Silent Love

By FandomWoman_626

10.8K 353 24

You have two boys that have live that are the complete opposite of each other. You have Alexander Gideon Lig... More

The Decent to Hell is Easy
Welcome to Edom
Being Trapped with You is Worth It
The Ball
Alexander and Magnus
I Wish....
Getting Better
Meeting Mom
Fantasy vs. Reality
Meet Alexander Gideon Lightwood
My Love Will Forever Belong To You
Love Planning
The Wedding
Hoc autem terminum

A New Chapter For Us

435 14 0
By FandomWoman_626

*Before Alec and Magnus could get married, they decided they could handle all of the other stuff first such as finding a place to live then figure out how the wedding is going to be planned. The finding of a house was easy, since they had powers so they could just create it in a snap. It turned out to be huge, but it was home to them. Then they would have to figure out what their dream wedding should be, but before they could get into anything there was a knock on the door. When they both looked outside of the door, Alec couldn't believe at who he was seeing outside of his front door.*

Alec: We have to open the door.

Magnus: Why?

Alec: Because that's my sister, Izzy.

*Alec rushed to door, with Magnus running behind him, and quickly opened the door. When the Lightwood siblings opened the door, Izzy was in shock to see his brother after so long.*

Izzy: Alec, you're okay!

*Izzy hugged Alec, and she was in tears because she missed her big brother so much. Then familiar voices started coming out of nowhere.*

Alec: Who was that?

Izzy: That must be Jace, Max, and Simon.

Alec: Simon?

Magnus: I didn't know you had a another sibling.

Alec: Neither did I.

*Then Simon, Jace, and Max finally came into the direction.*

Jace: Izzy, wait up!

Izzy: Guys look!

*Jace and Max faces lit up in happiness, and hugged their older brother.*

Alec: Jace, Max....

Jace: It's been a long time, my Parabati.

Max: I've missed you so much.

Magnus: So these are your siblings, Alexander?

*Everyone looked back in shocked, and all of Alec's siblings knew that Magnus was a demon.*

Izzy: Stay away from my brother!

Alec: It's okay, Izzy, he and I are together.

Izzy: Together? As in dating?

Alec: Yeah, it's a long story.

Izzy: Well I can get rid of the fact that you're under a curse, because you don't look like your under one.

Alec: No, I'm not.

Jace: He's right, I don't feel a curse in our bond between us. He's still the Alec that we know and love.

Max: Izzy, do we really have to kill Alec's boyfriend?

Izzy: I'm not thinking about it, why?

Max: Oh good, because there's just something about him that makes him look like a nice person.

Magnus: I didn't know that you're little brother was such a sweetheart.

Max: Although he could get rid of the mini rings.

Alec: And blunt, I forgot to mention blunt.

Magnus: I'll have you know that these are the most worthy rings that has ever existed.

Max: Did you also forget to mention that I joke just to mess with people?

*Everyone had went inside, and turns out that both sides had crazy stories to tell ever since Alec was gone. Turns out that Simon is a mundane, and Izzy fell in love with him and Max figured out that he was gay, but Jace is still Jace.*

Alec: Wait, how did you and Simon even meet?

Izzy: Well I snuck out of heaven, because I wanted to find you. When I landed, I didn't land so gracefully on Earth. How? Because I ended up falling a tree, and my wings were stuck and I couldn't move. That wasn't until Simon saw me stuck, and helped me down. I thought I could just try to hide the fact that I was an angel, but my wings were still here. Though Simon thought I climbed up a tree for fun then I got stuck, because of my costume wings.

Alec: Costume?

Izzy: He thought I was going to some costume party, and I was going as an angel.

Alec: And how did your relationship continue further?

Simon: Well on that day, it was actually raining and her costume was all ruined. I offered to take her back to my house, so she could get cleaned up and that my adoptive brother, George Lovelace, would fix the costume for her.

Izzy: George was a tailor, and he could really fix any outfit no matter how hard it was.

Simon: Then we both said goodbye, and we thought we would never see each other again.

Izzy: I tried to look for you, but I couldn't find you and then I was so lost that I was about to give up until I saw a demon attacking a young woman and her child. I got in the fight, and I used my angelic powers to fight it off. Though demon was hard to beat, and I knew that no one was around to help me fight off this thing. Then Simon came out of nowhere, and used a switch blade stab the demon in the back and it gave me perfect timing to attack the demon. When it was finally gone, that was when I had no other choice but to tell him the truth. I was surprised that he didn't shut me out, and offered me help to find you. He offered me a place to live, and we both got to know each other really well and that's when I started to like him.

Alec: And that's when you two became a thing?

Izzy: Hey, we've all got out things Alec.

Alec: And what about Jace and Max.

Izzy: Turns out these two followed me when I left.

Alec: Mom and Dad have no idea that you're gone?

Jace: Yup.

Max: Yeah.

Izzy: Yes.

Alec: They must be flipping out right now.

Izzy: I don't think they are.

Alec: What makes you say that?

Izzy: Let's face it Alec, our family is nothing without you. Ever since you agreed that you would got to Edom, so heaven could be safe mom and dad had tried to distract themselves so they wouldn't have to deal with grief.

Jace: I've been broken without you Alec, we're Parabati and there was no way that I could live without you.

Max: We all missed you, and it was tough for me to live without you and your puns.

Magnus: Puns? The Alec Lightwood tell puns?

Max: He has a million of them.

Magnus: How much is there that I don't know about you?

*Throughout all the talk, Magnus and Alec knew that Jace, Max, and Izzy couldn't live on their own. Even though Simon did offer them a place to stay, and has more extra room since George died in a car accident, but Magnus and Alec knew they would have more room. Izzy wanted to stay with Simon, but Simon knew how important her family was.*

Izzy: Are you sure?

Simon: I'm more than sure, they're your family and when you're in one they love you more than anything. Sure we may be apart from one another, but you can always come and visit me. You can even bring all of them if you want to, my door is always open for all of you.

*Alec saw the kindness in Simon's eyes, and he knew that he really did care for his sister. Most of the relationships that Izzy has been in was always about her beauty, and never for the brave person that she was. Alec told Simon that he could stay with them, but he told him that it would be fine. It was decided that Jace, Izzy, and Max would stay with Alec and Magnus for as long as they needed to. Simon kept his promise, and let his door be open to them if they needed anything or just wanted to hang out.*

Magnus: You know Alexander, I think that things are starting to change.

Alec: As in a good change?

Magnus: Yes, and I think that this will be a new chapter for us. For all of us.

Alec: I hope so, and I hope that we can get married and I get to call you my husband.

Magnus: Me too Alexander, me too.

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