Lost In The Echo (Teen Wolf)

By vboudreau

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Based on the series Teen Wolf. Trinity is being left out of the truth behind the attacks and deaths in Beacon... More

2-Try Hard Knight
3-Always Happy Bro Time
4-I'll Be Cat Woman If You'll Be Batman
5-3am Wake Up Call? WTF!
6-Lets Cha-Ching
7-Drunk Hesitation And Star Gazing
8-What Have You Done?!
9- Goobyes Are Made For The Battlefield
10- I Need You Now (Pt.1)
10- Pt. 2 Master Plan
11- Hopeless Wanderer
12- Radioactive

1-For The Nights I Can't Remember

9K 42 6
By vboudreau

Prologue/ Chapter 1


Have you ever had that feeling that everyone close to you was keeping secrets from you and you couldn’t do anything about it except go along with it? That’s exactly how I feel my name is Trinity Reyes, I have a sister Erica Reyes who suffers from epilepsy but the thing is…one day she didn’t have it just like that. I also have an older brother named Riley who works at the police station was always distant but still had a bond with him.

With Erica at school she’s a complete bitch to everyone even me but I understand she was nobody in school unlike me I was friends with anyone and everyone a social butterfly of Beacon Hills. I’m not saying it in a bitchy kind of way but that’s how it is. The only thing with me and Erica is we look different from one another but both had crushes on one guy in school; his name is Stiles Stilinski. Difference is I’m best friends with him.

Anyways my life is anything but shit, my friends Stiles,Scott,Lydia, and some others are keeping things from me they try to explain things that can’t be explained unless you explain with fantasy stories.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself I have green eyes, brunette, few tattoos, and stretched ears, love for hardcore metal bands. I’m 5’6 with a rough life. My parents are divorced and custody of Erica and I were given to our mother but dad left and never came back we only see him on Skype.

This is life inBeacon Hilland it isn’t pretty because “hell is on earth and all the demons are here”


Chapter 1

“Trin get your ass out of the bathroom I need to fix my hair!” I heard Erica yell from the other side of the door.

“I have needs to you know!” I replied, my morning already starting off in the usual way.

“Mine are more important plus Isaac is gonna be here in like a minute” she snarled.

I opened the door to find her tapping her foot in irritation which wasn’t a surprise, everyone annoyed her specially me. Erica and I grew distant in just a matter of days it made me sick.

My phone started to buzz in my pocket, taking it out the screen read ‘Matt’ I unlocked the screen to answer.

“Hey Matt, you outside?” I asked heading to my room to grab my dark green military styled jacket and grey wrap around scarf.

“Yeah get yourself out her” he said and I could just tell he was grinning.

“Yes ma’am” I joked hanging up and putting my phone back in my pocket.



Matt and I drove to the school talking about his crush on Allison and me talking about my crush on Stiles.

“She’s too wrapped up with Scott McCall and she’s so distant when I talk to her” Matt was saying.

“She probably likes you and doesn’t know what to do about it” I said trying to give him a confidence boost.

Matt turned to look at me and gave a small smile “Doubt it Trinity but then again you’re a girl and you know these things” he laughed.

“Yay good for you” I said rolling my eyes sarcastically.

“Well what about you and Stiles? You guys are rather close I wouldn’t doubt he likes you” Matt asked me.

I looked outside the window to see we were close to school but it didn’t stop me from wondering.

“We still talk as usual but he’s become distant he kinda ignores me a bit plus he lovesLydia” I made a sigh pinching the bridge of my nose a bit.

“Aren’t you and Stiles hanging out at lunch today? I think you should tell him how you feel” Matt suggested but I laughed feeling rather amused.

“Haha why don’t you take your own advice and tell Allison your feelings” I said poking his shoulder.

“No” he said in a flat voice.

We arrived at school to see Danny waiting for us beside his car, parking next to him I got out and gave Danny a hug squeezing his neck and him squeezing my waist; it was awesome having a gay buddy.

“How’s Erica?” Danny asked me knowing that Erica was a cruel person now.

“No comment” I said letting him go and him letting go of me.

“Lets get inside” matt suggested.




Getting to English I sat beside Stiles and in front ofLydia. Waiting for class to start I felt a hand on my thigh which sent electric shock feelings through out my body and looked up to see Stiles smiling.

“I can’t make lunch today” Stiles said and the smile I had dropped, I rolled my eyes pushing Stiles hand off.

“No surprise to that, hope you have fun bromancing” I said in a blunt voice.

“Come on something just came up, I promise next time will have a day to ourselves” he said putting on his puppy dog face.

Rolling my eyes I said “You promised this lunch thing the last time so I don’t believe your promises” he looked at me with hurt eyes but he didn’t have a right to be hurt when he was doing the same to me.

I turned toLydiaand smiled at her “Library today after school alright?” I asked her.

“Whatever we have the chem test to study for anyways” she said and I smiled knowing she was a lot of help when it came to science.

Stiles POV


I hated ditching Trinity, with the whole Kanima thing I had to help find how to stopJacksonfrom killing people and figure out who the master was. Class begun and I kept sneaking glances at her, hurting her hurt me but we couldn’t tell her what was really going on I had to keep her safe.

My phone vibrated and it said Scott texted me.

-If you want to protect her, spending time with her is a start plus your gonna lose her if you don’t follow through with what you promise ~Scott


He was right I know that but I’m still trying to getLydiato see that we should be together. I’ve liked her forever everyone knew that maybe evenLydiabut she was to wrap up with everything to really see it.

The bell rang and Trinity bolted right out of the classroom with Matt waiting for her, I don’t know what goes on with those two maybe they have a thing together.

I walked out the classroom with Scott and headed to Chemistry Scott was babbling about Derek and his pack but my mind was wandering to Trinity she looked great today…even beautiful. That thought shocked me she’s my best friend I shouldn’t be thinking like that.

“Stiles you listening?” I heard Scott say which snapped me out my thoughts.

“Sorry I was just thinking about something” I said in a distant voice

“Dude I’m freaking out I have to take the Chem test today during lunch and I can’t look out for Allison” he said in a freaked tone.

“Relax man she’ll be fine” I told him which didn’t do much.

“Yet your blind to your feelings for Trinity and that’s why your zoning out and not listening” Scott said.

I gave him a shocked look I didn’t have those kinds of feelings for her…did I?

“Just hang out with Trinity at lunch okay” he said and I nodded.

I texted her and said I can meet her at the photography room for lunch and that I was sorry for almost ditching.

Whatever see you then- Trinity


I smiled at the though of spending time with her, I missed hanging with her we didn’t have much hang out time together since Scott was bitten.

Trinity POV


Matt and I sat in Chemistry waiting for class to start when I felt my phone buzz

I can make lunch I’m so sorry for almost ditching but I will meet you in the photography room at lunch alright-Stiles


Matt looked at my phone and grinned a bit. I hit his arm jokingly and laughed “why do I feel like I’m a second choice with Stiles and all them?” I asked Matt.

“You can’t help how you feel and it’s there fault for causing those feelings but hang with him” Matt suggested.

“In the photography room?” I said pointing out that part of the text.

“Yeah I’ll be taking pictures anyways” he said.

“Of Allison?” I asked him and he smiled cheekily.

“Sure” he said.

I replied to the text “Whatever see you then” I texted back.

Stiles and Scott walked in then my sister and Isaac. They both sat in the back and our class thus begun.



Classes were a bore but lunch finally came and I headed out to the photography room with my camera that Matt and Danny bought me a year ago. It was a prized possession and it helped remind me of so many memories.

I walked in to the room and got onto a computer to go on Tumblr which was such a getaway time waster. Moments passed by till I heard the door open then shut, I turned around to see Stiles with a sandwich and a mushroom/steak/cheese bistro on a plate.

“This is for you” he said handing me the bistro and I smiled happily.

“Thanks” I said taking a small bite.

“Again I’m so sorry about ditching you I’ll try not to break any promises with you” he said smiling into his sandwich.

It was so hard not to stay mad at him he always lightened my mood. I was in deep depression and bulimic that’s how I stay so skinny even though I feel fat just looking at my bistro. I had a problem with cutting and burning also but I don’t want to go in detail.

Stiles were kind of like my knight in shinning armor but had a tendency of being a huge idiot. I caught Stiles staring at me and a smile crept on my face and I couldn’t stop it.

“What’s with the staring?” I asked smirking.

“I was wondering if you know howLydiafelt about me you know…if she likes me?” he asked.

Is he kidding me right now he’s seriously gonna ask me that kind of thing. He needed to know that he needed to forget about his feelings for her or he’s gonna be miserable forever.

“Want the truth or a half baked bullshit” I said not giving any emotion except anger. I looked at him and forced a breathe out.

“The truth would be great” he said.

“She barely remembers your name every time I talk about you which are all the time she forgets what you look like and who you are. She will never go for you because she’s into guys likeJackson. You should forget about her I know you’ve liked her since like first grade or something I remember cause you told me when we were finger painting. She doesn’t deserve someone like you your way to good for her you deserve someone who has had a crush on you since forever but your to dense to see it!” I yelled at him standing up in boiling anger.

I could feel the tears streaming down my face because I was frustrated. Did I just let the cat out of the bag with how I feel about him?

Stiles looked at me in shock cause I hardly ever raised my voice at him. “What are you saying?” he asked me coming over to me.

I felt his hands on my shoulders rubbing them slightly and it felt warm and nice, I could melt at his touch my knees went weak when he touched me but I had to stay strong.

“Nothing just forget what I said.” I looked up at him and his eyes looked pleading. 

“I’m sorry I asked but thanks for punching me in the stomach with the truth, kinda hurt” he said, I pushed myself out of his hands and grabbed my bag that was sitting on the floor.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“I…I can’t do this” I said taking my phone out texting Matt to meet me.

“Wait!” Stiles shouted as I walked out of the room but before I left completely I turned to look at him.

“Just really think about what I said, just think about who has been there for you since finger painting and liked you forever” I said and left.



Matt and I met up at the end of the hall where the locker room was. We started hearing noises and the next thing I knew Scott and Jackson flew out of the boy’s locker room with Allison behind. Matt and I rushed down the hall with Mr. Harris.

Allison, Scott,Jackson, Erica, and even Stiles were in the hallway. How did Stiles get here…weird.

“Mr. McCall and Mr. Whittemore…wait” Mr. Harris said looking at all of us “All of you detention in the library after school and if your not there I will find you and you will get more detention” he told all of us and I sighed looking at Matt.

I looked on the floor in front of me and seen that Scott dropped his Samsung Galaxy tablet. I picked it up and looked on the screen.

“Kanima…master…lizard like creature” I whispered to myself. I quickly emailed it to myself.

I looked up from the screen to Scott looking at me and grabbing the tablet. “Sorry” I said and walked with Matt back the way we came but not before I gave Stiles an angry hurt look.

(After School)


I sat in the library with Matt beside me andJacksonin front of me.

“Sir I have a restraining order on them then can’t be near me”Jacksonsaid and I rolled my eyes at his stupidity.

“What they do to you?” I asked him, he gave me a hard dirty look.

‘Kidnapped me” he said in a douche bag tone which made my eyes roll.

I took out Matt’s tablet and opened up my email to the ‘Kanima’ thing. I started reading it was in a book called bestiary.

“Like the wolf, its power is greatest at the moon’s peak. Like the wolf, the Kanima is a social creature but where the wolf seeks a pack the Kanima seeks a master. The Kanima, a weapon of vengeance, is used to carry out the bidding of its master. The Kanima was once used by a South American priest who took it upon himself to rid his village of all murderers. The bond between master and servant grew stronger until the will of the master became that of the Kanima's and whomever the priest deemed unworthy, the Kanima served his vengeance. The Kanima is a mutation of the werewolf gene that cannot fully transform until it resolves that in its past which manifest it.”

I was confused my brother used to tell me stories about a Kanima and werewolves, I believed it to a point but why would Scott have this, some kind of online gaming thing?

“Jacksonyou alright?” I heard Matt asked and looked up to seeJacksonin pain. Mr. Harris asked where he was going when he left the room and he followedJackson.

I seen Stiles and Scott go to Erica’s table and talk to her; seems there more close with her since she changed. I wondered to myself if I was being replaced, which is something I always thought about.

They started looking at her laptop and whispering to one another. I looked at matt and put my head on his shoulder.

“I sorta…slightly…let it slip about my feelings” I whispered to him; Matt laughed.

“Will he figure out you love him” he asked me and I shook my head.

“I don’t love him…I think but he is dumb when it comes to things like that” I said.

Jacksonsat back down in front of me and looked like he was shocked about something but I wasn’t going to ask.

Scott was called to the principles office which wasn’t a surprise to me but he looked confused. Eventually he came back but looked even more shocked.



Oh course he was cruel, Mr. Harris made us stay and put away books while he went home; typical.

I started putting books away but started spying on Allison, Scott, and Stiles whispering between the book shelves something about Kanima and aboutJacksonbeing it. Were they actually in belief that this Kanima thing is real? Confusion swept over me I went to sit down withJacksonbut before I sat on my seat fear took over.

Jacksonhad gold eyes and his skin was turning scaly and his nose shrinking into himself, his teeth started growing bigger and he was growling. Matt was in front of him and I grabbed his jacket pulling him away.

I looked around to nobody around, I started having a panic attack and did the only thing I could

“STILES KANIMA!!!!!” I screamed and backed away trying to hide.

Just as fast asJacksonchanged he became a lizard like thing and came at me but Matt got in front of me and was scratched.

I heard Stiles, Scott, and Allison come out of the book shelves. I fell over on my butt and tried dragging Matt close to me,Jacksondisappeared and I heard growling and things smashing. I was against a book shelf and look behind to see Erica with glowing yellow eyes and extended teeth…like a werewolf.

The lights started flickering and smashing over head. Erica looked up and next thing she was on the floor having an epilepsy attack.

“We have to get her to Derek” I heard Scott say.

“What about Trinity and Matt” Allison said.

I looked in front of me too see Stiles looking at me worried bringing me in his arms.

“Are you alright Trin?” he asked me.

“Kanima…werewolf…Erica” I panted trying to breathe properly.

“You guys we need to bring Erica and Trinity to Derek” Stiles said trying to lift me up but I wouldn’t leave Matt.

Scott and Allison were whispering to one another then Allison came beside me.

“I’ll call the ambulance and stay with Matt” Allison said taking Matt out of my arms.

I was then being lifted up bridal style into Stiles arms, I clung onto his shirt trying to calm down “Erica” I whispered starting to cry but the panic attack finally subsided after Stiles lifted me in his arms.

“She is gonna be alright Trin I promise” he said and I chuckled with no humor.

“You suck at promises” I said and made him laugh a bit.

“Sorry” he said lifting me up more so my head was in the crook of his neck.




We were brought to a warehouse where a man that was really well built and black hair stood, he was hot.

“The Kanima got her she’s having an attack” Scott said.

“What about this girl who’s she” the man asked.

“Trinity, Erica’s sister but she seen everything” Scott said.

What did he mean I seen everything? All I can feel is confusion and sadness I was helpless with my sister.

“Keep her out the room Stiles” the man said.

“Derek the Kanima did get Trinity but got Matt, her friend that was there but didn’t go after her” Scott said. Is a Kanima actually real?

“Trinity will explain everything after just stay here with me okay” Stiles whispered to me.

All I could do was nod, that’s when my sisters screaming started and that’s when my depression took over.

A/N: Alright this is my start to my Teen Wolf fan fic, I don’t own anything except the characters I create. Please read my other stories/fan fics and hope you guys will enjoy this story. Tell me what you think about the first chapter!

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