Sweetest Revenge

By TheHebrewGriot

663 62 10

Two paths destined to cross... Obsessed with getting justice for her brother who was murdered in a mob hit, M... More


chp. 3

67 5 1
By TheHebrewGriot


"Monica dear heart, just what are you up to now?" Madame Queen purred from her vanity table. She was surrounded by a handful of girls she was teaching how to apply make-up. Madame had successfully turned her little corner of the center into a studio that would bring everything in Hollywood to shame. At least in her mind she had. In reality, her and Stormy were forever arguing over her budget. Madame with air of the Queen of the Nile Valley, would ask for five golden swans flown in from Paris. Stormy would bring her five Papier Mache swans made by the kids in the art department.

Madame would demand caviar for her post show party. Stormy brought cookies and juice boxes. She said Stormy had it in for her, because Strom thought the theater department was a waste of time and money. Madame like my Nana had performed on Broadway in the 30's. Madame had a slightly longer career than my grandmother. But like most black performers of that time she didn't make the money her white counterparts did. When her money ran out and no more work came her way, she showed up at the center and asked Nana for a job. That was thirty years ago.

If you let Madame tell it, she was responsible for the career of every actor that had come out of Chicago sense then. Stormy said, there was the real world, that the rest of us lived in. And then there was that strange thing that went on in Madame's head. If you ever want a good laugh, sit back and watch Stormy and Madame have it out. Most of the time it's because Madame has gone behind Stormy's back to talk to Shelomoh about funding something extravagant for her next stage play production.

Stormy who was always calm of course would just shake her head and say, 'No, we can't afford to hire a professional team of stage designers... However, that would be a lovely job for the kids in the art department.' Madame's would suck in her breath as if Stormy had just called her a vile name.

"How can you speak to me this way, I performed with on stage with Eartha Kent and Lena Horne?" She would elongate her neck and throw her head back as if she was in fact Queen of all us mere mortals.

Stormy would just shake her head so use to the theatrics. "No, is not a disrespectful word." She would say. Now by this time Madame is in full drama queen mode. Keep in mind when she speaks she always over enunciates every word. Without fail she pops every P, and tot every T.

"It is a disrespectful word if it means, No, I can't be all that I can be. No, my young talented pupils cannot be all that they can be. And No, I must limit myself to rags when I am worthy of riches!" She would say with her arms waving in the air causing whatever brilliantly colored garment she was wearing to flutter around her like beautiful clouds. Because everything she did was a production.

Stormy wouldn't even look up from whatever paper work she was going over.

"Oh, Madame, no one is asking you not to do the very best you can. I'm just telling you, you're going to have to do the very best you can with the budget that was set for the play." She would speak in a sunny tone that I know grated on Madame's nerves.

"You know young lady I helped raise you."

"How can I forget Madame."

"You would think you would have more respect for me." This would make Stormy look up with a sympathetic look.

"Aww Madame, I have the utmost respect for you, which is why I haven't gotten rid of the theater program all together. We really could use the money elsewhere." Madame would throw her head in the air as if such a thing could not be considered.

"Who knows what cesspool this neighborhood would become if not for my productions."

I chuckled thinking back over their arguments, as I looked through the costumes in Madame's closet.

Her and Stormy's fights were legendary. And I don't know if the neighborhood would get any worse than it is right now without Madame's productions. But I ain't gone lie, she did know how to put on a show. I always had her produce our dance recitals. During one of Madame productions was the only time there is nothing but standing room here at the center. Everybody in the neighborhood came, from the thugs to the choir and everybody in between.

Although, we didn't make much revenue from any of our productions, cause most people around here couldn't afford to pay more than a few dollars for a ticket.

"Little girl I know you hear me speaking to you." She spoke while applying a layer of lipstick on her lips. When she was done, she turned around to look at me.

"I just need to borrow a few items." I told her.

"I can see that. But what could you possibly need in the costume closet?"

"This," I said holding up a white doctor's coat. She frowned, standing from her table.

"Okay ladies go ahead and put on your make up, applying the technique I just showed you." When all the girls were settled down in front of the mirrors she came into the closet with me.

"And just why do you need that?" she asked picking up one of my long locs twirling it between her fingers. "I know how that little clever mind of yours work Sweet Tart, and you're up to something." She droned. I shook my head at her nick name for me. She had been calling me that sense I was Eve's age.

"Well, I need to convince a few people I'm a doctor." Her eyes brighten.

"Really?" She clapped her hands together. "Well sit down child, and let Madame Queen do her thing." Okay, on a side note. Yes, Madame is and older women, she's just a few years younger than my Nana, but she is the wrong one to go to, if you want to be talked out of doing something extremely dangerous and foolish. Madame lived for adventure, even in her old age.

An hour later she was looking at me pleased with her work.

"Now for one last step." She put a named tag on me that read, Dr. Mitchell.

"Okay let me hear you introduce yourself." She was in full trainer mode now. I cleared my throat.

"Hi, my name is Dr. Rachel Mitchell," I spoke with all the flare Madame had taught me. The smile left her face, she smacked at my hand with her fan.

"No! Absolutely not." After an overdone eye roll she continued. "Remember most doctors have a confidence that only recently came in their adult years, before that they were probably very insecure. I should hear that in you tone. Not the confidence of Monica who has been bold and beautiful her whole life. Again, Sweet Tart, but this time convince me." I nodded, she was right. I cleared my throat and tried again.

"Hi," I used my finger to push my Nana glasses up further on my nose. "My, name is Rachel Mitchell... Dr. Rachel Mitchell." Madame's face brightened and she clapped her hands together.

"Yeeeeessss, Child! Yes!" I hugged her, and hurried out the center before Stormy caught me. That's the last thing I needed right now. I had looked up the real-estate company that owned Kaleb's building. And put the address in my phone GPS. I was surprised to see that their office was located Down Town. Wow! This drug dealer was living the life, while people like my Nana and Me, upstanding hard working people could barely afford to eat.

I smiled as I pulled the Land Rover into a garage that charged ten dollars for the first fifteen minutes before charging a dollar each minute after. I shook my head. Chicago was ridiculous!

I wasn't worried though, what I had to do should only take a few minutes.

After walking into the busy high rise, I found a directory. The name of the real-estate company was 7th Oasis, and they were located on the 7th floor.


As soon as I stepped of the elevator the receptionist eyes came to me. She took in my white lab coat and my name tag.

"How can I help you?" she asked, with a friendly smile on her face. I returned her smile. Placing my briefcase up on the counter.

"Hi," I used my finger to push up my glasses. "My name is Rachel Mitchell... Dr. Rachel Mitchell."

"How can I help you doctor?"

"I need to speak with whoever is in charge here, I have seriously important information about one of the tenants that live in one of your buildings." My face reflected the gravity of the situation for which I spoke. Her eyes widen before she picked up the phone pressing a buttoned.

"Mr. Jenkins." She spoke in the receiver. "There is a Dr. Mitchell here to see you sir. She says she has vital information for you." She nodded her head. "Yes Sir." When she hung up she smiled at me.

"Please have a seat, he will be out promptly."

"Thank-You" I told her, before taking a seat in one of the chairs in the beautifully decorated waiting room. I hadn't been sitting a minute before the office door opened and a handsome brother dressed to the nine's in a three-piece suit came out the back.

"Dr. Mitchell?" he asked coming to me to shake my hand. I stood.

"Yes sir, I'm from the CDC.." I flashed my badge really quick. He blinked several times as his eyes tried without success to read the information on the badge.

"I am so sorry to bother you...but if I can have a moment of your time, I think you will want to hear what I have to say." I spoke quickly taking his mind off the fact that he never really saw the badge.

"Of course, please come into my office." I walked ahead of him into his office.

"Please take a seat," he closed the door and took his own seat behind his desk. I eased into the chair he indicated putting my briefcase down on the floor next to my leg. Then I used my finger to push my glasses up on my nose.

"I must admit being puzzled as to why a doctor from the CDC would be here in my office." I could see the confusion on his face.

"I wish my visit could have been under better circumstances... Unfortunately, this is not the case. I come with rather dire news. We recently received word of a tenant of yours who just came back from a very long stay in South Africa." The man's eyes widen instantly. Oh yea, this was going to be a breeze.

"He was supposed to report to the CDC as soon as he landed back here in America."

"Why?" he asked, but I could tell from his face he already knew the answer. I pushed my glasses up on my nose and cleared my throat.

"Sir, he was being treated there for Ebola."

"Whaaaaaat!!!!" I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing at the revulsion on the man's face. I nodded.

"So, you can understand our concern, everybody that know this man, must be warned. Especially those that live near him. If he comes in contact with anybody in that building, I'm afraid we may have to quarantine the whole building." He snatched up his phone.

"Gloria, I need you in here right now!" he demanded.

"Who is the person, doctor?" I picked up my briefcase and pulled out a file that I had gotten from Madame's prop closet. Then pretend to scan over it.

"A Mr. Jacobs, Kaleb Jacobs." I told him looking up from my document. The look of shock that registered on his handsome face was priceless.

"Mr. Jacobs?" he asked a little over a whisper. "Are you sure?"

I nodded, now it was time to pound this nail home. I'm sure by living in the penthouse, Kaleb was big money for this company. Shame on them for being okay with excepting dope money. So, if you're wondering if I felt bad for what I was doing to this poor sap. My answer would be a resounding no. I didn't feel guilty in the least.

"Trust me sir, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, does not take things like this lightly. Are you aware of how quickly Ebola can spread around a city like Chicago?"

"In two weeks' time, half the population would be hospitalized, fighting for their lives. In a month's time, two of every three people will be infected with the disease. I ask you sir, does that sound like something we would not be sure about." He opened his lips but he could only stutter. I didn't give him time to gain control of his speech.

"I don't mean to put you in this situation. I know legally you can't evict a person because they are carrying the Ebola virus, but be warned, you should do something to protect the other tenants of that building. And unfortunately, the only true protection is to get Mr. Jacobs out of that building." I put my files back into my briefcase before coming to my feet.

"Look, can I speak to you off the record?" I asked. He nodded. "I'm sure you, being in real-estate know how to skirt around the system, if for no other reason but to be a hero. The hundreds of lives that you save, will be well worth it." His mouth dropped open again. Goodness, this shouldn't be so easy.

"I've taken up too much of your time, there are others that must be warned. You have good day sir." I turned and walked past Mr. Jenkins secretary that was standing holding the door open for me. Her face puzzled as she wondered at the astonished look on her employer's face.

I did not break character until I was sitting inside the Land Rover.

"Yeeeeessss!!!" I did a little dance in my seat. Oh man, his look of shock was priceless. Now what you going to do Kaleb, you fent to get evicted from your precious penthouse.

I felt good. No! I felt great! I felt so good that I went grocery shopping on Kaleb's dime. Tonight, I was going to prepare a celebratory feast for my two girls. I went to the nice grocery store, the one in Oak Park, and got us some fine cuts of beef. As I walked out I saw the Kids Corner across the street.

Hmm, The Kids Corner had some really nice clothes. I had taken Eve there a couple of times, but only had enough to get her a ribbon or a pair of socks. Ya'll as I stood there, that credit card Kaleb had given me begin to burn my pocket. It was bad enough I had brought groceries with his dirty money. I shouldn't buy clothes for my daughter with such filthy gain. Yea, that was the right thing to do. I put my groceries in the trunk. Then looked over at the store one more time.

I could go and just look around a bit. Do a little window shopping. It was a good day, the sun was shining bright, I had just got a bad man evicted from his house, why not. An hour later as I was heading out the store with several bags of items for Eve, I guess I could admit, I knew I was lying to myself when if first deciding to come window shopping. I justified spending this nasty money, by telling myself that Eve really needed these items. In fact, I justified until my guilt melted away and my good mood had returned.

I skipped up the stairs to my house.

"Eve, look what mama got for you." I said as I threw open the door. However, I came to a halting stop at the site of Kaleb sitting on my couch with Eve on his lap, talking to Nana. All the bags, and I do mean all of them fell out of my hands and crashed to the floor. My heart lurched so hard in my chest it was painful. For a moment, I experienced such a high level of panic that the only thing I could do was stare at the man that was supposed to never know about Eve, holding Eve. I blinked as my mind screamed for me to react, but my body wouldn't move because it was crippled in shock.

He turned to look at me with angry eyes, although he had a smile on his handsome face. No doubt for Nana's sake. No, I take that back, he wasn't angry, he was pissed. Eve looked so tiny next to his massive body.

"Why the hell are you holding my daughter?" I yelled, oh my goodness! I was so throwed off. I didn't mean for that to come out so loud but my emotions were running crazy. My Nana's mouth fell open.

"Now, just wait a minute young lady! That is no way to talk to a guest!" I began shaking my head before she even finish speaking.

"No! No! Nana! He ain't no guest!" I cried, walking to where he sat on the couch holding Eve, who was playing with his car keys. So trusting she was, sitting in his viscous arms. I had witness firsthand what those powerful arms could do.

"Give me my daughter, now!" I spat, looking down at him. One of his eyebrows raised as he looked up at me with fire in his eyes. Probably angered that I would dare speak to him that way.

"Your daughter?" he asked in that deep, low, dangerous, voice of his.

"My daughter!" I reached out and gently took Eve out his arms. I could see the muscle ticking in his angry cheek.

"Monica why are you acting out like that. What has gotten into you girl!" Nana was getting herself worked up.

"Nothing Nana," I said trying to calm her. Hugging Eve close, I walked to the other side of the room. Dear Yah, I had never been so scared in my life.

"Something has gotten into you. I didn't raise you to treat guest that way!"

"I just don't like strangers holding my child that's all!" I spoke to Nana but I looked at Kaleb. Who was having a hard time hiding his own anger.

"And he ain't a guest." I hissed.

"If he ain't a guest than who is he?" it was something in my grandmother's tone that made me look away from Kaleb and take her in. The last thing I needed right now was for her to get suspicious and start asking questions. If she knew who Kaleb really was, and what I had done she would probably have a heart attack right now.

"Nana, calm down, you don't want to work yourself up into a fit." I spoke to her but I prayed that Kaleb had enough sense to pick up what I was throwing out.

"Don't you worry about my fits!" she snapped. "I'm trying to figure out what the world is wrong with you. If this here young man is not a guest, then who the world is he?" Kaleb turned to look up at me and blinked innocently.

"Yea, who am I?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I stranger! That's who he is. And you shouldn't be letting strangers hold Eve?" I hissed. It was his turn to narrow his eyes, as his anger boiled to the surface again.

"Oh Child, he ain't gone hurt that baby! You know Monica, I am extremely disappointed in you. Here this young man is our first potential border in almost two years, and you doing the best you can to scare him away." My eyes flew to her.

"What do you mean first potential border?" I shifted Eve in my arms so that she was resting on my hip.

Nana smiled folding her hands in her lap, obviously very proud of the information she was getting ready to deliver. "Well, before you came in, going crazy, he was just telling me how he needed a room for a little while. Apparently, his jealous ex-girlfriend went to his apartment management building and lied to them. What were you saying sugga?" she asked him.

He looked at me. "My jealous ex went to the management company of my building and told them that..." he paused for just a moment. "Of all things, that I had Ebola." He looked at me. "Can you believe that?" he had the nerve to ask. Psss! Jealous ex my butt!

"No, I can't say that I do believe you." I said flatly. He nodded.

"You know, I didn't believe it at first either, but I assure you such deceit does exit." His angry gaze went from me to Eve.

"Well honey," Nana said drawing his attention back to her. "If you still what the room we sure do have the space." I shook my head.

"No, we don't Nana!" she frowned at me again, trying to give me the look that had intimidated me as a child.

"Yes...we...do!" she spaced each word out through tight lips.

"No...we...don't!" I responded the same way. She smiled at him and slowly got to her feet.

"Excuse me baby, let me talk to my granddaughter in the kitchen. Her mind ain't wired right. Sometime, I have to explain things to her, she simple..." she looked at me and jerked her head toward the kitchen. I looked down at his pleased face and I couldn't help the sneer that came on mine. Still holding Eve in my arms, I marched into the kitchen after my grandmother.

"What is wrong with you? You young fool! That man need a place to stay and we need his money!" She spat putting one hand on the counter and the other on her hip.

"Nana we don't know him, he could be a murderer! And you just gone invite him to stay!"

She looked at me for a minute and shook her head. "Child this here a boarding house. We ain't known much about nobody that has ever stayed here." Yea, well she had a point. My mind raced for some excuse to give her so that she could just let this drop.

"I don't like the way he look." I told her and I could have kicked myself. That sounded dumb even to me. She chuckled.

"I find him quite handsome myself." Then she had the nerve to blush.

"Forget his looks!" I hissed. She frowned at me.

"You the one brought up his looks." I shook my head.

"Not like that, I meant he looks dangerous. And we don't want dangerous men around Eve." I gently pulled Eve's head to rest against my shoulder, and rubbed it for emphases. The little menace popped her head back up and grinned at Nana.

Who waved her hand. "That man ain't gone harm that child. You should have seen him when he first noticed her. I thought I saw a tear in his eye. He apologized for the way he acted, said Eve reminded him of someone." She held her hand to her mouth. "I think he may have lost a child." She whispered. I blinked at her. Oh, my goodness! I was getting ready to have a nervous breakdown. This was not supposed to be happening.

"Now, would you stop acting crazy and go out there and be nice, so that we can get this money." I shook my head, no. I couldn't help it, I was freaking out on the inside. The stress of this situation was about to kill me.

"Why not!" she hissed, and I could tell that she has lost all patience with me. Outside of coming clean and telling her everything, I was at a complete lost as to the reason why we should not let him stay here. I exhaled and dropped my head defeated.

I can't believe this was happening. He was supposed to be busy trying to find him somewhere else to stay. Not here in my living room. I looked at Eve, who was now grinning at me. I put my head against hers. Mama done messed up now. I have led a very dangerous man to you precious heart.

"You know," Nana spoke looking up at me with a very disapproving expression on her face. "There ain't a day go bye, I don't regret letting you stay up under Queen's crazy self as much as you did when you were little, it's her fault you turned out like this." My mouth dropped open.

"And how did I turn out?"

She shook her head and turned to walk out the door back into the living room. But before she went through she turned to look back at me. "Full of drama, just like her. Now get out here and be nice to this man, so that we can get that little extra money." She pushed through the door.

I leaned against the sink. Still holding Eve. How did I even began to take her back out there? I was so busted it wasn't even funny. Good thing Nana's eyes wasn't that good and she couldn't see that the child the man had lost was right here in my arms. I inhaled, considering taking Eve and just leaving out the back door. But I couldn't leave Nana in here with that maniac.

Wasn't nothing to do right now but face my trouble, there was no use hiding in here. After taking a deep breath, I followed Nana through the kitchen door.

"The rent is One-Hundred and Twenty-Five dollars a week." She was in the middle of telling him. He nodded.

"Ma'am sense it seems as if I am inconveniencing you, please allow me to pay five-hundred a week. It would make me feel much better." My Nana's eyes widen.

"We don't need your charity!" I hissed. Nana's head snapped towards me.

"Now Monica, if this man say paying five-hundred a week will make him feel 'better. Don't you go adding your feelings to the equation. He's the guest, it's his feelings that matters, missy." She turned back to Kaleb and smiled. "If paying five-hundred a month will make you feel better sweetheart than Nana will be more than happy to oblige you." I sucked on my teeth.

"You ain't his Nana, her name is Ms. Niomi to you!" I snapped at Kaleb. Nana reached over and grabbed his hand.

"Don't worry none about my granddaughter, remember I told you, she simple. You can call me Nana if you want to." She cooed at him. And the bastard had the nerve to look at me and smiled before he turned back to her.

"Thank you, Nana, thank you for everything." Emm, ya'll don't even know how much that grated on my nerves.

"You welcome baby." She gushed smiling real big at the fraud. Oh, my goodness, my grandmother was acting like a seventy-eight-year-old gold digger.

"Monica, go up and prepare the Blue room for our new tenant." My eyes flew to her.

"The Blue room!" That was right across the hall from my room. I shook my head. "That's not going to work, he can have the White room." That was way at the end of the hall.

"None sense, the floor is damaged in the White room. Outside yours and Eve's room the Blue room is in the best shape." I opened my mouth to say something else, but Nana shot me a look that made me snap my lips shut.

"Bring me Eve, and go on and prepare the room." She said holding her hands out for Eve. I looked over at Kaleb as I crossed the room. His angry gaze followed me. I eased Eve unto Nana's lap. But before I moved I looked my grandmother in the eye.

"I'm going to do this, but can you do me favor and not let strangers hold my child." I respect my grandmother, always have. But I needed her to know that I was serious. She nodded.

"Yes, Monica, Goodness!" I straightened and without looking at him again marched up the stairs. I couldn't believe this. Why in the world would he come here? This place was a dump compared to what he was used to. Word around the hood, was he and his brother had been born into luxury. Their father haven been in the dope game long before he'd ever thought about having children.

I opened the door to the Blue room, at one point and time it had been a real beauty. Now like the rest of the house it was wearing down fast. It was the second biggest to my room. Which would still appear tiny to him. I crossed the room and opened the windows to air it out. For a minute, I thought about sabotaging his room, but Yah knows what will happen then. Angrily I threw clean sheets on his bed. He could make his own damn bed.

"What's wrong Monica, you having a tantrum cause things ain't turning out like you planned. Did you baby daddy come back from the grave to hunt you?" The deep angry voice came from behind me. I spawn around just in time to see Kaleb coming through the bedroom door shutting it behind him.


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