The Devil and the Spartan(Pyr...

By Balasubas19

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you are Y/N Sparda, son of sparda, after kyrie died on your world, you settled on the another world called re... More

Chapter 1:New world and the mission
Chapter 2:The invitation
Chapter 3:Welcome to Beacon
Chapter 4: Initiation
Chapter 5:Unexpected Event
Chapter 6: Spread the News
Chapter 7: Family Reunion
Chapter 8: A Threat is Coming
Chapter 9: Talk about upgrade
Chapter 10: Son of Sparda's Workout
Chapter 11: The Spartan's devil (lemon)
Chapter 12: The next step
Teaser for a future chapter :0
Chapter 14: The War is near
Chapter 15: Devil's love (lemon)
Chapter 16: The war has come
Chapter 17: A necessary sacrifice
Chapter 18: Downfall
Chapter 19: Aftermath
Chapter 20: Who am I?
Chapter 21: Y/N's Awakening
Chapter 22: I'm back for you
Chapter 23: Welcome back
Chapter 24: The Party
Chapter 25: Epilogue
a little news
Thank you!

Chapter 13: Light of the family

1.7K 21 10
By Balasubas19

* Time skip 2 weeks later*
No one POV
Every team is now mastered their devil arms, and now the risky move is going to happen, Unlocking their devil triggers.

Y/N: Alright everyone, all of you is successfully mastered your devil arms.

Sparda: Now, the time has come.

Dante: Time to unlock your devil triggers.

Pyrrha: I go first.

Y/N: Are you sure my crimson flower?

Pyrrha: Yes, I'm sure. Y/N, can you help me unlock it?

Y/N: Sure.

Y/N walks to Pyrrha with the trigger sword.

Pyrrha: If I die, I love you.

Y/N:*starting to tear up* I love you.

Y/N impaled the sword in her stomach and Pyrrha is gasping for breath. Few seconds later, a sudden burst if energy is going through Pyrrha and successfully activated her devil trigger.

Pyrrha:*demonic voice* AHHHHH!

Y/N: Woah! Pyrrha calm down!

After that, She looked herself and she is in complete shock.

Pyrrha:*demonic voice* I did it. I did it! Everyone I did it!

Everyone was sighed in relief and celebrated the success.

Y/N: Look at my crimson flower, she is a demon like me now.

Pyrrha:*turns back to normal* Your not the only demon now.

Y/N:*smirks to Pyrrha and turns to the others* You already know the attributes when the devil trigger is activated, It will increase your speed, power, healing and reaction. Your devil trigger will always relay on your stamina.

Dante: Who's next?

I saw everyone raised their hands within a second.

*Time skip 10 mins later*

Everyone are successfully unlocked their devil triggers And the team is so happy that mastering their devil arms was paid off. The celebration was interrupted when credo entered the arena.

Credo: Everyone! The demon's make their first move! They are in the city in vale!

Sparda: Everyone, this is what we trained for, let's show these demons what hell is!

Everyone: Yeah!

Credo: Follow me, to the airship, I send my men to the area.

*Time skip 5 mins later*

They are currently in the airship and near vale, they saw the demons destroying buildings and attacking the people of vale.

Y/N: Alright everyone. This is it! This is what we've trained for!

Pyrrha: For Remnant!

Team beacon: For Remnant!

They landed on the ground with weapons up.

Ruby, Pyrrha, and Summer goes to rooftops and starts shooting the demons on the ground. Weiss, Blake, Jaune, Nora, Ren, and Qrow are on the ground killing all types of demons. Yang, Taiyang, and Raven starts killing the demons in the air. Credo and his loyalist is also killing the demons on both air and ground. Dante is helping the people in the grounds. Vergil is helping Yang. Taiyang, and Raven on killing the demons in the air. Y/N and Sparda is killing the superior demons. This continued in 4 mins and the demons is all gone.

Y/N: Looks like Mundus is making his first move.

Sparda: We need to be alert every time.

Pyrrha: all demons is all gone.

Dante: I know that Mundus has something on his sleeves.

Vergil: Same here.

After that, they felt the ground is shaking and they saw Berial but with color blue.

(Replace the color of fire with blue)

Ruby: Is that the same Berial we fought in the simulation?

Summer: I don't think so sweetie.


Dante: Here we go again.

Vergil: What do you want to our family?

Y/N: Want an another betrayal?

Everyone: Ohhhhh!


Berial swings his sword and tried to stab Pyrrha, before Pyrrha reacts, Y/N blocked the sword with the tip of his red queen.

Y/N: You know, that is rude! Especially in front of my girlfriend!


Before berial finished his sentence, 4 slashes hitted berial in a blink of light. After 3 seconds, the 4 slashes exploded and berial is in his knees. Everyone was surprised.

Y/N: Vergil, did you did that?

Vergil: No! I didn't do that!

Dante: same here!

Y/N: Anyone?

Team beacon: No!

Dante: Credo?

Credo: I didn't order to do that!

Y/N: Dad?

Sparda: Nope!

Later they saw a shining light in the air and an angel coming down to the ground. She has a scythe.

(That's the angel, replace the sword with a scythe.)

Pyrrha: What is that!?

Ruby: She has wings! Angelic wings!

Dante, Vergil, Y/N, and Sparda: An Angel.

Y/N: What's an angel doing here!?

Dante: I thought the war between Angels and demons are over!?

Vergil: I thought angels never interfere with mortals?

Sparda: Why are you here?

Angel: I will answer all of those questions after I finished this demon.

Berial: YOU DARE TO-

Before berial finished his sentence, the angel disappeared in a blink of light, and starts to slice and dice berial like a pizza.

Y/N: That move...

Dante: Is similar to Dad.

Vergil: I see!

Sparda:*thoughts* Only me and Eva can do that! Was that Eva?

Team beacon is amazed on what the angel can do. The angel finished berial by slicing him on half and and make an enegry blast and the angel said.

Angel: Holy Light!

(The blast is like a big bang attack from vegeta in dragon ball z)

The angel put the energy blast on berial sliced body and fired it. Berial's body is now turned to ash. The angel turned to the group of devil hunters and huntresses.

Y/N: Who are you?

Dante: Why is your attack is similar to our father?

Vergil: Are you here to kill us?


Summer: Ruby! Calm down.

Angel: Really? You don't know who I am? sons of sparda?

D&V and Y/N: should we?

Angel: Did you forgot your own mother?

The sparda family think for a moment, they knew that their family has an angel.

Y/N: Don't tell me...

Dante: Are you-

Vergil: Our mother?

Sparda: Eva? Is that you?

Angel: Finally! You're taking hints my lovable sons and my handsome husband!

The angel transformed into human form and the sons of sparda and sparda are starting to tear up.

I saw my handsome husband and my 3 loving sons starting to tear up. My sons quickly hug me tightly.

Dante, Vergil, And Y/N: MOM! We've missed you!

Eva: Look at my sons, how big you've grown! I saw your fight with the demons, and we taught you well.

I saw my handsome husband walking towards me and starts to tear up.

Sparda: Eva, How did you-

Eva: Why am I alive? The moment you have been revived, I also revived too. I'm glad to see my handsome husband here.

My husband kissed me, I missed that kiss, I never taste it in 2 decades. I blend in with the kiss, I fought for dominance but my husband won.

Sparda: I won, my angel.

Eva: I will won next time my sweet devil.

Y/N: Ahem!

I turned around and saw my sons with crossed arms.

Y/N: Mom, I'm going to introduce to you the devil hunters and huntresses in training.

Dante: And he is going to introduce his girlfriend!


Eva: Is one of my lovable son has a girlfriend?

Vergil: Yes, and they did the "thing" yesterday.

Eva: I see, may I meet your girlfriend my baby boy?

Y/N: Okay fine.

I followed my son and I saw them, some of them were crying because of our interaction and some were happy to see us reunited.

Y/N: Mom, meet Team RWBY, Team JNPR and Team STRQ. Team RWBY,Team JNPR, and Team STRQ, meet my mom, Eva.

Ruby: I'm Ruby Rose, Leader of Team RWBY!
Weiss: I'm Weiss Schnee.
Blake: I'm Blake Belladona.
Yang: I'm Yang Xiao Long, Half sister of Ruby Rose.
Jaune: I'm Jaune Arc, Leader of Team JNPR.
Nora: I'm Nora Valkyrie.
Pyrrha: I'm Pyrrha Nikos, Y/N's girlfriend.
Ren: I'm Lie Ren.
Summer: I'm Summer Rose, mother of Ruby Rose.
Taiyang: I'm Taiyang Xiao Long, Both father to Ruby and Yang.
Raven: I'm Raven Branwen, Mother of Yang Xiao Long.
Qrow: I'm Qrow Branwen, Uncle to Ruby And Yang.

Eva: It's a pleasure to meet all of you *looks to pyrrha* and my son has a beautiful girlfriend! Looks like you accepted him even his a demon.

I saw the woman named Pyrrha goes red a little bit and she said.

Pyrrha: I accepted him even he's a demon because I don't judge people by appearance, I judge them by their manners and morality.*looks at Y/N* He has a human heart, and cared for us.

Eva: Thank you to all of you for accepting him even he's a demon.

Ruby: He helped us on how to defeat demons like them.

Jaune: Without them, we would have been lost already!

Sparda: Should we head back now? I mean I dearly missed my angel.

Y/N: Okay okay okay, credo, call in the airship.

Credo: Got it!

-End chapter

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