Is This The End

By SheIsTheDevil01

11 1 2

Students from all over the world have come to Blackthorn and Decora academy. They were each specially selecte... More

Chapter two

Chapter One

9 1 2
By SheIsTheDevil01

Running. I could hear it outside my window. It was like a thundering herd. All around me, I could hear what seemed to be battle cries. No, that last one wasn't a battle cry, it was a cry of pain. It was cut off sharply, then there was the sound of laughter. Evil, maniacal laughter. What was happening? This was just like what happened last year to...I don't want to relive those memories. I jolted awake, it was just a dream, right?

The next morning, I woke up thinking about what I heard last night. It was probably just a dream that I couldn't separate from reality. Maybe it was just trauma from last year's incident.

I looked out the window after showering and smiled. It's a bees are buzzing, flowers blooming, birds chirping, and sun shining kind of day. Actually, this is a bit strange. Usually I feel as if Blackthorn Academy has its own curse. Nobody around here is ever...happy, and it feels like everyone's on edge, as if any second something bad might happen.

Not today though, today is different. Everything feels peaceful. I don't feel stressed, scared or even the slightest bit nervous. I want to know why everything has suddenly changed.

Do you ever get the feeling as if everything is about to go wrong? That's how I feel right now. It's almost as if this is just the calm before the storm, so to speak. What storm is coming though? And no, I don't mean a literal storm. Maybe Ms. Blackthorn was just going to have another one of her temper tantrums, like when someone snuck out after curfew. Or maybe...I don't know! I just need to know why everything is so nice today.

I finished getting ready, which was mostly just running a brush through my long, black hair, and went outside. Looking up at our huge school building always makes me smile. It really is quite a beautiful place. There's one tall, black tower in the middle. The tower on the left is the home of the girl's dorms; it's a dark purple color. The tower on the right is where the boy's dorm rooms are; it's red with black tinted windows. Some might say our school building is boring or too dark, but I think the magnificence of the towers are inside of the walls. I don't exactly love our school colors, the towers look slightly weird in the way that they're placed, but they're what make Blackthorn, Blackthorn.

A wave of nostalgia hit me while looking at the school. There used to be piles of students wanting to go here before the incident happened. That definitely isn't something that I want to remember right now though. There are plenty of other things to think about. So instead I thought about registration day. Our first year of high school we were lined up outside the building. There were hundreds of students waiting nervously to be interviewed for a place here. Now I'm 17 in Third Year and there are only four of us. Eight between us and our competing school Decora Academy.

Fun fact: I didn't get into Blackthorn first, Decora took me in. I stayed there with my twin brother Emiliano, or Emil for short, for a year and absolutely hated it. For Second Year I interviewed for Blackthorn again and they accepted me. Emil hasn't talked to me since. Apparently, he doesn't approve of Blackthorn. They even gave us our own stereotypical name the Decora kids call the Blackthorn Baddies. It's a name terrible, right? They could've made it a bit more creative. According to those kids we're all some kind of horrible monsters that show no emotions. That only applies to maybe one or two of us though! We're nice kids on occasion.

It doesn't matter much since we call the Decora kids the Decora Dunces. If I'm being completely honest, they all act fake most of the time. The girls there act like Barbie's, always flipping their hair, doing "good deeds", or at least that's what they call them, and looking perfect all the time. It's weirdly unrealistic and absolutely unapproachable.

I need to stop reminiscing, it's time to do my weekly job for Ms. Blackthorn. I went back inside the center tower and rode the elevator to the top where Ms. Blackthorn's office rests. I knocked on the door and it opened a second later revealing an angry looking principal and Enzo sheepishly picking up scattered papers.

Enzo Lamoureux, my best friend since Second Year. He came here from France for Second Year when his parents told him about this school. He's pretty much the only semi-sane person here, so he's the only one I talk to. The kid's loyal, but lord does he like to talk. He always has something to say no matter what's happening around him. He's also incredibly clumsy, so I'm surprised Blackthorn allowed him to do this job with me.

Proving my theory, he dropped the papers he had already gathered, making Ms. Blackthorn growl with disgust. She looked over at me and her glare softened ever so slightly, "Finally, you're here! Please fix this mess. I'll be wherever he isn't." She stormed out of the room, slamming the doors shut.

Honestly, the woman acts like such a child sometimes. I've seen toddlers better behaved than her. I subtly rolled my eyes and helped Enzo gather the rest of the papers, then placed them in neat stacks on the desk.

"She overreacted. It was her fault all of the papers fell off the table. I already had them done, then she shakes the table and bam, they're all on the floor." I watched as he swung his arms around to tell the story better, he has a habit of doing this.

I nodded slightly then went to put the papers in alphabetical order, "She always over reacts." I noticed that he looked like he was waiting for me to exaggerate on that statement or to defend him. He knew I wouldn't though, I don't talk much.

Enzo sighed so quietly I almost didn't hear it. His voice was on full blast when he started rambling again though, "Maybe it's because she's getting old. My Mamie overreacts to things a lot. It could be a sign of aging as my father says. That's all I can think of. Oh! Or maybe she just doesn't like kids. Wait, no. Why would she be head of a school if she does not like kids? Maybe it's just me she doesn't like." He suggested. "What do you think?"

"Could be that." I answered simply. I wasn't really listening. He handed me the next few papers to organize. I almost lost my place twice because of his never ending speech. I can't believe he actually thinks it's because she's getting older, the woman's only thirty-six or so. He really needs to work on those theories.

"Could be what, Solana? I'm talking to you, could you at least pretend to be interested in what I'm saying." I sighed, he knows I hate it when he calls me by my full name. I usually go by Sol. He fiddled with a pen and flopped into Ms. Blackthorn's chair, rolling around the room, wheels squeaking loudly. "I'm your"—squeak—"best friend."—squeak—"Which means you have to"—squeak—"talk to me!" One more annoying squeak later he came back around to the desk.

"No can do. We have a job to finish that we're getting paid for. If we get distracted we'll never finish in time." I cringed, he started rolling around the room again. It's impossible to get through to him. On the other hand, he wouldn't be in my way so I could get some more work done. I made a mental note to take 10% of his pay since he's hardly doing anything.

Enzo made a sharp turn and tumbled to the floor. I sighed deeply and closed my eyes as one of the chair's wheels popped off. Scratch that, I'm taking 20%. "Finish in time for what?" He questioned me, brushing himself off after standing. "We have all day!"

I stomped over to him and picked up the chair, aggressively shoving the wheel back on. I wiggled it around a bit. It still works, but the squeaking will be even worse. "I'm not spending my weekend sorting papers." I helped him up and we went back to work.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and unlocked it, seeing that I have a text. It was our Blackthorn student group chat from Connor. I hate that kid. Even Enzo isn't more annoying than Connor. He got in here on a scholarship for I don't even know what, and he thinks he runs the place now.

Connor: Meet downstairs in the common room now!!!

I grabbed Enzo and headed out to the elevator, "We're going on a field trip." I rolled my eyes as he cheered. We made it down and saw both Jade and Connor on the couch. All of us are present. Enzo jumped onto the couch and waited for Connor to say something. I crossed my arms and raised an expectant eyebrow, "What do you want?" Enzo tells me I become a completely different person around people other than him. I'll admit sometimes I can be a little rough around the edges, but it's not too bad.

"Sit down, Princess, and I'll tell you." Connor stood up, then sighed when he noticed I didn't budge. I don't take orders from him. "Okay then, I guess we'll just start." He waited a beat to build anticipation, "A little birdie told me the Centaurs found a new plant that can heal any wound inside or out with just one bite from the leaf."

Now that's unrealistic. Is he just doing this for attention? Unless I saw a plant work that kind of miracle for myself, there's no way I'd believe it. "And what birdie was this?" Jade barked from her position on the couch.

Of course Enzo seems completely uninterested with this new finding and is just hanging upside down from the couch, swinging back and forth like he's some kind of monkey.

"I don't reveal my sources." This is exactly why I hate Connor. He's always full of himself and thinks he's the best and most powerful person wherever he goes. "We need to get this plant. It's the finding of a lifetime! If we steal it, do you even understand how rich we'll be?"

A sharp laugh came from Enzo. I turned towards him, hoping he didn't say anything stupid, like he agrees with this idiotic, reckless idea. "You're kidding, right? We have a peace treaty with the Centaurs. If we step one centimeter onto their land and they catch us, they have every right to kill us." I nodded over at him, proud that he isn't a complete idiot like Connor. I still don't think Connor's right in the head. Stealing from the Centaurs? We'd be dead before he could say "oops".

Connor glared over at Enzo, "Did you hear anything I just said? We could be rich! Blackthorn Academy would be everywhere in lights!" He paused for a moment, waiting for someone to say something. When we didn't he spoke again, his voice filled with anger, "You know what? Forget it. I'll go alone. Don't come crying to me asking to be in the spotlight when I get this plant."

I tapped my foot on the ground then did the stupidest thing I've ever done in my life. I could practically feel both Enzo and Jade's looks of surprise without turning around, and I hadn't even said the thing yet! I can't let Connor go by himself though, I won't let him actually. He'll die out there. As much as I hate him, I can't let him die. "Wait...I'll come with you." I spoke so quietly I was surprised they even heard.

Connor threw his arm around me and I almost fell out of surprise. "There you go, Princess! I knew you'd make the right choice."

Enzo tumbled backwards off the couch and scrambled to his feet as I shoved Connor's arm off of me, "Have you completely lost it, Sol? There's no way you're going out there."

I smiled internally at his protective manner. As much as I want to stay back here while Connor heads off to his death sentence, I can't. Enzo knows that, too. "How about we make a deal." Here come the lies. "I'll be like Connor's getaway ride. I won't go into the Centaur's territory, I'll just wait until he comes out to make sure he's okay, hm?" Lucky for me, Enzo believes that I'll never lie to him. I'm sure he'll agree to this "compromise". Yes, I feel terrible lying and taking advantage of my friend, but I have to do it.

He seemed to turn this over in his mind for a few seconds. "Fine." This is the first time he's ever answered with one word. He turned to Connor, "You're like the devil on her shoulder making her do terrible things. I hope you know that." There's the Enzo I know.

I felt Jade staring at me. I looked back at her then quickly looked away. Her face was filled with anger, disappointment, and a hint of sadness. I can tell by her expression that she knew I had lied. Great, another guilt trip. "When are you leaving?" she asked.

"Right now." Connor smiled down at me and I grimaced. "I have a plan, don't worry." He must've thought that was the reason I cringed, it most definitely wasn't.

Enzo sat back down and crossed his legs, trying to look sophisticated. "What might that so called 'plan' be?" That simple sentence triggered an argument that lasted most of the day about how we should execute said plan.

"Which clan found the plant by the way?" I asked. We need to know if we really are sentencing ourselves to death. The centaurs are separated into three clans. The first clan, which is in the north, are called the Mortem's. Their name is Latin and translates to death. Let's just say they're the most dangerous clan. The second clan is in the center of Rosam like us, they live right outside of our school in the woods. These are the Superstes. This translates to survivor. These centaurs are violent, but they do believe in fairness, unlike the Mortems. The last clan is called the Pax. This means peace. They live in the south, and their name is pretty self-explanatory.

All of the centaurs used to be called the Superstes clan. They separated into three groups because they started believing in different things. The Mortem's, controlled by King Felik and Queen Jas, believe that any species other than the centaurs should be completely wiped out. Yeah, they're insane. The Pax's decided that they were sick of war. They own no weapons and pretty much don't leave their little Zen circle, as taught by King Tre and Queen Khillia. The Superstes are now the smallest clan of centaurs, ruled by King Tynoren and Queen Cinya.

"It's the Superstes clan. Just be happy it isn't the Mortem's who found the plant, then we'd never get it." Connor explained. I sighed, it would've been much better if the Pax clan found it, we could've made a deal with them.

"Okay. Let's do it then." We each grabbed a bag and I watched as Connor snuck in a pocket knife for protection. This won't do anything. If they captured us and we couldn't convince them we meant no harm, we'd be dead. The Centaurs have Hunters, the Royal Guards, and Head Warriors. Their Hunters have bows and arrows, the guards have long daggers and swords, and the warriors have scimitars, which are long, curved blades. Not to mention the King's skills with his axe and the Queen's even more prominent skills with her spear. If it came down to it, they could bend our puny knife with their bare hands.

We have to get out of the school before Ms. Blackthorn notices. Enzo and Jade said they'd cover for us, but if we were out past curfew, they'd have to tell her where we went. It is 8:55, curfew is at 10:00. We have one hour to get this done. Will that be enough? I secretly hope it won't be so we have come back before finding this fake plant.

Connor and I went outside and walked to the edge of the woods after giving our good-byes. They acted like they'd never see us again. It wasn't until we stepped onto the Centaur's land that I realized that we really might never see them again. Terror struck through my heart, I can't move. It's like I'm glued to the ground. Oh my god, we're on the Centaur's land. We're going to die. I'd never see Enzo again. I'd never be able to tell Emil that I'm sorry for leaving. I would never-"Come on!" Connor shout whispered. He grabbed my hand and dragged me further inside. I felt my legs again.

We ran, and ran, and ran, and ran, and ran. I was about to give up, then we saw a fire. It's surrounded by houses made out of leaves and wood. There's one slightly bigger building with a cross covered in something red. I'm hoping that it's berry juice. "This must be the Healing Center." I whispered over to Connor, "If the plants anywhere, it'd be here."

He nodded in agreement and started walking towards it. I grabbed his arm and yanked him back so hard he stumbled, "Are you insane?!" I lowered my voice and looked around, "We can't just go in there, we'll be in plain sight. Head around the back to the building with the cross."

Connor blushed a little from embarrassment, "Right. You go left and look for any sign of Centaurs and I'll go right. Let's meet behind the cross building." I just said we should do that, but I'll let him feel like his tiny brain came up with that idea all by itself.

I nodded and went left, he went right. We walked in sync, occasionally stopping to give each other a thumbs up, signaling that there were no Centaurs to be seen. This doesn't feel right, it's eerily quiet. I know the Centaurs don't go to sleep at 9:00, so where are they...?

Ah, they must be at dinner, I realized. We were safe for now and I ran toward the building faster. From the school we could hear the Centaurs hunting around seven, so they'd finish around 8:15ish, then they'd have to prepare the meat. They'd be eating right about now.

Connor met me at the back of the building and I pulled him to the front, "They're all eating at the main camp right now." I told him the rest of my theory about the Hunters. "So we're safe for the moment. Let's grab the plant and get out of here."

He did that cocky little smile again and pushed the curtain open to the building, "I knew you'd be good to have around, Pri-"

"If you call me Princess again, I'll grab that pocket knife and you won't like that I do with it." His smile faded and I smirked with satisfaction. That's one less annoyance to deal with. "Why do you call me that anyway?"

Connor looked at me and raised an eyebrow, "Really? Have you seen yourself?" Well what's that supposed to mean? I was going to question him further on that, but since we're in the hands of death, it can wait.

We searched the entire building three times and even looked for secret compartments. There was nothing to be found. Of course there wasn't, the Centaurs wouldn't leave such a priceless thing unguarded. I figured this out the second time we searched, still hoping that we might get lucky and I could convince Connor to leave. We had to go now though if we wanted to make it out alive. "We need to go." I checked my watch, "It's 9:45, and the Healer must be coming back here along with some guards."

"We can't leave yet, we didn't find the plant!" He started searching more frantically in places we've checked multiple times already, "It has to be here."

"Do you really think they would leave it unguarded?" I had to convince him to leave, we were running out of time. "Option number one is to keep searching, find the plant, and get killed since we wasted so much time. Option two is keep searching, not find the plant, and get killed from wasting time. And option number three is to run like our lives depend on it, because they do." I could hear hooves now. They sound distant, but they're certainly there. "Which option would you like to go with?" We're wasting precious time, this is ridiculous.

He stopped searching and looked at me for a few seconds. I watched his eyes scanning my face as he went over the options, trying to find a better solution. I know he saw the terror etched onto my face. What I don't know is if it was the look in my eyes or the fact that he didn't want to die, but either way he grabbed my hand and we ran. We ran faster than I've ever run before. I can feel my heart beating, it seems like any second it'll pump right out of my chest. This felt like a movie scene. Suddenly, everything slowed down like I was seeing things in slow motion. I looked over at Connor, he looked at me.

The world sped up again as an arrow whizzed past my face. It had just missed me. Connor ducked down as another arrow flew past us. I could hear loud shouting behind us. It had to be either Keeta or Taali, they are the only centaurs who use a bow and arrow. What are they doing so far out in the woods? They're Hunters and don't look for breakfast until morning. Ms. Blackthorn made us learn who had what weapon in case the centaurs broke the treaty and went after us.

I didn't even think it was possible, but we ran even faster. We burst through the tree line, off of the Centaur's territory and made it back to the school at 10 o'clock on the dot, panting heavily. I felt my eyelids start to get heavy and looked up at Connor. I felt someone catch me. I didn't even realize that I was falling. There were worried shouts, and then the world went black.

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