
By sharmin

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Allison, 16 years old. lives happy life with her mother after the death of her parents. after moving to a sma... More

chapter 2

title of your story

139 9 8
By sharmin

There was something new in school today. The parking lot was so crowded.

I was curious what could have been so exciting for everyone.

I am sure Rebecca might know about it, she knew everything, I thought.

My friends were waiting for me on school gate.

“Hey Allis, how are you doing today” Elizabeth asked.

“well I guess there something interesting and new in school today so people will forget about me and so I am very happy “ I said, looking at the crowd.

“Well Rebecca what is it really so interesting there?” I asked looking towards the lot.

“The Alexandria families two children are here for studying “she said, and hazel and Elizabeth seemed excited.”Okay, and who are they?” I asked.

“They are the richest and powerful family in nachuge, they own almost all business here, and though being so rich I must tell you they are so down to earth.

They know almost every family here and always very social, helping natured family “she said. It seemed excited Ihave heard many times about rich persons having rude sons, but this was first.

“There are two boys from their family here Bret and Edmund, both are juniors like us “ Rebecca said.

“I know Edmund, he is really nice, I kind of like him, but I really don’t know if I should “Elizabeth said. And all of us were staring at her wide eyed

I hadn’tseen anyof them yet, but I didn’t care. I went for my first class silently.

As I enteredthe class, I heard two boys talking "But she is your imprint!"One said

"And new in this school and city! “She would be scared if I tell her can't you see that, I can't hurt her or even trouble her, you know the thing" the other one added .

I thought, at first, they were talking about me but then I concluded that it

couldn’t be about me, and I don’t even understand

what were they saying something about imprinting?

So I just sat on an empty bench aside silently

and waited for teacher to come and start.

Meanwhile I realized one person moving chair beside me and sitting .I looked up and saw a handsome,

Tall, muscular person sitting beside me .As Ihad my first eye contact with him, I felt an urge

Of some emotional feeling inside me, weird soft but good .LOVE? No that is not possible I justsaw him. And how can I feel like he was made for me. It’s just attraction, I thought. But I really felt this feeling was stronger but I ignored it.

I moved my head to the back seat to hide my emotions from him.

When I realized he was one of the boys I heard when I entered the class .As one seat was empty in that place now.

” Hello" He said, breaking away my chain of thoughts "I am Bret, I am new in class? Or I must say school?”His voice was harsh manly. But it wasn’t rude he seemed polite.

"Mm yeah I just moved in too, my name is Allison" I replied and thought why in the world I was feeling nervous.

"So I think you are new in nachuge, as I never heard of your family before “and I just nodded my head “so are you enjoying your time here "He asked." Yes but actually

I just moved in here yesterday so can't say much "I replied.

Bret:"Oh Ok"

Me:" So if I am not wrong you are the one had a grand entrance in school today? I must sayyou took a huge attention here “

I wanted to know what he thought about this was he really down to earth as Rebecca said.

Bret:" Ah, yeah but it’sreallybad that people think we are superior, I don’t really want that" and he smiledheartbreakingly. Rebecca was right, I thought

The teacher enteredthen and started the class .In the whole session I couldn’t concentrate on any word Mr.Vanner said as I felt so aware of Bret sitting beside me.

My every nerve knew his presence so near me. My heart was thumbing like it could just hurt me any moment.

As the class dismissed I felt a relief .I needed some time to get sorted with what I was feeling .It was so weird, was I going berserk?

The rest of the day passed slowly and I just tried not to think about .at the time of breakfast Rebecca accompanied me on a table as Elizabeth and hazel were gone out for some of their work and through whole time I was so uneasy. Rebecca knew there was something wrong with me but before she could ask .

suddenly Bret came beside me and asked me if he could accompany us.

And Rebecca was so shocked wide eyed looking at me. But I just nodded him ignoring Rebecca. And he was there again sitting beside .

every moment I was having an emotional feeling which could just overflow any moment.

I didn’t want anyone to see it, but I guess it showed.

I was so eager to get home and think on what washappening to me.

I just meet this boy and now it's like a gravity pulling me towards him.

How can that be possible?!!!

I went straight to my room and started playing my guitar as I always do

in any circumstance of life.

I really I felt that I was badly in love with the

person I meet today.

But I can’t digest it couldn’t be happeningI didn’t even knew much more than his name.

I needed to be with him, I don’t know why, I missed him, and I can’t stop

thinking of him whole day.

I wished he was here with me. But I knew it wasn’t right. This was the first time I ever thought like that for any boy.

But I can’t come on any conclusion so eagerly. I got to control myself.

It’s just an attraction Allis calm down, I said myself. But somewhere underneath me I knew I was just lying to myself. Which I hated I never lie, not at leastto myself.

In evening when my Mum came from her work we were having our dinner.

"How was your school baby?"Mum asked. I felt an urge inside me I never

hide anything from my Mum but don't know this time, I just wanted to, I didn’t liked to. "Mm it was pretty good mum, How was your day at work?

"Pretty well honey" mum replied.

Today I rushed into my room early and sat in my balcony reading my

favorite love story .

Which I believed such love could only exist in books so we should enjoy it in them, but when I read it this time I felt a hope of such love for myself .

Of Bret and me. I enjoyed thinking of us in place of my favorite novel character’s.

I knew it was wrong but I couldn’t help it. So I just kept my book aside and went to sleep.

When I woke up I was still thinking about him. He was one of the best looking persons in school .I don't know why he gave me so much attention yesterday .

As he was so famous in school he might not suppose to talk to the new comer's but he

cared a lot for me today.

But I guess I am just imagining things it might be as Rebecca said they are so good and social.

He might not even have thought about me any moment and I am such a fool.

I didn’t want to attend school today .Because these feelings were getting on my nerves by morning.

I felt like even if Bret has a scratch on his little finger that would disturb me and I could go any height of craziness to make him happy.

I didn’t know attraction can go on this deep.

I lazily get dressed up and went to school.

When I entered Rebecca was waiting with her curious eyes in front of me.

“What happen?” I asked.

“What is wrong with you since yesterday, first you werebehaving weird and after school you didn’t even reply to my any messages are you out of this world? Now you have to tell me what going on?” she said.

I hadn’t realized she had messaged me 5 times yesterday.

“Oh I am so sorry, and well I am fine there’s nothing wrong girl you are over thinking things” I lied, and I knew she would understand.

In such small time Rebecca was only the one who has understood me so deeply. She was so good.

“I know you are lying, ok? Now you tell me the truth” she said.

And now I gave up this was so pissing me I wanted to share with someoneand get myself a little help.

“Well have you ever had attraction to someone? What is it like?” I asked

“Well yes it’s so normal Allis I am a girl, and its not so strong as love but though not weak, but you overcome it.

And you know what is the difference between love is and attraction, is you can stay without your attraction but not without your love.

Even a little trouble to him could because you hurt, this is only what I know” she said. And I felt as in what I felt about Bret wasn’t attraction, it was really love.

Because I felt much more than what Rebecca just said, they were so beautiful feelings but I was cursing them because I didn’t wanted to accept it.

For the first time I accepted it with my all will. It felt so perfect, so full, I smiled to myself.

And the remembered Rebecca’s presence beside me and she was waiting for my reply.

“Oh cool and it wasn’t something wrong girl just a little problem with my feelings it sometimeshappens you know!” I said. It wasn’t totally truth but wasn’t a lie either.

We walked through the doorway and my eyeswere automatically searching for Bret.

As now I have accepted my love for him I wanted to know what he thought .

I wanted to know if Bret did feel same about me ?As I am very good behavior reader.

I love to read people’s behavior and know what they think it’s kind ofmy hobby.

I wished that everything went well today and got. I had never had feeling like this before in my life.

The feeling so emotional

almost felt like crying of happiness.

While we were walking Rebecca started with her question.

"So what do like, I mean what are your hobbies? I like singing, reading, and

Having fun, and what about you?"She asked" well I like playing guitar, singing, reading,

and much more, "we talked some more on the way when we reached the class .I had economics

as my first subject today.

As we entered the class a big news was waiting for me Elizabeth was with the boy who entered school withBret.

Rebecca told me they were now together Edmund loved her too as she did ,it was when Edmund proposed her last night when they went out and now they are together .

I was amazed .and I was very happy for her she got her love and now I knew what it meant.

.Rebecca also told me that he was Bret’s cousin; Edmund .we had little girl chat when class started.

It was lunch time when I saw Bret for the first time in day.”Hey" he said startling me

from my back.”Oh I dint wanted to scare you" he said. "Oh that’s ok, where were you since morning?" I asked, sounding casual.

"I had been out for some work" he said. Now I started watching

his moves around me and concerns about me. every time he looked in my eyes I

felt so good, lovely and lost .and he never left my sight when we were around, it was like

everything he did was for me .But though I dint wanted to believe it yet.

He was so perfect how he can love me .and we just met yesterday, I might be berserk to be so in lovebut I am sure he is not.

We all friends were walking in the corridor of school me, Rebecca, hazel, Elizabeth,

Bret and Edmund.

My eyes were totally wanted to be on Bret but he kept looking towards me too so it made difficult for both of us and we smiled on our coincidence.

He might actually at least like me I could accept that at leastat this point.

 The day went well and I was leaving for home when Bret offered me a ride

in his Bugatti Veyron which was black .I loved that car and was amazed to see he had it .we drove silently first

then he asked me "what are you planning to do today?” I wanted to tell him actually something like “I am going to think about us all day, and I couldn’t help it”I was not a good hider I can’t hide my emotions

from anyone for much long, so I decided to confess my love to him soon, but not yet

Was right time I guessed?

"I will be home, its

kind of boring alone here “I confessed, I didn’t tell him whole truth but it wasn’t lie either.”Oh, mm do you mind if I ask you something"

.what is he going to ask? Does he know about my feelings? What would I tell him? .I thought.

"yeah, of course whatever you want" I said finally.”Would you mind to come with me?

On dinner tonight? and if we leave early I will show you some places in nachuge ?"

did he just asked me out? Wow.

"oh yeah ok that would be great" I replied, soundingcasual.”Ok then

I will pick you up at 5, is that ok?" he asked "Mmm 5? Are we going somewhere far?"

I asked.5 was too early for dinner. "Yeah a little, i wanted to show you something,

if you don’t mind" he asked again, he was so gentle "yeah that will be great, then

see you later" I said running towards my house.

when I entered my room ,I got my dress changed and did my homework ,meanwhile I started thinking about my day ,as my habit. And I realized that there was always something Bret was trying to tell me but actually hiding .according to his reactions .I wonders how i missed it. But now I knew and I was confused. Whenever he was trying to say something which made him worried .I wonders what that could be. Curiosity started getting more difficult to handle .I couldn’t wait for the evening to come and get my curiosity resolved.


A/N: i am tired! so its totally un-edited

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