Rapacious Lover

By Thailani_

289K 10.9K 3.4K

He was cold, distant and was riddled with psychopathic tendencies, but had a soft spot for his deliciously th... More

Cast Pics:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25: The End
Chapter 26: Mini Sequel-(ish)
Chapter 27: An Alternative

Chapter 8:

10.6K 468 258
By Thailani_



My jaw clenched, as I watched Gigi and Kay drive off, ignoring my shouts to them.

"I guess your sister didn't want to meet me." Vikki whined, pouting.

I shrugged not really wanting to answer. "Yeah I guess." My mind was focused on Kayani's sad expression as she saw me and Vikki's hands together.

Vikki has been bugging me for months to meet my family so when I finally agreed, I decided to let her meet my twin sister first.

(A/N- Viktoriya Image)

Gigi always bunks her Spanish lessons since she knows the language, so I thought it would be best for Vikki meet her today, but I didn't expect goodie two shoes to be with her.

"Who was the girl next to her?" The asked curiously.

I shrugged. "Her friend." I answered simply. And my best and only friend that I'm being a deliberate jackass too.

She grabbed onto my hand, making my focus go back onto her. "She looked quite sad when she saw us together." She pestered on.

I sighed, thinking of something to tell her to ease her mind. "She has a little crush on me but it's nothing I worry about."'

She snorted. "Of course I'm not worried. I mean look at her she...she's fat."

My knuckles turned white from clenching my fist too hard, and my gritted teeth from effort to remain silent because if I said something this entire 'relationship' we have would die and burn in the depths of hell. "Babe where you going?" Her squeaky voice, shrilled begins me, as I walked towards my car.


She squealed. "Can I come?" Her heels blacked along the ground as she ran up next to me.

I shook my head. "I don't think that's a good ide-"

"Please." She begged, I interjecting my sentence. "We've been dating for seven months and I haven't even meet your family." She whined, hugging my arm. "Other than your father."

I shrugged her off me. The scent of her vanilla body spray was irritating. "My family is complicated."

She huffed. "Well according to our fathers we are to get married when we both finish highschool, so your family will be mine vice versa Vanni." She explained, trying to persuade me to meet my family. I unfortunately had to meet hers in our 'one month anniversary' which was also her family union month, when she lied to me saying we were going on a date so pick her up at her house.

My face dropped at the ridiculous arrangement my biological father set up for me.

"Don't call me that." I snapped, picking up my pace making her scurry alongside me. She had no right.

She ran in front of me and put her hand in my chest. "I'm sorry I forgot you hated nicknames." We stood in silence for longer not saying anything. "I just want to know my fiancé more than just the few dates we have a month and seeing you at school. So can I come?" She explained, tears running out her eyes, her voice wobbling.

I rolled my eyes at her ridiculous attempt to feed into my lack of emotional side, and got in my car. She took that sign xmas a yes because the next thing I new she was in the passengers seat buckling her belt.

Knowing that no one will be home until around four I decided to waste some time. It was around one o'clock right now and the nearest fast restaurant was around an hour away and guarantee to have a long ass line. The only down side was I would have to be stuck with Vikki. 

"Why are we here?"She questioned as I pulled into Uncles Yonnie's Grills, Kayani's Favourite place to get food. The parking lot was full so I had to drive around until a car decided to pull out allowing me to quickly take the parking slot.

"Babe why can't we get food a bit place a little less.... ghetto." She continued to question as I ignored her. "Maybe like Le Cinq Chateaus, the french restaurants. I'm sure they have much better food."

Before I met Kay I probably would be eating the fancy French food, that were over priced and left a gap in your stomach.

"Can you shut the fuck up." I snapped. "I don't know any French food I want grilled chicken, biscuit and greens."

I laughed on the inside knowing I sounded like Kayani when she was angry and wanted food.

"I'm sor-"

"Whatever." I said dismissively, opening the car door and steeping out. "Let's go before I decide to leave you in the car."

She ran behind me like a crab in heels and hooked onto my swing arms. I slide my hand away from her and she pouted after huffing in annoyance.

I walked up to the diner and was greeted by Uncle Yonnie aka Pops, himself. He was an old man probably 70 or older but he didn't look a day over 50! He was surprising agile for his age, with hardly any wrinkles except the one around his eyes that told stories of laughter. "Hello my son." He greeted me with a large smile. "Where are my daughters?" He asked, referring to Kayani and Gigi.

"They're shopping for a summer trip today." I answered as I walked up to the counter. I got some piercing glares as I skipped through the long line but I couldn't give a flying fuck. We continued with our small talk until I saw Vikki and the rest of the customers getting a bit fussy.

The entire restursant was staring at her as if she was an alien. It was like a hundred degrees outs and she was dress like it was -5. You could tell that she was out of place.

She was dress in a short black skirt, with a polka dot white shirt and long with suits, completed with an pick winter jacket and a nude heeled ankle boots.

(Outfit idea)

"I would love to chat more but I got to go soon your daughters are really hungry."

He nodded understandingly. "Of course son." He said putting his attention to the cash register. "Is it for just for you three or the entire family?"

"Entire family." I replied.

He smiled and tapped out my order on the registers screen. "Alright I got it." He took down my usual order and handed the paper receipt to the kitchen. "You're foods gonna be ready in about half an hour."

"Thank you pops." He put his thumbs up with a wide dirty smile and moved on the next customer which was Vikki. "What would you like darling?" He asked. She looked a bit scared that he talked to her but she quickly recovered.

"Do you do salads?" She asked. Pops nodded. "Okay then can I just have a low fat organic grilled chicken, with grated Mimolette and four drops of dressings." She instructed him. "I'm on a diet so make sure to add more spinach and lettuce. No tomatoes." She continued, making everyone in the long line groan in irritation. "Can I also have a drop of vinegar as well if you have it. Oh and a bottle of vloss water."

Everyone stopped eating to stare at the brunette ordering. "Let me get a grilled chicken salad with a dressing and vinegar. No tomatoes." Pop shouted to the kitchen looking to go onto the next customer.

Vikki pouted. "You didn't tell them to add m-"

"Look sweetie, I've waited fifteen minutes in this damn line, then you took your bouji ass and skipped it so take what you get, so I can order my food." A lady snapped, pushing herself in front of Vikki.

She scoffed and walked towards me. "These people direspectful." She mumbled, under her breath.

We found an empty table and sat there silently, to her dismay, as we waited for our food.

"Number 75!" Pops yelled out. I looked down at my receipt to see that number at the top of it.

I waked over to the counter and was handed a bunch of paper bags. "Three 5 piece chicken meal, three 10 spicy wings meal, four double chicken burgers and 2 barbecue ribs special." Pops started. "Each complemented with a small macaroni and cheese, fries, 4 biscuits and green beans and either potatoe salad or green beans." Pops recited. "Completed with 5 extra 10 biscuits box and all the sauces."

The sound of that made my belly grumble. "That would be $245.89, but for my daughters it's free so £200."

I pulled out my wallet and gave five $100 bills. "Keep the change. Make sure it does toward Nina's treatment." I whispered. His daughter Nina needed money to pay for a treatment to do I always give him a limited extra to help pay for it.

Tears rimmed his eyes as he looked st the bills placed in his hand. "God bless you my son." He sobbed. "I made sure to put extra fries and biscuits."

I smiled lightly. "Thanks Pops."

He nodded and went on to his other customer. "Number 76!" He yelled again.

"That's me Vikki squealed walking up to the counter." She pulled out her purse out of her Louis Vuitton bag, waiting for her paper back to be handed to her.

"Sorry little girl but we didn't have of that special cheese, but we did the best we could." Pops admitted, sadly. He hated when his customers weren't pleased, but her order was ridiculous.

She scoffed and grabbed her food walking away after putting down a ten dollar bill. "Keep the c-"

"I don't want any of your money except for the money for the meal." Pops said pushing the change towards her in the desk. She scoffed and walked out of the restaurant.

I have a small smile and took the $3.01 cents he slid on the desk and reluctantly walked out behind her.

I opened the car door and we both jumped in. "Why did you take me to such a black and ghetto place?" She yelled, angrily. "Does it look like I belong in the project being served poor people food." She continued to insults and raging tantrum making my eye twist.

I stopped the car and looked in her direction. "Get out." I said harshly.

Her face dropped. "I'm sorry baby but-"

"Get the fuck out now." I growled. I listened to her moeanimg for a while five minute and I could no longer take her shit. The only reason I have to listen to her is because of the deal our fathers made.

After a while she hesitantly opened the door and slammed it shut. I then started the engine and rolled out. "You can't just leave me here." I heard her scream as I drove.

Annoying ass women


"I am starving." I groaned laying all the bags into the living room floor.

"No no no." Gigi shouted at the back of me. "You are not to eat anything until you tell me why you and Gio are not in speaking terms." She pestered on. She's been harassing me for the past four hours about what happened but I wouldn't budge. Her speeches always made me feel like a failure.

"It's that girl we saw today isn't it." She continued, voicing her speculations. "That little heifer better watch herself taking your man like that. We shall have some words."

I sighed loudly. "Gigi stop!" I exclaimed. "She is free to have him because he is not my man he's my friend, best friend in fact, so I have to learn to stay in my lane and know my place."

She kissed her teeth. "Bullshit." Damiani shouted out. "We all know you have feeling for my idiot brother for years now." He proclaimed coming out from nowhere. "He's just to stupid and blind to see what's he's missing. I know he loves you also but it will probably take some time until he realises."

Gigi rolled her eyes. "Realises my ass." She mocked. "I say fuck him, kick him to the curb, throw your whole feelings away with him too." She suggested taking a seat in the chair.

"Gigi they were meant to be together." Enrico joined in, walking into the room.

"Gigi they were meant to be together my hairy asshole." She mimicked, as we all grunted in disgust as she said that. "I'm a huge Giyani or Kayvani fan as anyone in this room, believe me when I say I want them to be a couple but we have to be realistic." She declared. "I'm sure we can all see that he treats her hot and cold. He uses her just like toilet paper to wipe his dirty ass and as her friend therefore I think she should forgot him and let him be a distant memory." She argued.

We all just stared at her and she crossed her legs. "The shit that comes out your mouth." Enrico mumbled, taking a seat next to her.

"But he's had a bad past you know he finds it hard to love and comm-"

She her head. "No excuses." She interjected. "Yes he's been treated the worst between all of us with the constant beatings and training from father, but that can't be excuse to treat her like garbage any more." She challenged. They continued to argue the reasons of why me and Vanni should or shouldn't be together, while I just stood there awkwardly.

"Guys I'm right here." I said waving my arms. As soon as Gigi stated I talk to me I wish I kept my mouth shut.

She turned her attention to me with a scowl on her face. "Good that your right here you need to hear this shit because your as bad as him." She avowed rather forcefully. "Only taking him back as soon as he apologises and treats you like a queen for a week."

Each word she said hit me like a turn of broncos as they were the truth I was running from. My pathetic tears ran freely from my arms.

"Your gonna make her cry." Enrico whispered loudly, which got him an elbow in the run from Marquo.

Gigi shrugged. "Well good she knows it's true that's why she's crying." She scolded. She sighed and got up walking towards me before wiping a fallen tear.

"You're so insensitive Gianna." Damiani stated, shaking his head.

"No I'm not going to be the bad guy Gio is." She said defensively.

"What did I do?" The delicious deep voice I had come to fallen in love with asked cautiously.

All eyes turned to him. "You make me sick." She hissed, walking up to him before stamped in his foot and grabbed the back that had her name written in red pen on it. "You all make me sick. Except for you Kay your just a lost puppy that needs to find her way."  She yelled, as walked up the stairs.

He raised an eyebrow. "What's she talking about?" He asked, turning back towards us.

"Nothing." We all grumbled, grabbing the bag that said our name out his hand.

"Your welcome." He yelled as we all descended up stairs.

"Thanks." We all yelled back continuing our journey.

I felt arms wrapped around my arms and a light kiss on my neck making it obvious it's Vanni. "Wanna share food half half?" He asked, putting his bag in front my face.

We usually share our food; he took half my burger, while I took half his chicken, but I couldn't really stand the sight of him anymore.. Gigi words stuck into my head. If someone else notices that he treats me badly then I must be a fool to stick around.

I shook my head and shook my self away from his embrace. With that I left and went to Gigi's room knowing that if I was to go into a room by myself he will sweet talk his way into my ears making me forgot every unhappy emotion he made me feel.

Hey yall!!!

Hope you enjoy!! It's kinda a shit chapter and may be going a bit slow,  but bare with me.



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