Red hot love - Raph x OC

By FearsomeSamurai45657

519 14 0

Avelina (OC) act like a normal teenage girl like any other teenager, goes to school, hangs out with friends a... More

Avelina Filicia Adams
The Save
When music starts to play
Meeting him for real!
The first text

My story and life

113 3 0
By FearsomeSamurai45657

Ave P.O.V

Hi my name Avelina Filicia Adams but everyone or my friends calls me Ave for short and at the moment I am walk home from school for another day of being bully of what I am and what I look like. It doesn't bother me much since they are all just snobs and that they don't have anything better to do. But most of them pick on me because of the way I dress. I'm a punk girl always have been since I was little and they pick on me because of calling me names too. But I luckily have some friends who stands up for me when things get too much.

But anyway I just arrive home where my uncle is waiting for me. Yes I live with my uncle since I was 5 because my douche of a parents don't want to take care of me anymore. But they always had a way of trying to hurt me and other stuff so the only person who would care and love me was my uncle Edwin Adams who is the twin brother of my father Ethan Adams. He took me in after he heard what my parents were doing to me. So he was able to get custody over me while my parents were furious at him for taking me away but he didn't care it was for my best interest and safety. I don't regret it either too that I'm taken away from my parents.

I opened the door wiping my feet off the rug before coming in the door. I walked in and saw my uncle in the kitchen who sense my presence. He turned and smiled with joy, "Ah Ave! Glad to see you home my lady bug!" He said coming over and hugs me making me smile at him and return the hug, "Hi uncle Edwin." I greeted back as he pats my back.

"So how was school today my cub?" He asked using the nickname what he always calls me when he wanted to know. I only sighed and looked at him with a small smile which made him sigh as well when he knew my answer as he frowned.

"The same as always I presume?" He said while I nod as an answer, "Cub have you thought of maybe going to a new school? Perhaps the bullying would stop then." That made me frown at him when he mentioned of that again I have been transferred to two other schools because of the bullying and that was 3 years ago that we had this discussion.

"Uncle you know my answer! I don't want to transfer they only pick on me because they don't have anything better to do! Besides I ignore them or give them a sarcastic comments every time they do so don't worry about it okay. And also this is the first high school I have been at the longest I don't want to transfer because of being bullied." I told him and walked upstairs to my room.

I know my uncle want best for me but he can so be overprotective sometimes which makes me even love him more. He also makes sure that I have things that every girl want but he makes sure I am taught right. I got to my room which makes me smile that I am finally at my safe haven I should call it that way. As I walking into my room

Her bedroom

I got to my desk which was black as well and placed my backpack next to the chair which was red. My favorite colours which is slightly strange are black and red but I don't mind it at all others like that colour too, right? But anyway I went to my bed and sat down with a tired sigh. It was really exhausted to be in school but if it makes my uncle happy then I'm happy. I looked at my bracelet I wore today instead of my necklace but I have reasons for wearing them. I loose it up before removing it and I take my true form.

Avelina mutant form (and her nose is black fyi)

I felt my tail brush against my arm and my ears pop up in my hair which became shorter as it was always when I was in my mutant body. The story behind of what happened is for another day but I became one when I was 9 by some glow greenish goo which my uncle found out was called mutagen which transformed me in to what I am today and that was 8 years ago. He is the only one who knows about this no one else does not even my douche parents knows about me being a mutant who can't go out without her necklace or bracelet which my uncle had specially made. But even if I am in this forms now he still loves and cares for me the way I am. Which makes me still love that old dude!

But anyway I'm use of being a white artic wolf it didn't bother me as it always did and my uncle had been training me in this form as well. Yes I'm a kunoichi my uncle has been training me since I was 5 after he took me in a week he figured I needed the skills to defend myself against bad guys and others things. And boy I got to say he does not take it likely but seriously. When it comes to training with him I take it seriously too because if you screw up you'll get yourself killed. But sometimes I would get frustrated with anger which I'm trying to control, yeah I'm a bit of a hothead too not embarrassed by it I know that. My uncle would make little jokes of it which doesn't bother me much but yeah.

Anyway I got up after I brushed my hair and tail I went to my closet to wear something more comfortable before I'm going to do my homework and do some training with my uncle. I absolutely love to train with my uncle because he teaches me new things and tricks I can do. Either in human or mutant form he prefers that I train as a mutant but if his fine with it so am I.

I got into my comfortable clothing and went to my desk so I could get started but I suddenly heard a noise outside my window. I looked at it for a moment before I saw a shadow I quickly went to my nightstand and placed on my bracelet which gave me my human form so I could see who's at my window. I got there and opened it then took a look outside, looked around but I didn't see anything so shrugging my shoulders I went in and closed it.

"Probably a bird or something." I told myself as I took my bracelet off again and placed it on my nightstand. Then I went to my desk to start on my homework which I finished within an hour before training.

So you see this is my life with a few things I have to do in order to keep myself and my uncle safe but so far I enjoy it.

What more could I ask for?

Or will things change her life?

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