Behind The Pseudonyms

By Bellisima1009

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WARNING: This story contains explicit material and some languages which may not be appropriate to everyone. R... More

1: Suspect: The Grieving Widow
2: Reality Strikes
3: The Savior
4: Recurring Dream
5: Chasing Love
6: Lover's Tale
7: The Evidence
8: Runaway
9: New Beginning
10: Powerless
11: Sweet Sixteen
12: Captured
13: Freedom
14: Apprehended
15: The Killer
16: Trial by Jury

17: Engagement

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By Bellisima1009

 After the shooting incident from McArthur Park, Lara and Paul drove to the hospital following the ambulance of the villains and Ed. Brent remained in the area to assist the police  in combing the park for any casualty while waiting for the chief's further instruction.

In the hospital, the CIU agents needed to supervise over those people who were brought for treatment and medication. It was a tedious work. The villains were dead, Ed was wheeled to the recovery room after the bullet was taken off from his shoulder. They still had to check all the conditions of those hit by stray bullets. There were ten civilians. They assisted their families who rushed to the hospital.  

Atty. Lacey was about to leave her office around 6 PM  when Lara came over.

"What happened Attorney?!...I did not expect the verdict." the detective sat on the attorney's desk.

'Well me too, Lara. Your last witness unchained Clayton." The lawyer grinned with sarcasm. "She talked alot and I never expected her blabbering."

Lara was upset." I was dumbfounded upon knowing it!" 

Atty. Lacey sighed."Who wasn't? I thought Judith will be the one who can really indict the accused but it turned out she knew more than we do." 

Lara's tone was sullen. "I was thinking she'd be a great help. She knew all the victims and had personal communication with the suspect. She didn't even want to testify. I just told her to answer your questions truthfully." 

The woman lawyer gave out a bitter smile. "Yeah. She did and more. She witnessed the murder. Our evidences were not that heavy to put Clayton behind bars for life. We already nailed her to the wall when she admitted killing her Italian husband but our last witness proved her innocence so as the husband's driver."

The bitch is lucky but luck could be temporary. Lara smiled hideously. 

  Biltmore Hotel   

The restaurant was not crowded past 6 PM when Brent entered. He easily captured a group  in one corner. Atty. Reite called him for a small victory party in Smeraldi's at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel where the  Defense lawyers stay with their 2 associates who studied the case with them. Fabio was seated beside Sandra.

Atty. Ynna Brune waved at the detective upon seeing him. He noticed that Alex wasn't  present. Sandra told him that she's taking a nap but will go down later.  The group talked about how the road to their victory happened. 

Atty. Reite never expected it so he immediately revised his closing statement shortly after hearing the shocking details from the prosecution's witness.  From not guilty by insanity plea to not guilty plea, Atty. Reite delivered his closing speech that can make Alexandria enjoy her youth with the affluence around her not in the secluded corner of an Asylum. 

The closing statement of the defense was stated in such a way to let the jury know that their client won't kill for money. She's the heiress of a multi-million dollar empire left by her father.  Therefore killing for money won't be necessary. The prosecution led the jury to believe that the defendant needed money so she killed these men. That was false. In fact, when she turned 18, she donated part of her inheritance to NGO in Malaysia and the New York State Asylum where she voluntarily admitted herself not to be treated but to watch her mother and keep her safe who's the only key to the door of her father's trusted lawyer.  The defendant knew that at the age of 21, she will have more millions while running a successful company of her deceased father.

Being young, she was used as pawn by Diego Lucas who knew about her money. The jilted ex-lover never stopped stalking his girlfriend who left him in Italy after learning that he's a con-man. Diego Lucas masterminded all the killings and set-up his poor ex-girlfriend as a revenge.

Alexandria married these old men not for money but in search of a father figure whom she had little chance of experiencing. If Diego was her accomplice, the police won't capture her being tied on a chair. If she were the mastermind, she won't leave any trace to indict herself like the presence of a bloody knife on the car seat with her finger prints all over it. 

Ms. Clayton was innocent against all these murders. She eloped to escape Diego not to kill more men. She's the victim not the murderer. Hence, the defendant is not guilty beyond reasonable doubt. The jury was convinced.

Alex is still absent when they're having drinks for a night cap. Brent excuses himself to check on her. 

Sandra secretly gives him the key card. "She might still be napping." She whispers to Brent.

True to her words, her daughter is still sleeping when Brent enters the room. She's napping face down on her pillow. He sits on the bed and starts to rake her  hair. She stirs up and looks up at him. She smiles.

"Congratulations. You're really free." He whispers.

She  holds his hand. "Thank you. Please lay down beside me." 

Brent obliged. "Are you going back to New York with them tomorrow?"

Alex shifted from her position facing Brent. "Would you want me to?"

"Nope." He pulls her closer and hugs her. "I just want you in my arms."

Alex starts kissing his chin working all the way up to his lips.  "Do you still love me after finding who am I and what I did?"

Brent caresses her cheek. "Yes. Love never fades, does it?"

"It did for me." She replies.

"Mine doesn't and it's enough for both of us." He whispers.

Tear drops. "Why?" Brent asks as he wipes her tears off her eyes with his fingers.

"I'm a nut case. I fear that your love will fade." She responds.

Brent kisses her forehead. "Dr. Steele will help you and I won't leave you ever."

Alex reaches for his lips. "I wanna feel the warmth of your breath."

Brent kisses her back. The kisses get deeper as Alex taunts him more. The couple craves this bliss between them. It's been like ages since they had this kind of intimacy. As they share a passionate embrace, they know this time the feelings are far greater than before.

Alex leads Brent to seize the moment. Love is between them so as desire. She pulls up his shirt. Kisses his nipple one after the other as he lets out a gasp. He allows her to take the lead. They kiss more, ever so gently at first to savor the moment until it escalates to a  more passionate rhythm with haggard breathing until Alex stops.

"I'm still tired." She smiles wryly.

Brent pulls away with gentle candor. "I know. Let's not rush. We love each other and that's all that matters. We have forever." He cups her chin and snuggles her.

They cuddle as both drifts off to dreamland. The couple are tired after the events in the courtroom and the park.

Brent wakes up alone in bed the following morning. It's 10 minutes after 8. There's a note under the bedside lamp.

'I went to the airport with them. Will be back and have breakfast with you.'

Los Angeles Airport

Alex kissed her mother. |"Have a safe trip. I'll follow you to New York with Brent."

The older woman caressed her child's cheek. "Be safe." She was wheeled by Fabio whom Alex hired as her mom's driver.

The 20 year old woman went to the parking lot.  She dialled her phone while she's driving to Biltmore Hotel. 

"Hey sleepy head." She greeted her boyfriend with mirthful voice.

The sweet timbre of her voice won't be missed by the man who loves her truly. "Hey, going back?"

"Yep, agent Sherwood"  She responded.

"I'm hungry." He complained.

She grinned. "I'll be there in 20 minutes. Have coffee and bread while waiting for me at the restaurant."

"Ok. Be safe. I love you." He whispered.

"I love you more." She hung up with a smile. 

She never thought that real love feels this way. It makes her smile just by the sound of his voice. She feels content and worry-free. Diego never made her feel this way. He's always rushing her. Ahmad was too young. Her husbands were just some convenience. She's not totally happy, only now. Brent makes every little thing different in a good way. He's laid-back. Cool. But she can feel his warmth and steadfast heart.

She is saddened by the fact that Brent lives and works in Los Angeles and she must take residence in New York to help her stepmother in running their family business. How can they survive long distance relationship? They need to plan their future together.

Her phone rang. She's focused on the road. Of course it's Brent. "Hey, am almost there!" She grinned.

"Be careful Nikola. I'm still around to take revenge for my brother's death." The man hung up.

She's about to turn left for Biltmore hotel. The traffic light turns red as Alex freezes on her seat. A sudden pool of heat  engulfs her body. The fright that's been hidden after the trial that one of Diego's men still at large suddenly lurks around to play havoc in her redeemed life.

Honks of cars shakes her. She immediately turns to the left and drives through the parking lot of the hotel. 

"You're pale, what happened?" Brent is very concerned as she takes her seat quietly beside him. 

She looks up at him and narrates about the caller. Brent immediately calls Ed to trace the call. Both are silent while having breakfast. One of Diego's men is still out hiding.

After breakfast, Brent tries to convince her to fly to New York. "You're safe there. The goon is here in Los Angeles. He can't travel. All ports of entry and exit are being monitored for his presence. Once, we capture him, I'll follow you to New York." 

Alex cannot dissuade him. She fully trusts her boyfriend. He knows the best for her. That afternoon, Brent drives  her to the airport. Their goodbye kiss lingers. They do not want to part from their sweet embrace.

Bridgehampton, New York

"So how do you like Quimby Lane?" Brent asks her.

Alex yawned. "Well and good. I'm finally settled at home and trying to fit in the corporate world. Everything is so new but I can say beautiful beginnings." She said mirthfully then ended in a sad tone, "you're the only one missing here."

"That's good to hear about home and work. No worries, I'm flying tomorrow. Advance happy 21st birthday. See you soon." Brent's consoling tone is like a hum of a sweet melody.

"Yeah...actually it's already my birthday." She chuckles. It's 2 AM in New York.

Brent disagrees laughing. "Well, not here. Only 11  PM."

"The detective is always right. By the way, I went back to my original hair color. Red is too feisty."

"Oh...raven..?" Brent asks.

"Nope. Dumb blonde." She laughs out loud.

"You're not!" the boyfriend immediately corrects her. "Stop being silly."

"I'm not being silly. I was dumb for Diego."

"Enough. You were clueless." He dismisses her line. "You're smarter than your age, beautiful and strong."

"Thank you.  I love you. Really, what's not to love about Agent Sherwood. That's why Holtman was drooling over you." She teases.

Brent  chuckles. " Go to sleep now. I love you more." Brent hangs up.

She puts the phone on her chest. It's been almost two months since she left California. Brent's unwavering love is her driving force to get through each day. They talk every chance they get no matter the time or the place. It's a long distance love affair but it sizzles. 

The brother of Diego's accomplice  was caught  2 weeks after she flew to New York. Brent worked it up for  life sentence but before the verdict was granted, the man hung himself in the prison cell using the bed sheet. 

The lovers made plans. Alex will convince the board in a year to have a branch in the West Coast as soon as she gets into the middle of things. Right now, she's still learning the ropes of the trade.  She'd live with Brent in California.  Her mother prefers to stay in New York. She'd been in therapy to walk again and wouldn't like to disrupt it for anything.  They will just visit her every weekend.

Atty. Nathan Reite helped her in the purchase of a 5 bedroom house fronting an ocean. It's her mother's dream. They may have failed living in Cape May but the older woman loves the ambience in Quimby Lane. The house is almost an hour drive to Clayton Steel Manufacturing Corporation. She loves this fresh start. 

Today is her birthday and Brent is on the way.  It will be a wonderful celebration. She drifted off while fantasizing about the materialization of their dreams.

Alex wakes up on a Saturday morning around 6 AM. Sandra is still asleep. She'll go biking then joins her mother for breakfast before 8 AM. It will be a busy day. The caterer will come over after lunch to prepare the food around 4. Party starts at 6.The sprawling  lawn of their ocean front home will be decorated by the event planner after breakfast. She never wanted a big party but her mother insisted. 

I want you to have a social life after all the drama that happened to us. Where would we spend our millions, anyway?  She obliged to her mother's whim.

She rides  her bike to go around her usual trail. She's enjoying the misty morning air when her phone rings. It's Brent. She stopped to put her headset on.

"Man, don't you sleep longer than  a normal person?" She jokes.

"Well, if a man loves his girlfriend like I do, sleep won't come that easy." Brent grins as he hears her giggling. "Just keeping a heads up that I'll be off in a few hours. I'll be in the airport shortly. It will take like 42 minutes to JFK New York from LAX then almost 2 hours of driving to Bridgehampton."

"So you can join me for lunch. That's good. I love my detective."

"Yep. Now gotta shower. I love you more, my future wife." 

The lovers hang up. 

Future wife? They're not even engaged yet. Or is he planning to do it soon? She can't help smiling at the thought. Yes, she wanna be Mrs. Alexandria Sherwood. That sounds great!

In the past, she married for convenience. Now, she's marrying for love and the splendor of such moment is very overwhelming.

Alex continues biking in a happy aura. She greets neighbors as she passes by along Quimby Lane. Who wouldn't know the sensational Alex Clayton? It was a nationwide outbreak. Everyone knows her story but she was forgiven when the verdict was read. Thank you to Atty. Nathan's impressive prowess in mincing words. The media caught a lighter shade of her dark past.

From being the villain, she became the victim and the triumphant defendant who won the hearts not just the jury and the judge but the people. Her tragic story and its victorious end was in the news for a month in national TV. A short documentary was even aired. Movie producers were calling the Reite Law Firm & Associates to get the rights of making it into the big screen. But Alexandria said no. She wanna shy away from the limelight. She only wanted a normal life.

She chose a home far from the public eye. Bridgehampton is the place of the wealthy snobs but nobody is snooty against her.

The usual routine of her trail is just along the neighborhood for a 30 minute bike ride then she'll walk  along the shore for awhile...writing Brent's name on the sand...screams her feelings towards him...seize the moment that she's very much in love. She cannot explain the surge of indescribable feeling that's foreign to her until Brent came along. If she won't  shout it to the world, her happy heart will explode. Nobody hears her this early and it makes her Saturday morning at best. This is the good life. There's a lump of contentment, love  and dreams that get her going even if Brent is still away. 

She's circling the path going back to their house when her phone rings again. Unlisted number? She accepted the call. 

"Hello,''s Tania."

"Yes, Tania." It's her secretary's first time to call her away from the office. She can feel the fright in her stammering voice. "Are you, okay?"

"Oh, yes.... I am okay.... It's just that.... my mother got an accident.... last night...she fell from the stairs... and I need money. I have no one to bother at this urgency. You're the only one in my mind and I hope I can meet you.... at Montauk Highway?" Tania's stuttering voice convinces Alex that the girl is in great urgency for cash.  Good thing she brought her wallet with 3 folds of $1,000 and a few bills in it.

The highway is only 13 minutes away but she's not wearing a helmet. This is emergency. "Okay. I have some cash. If you need more, I'll drop by at the hospital later. I'm going there now." 

Alex takes a U-turn to the ocean shore for a short cut to the highway. Tania has been in the company for 3 years. She only knew her for a month as a quiet and diligent employee. The woman only leaves the office after she does.  Maybe she can recommend a salary raise for her. 

When she reached the highway in less than 10 minutes, she realized she forgot to ask what kind of car does she drive? She decided to cross the deserted highway to wait under the shade of a tree. There's hardly a motorist in the area on a Saturday morning.

But Alex does not reach the other side. She falls from her bike and hits her head on the pavement when a passing car suddenly gets in the way. 

Alex's consciousness  slowly fades away but she's able to see the passengers of the blue vehicle. Tania is sitting beside the driver.  A friend? Who is it? Looks familiar...she blacks out.

Brent  checks his phone as he walks to the luggage  area of the airport. Missed calls but not from Alex. Sandra's number. After hearing the voicemail, he immediately runs to the exit for a cab to Sunny Brooke Southhampton Hospital.

 Alex been in an accident. She's laying in the middle of the road, and the ambulance is on its way.  

The last voice message from Sandra containing grief and anxiousness keeps on echoing in his mind. What happened?!

Brent opened the lid of the box. He planned to propose to her as they dance on her 21st birthday. But it did not happen. Alex had been comatose for more than a month. She suffered a traumatic brain injury from the fall. Tania was dead on arrival in the hospital.

 Police found the woman on the driver's seat with severe concussion on her head, fracturing her skull, causing fatal internal hemorrhage. No witness. The road was empty during the incident. A passing cyclist reported the incident to 911.

Machines are monitoring the swelling in Alex's brain. She lays motionless with tubes. Sandra never leaves her side. Colleagues from work and neighbors come to visit each day.   Doctors cannot say if she would still wake up. They warned visitors that they couldn't talk or make any loud noises that would overstimulate Alex. 

Brent puts the ring around his girlfriend's finger. "Will you marry me, Alex?" He smiles with tearful eyes as Sandra watches crying on her wheelchair. 

 "I will wait until you can say yes." No matter how long it takes, Brent knows Alex would be his last.

Alex's condition doesn't get better. The doctors announce to Sandra and Brent that there's nothing more they can do. They must decide. Their 95% that Alex won't wake-up. Sandra cries. Brent knows that Alex won't choose to have this kind of life forever but he cannot let her go.

 Sandra believes that it's time to set him free. He can't stay forever with her daughter. It's unfair. He never left her side since he arrived from California. He filed an indefinite leave of absence from the workforce. The man needs a warm living woman not her daughter who is  considered clinically dead.

"Yes, please remove her life support." Sandra whispers. Brent looks at his girlfriend's mother in total surprise.

Sandra knows that kind of stare. She needs to convince him. "Brent, if she can only talk, she would never want any of us be confined in this situation.  Let's all have peace of mind. She's tired. It's been almost a year. Would you want her to celebrate another birthday this way? "

Brent sighs in resignation. Sandra is right.  He cannot say no. They're not yet married and Sandra still has the final say for Alex. He sits quietly at the edge of the bed holding Alex's hand as the medical team starts to remove the machines and tubes.

He suddenly feels a pressure. "She pressed my hand!"

But Brent's excitement vanished in a wink when a doctor responded calmly. "It's a reflex or spasm. It happens to dying patients." 

When all the medical paraphernalias were removed, a medical attendant called the hospital morgue and advised the patient's loved ones to wait outside. Brent walked out of the room followed by Fabio who was wheeling Sandra out. They were sitting in silence when the morgue attendants  arrived. Sandra's anguish cannot be extinguished by Fabio's consoling voice or Brent's soothing hand caressing his back.

The detective must be strong for his girlfriend's mother even though his heart is breaking into pieces. God if you can give me a miracle, let it happen today. She's the last woman I'd ever love this way after Chloe. Can you please give her a second chance to live?  I promise to take care of her and sustain the life that You would willingly extend. His mind is talking to God, can He hear him? Sean's dead and now he's just waiting there while his girlfriend's body is being prepared to be brought down to the morgue for embalming.

God, don't you think I deserve to have someone in my life?PLEASE!

 Tears dropped from his fervent prayer the same way when he's trying to resuscitate Sean but God did not answer his prayer then. How about this time?  He's hoping against hope. Clinging to that ounce of faith that if God is real, this day must not  end in another mourning.

The door opened. But it's not the gurney carrying Alex's dead body to be brought down to the morgue.

A doctor rushed to them."We don't know how to medically explain this to you, but she's breathing on her own!"  

Brent ran inside and pushed away the morgue attendants who were standing beside Alex. 

The pale woman opened her eyes then moved her fingers and toes. She asked for cold water. She's staring at the ring on her finger while holding the glass. After drinking, she toyed with the ring on her finger. Brent noticed it. He held her hand and kissed it.

"I don't wanna rush you but I hope you can say yes very soon." He smiles at her.

Alex just looks at the man. She never spoke a word yet since she woke up from coma. She's silent as her eyes roam around.

Sandra is on the other side of the bed caressing her daughter's hair. Alex turns to her.

", mom?" She slurs.

Brent stares at Sandra then both throw a glance of surprise to the patient.

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