Darkness Rises

By Forceghostlissa

7.7K 226 33

Hey all here it is as promised! the beginning of a completely different story. It starts not in the throne r... More

Chapter 1 You're Not Alone
Chapeter 2 Neither are you
Chapter 3 You' ll be the one
Chapter 4 I know what I have to do.
Chapter 5 Just you
Chapter 6 Sacrifice
Chapter 7 Forgive
Chapter 8 Promise
Chapter 9 Going home
Chapter 10 Stardust
Chapter 11 Plan in motion
Chapter 12 Stronger
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 The traitor.
The Future


867 16 0
By Forceghostlissa

"Together?" she said into his mind and heart.

"Together" He answered.

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