Darkness Rises

By Forceghostlissa

7.7K 226 33

Hey all here it is as promised! the beginning of a completely different story. It starts not in the throne r... More

Chapeter 2 Neither are you
Chapter 3 You' ll be the one
Chapter 4 I know what I have to do.
Chapter 5 Just you
Chapter 6 Sacrifice
Chapter 7 Forgive
Chapter 8 Promise
Chapter 9 Going home
Chapter 10 Stardust
Chapter 11 Plan in motion
Chapter 12 Stronger
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 The traitor.
The Future

Chapter 1 You're Not Alone

920 24 5
By Forceghostlissa

A/N Hey guys welcome to my second story. Its not the prequel to Find the Balance, but that will come eventually.  I swear.

P.S the art work isn't mine unless I say it is hahaha but I am a terrible artists so I most likely won't  post my art haha. Anyway please vote and comment your thoughts I love reading the comments.

May the force be with us and happy shipping


Kylo was surprised that she was being so open and relaxed with him. Up until now Rey had been a lot more determined to make sure he knew her feelings for him were anything but relaxed. She had shot at him the first time, and the second she had called him a monster, but this time, she had revealed a part of herself to him that was so much more vulnerable. Three times the force had connected him to the scavenger. Twice she had attempted to hurt him in one form or another. Once, she had allowed him a glimpse into her mind without him needing to force her. This connection, he couldn't wrap his mind around it. Couldn't understand the mechanism behind it or the surge of feelings he felt each time it happened. The very first time it had happened he was in the medical ward. The droid working diligently to remove the remaining bandage that covered his now healed wound. The wound that incidentally the scavenger had given him. He felt a warmth surround him, something he certainly didn't expect in the cold metal confines of the Supremacy, and then as if he was swept into a storm, the force around him thundered and ripped apart only to reveal the scavenger sitting in front of him. He was so surprised he hadn't even thought to draw his blade. She was just a surprised but was quicker to draw her weapon and fire without hesitation. He jerked back expecting to feel the slicing pain of her shot, but nothing came, and she simply disappeared. Now she sat across from him, no weapon, no anger. She was calm, hadn't even spit any harsh insults at him. She just simply sat and talked to him as if she had done it every day. He wondered if it was because he had told her the truth. What had happened to him the night Luke tried to kill him. He had seen the horror in her eyes at the mention of her would be master attempting to murder someone who up until then hadn't done anything wrong.

"I never felt so alone" She was describing everything that had happened in the black cave she had fallen into. When she confessed her loneliness, she had said it so calmly, but the pain was evident in her voice. Kylo could feel something in those words, a familiarity, a realization, he was horribly alone as well. No matter how powerful he thought he was, he was completely alone. The thought lingered in his mind for a few seconds before another formed, one that took him completely by surprise. I don't want her to be alone, ever. He frowned slightly, what the force was that? His answer to her was even more out of character for him and he struggled to remain composed, all while allowing this girl a glimpse into himself.

"You're not alone" He hadn't meant to say the words, but they tumbled out of him.

"Neither are you" she whispered to him. Her words shot through him like a blaster. What had she said? A better question was what did she mean? Had she felt his loneliness through this strange bond. He knew that at times he could feel her, she strength, her peace, even her wonder, but he hadn't realized it could seemingly go both ways.

"It isn't too late" she said to him, her right hand slowly extended from where it was rested in her lap. Too late for what he wondered as he looked down at her hand briefly then back to her. Her hazel eyes were staring directly into his, there was no fear, only compassion, and a little excitement. He wondered for a split second if he should even attempt to meet her half way. What would it mean if he did, if they could touch? Curiosity got the better of him and he slowly peeled his glove away. Her hand was steady as it reached for him, more evidence she was unafraid of him. He on the other hand could barely keep his hand from shaking. Finally, they were millimeters apart, he thought about pulling away at the last second, but ultimately his desire to understand this girl won out and he closed the space between them. It was as if suddenly the world around him exploded. A vision filled his mind completely and he was in utter shock.

They stood there, the two of them, he couldn't see the room clearly, but he could tell it was slowly being engulfed in flames. There was silence, no sound had come with the vision, but he could see himself staring intently at Rey, her eyes were teary and there was evidence on her cheeks that she had been crying. He hoped that he had not been the one to cause those tears. Slowly he saw himself raise his hand. His eyes bore into her as he said something. Kylo thought he saw himself mouth the word "please". She didn't move at first, glancing down towards his outstretched hand and back to him. Slowly, but surely, she raised her hand to him, it was trembling, as if she was unsure. He waited, and she held her hand back from him still unsure, but then determination filled her eyes and she gently placed her hand in his.

The vision slowly faded and Kylo Ren was suddenly filled with so much more confusion than he had previously felt. What did this vision mean? Was she to join him? His heart seemed to skip a beat at the thought. He looked to his hand still lightly pressed against Rey's, then back to her. Her eyes were unfocused, she must have been seeing a vision of her own. Were they the same he wondered?

Suddenly he heard someone shout "Stop", the hut in which he and Rey were sitting burst apart. They both turned to where the sound had come from. It was Luke, he was furious. Then she was gone. There was a crashing sound as the force roared around him and then it was silenced. Kylo looked around only to find himself back in his room aboard the Supremacy.

Luke, once again, he had ruined something for Kylo. The first time he had tried to kill Ben Solo. In a way he had succeeded. Ben Solo had died that night. He had gone to Snoke and become Kylo Ren. Shortly after he had destroyed the Jedi Academy, and Luke, he had run away. Hidden himself from Snoke and Kylo. Now here he was, stopping this girl. Kylo was filled with anger and worry simultaneously. What if Luke tried to kill her now? He had tried to kill his padawan before, what would stop him now.

Kylo reached with his mind through the force. He could feel her light at the edge of his mind. Her signature. He concentrated on that light and began to pull it towards himself. He could feel her emotions, she was angry and confused. He could sense that she was agitated but not in danger, she was holding her own against whatever she fought. Rey shimmered into view, this time Kylo could see more of her surroundings, she was yelling at Luke.

"Is it true? Her voice rang out above the rain that was crashing around her. "Did you try to murder him?" she was talking about Ben. Kylo found himself unable to break the connection, he was trapped in her beautiful fury. This girl he barely knew was angry about something that had happened to him.

"Leave this island now!" Luke hissed at her, he turned to leave, and she took her staff into her hands.

"Stop" she yelled after him. Luke didn't turn, and she shoved him to the ground with her staff. "Did you do it? Did you create Kylo Ren" she yelled at Luke. He didn't answer, instead he pulled something towards him, an antenna of some sort to defend himself against Rey. She swung, and then the image disappeared. Kylo was alone again. She was angry at Luke for trying to murder Ben, Kylo was could barely process this information. The wave of emotions that suddenly filled him was staggering. Wonder, confusion, joy and something he didn't recognize at first, desire. Some part of him wanted this girl to himself, for her to belong completely to him and his darkness. He wanted to protect her and never let her be alone again. He pushed the feelings away immediately. These thoughts were weakness. He was Kylo Ren, the master of the Knights of Ren, there would be no desire, no compassion for this girl. Only malice, only hatred. He needed to destroy her and Luke once and for all.

"Ben, I am coming to you" her voice filled his mind, and then she was gone and he heard nothing but the silence of the space around him.

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