The Loud House : Lincoln's bi...

De Hemestrical

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(Most pictures in this story are from deviantart & some pictures belong to The Loud House. The writing is all... Mais

Chapter One: "The Hangout "
Chapter Two: "Clyections" (Connections & Clyde)
Chapter Three: "Feeling of Betrayal" (Choice at end)
Chapter Four: "Running Behind" - Choice 1
Chapter Four: "Operation Save Friendship"-Choice 2
Chapter Five: "Time To Dance"
Chapter Seven: "The Good & The Bad"
Chapter Eight: "Two Broken Shots"
Chapter Nine: "Making Amends"
Authors note 2

Chapter Six: "A Secret Revealed"

708 19 1
De Hemestrical

Previously on The Loud House: Lincoln's big feud- Coming out ( Scroll down to skip recap )
The Hangout:
Lincoln hears knocking on the door.
"I guess it's already time for school, I'm coming Lori."
He opens the door to see who it is.
"Hey Lincoln meet my new girlfriend!" Clyde says
Lincoln wakes up and sees it was just a dream.
"Lincoln time to go get ready or I'll leave you behind and make you walk to school." Lori says very loud.
"It was just a dream..." Lincoln continues on after Lori says.
"Huh?" Lori asks while being confused.

Although, Lincoln knew it was just a dream it hurt him as much as if it was reality. This moment he realized he has a crush on Clyde. Lincoln feels weird and a tear falls down his face falling down to the ground.

"Am I falling for Clyde?"

The two go to there last period classes giving another hug when they're at Lincoln's class. Clyde wonders his feelings for Lincoln and thinks that it's just him being hungry. It's just hunger Clyde, you aren't like your parents. You're straight nothing more nothing less.  After thinking that to himself he has been off for the rest of the school day. Lincoln then meets Clyde at the school lockers.
Feeling of Betrayal:
Lincoln yells out "ARE YOU KIDDING ME? WHY IS EVERYTHING GOSSIP WITH YOU ALL? I DON'T LIKE CLYDE IN ANYWAY THAT'S MORE THAN A FRIEND , HE'S NEVER GOING TO BE MORE THAN THAT. I'M LITERALLY MORE FRIENDS WITH ROCKY THAN CLYDE." Everyone gasp for air like they seen a ghost that was in the basement. I think that was more hurtful than it sounded. God, now I feel bad.

Lincoln rolls his eyes and turns around to get back inside his room but Clyde was blocking the door. He seemed that he was going to cry out a waterfall but tried his best to keep it back.


He ran out without a word and while I looked back at my sisters they all shake there head like they were disappointed in what I said. I needed to tell Clyde what I actually meant but that meant in making a choice.
Choice 1:
Clyde quickly unravels the blanket from his head and rolls his eyes.
"You just don't get it do you? You've used me and then you got the nerve to chase after me? Ha, you got me! Wow, now what your going to tell me something that will change my mind about you?" Clyde says with his tone getting higher knowing that the words he said is hurting him.
"You know I didn't mean it Clyde. Yeah, what came out my mouth was wrong but I really didn't mean it. I did it"
"Cat's got yah tongue? You should try and finish your sentence." Clyde finishes Lincoln's sentence.
"...." Lincoln says nothing.
"Lincoln, we've been friends for years..YEARS and you can't tell me why you said something so hurtful about your best friend BEHIND my back? We can no longer be friends. We're done, I honestly don't need any of this negativity in my life." Clyde says seriously.
"Clyde, you don't mean this. I want to explain but my s-sisters and my parents. You wouldn't understand." Lincoln says looking at Clyde like he was very scared.

Choice 2:
"Lincoln.." Lynn whispers.
"Yes? Oh wait, I forgot to thank you. You're the best sister in the world." Lincoln says to her.
"Don't thank me yet. Clyde told me something that you're not suppose know.."
"Well, what was it that's so secretive. Is it that he's wants space or..?" Lincoln replies.
"Uh, close? Clyde told me that he's moving on from the situation and that he wants to go to the dance with me and doesn't regret his choices. Thanks for understanding and don't tell Lincoln." She concludes her sentence.

Time To Dance:
Lincoln had kissed Ronnie-Anne and had forgotten about Clyde. His old mutual feelings had came back for her and Ronnie-Anne didn't stop. She had gone along with it and kissed him back. Which actually progressed for a minute however he was ready to pop the question nobody expected.

"Ronnie-Anne will you take me back to be your boyfriend?"

Disclaimer: All pictures through out the story doesn't belong to me. Also, the Loud House group has grown up to 3 years ahead. Words that are in italic are thoughts & Lucy speaking.

To begin reading press the loud house fan button! ( don't press it )

Loud House Intro
Crashing through the crowded halls,
Dodging girls like ping pong balls,
Just to reach the bathroom on time
(Hey! Hey! Hey!)
Leaping over laundry piles,
Diapers you can smell for miles,
Guy's gotta do what he can to survive!

In the Loud House! In the Loud House!
Duck, dodge, push and shove,
It's how we show our love!
In the Loud House! In the Loud House!
One boy and ten girls
(Wouldn't trade it for the world!)

Loud House!

Lily: (spoken) Poo-Poo!


Warning this chapter is sort of long & please comment if there is any Grammer or punctuation errors!

Lincoln's face lights up in fear as Ronnie-Anne looked like she was trying to puzzle the pieces together. On the other hand, his sisters gave him a signal to make it happen but he froze.

"Lincoln-"Ronnie-Anne gets cut off.
"It's okay Ronnie-Anne. I'll let you clear your mind and think about it. I get it."Lincoln says.
"Lincoln! Come over here!"Clyde yells.

Oh no.. what can he possibly want now. If I walk over there I'll have nothing to say and if I don't I'll look like a coward.. Both situations seem pretty bad honestly. I'll just say what comes to mind and hope for the best!

"What do you want Clyde? You are pretty bold for calling me over here."
"Oh, yeah don't suddenly play the victim here. Let's not try and forget that you ruined this friendship but that's not what I want to talk about."
"Clyde can you not. I have better things to do then argue right now." Lincoln replies with a fresh attitude.
"Is everything alright? Oh, hey little bro we were just looking for you...the..umm..Oh yeah! Ronnie-Anne was just looking for you. She wanted to tell you she already made up her mind."Luna says looking at Lori giving her directions on what to say.

(Lucy's Point Of View)

"Rocky, I didn't think you were the dancer type. You're like....really good." Lucy tells him.
"Yeah, I've practiced for this very moment." He replies.
"Lucy, I think..well..I think I'm in love with you." Rocky starts to stare in her eyes and smiles.
"L-love?" Lucy seemed to become frightened.

What do I say? I love you too..? I'd betray Edwin if I choose him over you. Oh no, this is way to difficult...

"Rocky I think we should discuss this outside. This isn't the proper environment to really discuss this..don't want nobody in our business."
"Right, let's go then. I should start walking you home anyways, your dad told me that I was suppose to bring you by 8 and yes I did ask for permission before I approached your home." He answered quickly in a flash.

Lucy and Rocky slowly sneaked out making sure nobody knew what they were up too. So, they started chatting but it quickly became awkward and the rest of they walk was bitter sweet since they said such little words to one another.

"Well, were here. The fantastic Loud's House." Rocky says chuckling.
"Yeah, thanks for the walk Rocky. I should start heading in."
"Lucy wait..I didn't get your answer on what I asked you earlier. I just need to know..I thought that the kiss that we had a few days ago showed that we were here for each other."Rocky announces as if people were around.
"Rocky what are you doing?! That was a secret!" Lucy yells but at the same time mumbled.
"You know Lucy, if you're not going to give this relationship a go then we're going to just end it here. I told you that I loved you and you couldn't even give me an answer. Instead you just brushed it off like it was a joke!" Rocky begins to get loud.
"Rocky, you know that's not true and you know it!" Lucy says starting to have a tear drop.
"Is it Lucy? Is it?"

He hands her something that was special to the both of them and began to step on it creasing it a little and walks off the patio of the house. Lucy then begins to cry like her heart was on a road to pain. This was the first time Lucy had cried for a boy and it hurt.

(Lincoln's Point of View)
"Thanks for the save guys. You actually saved me back there." Lincoln congratulats them.
"Yeah, but that wasn't the only reason why we had pull you out of that. We need to talk." Lori, Luna and Lincoln began to sit down at a table.
"We see the way you look at Clyde and as your two older sisters were going to tell you about it." Lori states.
"Well, for starters Lincoln.. your better off with Ronnie Anne, I mean, think about it there is chemistry in the air and we smell it!" Luna says.
"Yeah we ship Ronniecoln! Honest bae-goals. However, we can also tell that you're very mad with Lynn and Clyde." Lori adds on.
"Yeah! Clyde's going with LYNN. Not you. You're going with Ronnie Anne." Luna says seriously.
"Guys! What is wrong with you? Can't you see our little Linky is in love?" Leni said.
"Leni, what are you doing here? Mom assigned us for me and Luna here." Lori began to be bossy.
"Well, mom said for me to get air and I went to look for it and here I am!" Leni replied.
"Hey, what's going on over here?" Lynn says.
"I need to go outside. I cannot be around a traitor that I call a SISTER." Lincoln says looking straight in her eyes like he wasn'tafraid of telling her how he felt.
"I'll go with him so he doesn't try to leave." Lori  tells them.

Lincoln walked outside and Lori followed. He had stopped in front of the car and got a rock. Lori has came outside witnessing him with the rock. Lincoln gave her the rock hoping that she would hit him with it.

"What is really the problem Lincoln? Are you not happy?" Lori began to question.
"Lori, I'm bisexual possibly more than that. I hate to admit it and I know I'm not the perfect brother but I like the way I am. I have a huge crush for Clyde..and I-I'm pretty sure he knows but doesn't know it...uh it's quite confusing."

Luna had came outside to get something from the car but she had over-heard the conversation they were having. She was surprised to hear that Lincoln was like her but she was also in the closet hiding her truth so she had let him down about his feelings with Clyde.

"Uh..hey guys. Don't worry I heard everything and I'm so surprised..that's mind blowing but I, I'm actually pretty hurt that you couldn't even tell your own sisters, I mean honestly who would want a gay brother?"Luna said.
"Luna, I didn't think you would understand. Lori is more of an expert of boys than you are, we wouldn't want your secret to get out now should we?"Lincoln replies beginning to sound sassy.
"I don't have secrets Lincoln, but in that case you have nothing against me.."Luna began to sound alittle worried but held her ground.

Maybe I'll string her along..She'll never guess what I have but right now a secret for secret I guess.

"You know what, I shouldn't even be out here. Maybe I should head back home. Thanks Lori." Lincoln adds on.

Lincoln walked back inside to the dance hall to collect his things and left with Ronnie-Anne.
Lori looked at Luna like she was a murderer but she quickly brushed it off and decided to conversate with her explaining what she said was wrong.


Lincoln opened the door and immediately took his suit off which felt quite uncomfortable in his perspective. He noticed that nobody had been downstairs trying to fight over the remote to watch TV. He started to worry hoping that everyone is in the house.

"H-hello..? A-anybody home?" Lincoln stuttered.

A creasing sound in the door was made and Lincoln quickly covering his eyes hoping that the evil presence in the house would go away.
He heard weird sounds that sounded crazy.

"Is that someone...crying? Well, don't worry LINCOLN to the rescue!" Lincoln said as if he was someone brand new.

He ran as quickly as he heard while following the noises. Then he stumbled into the door and went into Lucy's room. Lincoln had gasped as he saw something that he has never seen.

Lucy crying? What could've went on? Oh no, DID SOMEONE DESTROY EDWIN. OH GOD!

"Lincoln, I think you should give her space. This is more of a sister/mother moment thing hun." Rita said.
"What happened?" Lincoln replied.
"Love is what happened, poor Rocky and Lucy they made a pretty amazing couple what a shame." She told him.
"Huh, I really thought I'm missing out on something."
"Oh my gosh..RUSTY IS GOING TO BE REALLY MAD. Oh gosh, I guess that's Monday's problem." Lincoln told himself.

(Clyde's POV)

I have never noticed how amazing Lynn looked with a dress on. She looks amazing
right now. I don't even know why she tries to hide her beautiful long smooth legs.

"Hey, Lynn! Can you come here a second?" Clyde asked.
"I don't even know how girls do it so good with heels. They're too high and can cause you to trip on your dress, well no way jose. That's why I wore a new pair of sneakers I bought but anyways, what did you want Clyde?" She wondered.

I can hear her talk about her activities, her games, how much she hates heels..what if..we were also a couple..! Maybe married and Lincoln by my side? This would be sooo epic and all our friends and family by our side. This is giving me goosebumps!

Our child could be called--
Clyde's phone had rang one time by notifications.
"Huh, who could this be?" Clyde asked.
"What's going on?!" Lynn said while stuffing her face in food.
"What do you mean Lynn?.." Clyde began to look at her strange while checking the messages.


Clyde, it's me Lincoln..tell Ronnie-Anne I wasn't good enough for her or mind is all messed up.. if you want to talk over our friendship come to my house. —this message is sent if you chose choice 2.

Maybe if I just disappeared nobody would care. Maybe, I just cause too many problems. You know what this is stupid, can you please come to my house? — this message is sent if you chose choice 1.

"You were out of it like in a serious "Do not disturb" mode." She used her fingers doing an air quote.
"I think we should get going it is getting pretty late. My dads are super over protective. They've been waiting for me since the dance started to pick us up." Clyde said.
"Let's get going I really need to change out of these which is why I brought my spare clothes so I don't have to wear this day. I guess I'm as weird as your parents." Lynn giggled.

"We're at the house guys, wake up!" Howie projected his voice.
"Huh what, ow!" They both said waking up and bumping into each others head and laughed.
"Let me walk you up to the patio." Clyde began to flirt.
"Okay, Mr.Romantic." Lynn attempted to flirt back.

They walk up to the patio and began to have small talk.

"Clyde, I honestly had one of the best time of my life. Although, their were minor hiccups but  it was easily fixed. Can you believe that Lincoln and Ronnie-Anne are going to go out?" Lynn told Clyde.
"Yeah...I'm totally stoked for that." Clyde's mood began to go down.
"I know Lincolns not okay with us being together but I feel like if we just go on a date with just us maybe Lincoln can see us for our relationship?" Lynn wondered.
"I'm so glad you asked, it had crossed my mind at the dance."

(Lincoln's POV)

"Hey Lola, have you seen Lynn yet curfew was an hour ago." Lincoln questioned.
"You didn't see her? She just arrived back with Clyde." Lola answered his question.
"That means their about to KISS!" Lincoln was alarmed and started to run downstairs.

"Clyde I'm glad we had this special time together." Lynn said leaning towards Clyde.
"Me too-"Clyde closed his eyes leaning towards Lynn too.
"NO!" Lincoln opened the door wide open yelling at Clyde and Lynn to disrupt the kiss.
"Lincoln! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Clyde yelled.
"No, screw that. YOU TWO ARE PLAYING WITH MY EMOTIONS AND NOW I'M PISSED." Lincoln yelled louder than Clyde.

"Lincoln, you have no idea on how selfish your being right now." Lynn butted in.
"SELFISH, oooooh you would know Lynn after I asked you not to go with Clyde after what he told you and look at what you caused. This was all your fault! You know what I should've done this since Clyde and I was at the hilltop." Lincoln went on and on.

Lincoln had grabbed Clyde kissing him on the cheek and pushing him down the stairs causing him to become knocked out and said these exact words. -This happens if you chose choice 2.

"Sorry but you had this coming."

Lincoln punched him in the face causing him to get knocked out and fall back with a bloody nose saying these exact words.- This happens if you chose choice 1.

"Dont cross me again."

-To be continued

Thanks for reading! As promised I said this chapter would be out in June! Chapter 7 will obviously be out soon! Also new chapters come out in June through July! This story is still progressing. Therefore, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and these loud house obviously goes to the creator of the show! That's all..bye!

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