she is my angel

By marinathemermaid24

97 1 1


she is my angel

97 1 1
By marinathemermaid24

I look into my daughters cradle her blonde hair  strewn on her forhead I pet her head and she snuggles into my hand i feel hands on my shoulders I turn around. To see peeta his blue eyes like waves they instantly calm me 

"what shall we name her?"

he asks looking down at her my little angel I  know "angel, we should name her angel prim mellarck"

He chuckles "of course perfect since she is our little angel" he kisses my head and picks her up and cradles angel  in his arms suddenly the phone rings I pick it up


As I hold my little angel  in my arms I think to mysrelf I created this little miricle then her eyes open to expose glittering grey eyes just like katniss's I pet her hair  it has the exact same silky texture as her mother katniss also  but my color blonde. Suddenly katniss drops the phone from her hand . I rush over to her baby angel in hand.

She takes angel from my hands and cradles her slowly singing the lullybye she sang  prim so many times.

Then she puts angel back into her cradle

"Whats wrong" I ask

"gale he is coming for a visit" she says her voice shakey

"so is'nt that a good thing he will be able to meet angel"I ask she shakes her head no

KATNISS'S POV~*~*~*~*~*~*

I flash back to the time I made a promise to gale the promise I would never have children all the promises I did not keep to him  i'm sure this would make him so  upset it could drive him to hurt my family .

I finally get up the courage  to tell peeta  " peeta, gale would hurt our angel ,beacause I broke many promises to him  to many ,this " I point to angel "this would upset to much and I really do not want to lose a friend " I collasp into peetas arms  .

He looks down at me his eyes understanding and says "All i think he will be mad about is that  he missed the birth" we both laugh " but if it upsets you so much we can hide her when he comes over" peeta says "no we can not do that i will just make him more mad" he nods.   

" I guess we will just have to deal with gale and his opininated mind"

I nod thinking of ,

my daughters safty  suddenly the doorbell rings I look at peeta he grabs angel   in his arms I walk to the door and see gale  his hair  still the color of light black  his eyes still the same color he smiles I smile back  I escort him in,

"so who have been latly" he asks

" good" I say  peeta sits next to me with angel in hand gale looks  at his hands

"whos that?" he asks

Peeta hands me angel  I hand  gale her he holds her ."her name is angel shes our daughter" he gasps " what why did'nt you tell me !" H e shouts "this little girl is my best freinds daughter and you did not tell me she was born " he puts angel back in her cradle  " thats it i'm leaving you lied to me and ugh " he gets up and turns around ."I will have my revenge on her" he storms out and suddenly I start crying and peeta holds me

AUTHERS NOTE*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

sorry it is so short  it will be longer in the next chp and angel is only a week old so still an infant and does not have brown hair {blonde with grey eyes} so okay and gale is really mad at the birth of angel beacause katniss promised no children but she had a daughter with peeta and  since it was with peeta he is espesicly mad

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