Gotham Imagines (Requests Clo...

By FeirceAngel

369K 7K 2.5K

-I take requests as long as they have no smut!!!- Request any male Gotham character x female reader! Warning... More

Riddles // Edward Nygma
Music // Jerome Valeska
Music (Part Two) // Jerome Valeska
Bully // Bruce Wayne
Assassin (Part One) // Victor Zsasz
Assassin (Part Two) // Victor Zsasz
Circus // Jerome Valeska
/ Requests /
Attacked // Jerome Valeska
/ A/N /
Danish Trip // Harvey Bullock
Regret // Harvey Dent
Date // Jerome Valeska
Water-Fight in the Rain // Jerome Valeska
Unintended Breakout // Edward Nygma
Selina Kyle X (male) Reader
Harvey Bullock X (awesome!) Reader
Oswald X (bullied) Reader!
Jerome X (random-brackets) Reader!
Oswald X Reader
Harvey (Bullock) X Reader
Victor Zsasz X Reader
Victor Zsasz X Reader (Part Two)
Oswald X Reader
Jim X Reader X The Doctor!
Jonathan Crane X Reader
Jerome X Reader
Butch X Reader
New Story!
Harvey Bullock X Reader
Victor Zsasz X Reader
Jerome X Reader
Victor Zsasz X Reader
Harvey X Reader
Victor X Reader
Edward X Reader
Victor X Reader
Victor Zsasz X Reader
Jerome X Reader
Victor X Reader
Jerome X Reader
Oswald X Reader
Edward X Reader
Edward X Reader
Victor X Reader
The End

Victor X (Angel) Reader

4.6K 92 26
By FeirceAngel

Days are dark in Gotham, and not just because the sun is blocked by the thick clouds. The spirit of this city is burdened beyond belief, weighing it down like rocks sinking in a sad lake. The streets are always damp, as if Heaven itself mourns over the city.

They say that every cloud has a silver lining, but in Gotham this is not true.

The clouds of Gotham do not have silver linings, in fact they don't really have any linings. They are a dark foggy blanket covering that chokes sunlight and happiness.

Y/n has always wanted to see the bright blue sky that must be hiding behind the clouds. To see the stars twinkle in the night sky. To observe the sun, though not directly of course, in all its brilliant beauty.

But, she cannot see the sun from Gotham, and she cannot leave. To leave Gotham would be to leave everything she's ever known.

And she could never do that.

Whether it be because she's scared of the unknown, or for some other reason, she will not leave the city.

She is protected in its darkness, where no one can find her secret. The secret she's hidden her whole life.

It's been a hard secret to keep, but she has succeeded thus far.

She conceals herself in a large black button-up coat, with a large hood to cover her face. And she leads her life virtually unnoticed by society. Content with her life, she makes the best of living in the shadows and working at night.

Except tonight she wishes she had stayed home.

Y/n's head is ducked, and she walks her usual route to her night job with a soft smile. But words chill her to the core.

"Get in the trunk," A harsh voice orders.

A man points a gun at her head and forces her into the boot of a small black car. She yelps as he violently yanks her purse away and ties her hands in front of her.

She barely fits in the trunk because of her heavy coat and her secret. The secret she's scared to reveal.

The man slams the door shut and leaves Y/n in utter darkness. She's surrounded on all sides by the cold metal of the car, as she struggles to free her hands.

Gasping, panic sets in. Her breathing becomes more jagged and frightened as she pushes against the walls in a futile attempt to escape.

She continues to struggle and pant as the car drives away. Minutes go by as the car speeds away.

But the car trip is stopped after about a two-hour drive. The vehicle presumably hits another vehicle, and pops the trunk in the process.

Y/n falls out onto wet pavement and observes the damage.

The black car got into a head-on collision with a semi truck. The drivers appear to be dead, but Y/n doesn't take the chance that they could still be alive.

Hands still tied in front of her, she dashes from the crash. Nothing register in her brain except: run.

So, she runs and runs and runs.

The night slowly breaks into dawn as Y/n staggers across empty fields until she reaches a mansion of some sort.

Her legs give out before she can go any farther, and she collapses on the dewy glass. Her eyes flutter closed as she passes out.

Her coat was torn during her escape from the vehicle, and it fell from her as she dashed away, and she did not notice that her secret was revealed under the cloak of night.

For as she ran, trailing behind her were a pair of glorious wings.

They illuminated her otherwise near-invisible figure, and painted an angelic picture in the night.

Y/n has wings.

Wings that she tried desperately to hide from the world.

Now, as she rests, the wings cover most of her, white feathers teasing the skin beneath them.

Men surround her with their guns pointed at the strange winged girl. But another man makes his way to her side.

The other make room for him, frightfully aware of his presence.

His name is Victor Zsasz.

A ruthless killer who works for the powerful Carmine Falcone.

And he stands above Y/n.

He crouches beside her and then lifts her up bridal style.

Her wings drag across the ground as he carefully carries her into the mansion.

As he carries her, he studies her features.

H/l h/c hair, soft pink lips, and a gentle way about her.

He brings her into the living room and sets her onto the floor gently.


Your POV

You open your eyes slowly, afraid of the light that pours in. Momentarily blinded, you gasp and sputter until you're sitting up.

A pale man in black stands to the side, and an older man sits in a leather arm chair in front of you.

"Ah, you're awake. I was afraid you'd sleep the day away." The sitting man remarks as he sips from a coffee mug.

"W-where...?" You ask, looking around with fright.

"All in good time dear. For now, allow me to ask the questions. Firstly, why are you here?"

"I-I was kidnapped, and they got into a accident, and I escaped. I don't know where I am, I was just running..." You stammer, suddenly remembering that your hands are tied.

Your eyes widen and you gasp, struggling against the rope. It scratches against your skin, and burns with pain.

"Victor, help the dear." The man orders the bald one.

He grins and takes out a knife, slowly approaching me. He bends down and cuts the rope. You rub your sore wrists and stare warily at the two men.

"If, if you don't mind my asking...who are you?" You address the shot caller.

"I am Don Carmine Falcone. And who are you?"

You gulp nervously, "Y-Y/n L/n-n, Mr. Falcone." You duck your head nervously, and that's when you notice white feathers pooled around you.

Gasping, you flutter your wings in an attempt to hide them, but it's far too late. The man named Victor chuckles slightly, as if he enjoys your squirming.

"You, my dear, are a rare beauty." Don Falcone says.

You shudder from fear, "Please just let me go, I'm no use to you."

"I understand. Really I do..." He assures me, and Victor's face moves to an angered expression, and his fists clench.

"But sir-"

"Yes, Victor. I know." He tells him, then faces you again.

"Victor here wants to keep you."

He says it calmly and freezes the blood in your veins. You scramble onto your feet and prepare to bolt.

Your wings spread to their full length, managing to knock a plant over in the process. They kind of have a mind of their own, and they aren't used to being out in the open. They flutter spasmodically, as you run to the door.

Victor steps in front of you and angles a gun at you.

Tears fall from your eyes as you cower before the criminals, afraid of your fate.

"Victor, I expect no serious harm to come to her. Understand?"

He tilts his head towards Don Falcone, like a puppy listening to its master. "Of course sir."

"Relax." He turns back to you, before sliding his cold pale hand over your soft feathers.

"I won't hurt you, angel."


He drives you to what is presumably his house, a fancy-looking establishment in a secluded area in the countryside.

He leads you into the house, and you know that you can't risk running from him. Now is the time you usually sleep. You work at night and sleep during the day, most weeks, so this is upsetting your schedule. Plus, you ran a long ways so that also make you tired.

He guides you down some stairs into a cold cemented basement and motions to the floor. You comply, sitting on the hard ground.

"Now, I have to go somewhere, but I'll be back soon."

Your heart picks up speed at the possibilities of escape, but your hopes are shattered as he grabs some leather handcuffs and attaches them to your already sore wrists.

He then attaches them to a chain which is in turn attached to a ring on the floor.

"In case you get any ideas."

You sniffle, and hide your face from him, your hair falling like a broken halo around you.

He leaves you alone in the cold basement, chained to the floor. A caged bird left alone in the dark.

And you sleep, covered by your flawless wings, and haunted by horrible nightmares.


Third Person POV

Victor returns to his house, and instantly goes to the basement. He stops as he sees his angel lying on the floor.

She's wearing jeans and a f/c tank top.

He returns upstairs and prepares a plate with some food.

When he gets back downstairs, Y/n is awake, now sitting up.

"I got you food. You should eat." He says, handing her the plate and a fork.

She refuses to take it though, and just stares at her hands while shaking her head.

He frowns, clenching and unclenching his hands, "Eat."

She glances at him, "I'm too tired to eat."

"Then sleep."

"I'm too cold to sleep."

He frowns before going upstairs and returning with a huge fluffy blanket. He throws it at her.

He leaves the food on the floor and goes to walk upstairs again, but stops when the angel speaks.

"I'm a vegan." She says, scrambling for an excuse to refuse eating. He just continues on his way, unfazed by the obvious lie.

After an hour of hunger, she eats the food and lays down again.


A few days of this goes on before she wakes up and her arms are free. She stands up and stretches her arms, legs and wings.

She cautiously walks up the stairs to find Victor standing by the window.

"Do you want to leave?" He asks, without turning at Y/n.


He nods, and she stands there, terrified.

"W-why? Why would you take me and then let me go?" She ventures, curious about the motives of her kidnapper.

"I saw something in you that I've never seen before. I saw . . . innocence . . . and purity, and goodness. I simply wanted a piece of that for myself, but I see now that when you cage an angel, the effect isn't as beautiful as when she is free. Free to be a light in a dark world . . . free to fly. I want you to be unshackled." He says, the speech drenched with unspoken emotion.

Y/n looks at him in a new light. As someone burdened by horrible murkiness, and hidden from the light.

She sees a broken, vulnerable man who just wants something that is good and pure in his life. A man who longs for a glimpse of heaven.

"Victor," She says, at once unafraid of the man. "I am going to walk out of here, but I'd be honoured to go to dinner with you sometime."

~~A Few Months Later~~

Your POV

Blindfolded, you sit in the passenger seat of Victor's car, awaiting the surprise he's prepared for you.

Don Falcone gave him a few days off, so he decided to treat you to something special.

You've been driving for a long time, and are grateful when Victor pulls over and gets out of the car. He opens the door and leads you into the cool night air.

Inhaling deeply, you smile when Vic pulls off the blindfold, revealing the beautiful countryside. Frowning, you turn to look at him in confusion.

"What's the surprise?"

He smirks, "Look up." He angles your head upwards and you gasp in delight.

There, above you, is the full moon amongst a brethren of stars. They shine brightly against a clear dark sky, and seemingly wave to you.

You giggle, as tears of joy fall from your eyes.

"Do you like it?" He asks, nervously.

Twirling around, you let your wings flap in the night air and laugh, "I love it! Victor, it's so beautiful! I haven't seen anything to compare it too!"

"I have."

You look at him, puzzled, "What?"

"You shine brighter and more beautifully than any celestial body in the universe. I love you angel."

You smile, kissing him gently.

"I love you too Vic."

Word Count: 2037

So, who enjoyed? I know I really like this chapter!

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