A Lonesome Time

By AdrianaALoud

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Rocky has to go to Florida for two weeks to visit his dying grandmother. While he's gone, Lucy starts to fall... More

Lucy Misses Rocky
A Sibling Meeting
Clyde Takes Lucy to the Mall
Talking Over Frozen Yogurt
Lucy's Progress
Lucy Comforts Rocky
Shopping for Rocky (Part 1)
Shopping for Rocky (Part 2)
Mending a Broken Heart


364 2 0
By AdrianaALoud

  Once they make up and Rocky has had a chance to calm down, the two of them head back to the Spokes' house.

Currently, Lucy and Rocky are sitting on Rocky's bed with a big box in between them. The box contains many family photos and Rocky is rummaging through the box trying to find a photo of his grandmother. After Lucy has shown him the locket she bought for him, he's determined to find the perfect photo to put inside it.

After a few seconds of rummaging through the box, Rocky finally pulls out a photo and holds it in the air.

"This one!" He says triumphantly.

"May I see?" Lucy begs.

Rocky holds the photo on its right corner and Lucy holds it on its left corner. What they see is an old lady with curly white hair and sparkling green eyes. On her face were a pair of eyeglasses with thin gold frames. She was wearing a light pink sweater and a white pearl necklace. She was in a seated position; which was evidenced by the fact that she was only shown from the waist up and her arms were neatly folded across each other and placed on her lap. Her smile, although very small, displayed shiny teeth that were as white as the pearls around her neck. There was a plain blue background displayed behind her.

"She's beautiful," Lucy sighs, "What's her name?"

"Judy Anne Spokes," Rocky answers.

Lucy recognizes the plain blue background as the same one used when she takes school pictures.

"Was this professionally taken?" Lucy wonders.

"Yes it was," Rocky explained, "This was on her 80th birthday. It was always a tradition to have her picture taken by a professional photographer every decade."

"She let us keep her pictures from age 60 to age 80," Rocky continues, "But all her pictures from age 10 to 50 belong to Grandpa. Both my dad and my uncle have multiple copies of these pictures."

"You've chosen the perfect picture to keep in your locket," Lucy comments.

"(Sigh) This one is my favorite," Rocky whispers.

"That's even better," Lucy says with a smile.

"There might be a pair of scissors in the bottom drawer of my nightstand. Can you grab them for me?" Rocky asks Lucy.

Since the nightstand is only a few inches from where she was sitting on his bed, Lucy merely scoots towards it. Just as she got closer, she notices that sitting on top of it was Rocky's copy of the photo from their first dance. Her heart flutters upon seeing it, but she decides to keep focus on getting the scissors for her love. She opens the bottom drawer and spots the scissors right away.

After retrieving the scissors and closing the drawer, Lucy hands them to Rocky.

"Thanks babe," Rocky grabs the scissors and gets ready to cut.

Lucy grabs the locket and opens the pennant, "Remember, it's gotta fit in there," She reminds him.

Rocky takes the scissors and cuts the picture as carefully as possible. As he tries to focus, he squints his eyes and sticks his tongue out a little. Once it's small enough, he hands Lucy the picture so that she can place it in the locket.

While that's going on, Rocky gets off his bed and grabs the big box of family photos. He takes the box and puts it on the floor in the corner of his room. Then he goes back to his bed and sits next to Lucy.

"Even though it's entirely your decision, I recommend not wearing outside the house. Especially since it has your favorite picture inside," Lucy warns him as she hands him the locket.

Rocky holds the pennant in the palm of his hand and looks at the photo of his grandmother. He decides that this locket is much too valuable to wear outside the house.

"I don't trust myself to wear this outside because I'm afraid I'll lose it. So I'll only wear it inside the house," Rocky closes the pennant, grabs the black jewelry box, and gently places the locket inside the jewelry box, "I'm not taking any chances."

Lucy smiles and puts her hand on his shoulder, "That's my boy."

"Look what else I got you," Lucy reaches into her other pocket and pulls out the green and white scapular she bought him.

She holds one of the pieces of cloth on the tips of her fingers. It has a picture of the Virgin Mary on it, which Rocky is amazed by.

"Ohh, my grandma loved the Virgin Mary!" Rocky gasps.

Rocky looks at the second piece of cloth and notices that there are words on it. "Oh look at that, there's a prayer."

Rocky reads the prayer, "Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death. Amen."

"Wow, I didn't even notice that," Lucy comments.

She holds onto the strings of the scapular and proceeds to place it around Rocky's neck.

"As long as you wear this around your neck, the Virgin Mary will watch over and protect you," Lucy says softly.

"Oh Lucy, this was so sweet of you to buy these things for me," Rocky put his arm around Lucy.

As he gently rubs her shoulder, he looks at her, "You know, I feel really bad for throwing away your roses earlier," Rocky confesses guiltily.

"To make up for it, here's a better present for you; it's something that I've been waiting 2 whole weeks to do." With that said, Rocky wraps both his arms around her and pulls her in a tight hug, which she returns. She missed being held in the arms of her favorite boy.

After they release each other from the hug, Rocky places his thumb and index finger underneath Lucy's chin. That can only mean one thing. Rocky's eyes start to close as he and Lucy inch closer together. The two of them kiss. Oh how they have missed each other's lips.

After they lock lips they gaze at each other, "Thank you Rocky," Lucy says, "I think I should get home before it gets dark."

"Ok then. Bye Lucy," Rocky bids her goodbye.

Lucy gives him a quick peck on the cheek as she gets up from Rocky's bed. Just before she leaves the room, she turns around and waves at him, prompting him to wave back.

As Lucy exits Rocky's bedroom and walks down the hall, she passes Rusty who's just standing there. She doesn't initially notice him at first, so he decides to make himself known.

"Hey," Rusty says.

Lucy's surprised at Rusty's appearance, since she didn't notice him, "Oh...hi."

"Hey listen, can I talk to you for a second?" Rusty requests.

It was a little odd for Rusty to ask Lucy to talk. Not to say that they've never talked before, but it was usually just a few words or sentences instead of a full conversation.

"Sure, what is it?" Lucy accepts.

"I overheard you guys talking in there and I have to say that I am genuinely impressed at how much you care about my brother," Rusty claimed, "Rocky was right about your heart."

"What do you mean?" Lucy questions, genuinely curious.

"Well ever since you two started dating, he's been talking about how sweet you are and that you have a big heart," Rusty revealed, "I didn't believe him at first because I didn't know you that well and I just sort of assumed that you were cold."

"But after you went through all the trouble to get Rocky presents to help him grieve the loss of our grandma, I realized that I've misjudged you."

Then Rusty did something rather unexpected: He wrapped one of his arms around Lucy's shoulder and used his other hand to shake her hand.

Lucy stared at him with wide eyes that were unable to be seen. This was the most Rusty has ever touched her. However, she realized that since this was the case, he must really trust her now. She gives a small smile.

A few minutes later, Lucy has finally made it back to her own house. The sun was setting, so the sky was a beautiful gold and blue. It was almost as if the gates of Heaven were opening and showing the light.

Before Lucy goes inside, there's one more thing she has to do. She turns her back towards the house and looks up at the sky. Then she takes two fingers, kisses them, and points them towards the golden sky. It's her final goodbye to the late Judy Anne Spokes.

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