into your parents room this late at night?" Taeil was angry, and also scared.

Taeyong and Johnny basically just corrupted a large portion of Mark's childhood. Mark shouldn't be seeing all this at his age. He hasn't even hit puberty yet.

"I will be talking to you two later." Taeil glared at Johnny and Taeyong for a moment, then walked the bedroom with Mark, holding the boy's small hands.

Both of the parents swallowed hard. Oh boy this is going to be one loooong ass ride.


Well, that's it for now y'all. I'm not going to get into details about what happens to Taeyong and Johnny after Taeil caught Mark in their bedroom, while they were fucking. You guys are gonna have to think about that on your own.

Mkoko out.

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