Holly, Would You Turn Me On...

Por Corunes

17.1K 193 64

Holly runs into Chris at the grocery store. What will happen? And who knew Chris liked All Time Low?! -- I ho... Más

//Holly, Would You Turn Me On?\\ {A Proscriptive Relationship Fanfiction}

17.1K 193 64
Por Corunes

The following is the result of a crazed writing spree at one am.



I sighed and read the note over. I had just gotten back from school, after another of Mr. Heywood and mines after school... detentions, and I had found a note on the counter from my mom with a shopping list and a few twenties.

I was to go to the grocery store and get food, make myself dinner, the usual. I frowned slightly. I barely got to see my mother nowadays. Sometimes she would even work overtime on the weekends, just to get some more money for the bills and whatnot. Ever since Dad died... At that thought, my thoughts turned to Chris, and his parents. Chris. Mr. Heywood. Chris. Chris...

Chris... And his messy brown hair... and his grey eyes... and hi--

I suddenly shook my mind clear from its revere. I was thinking about him again. I blushed, glad no one was around to see it.

As soon as I was sure my blush had faded, I grabbed the money off the counter and pocketed it along with the shopping list, grabbed my keys, and chugged down some water before I walked out the front door, being sure to lock it. As I had had Mr. Heywood's detention, I had to go soon, else I get stuck walking home in the dark again.

I walked down to the grocery store, feeling accomplished that nothing had happened on the way over-- no, per say, men getting almost beaten up by their old gang members....

Grabbing a basket, I made my way to the fruits and vegetables, grabbing what I needed and stuffing it into my basket. I went down the grain aisle fast, grabbing a box of macaroni and cheese, because I was so not in the mood to make anything else. I was exhausted.

Last night, I had been up late studying for a test, and finishing up an essay I'd procrastinated on. I'd managed to make it through the day relatively smoothly, but now I was beginning to feel the tiredness. I yawned as I placed the box in my basket.

As I was looking at the milk, a bottle in my hand, I suddenly had a thought. Maybe I'd bring my own lunch tomorrow instead of buying. That way, I could make sure I was finished with my lunch by the time lunch was over, and not have the risk of being late to Mr. Heywood's class, then being able to get a good seat in the back next to La--

"Having trouble deciding between skim and 2%?" A masculine voice asked me, right by my ear.

I jumped, startled, and turned around to see Mr. Heywood giving me a delicious-- 'no! not delicious, mind!' I thought furiously-- smirk.

"M-Mr. Heywood..." I said, having to tilt my head up a slightly to get a better look at him.

"Chris," He reminded me. He looked down at my choices for milk again. "I'd choose 2%."

"What does it matter what kind of milk you'd choose?" I asked.

"Just incase you make coffee for me again."

I looked incredulously at him. "You know, for a guy who makes a good breakfast, you're still not the world's greatest chef, so I'll be choosing the milk I want. If I remember, you're the one who can't peel carr..." My voice drifted off as I noticed he hadn't been listening after I'd said he'd made a good breakfast.

Argh. Men and their onetrack minds.

He grinned as he said, "So, you think I make a good breakfast?"

"Ye-- no--, I mean-- augh! Whatever." My lips frowned slightly as I grabbed the 2% and shoved it in with the rest of the food.

"What are you doing here anyway, Chris?" I asked.

"What? Teachers have lives too. We can shop," He reasoned.

Sighing, I pulled out my shopping list and crossed off MILK. Ugh. I needed sleep. As soon as I got home, I'd go to bed, I didn't even feel like cooking dinner. I rubbed my eyes with my forearm, since both my hands were busy, and started walking down the aisle a bit to where the butter was.

"H-hey! Where do you think you're going?" Mr. Heywood asked, as if he was confused at me walking away. To be honest, I had forgotten he was there for a moment. He quickly caught up to me, and placed a hand on my shoulder, slipping the shopping list from my hands. He scanned it over quickly and gave it back.

"Butter? Here." He tossed some in the basket, and we walked quickly down to the frozen section, where he tossed what I needed in the basket. Hey, why complain if a guy's doing the shopping for you? "You know, for a girl, you're a pretty slow shopper," He commented.

"W-what? Have you been /watching/ me shop?!" I exclaimed, feeling my face heat up.

"Maybe," Was his vague answer. "Perv." I muttered under my breath, starting to walk without him again.

Suddenly, I heard my name from behind me. I glanced back to see Chris looking at me with his charming look-- and was he humming?

"When're you gonna give it up?" He sang softly as a certain song played from the speakers in the grocery store. He walked up to me, gripping my arm gently, and spinning me around to face him, in time with the music: "Come on Holly, would you turn me on?" At this he gave me a playful smile that made me want to faint. Suddenly, I got rational, and I yanked my arm out of his grip and turned around. I must've looked as red as a tomato, because he chuckled softly.

"I-I didn't know you lis-listened to All Time Low, Chris," I said, trying to keep my voice in check. I was glad there had been no other customers in the aisle then. I cleared my throat, suddenly gaining some courage. "Sorry, I'm kinda busy, so I can't 'turn you on,'" I said, starting to walk backwards, which ended badly as I bumped into someone's carriage. I threw my arms out to balance myself to not fall, but my legs had tangled up together some how, and I ended up tripping over my own feet.

My basket skidded away as I fell to the floor, and the person who's carriage I had bumped into gave a gasp and quickly grabbed my basket, and stuck out a hand to pull me up. "You okay, miss?" a young man about my age asked, with short blond hair and amber eyes. I grabbed his hand to pull me up, but suddenly my hand was wrenched away from his as Mr. Heywood had pulled the man away and had him shoved up against a freezer door. "Stay away from her," He muttered to the man, probably thinking that I wouldn't hear him. I was confused, tired, and my palms hurt from falling, and this was not helping.

Chris let go of the guy, and turned to help me up. Chris yanked my basket from the guy, and started to walk down the aisle, pulling me with him. "Come on, Holly," he said, without turning back. I had to quicken my pace to keep up with him. He got into a line, and started pulling stuff out of my basket onto the conveyer belt as we waited for the people in front of us to finish up. "W-wait, I still need to get some thin--" I started, but Chris cut me off. He looked agitated. "Finish shopping another time. It's getting dark," he commented, pointing his chin towards the windows.

"Fine," I said, because he was right-- but damn it! Even if I did leave now, it was quickly getting dark, and it was beginning to rain. I frowned. Today was so not my day. As the cashier rang my things up, I paid, and piled everything into bags, Mr. Heywood following behind me. As I walked to the doors, he seemed to have noticed my reluctance to go out into the darkening and rainy outside. "My car's on the right a few rows down," He started. "Get in the passenger seat." I started walking, but I was pulled back-- I was sure by now I'd have a bruise by now-- and then I had a warm, masculine coat around my shoulders. As we began to walk, I couldn't help but take a deep sniff of the coat... the smell of Mr. Heywood... I had to stop myself from smiling. I didn't want him to know that I enjoyed the warm, natural scent of him.

We got to his car, and I carefully got in after putting my things in the backseat. I closed the door and Mr. Heywood started it, and we cruised down the street. I was cold, and tired. He had seemed to notice, and let me keep his jacket around me. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep in the warm jacket.

//Chris POV//

I glanced over at Holly as we pulled up into her driveway. Her mother wasn't home, I guessed, since there was no other car in the drive. She'd fallen asleep, it looked like. I sighed. She looked so peaceful and at ease, happily snuggling with my coat. I smiled. She was so cute asleep. So innocent.

I stopped the car and reached over to Holly, lifting my coat up a bit until I saw the key dangling from a keychain around her neck. I slowly pulled it off her, and put it around my own neck for now. I got out, getting the things from the back, then walking quickly up to the door, opening it and pushing the groceries to the side. I didn't like the thought of leaving her in the car by herself asleep.

I jogged down to her side, opening it slowly. She was fast asleep. I pulled her into my arms, bridal style, trying not to think how nice it felt to have her snuggle up to my chest, seemingly happily. I pushed the door closed, locking my car, as I walked up to the door and went inside, closing it after me with my foot. I carried her to her cute bedroom and laid her out on the bed, with some protest from her as she whined in her sleep with a sleepy and unhappy "Chris." I smiled, pulling the blankets around her, Holly still snuggled up with my jacket.

I went down stairs, and put the groceries away, then went back up to check on her. She looked so beautiful there, in her bed.

I had a sudden memory of her in my bed, but I brushed it away.

And before I knew what I was doing, I kissed her on the forehead.

"Goodnight, Holly." I whispered, shutting off the light, and closing the door behind me.

As I left her house, I could barely contain the genuine smile that had wanted to come out. I locked her door from the outside, pocketing her house key to make a copy of. Just incase I needed to go inside, or anything, of course, I told myself.

She'd definitely turned me on.


Okay, you can shoot me now for the last line. But I meant it in a 'continuation from the song' kind of way. Sure. Of course. I think. I don't remember anymore... XD

Anyway! I hope you enjoyed my one-shot. I might have gone a little overboard, sorry about that XD But I had a lot of fun writing it. A Proscriptive Romance (In external link!) is COPYRIGHT to XxSkater2Girl16xX, I only own this one-shot.

So XxSkater2Girl16xX, what did you think of it? I hope I kept the characters in character! I do have to admit, after reading one of your posts on your FB page about the song, 'Holly would you turn me on', I simply had to write a one-shot about it. So I hope you liked it!

Everyone else:

Please tell me if anything was choppy, off, or written oddly. Typos, too, if you see any!

Comments are lovely, so please share your thoughts!

Vote if you'd like, but if you're willing to vote, please go ahead and vote for A Proscriptive Relationship, the actual story.

If you guys like this, I mightmightmight just make a sequel one-shot, technically making it s two-shot, but whatever....

And before I forget (I know! I'm boring you guys! But just stay with me!), I'm available for beta'ing/editing, whichever you call it. That's right, I'll read your story and fix typos and grammatical errors. For free. So... just comment/message me if you're interested.

Thanks! -Corunes <3

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