
By _jeonshines

185 31 184

°- Fate get's decided by the choice we make , not by coincidence and choices always come with consequences a... More

• Two •
• Three •
• Four •
• Five •
• Six •
A / N

• One •

37 7 46
By _jeonshines

" Smoke and mirrors keep us waiting on a miracle "

Strolling past the crowded streets which lead me to my home I stare blankly at the sky. The sun disappeared to the horizon leaving bits of dark shades in the atmosphere .It gives me peace just staring at the sky it's beautiful. I sigh  as I realise I am running late I increased my pace.

The first three knocks and the door was open the doorknob held by my brother who creased his forehead pouting before leading me inside .

" can you not frown or have A face like shit all the time Jenn ! "

I rolled my eyes at his comment and took out A water bottle before slipping down on the couch. He sat beside me . I closed my eyes I just want to calm down my thoughts they have been irking me way too much today A complete sign of my anxeity visible to me.

" Why are you ignoring me ? " He pouts and pokes at my arms.
" Jimin that's not it , I am really tired ."
He smiles in understanding and strokes my hair twice gently and stands up

" I was worried for you it was getting late you should take it easy on yourself jenn you know "
" I know I will be fine Jimin , where is NaNa ? "
" She is preparing dinner mom and dad are coming home late " He informs and I just Let out A short chuckles at his statement as if they really be at home often . It's mostly me and him and Nana they just come here once A week .I don't See any point.
" Whatever ~"
I walk towards kitchen and face at Nana she passes me a tender smile
" How was your day ? "
"It was fine and exhausting as Always " I say

She just chuckles at my reaction as I move out to my room upstairs .I don't know Am I that funny or it's just them I wonder . I plop down on my Bed wishing for A good Night sleep to knock me out.

It's been A good half an hour and I have been changing my positions on my Bed . I wish I could sleep as easily as everyone else each day I try to exhaust myself to A point where I can't feel my own body from the top if my hairs to the end of my nails my body is tired but sleep resists me .I am used to the silence of the Night it's more endearing than loud chatters of people in A crowd around you. I know it's not going to help I rolled over to my bedside to pick up my phone. I scroll through my contacts which doesn't take much as I press the call button .
One, two , three rings and he picks up

" And Finally you remember that I exist !" He retorts .
" I never forgot actually now can you come and pick me up ? " I groan

" Sassy much slow down girl  Will be There in 10 minutes "

" You are the best !! " I Finally smile.
" Tell me something I don't know ."
This little piece of !
" Yeah just come " I say as I hang up and change my outfit to A much comfortable one with A loose black jacket pulled over a pale white crop top and A trackpants with sneakers.

I turn to my window and was ready to jump down in the backyard when A voice startled me -  " you can use the front door it's much easier and safe you know "

I calm down as I realise it's Jimin . " And it's more easy and polite to knock on someone's door !"

" Well it's not my fault it was open ! Where are you going anyways ? "

" And why does it matter "

" It's nothing new but you know dad won't like it Jenn . "

" Jimin please !! "

I don't mean to be  rude to him I really get his point He cares for me and after all he is all I got and Nana but I want to get out these walls are suffocating me it's endless silence and it's creeping my nerves I can't focus and I know he understands and that's why despite of knowing that it's like A routine to sneak out at nights he never complains . He is elder to me and he has duties towards me I get it all but I can't help it . I am not the most easy going person but also not A difficult person I am just neutral I guess .He furrows his brows before embracing me in A hug and steps back
" Just safe okay " I smile at him A bit and he leaves I move downstairs and in time my phone rings up to tell me he is here I look once more at Jimin and he just nods I wave A goodbye at Nana and open the front door .

I  sit at the back of the Sleek black sportbike behind him and clutch on his leather jacket . Jimin comes to the doorway of the front gate waving at him as he speaks

" I am trusting you Tae bring her safe before morning or else you better save your ass from me "
Taehyung just sticks his tounge out at him and shouts
" We will See about that whose ass gets beaten by whom " 
I rolled my eyes at both of them before tugging at his jacket for him to start driving as if gets the clue he hits the power start and waves at Jimin as he drives the bike to life.

The ride was not much different than silence covering both of us . Tae has known me and Jimin for 5 years and has been the closest friend I ever Had. Most of the time he understands things without any need to converse about them and as he says " I know You better than you know yourself " . Cheesy right ? And at times he is annoying as hell but he is cute and much more mature than his personality and face  portrays . He parks the bike at the top edge of the cliff we just reached it takes mere 30 minutes with his speed and we go to random drives too often . I just enjoy the fresh air and the freedom of space it helps me calm down my thoughts as I sit down by the edge looking down at the shining City lights envolped in the dark shades of Night . He sits down beside me and stares at the sky .

" What's so beautiful in that sky ? "
I smile unknowingly at him and shrug my shoulders

"  It holds peace , it's calming "
" I don't understand it ~ " he pouts and I shake my head at him.

" Maybe someday you will ." I say
" What ? " He pouts again 
" Nights - when words fail and things come alive "
He stares at me blankly before giving a flick on my forehead

" Yeah yeah Let's just do some fun please ~ "

" And what Is exactly that fun ? "

" Let's go to A race Night !! " He chimes. I give it A thought for few seconds before speaking

" But Only if I get to drive back home Then it's A yes .. "

He quirks an eyebrow at my request but agrees soon as we settle back on the bike and he drives us to the destination. Night Adventures have been A part of my life since past 3-4 years but they never fail to amaze me every single time. It's A feeling of fear enclosing ecastasy I am excited like every single time .


A / N : Finally the first chapter . I hope There are not much errors .It was long pending hehe I am excited for the next cahpters. 

Lot of love ♥️ ~

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