Dear Boss

By Britney38

286K 12.5K 1.1K

Skylar, a plus size girl fell in love with her boss Sane Berkly, a sexy bachelor and the CEO of a fortune 5... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
The Final Chapter
Characters and Special Thanks

Chapter 18

6.8K 323 7
By Britney38

I was on the way to Savannah, Ga. I stopped in North Carolina.
It was 7 am in the morning. I called my office and let them know I'll be taking a two weeks off.
As I drove through the little town, the few strangers that were up stared and pointed.
It must be a while since they have people here.
I saw dinner that was open and parked in front of it.

I open the door and little bell rang.  The smell of maple syrup and bacon filled the air.
"Good morning" The short lady behind the counter said with a wide smile. "Have a seat anywhere you'd like."

"Good morning." I said faintly
I scouts the restaurant and found a booth in the far corner and sat down.
"Hi, my name is Brenda and I'll be your waitress." She had a country accent.
"Is there anything I can start you off with ma'am." She said while handing me the menu.
She had dark long in a ponytail and big green eyes, her skin was bronze and her red lipstick matched her picnic cloth uniform.

"Yes, some orange juice." I said.
"Okay, one freshly squeezed orange juice is coming right up. And I'll be back in a blink to take your order." She said.

I sat in the booth and looked out the window to my car, as people walked by they stared at it.
So it's car they were wondering about.

"Here you go." she place a tall glass of orange juice in front of me. " are you ready?"
"Uh yes. I'd like scrambled eggs with cheese, with a side of bacon and hash-browns." I said.

"Okay, got it." She wrote it down. "Is that your vehicle?" She points at my car.
"Yes." I said
"It's very lovely, you only see cars like that in the magazines around here." She laugh then walks away.
A few moments later she brought my me food.
"Thank you Brenda." I said
"You're welcome....."
"Skylar." I said
"Skylar. Lovely name." She said then walked away.

As I ate the dinner began to get crowded. I try to ignore the small talks about my car by deleting Sane's and Capline's voice message. Making myself busy.
"Where are the handles? How do you even open it." I heard a man say.
"I don't know." The other reply.

I laugh at their curiosity about my Tesla.
I left a fifty dollar bill for the waitress and head outside to continue my journey.

"Ma'am, Skylar." Brenda called after me.
"Your meal was nun' but 7 dollars." She said.
"I know, keep the change." I said

"Ohh, no way in hell. This too much." She said.
"I'm not taking it back." I said.

She hesitates but she put the bill in her apron.
"Thank you." She gave me a hug.
The handles of my car became visible as I got close.

"Ohhhh that's where they are." She said. "You know, you've started a whole bidding war inside."

I looked past her to see people in the dinner exchanging money in defeat of a bet.
"Oh really." I laughed. "Thank you Brenda the food was lovely."

"Skylar, is there anything else I can do let me know, I know everybody in this town."
I thought of being alone at a time like this and it kills me. I didn't want to go the lonely drive anymore.

"Actually is there a hotel near by?" I asked
"Yes, Old man Kingsley's hotel its just less than a mile from here." She pointed me in the direction,

"Also is there like a park I can go to?" I asked
"No hunny, small old town like this don have those luxuries but we have a beautiful view of the forest right up that mountain." She point to the dirt road.
"Everyone always go up there to relax, it's where my husband 1st kissed me." She smiled. "You'll love it."

And Brenda was right.It was truly amazing. I sat on the hood of my car and stare at trees swaying in the wind below me, the birds flying and the fresh outside scent that came along. Topped off with a clear blue sky and a few white clouds.

My eyes became watery as I remembered what I was running away from. I walk toward the edge of the cliff.
My chest, hurts when I breathe, I feel it every time I exhale.

"That's not a good idea." I heard a old voice.
I turned around to see a old man sitting on a large rock with his cane.
His face was calm and gentle yet old and wrinkly.

"What." I said knowing what he was talking about.
"Jumping." He points. "I heard it hurts. Plus who's gonna move your car and your body. I'll tell yah who, nobody."

"I.. I." I stuttered as I wipe my eye.
"It doesn't even have handles. Such a weird car."

"It has handles, and I wasn't going to jump." I said

"Well it looked like you were." He rolled his eyes.
" I should go." I began to walk.

"Whatever you were crying about  lady, it will pass. It ain't the end of the world." He said

"Old man Kingsley?." A lady called out. "What are you doing up here."

"I came to see my wife." He said. "Now leave me alone you old bag."
"Kingsley lets go, you shouldn't be up here."
I figured she was his care taker.
"Oh I'm sorry ma'am, he's just a grumpy old man." She said to me "I'm Carla." She stretched her hand to give me handshake.

"Skylar Shawn." I shook her hand.
"Nice to meet you Skylar Shawn." She said "I must be getting back now with this old man."
Carla had big red curly hair with a kind face.
"Old? Have you ever been kicked in the knee?" Old man Kingsley's mumble on as they walked down the hill.

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