The Smith and the Knight

By takemywishaway

29 0 0

A love story, from the love between friends, war or otherwise. In the magical land of Sanctuary where a massi... More

Smith's Work
The Damned, The Wicked, and the Vengeful
Grand Tournament
Good guy Gavilis
The North
The Lower Sector
Dark Magic
Archaic Arbitrators


3 0 0
By takemywishaway

Gelehrter rose to his feet. The bed was comfortable, almost unbearably so. His hand rested onto his forehead as he took a moment to focus onto his well being.

His muscles felt unusually tense, the scent in the air sweet. Ana's room was desolate, save for a few items she kept from her adopted father. A minimalist's chamber with only a bed, a table and a small basket for her clothing.

He stood upright and fumbled about in the darkness. After a small effort, he pulled a shirt, his gambeson, pants, belt and boots onto his frame. Gelehrter glanced over to the bed once again. The blankets gently rose and fell, the shape of Ana's sleeping form caused him to smile.

"Do not tarry, you have places to be." Ernald's voice boomed in his mind.

He shook his head and merely stared at Ana's frame. The night before seemed as if it were another time, another place. Having endured the nuances of the Lower Sector, his mind struggled to placate him into believing he had spent the night with her.

And yet, here he stood. Never in his wildest dreams would he imagine taking the first step into her life, only to march out onto the fields of battle. Political or otherwise, his departure into the realm of Sanctuary felt final.

He found himself at a loss and quietly padded out of the room. The house he had come and gone through during his youth appeared smaller than it has ever been. Various items were cataloged, labeled and set aside. Some crates were covered in soot covered hand prints while others were unusually clean. As he entered into the kitchen and then the forge, he retrieved his blade.

The door behind him creaked open and the scent of coffee caused him to turn to the source. Ana padded stealthily behind him, her hand extending a mug. She avoided his gaze and stared at the dead forge. Outside, the windows revealed the early hours of the morning. A horizon which betrayed their sense of time.

Her emerald hues finally met his as she sipped at her mug. She had garbed herself in her usual attire: a shirt, pants, boots and an apron. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail, a stark contrast to her hair being loosely bound by two strips of ribbon.

"Where are you off to?" She asked, though in her heart an answer would be as vague as it normally would be.

"I am going to report to Gavilis. I imagine he would be elated to know I have returned and would pick my brain for any further information. The Lower Sector has not been documented for some time..." He trailed off, lost in thought for a few moments.

"I understand, you don't have to tell me everything." She smiled sadly.

"I-Its...not like I don't want to share with you what I know. Its just..."

"You are a Justicar. I am a smith. We both live very different lives. I create tools for destruction and you wield them to ensure we are all safe." Ana surmised and took a moment to shovel coals into the forge. "Help me with this before you go."

He busied himself with scraping the ashes into a stained bag. As he heaved it over his shoulder and into the training yard, the forge roared into life.

Gelehrter entered into the forge once again and spotted her resting an unfinished blade nearby while the forge continued to rise in temperature. She pulled harshly on the bellows in a rhythmic fashion and sweat already beaded across her brow.

As he approached, her ill-tempered expression softened. He gently placed a kiss onto her cheek and then turned to leave.

"Please be careful..." She whispered.

The cool morning air caused him to shiver involuntarily and he shook his head. Though it took only moments for him to acclimate, he found himself waiting for something.

Ana's hammer rang with renewed fervor. He walked away from the smithy and headed in the general direction of the Citadel. The tower loomed overhead into the heavens, gazing down at the denizens of Sanctuary. In the Market District, merchants were hastily setting up their shops and taking stock. Soldiers belonging to either noble houses, or the Templarate, appeared to wander groggily in the direction of the Citadel. He padded along them and dodged a carriage, horses and other livestock. In the wee hours of the morning, he witnessed Sanctuary awaken.

Several of the Templarate were relieving one another near the entrance of the Citadel. Aristocrats of all races, shapes and sizes lined up as they presented their identification cards. Being a Justicar, he activated his Blessed Star as he neared. Stationed men addressed him with respect and reverence.

He merely nodded or murmured a response. Blending into the crowd, he attempted to make himself as small as possible. The gigantic chamber which allowed for gathering of personnel and final mission preparation seemed much smaller. He took a glance around and then found the entrance to a lift. He merely waited and slipped in with a crowd entering shortly afterward. The tiny box shook violently as it carried its passengers to their destination. A bell chimed overhead as he exited it behind the procession and into the hallway.

Its grandiose design fulfilled its purpose. Traffic flowed like water down a stream, two currents going in their respective directions. As he ventured into the beyond, he shook his head as torch sconces appeared from nowhere. Their haunting white flames renewed their horrific reign before they were swept away in the waters of the procession.

Gelehrter entered into the Council Chambers shortly afterward. The circular expanse was filling with people who faced the arena in the center, their expressions grim.

He glanced across the way to Ovelia, Arden, Rena and Gavilis. The trio were situated in their positions in accordance with Sanctuarian Law. Ovelia, the Sanguine Overlord, resting in the Eternal Throne, peered down at the procession which filled the chamber. Arden stood at Ovelia's right hand, the young heir taking stock of various Templarate soldiers who entered. Rena stood nearby, lower than Arden, Gavilis and Ovelia, almost concealed by the walls behind the throne. Gavilis, acting as Knight Undying, stood in front of his place and observed the crowd pouring in. He spotted Gelehrter and offered a nod of recognition.

Gelehrter caught Arden, Rena and Ovelia also glancing in his direction. They disguised their familiarity with an insignificant nod.

Ovelia stood upright and raised her hands solemnly as the crowed had taken their seats. She bowed her head, the masses standing upright. Surrounding the chamber, all Justicar—including Ovelia, Arden and Gavilis—activated their Blessed Star of Sanctuary if it hadn't been already. Their bodies shimmered for an instant as the dark armor stitched itself over their clothes. A low hum echoed in unison within the Council Chambers as Ovelia led the prayer.

"'O, Sanctuary and the Holy Father, guide us in your divine light. May our minds be unclouded and our bodies free of disdain, for we are but humble servants within your kingdom.'" As she recited the prayer, the congregation answered her.

"'O, Sanctuary and the Holy Father, guide us!'"

"Amen. The Council is now in session. All concerns, no matter how small, will be brought to light. Let any take the floor!" Ovelia commanded.

"I shall take the floor, my Overlord." A voice called. Accalia's platinum hair dazzled the on-lookers as she took the center of the arena. Her stark sapphire eyes seemed to glow in the dim light, her dress flowing like water. She padded quietly to her position and snapped her fingers.

The chamber hummed with low murmurs. A vampire, chained by the neck, wrists, and ankles, was dragged nearby into the arena. Her body was bereft of clothing, the humiliation taking shape in her visage. Templarate soldiers surrounded her while another tended to the chains, heaving her about like garbage. Her crimson eyes glanced about weakly before they settled onto Arden, Rena, Gelehrter and Gavilis. Then she glanced to Ovelia, as if hoping in desperation for any sign of pity.

"I bring to you our enemy. She is stripped bare, as you can see. Though it pains me to bring this upon you, but we have lived in fear our entire lives. Many of us for lifetimes. We cannot go see our friend during the night for fear of being attacked by these bloodsuckers, nor can we hope to ever take our dying to care should they be hurt at night. Nay, our walls are aligned with machinations which seek out malignant intent, whether from our own or them, and will fire upon our own kith and kin." Accalia began and allowed an instant for the reality to be brought to light. "What use is it to live like livestock. A dwarf is strong and hearty, yet cowers in the face of these bipeds. An elf is eloquent and majestic, yet flees in lieu of engagement with these monsters. Humans, lesser or otherwise, try to escape with their lives. Great noble houses crumble when a vampire enters their wake. House Mortem has only allowed us to survive when we would instead be walking abominations. Will you aid us in war with these despicable beings?"

"My Overlord, please...if I may." A noble stood upright, facing Ovelia as he spoke.

Ovelia deigned her attention.

"As many of us would like to know...where does House Delacroix sit in this situation? Those who are turned are routed and destroyed. Yet here one lays before us. She is innate, I can see it with mine own eyes. Those crimson orbs filled with hope of pity cannot hide their true identity." He addressed her and a moment passed before she stood to reply.

"She is our prize in our campaign in the North. As you are well aware, a coven had been established and we sent a few of our troops to investigate. Our own Rena, Arden, and Gelehrter--"

"Gelehrter is missing--"

"--arrived to a sorry state of affairs. Thalanil thought to use Accalia against us and nominated her to be my Royal Vizier. I accepted and kept my word. However, House Delacroix has made no mention to me if they were willing to accept our young ward, Eloise, under their banner once again."

Another noble stood, bowing with reverence to their Sanguine Overlord.

"If I may, my Overlord." A gaunt man with a hooked nose addressed her. His dark garb disguised the decrepit limbs underneath. As he spoke, his throat wheezed and he struggled to hold himself upright. A pair of crimson hues focused onto his Overlord. Ovelia nodded to him in return. "I, Targon, admit to conspiring with the vampiric threat many years ago. However, I will not accept punishment now, for it is long since past that time. It is irrelevant, you would say."

Gelehrter's eyes widened as he drank the image of Targon. Murmurs droned throughout the expanse, Gavilis eyeing him apprehensively.

"I am a man of my word, as I have been tasked with rooting out opposition. Being of the Delacroix, though our noble house has fallen from grace, has allowed me to ascertain the whereabouts of another Wrath of the Ancients." Targon leaned on his cane and then continued after a brief spell of silence. "I understand you are aware of such a machination. It is a machine which is used in part to extract the soul of those who stand upon it. The soul is then used to create a Soul Cube, a rather drab name for a fantastical device. Inside of this Soul Cube is infinite knowledge."


"You jest."

"That is a lie!"

"What source of trickery--"

The voices droned in unison and Gavilis raised his hands as he addressed the uproar.

"Enough! You will give Targon your undivided attention." He barked, the congregation slowly died down. The air grew thick with tension.

"As I was saying, the Soul Cube is a disastrous piece of equipment. Once filled with a soul, it is essentially stowed. The idea for this device was to increase the power of units in a short amount of time. Keep in mind, the Wrath of the Ancients—we have dubbed this machine thus because we do not have any records of its old name, or if it even had a name to begin with—is a machine. It is made from a different type of material than any we are used to working with. To create the means for increasing the power of a single unit, it costs another living being. Essentially, to unlock more power, you must take from those you love and those who would deign you. This cost was too great and though a few were built, they are able to be transported. I am uncertain how this feat is accomplished, but the implications are clear. The vampires and their masters are on the move." Targon explained carefully.

"What of the girl here?" One of the other nobles chimed in. "Why bring her here, what use is she to our discussion?"

"We are deciding her fate." Accalia announced. "Though she is a vampire, she is indeed a citizen of Sanctuary. Her crimes against our Eternal Throne, the Citadel, its inhabitants and the Sanctuarian Law are immense. This includes high treason... What is the will of House Delacroix?"

Targon's eyes focused onto the young girl before him, whose eyes pleaded for mercy. In the moment of silence, he appeared troubled and closed his eyes. The man stroked his beard and memories of the babe rushed through him. Without another moment, he turned to Gavilis.

"Please extract her memories." Targon merely watched Eloise be dragged away with Accalia in tow. Gavilis nodded and exited after them. Uneasiness spread like a plague throughout the chamber as the realization sunk in.

"I propose we establish a defense of our own. Sanctuarian Templarate will be our first line of defense. I will outline our campaign when I have her memories to analyze; all Justicar report to the Grand Atheneum for further instructions. Templarate Captains are to increase the training of their brigades ten-fold and are to be on high alert." Ovelia stood upright and without any further delay, she quickly added. "We shall eradicate them or fall. There is no alternative, I will not have my citizens of Sanctuary become drones for vampires."

"Ma'am, if I may...our food stores will be taxed ten-fold. How will we better fill the bellies of more personnel?" Another noble stood upright meekly and addressed Ovelia.

"Another construction by the Lycanthrope sciences will be demonstrated." She nodded to a man bearing a small cloak. He pushed a little cart into the center of the arena and placed two objects onto it. They were identical models of all Sanctuary, the massive tower lobbed in half for demonstration purposes. He then turned to the crowd who eyed him curiously.

"My colleagues and I have devised a way to protect vital resources in Sanctuary while simultaneously bolstering our defenses. With the matrices deactivated for the sake of our campaign—as you are well aware how dangerous these magical turrets are—it leaves much to the imagination how we would fare in the hours of twilight. As vampires are nocturnal, I would have them come to us and be drawn to these settlements like fireflies. Essentially, a dome of magical energy would surround the area in a circle as shown here." He pressed a button and tiny glass orbs formed over plots of land in the Southern District and the Eastern District's models. "One such device would be not be placed around the Citadel, as it is simply too large of a job to protect, but I digress. The dome would enhance the soil and the crops within, allowing us to yield more bountiful harvests. A trail of said barriers would lead to the Citadel, where the foodstuffs will be logged and sorted among the masses. Should there be an attack, we would better hold out. For the moment, the defense matrices will be online during the night to better aid our construction of these devices. I will demonstrate now what we would do in case one of our pieces were to...shatter."

A small rod sent a signal to one of the domes which shattered into millions of bits. After a few moments, the glass then reconstructed itself and then shone brilliantly for a few moments before returning to its normal state. "The material is designed to rebuild itself and the environment within. It cannot revive anyone who is killed during the attack, but the crops would be saved and it would allow us to continue to produce food. Livestock will live in similar structures, but they would be more durable to better protect them from further attacks."

A few of the nobility nodded and murmured among themselves.

"'Tis indeed a sound plan. There are a few loopholes, but I am certain the enemy will think of none of them directly." Ernald's voice chuckled within the bowels of his mind.

"I will move for the Council to come to a recess until further notice. All are instructed to reinforce their homes and those who are willing to fight are welcome." Ovelia announced and she stood upright. The congregation exited from whence they came, a drone filling the Council Chambers.

Once they were gone, the Justicar followed suit as well. Gelehrter remained however, and approached the Eternal Throne where Ovelia appeared to wait for him. She eyed him curiously as he neared but smiled softly.

"It is nice to see you again." She turned away as another Justicar brought her a folder and darted away. Her brow furrowed as she poured over its contents.

Arden and Rena were nowhere to be found.

All the attendees had vanished, save Gelehrter.

"Ma'am...if I may."

"Go ahead." Her eyes glanced to him and then she returned to the folder.

"A-Are... Are Justicar permitted a relationship?"

She shut the folder.


"Are Justicar permitted a relationship?" He repeated.

"You would have to speak with Gavilis on such a touchy subject. I am very busy." She brushed him off and retreated into the secret door behind the Eternal Throne. "Come, I will help you find him."

He trailed on behind her. The door shut behind him and all he could hear were the echoes of their footsteps. In the darkness, he caught his breath. A perpetual state of claustrophobia threatened to siphon the oxygen from his body.

Fear gripped him and as he began to panic, the darkness was destroyed utterly by light. He stepped out after Ovelia and into the interrogation room. Gavilis reluctantly glanced to their entrance and fidgeted uneasily.

Gelehrter raised an eyebrow.

"Have you prepared the extraction ritual?" She asked.

"Aye, I've been awaiting your arrival. I don't enjoy this." He admitted and glanced to Gelehrter. "That does not leave this room."

"Aye, sir."

He motioned for them to gaze into the interrogation room proper. Chained to the wall like an animal, Eloise's head lulled forward in defeat. Gavilis led the way, opened the door for them, and steeled himself.

"You have not seen the procedure, Gelehrter. This will be a lesson, then. Justicar are permitted to use any and all methods in extraction of information. However, I will advise to do this only when necessary. If you can also gather the Council prior to the ritual, it would also better aid an explanation if they find out." He explained as he approached cautiously.

Her eyes raised and her head followed suit. Eloise's dark crimson hues glowered dubiously at them in the dim light, her body quivering violently. She attempted to reach forward shakily and the chains rattled as she slammed against the wall once again.

"Gelehrter...isn't it...? I thought I had killed you. I thought that at least you would be killed and that I had claimed one victim to Sanctuary's darkness. It is a said life knowing that there was one less Justicar in this world." She chuckled weakly.

"Gavilis, you need not fret over this one." In a flash of light, Ernald's spirit suppressed Gelehrter in a wave of supernal energy.

"M-Master?!" Gavilis exclaimed while he and Ovelia leaped away in shock.

"She hopes you will sup on her lies. Give her no quarter." He commanded, his voice booming as it echoed nearly endlessly throughout the chamber. Eloise raised her hands to her head in vain as the sound pervaded her mind.

"Ernald! Ernald lives, what will my masters say when they find out! head is going to explode!" Her voice rose into a wail as she felt terror grip her, the ferocity from within being drowned by the unadulterated fear of the first Mortem. Without warning, the otherworldly presence vanished and Gelehrter rubbed his eyes profusely.

"I will demonstrate. Gelehrter, pay close attention. I can only perform this once." Gavilis raised his hand into the air and spread his fingers apart. The energy within his body coalesced into a bright light into the center of his palm. Time halted in the instant he reached forward with his hand, the finger tips gently pressing against her skull.

Her incessant struggling halted as she felt the magic pouring into her mind. All thoughts ceased once she accepted the presence cooing to her, the sweet melodic sound reverberating through her body. Within, her blood boiled white hot and then cooled all at once. Her eyes lulled into the back of her head as she hung limp.

Memories from her birth to the moment she remained in the now flashed before her eyes. A humming melody droned from within the bowels of her psyche. Water rushed and engulfed her with its icy embrace. Her eyes widened as she swam about, bubbles rising from her lips as she attempted to speak out loud. A realization struck her then as she walked confidently in the depths. She turned about, drinking in the ocean blue. No other life swam by her.

She wandered about for a few moments, seeking refuge in the darkness. Her eyes wandered and searched for any signs of existence. However, after what seemed an eternity, she began to panic. Her body shook violently as she struggled to stand upright, a bright light cascading around her from above. Instinctively she looked toward it and her eyes widened. A visage, glowing in the darkness and devoid of sculpture, peered down at her. Slowly it leaned down to her, an invisible force guiding him to her side. The figure stood no taller than her and appeared to gaze at her dubiously.

Moments passed by without a word. She opened her mouth to speak and to her surprise, words followed. "H-Hello...?"

The figure tilted their head and continued the charade. Silence was their weapon, their sword sharp and swift.

"P-Please...please listen to me. I don't know how I got here and I wanted to--"

"You will not speak." The shape commanded. A hand rose to meet her skull and their fingers stretched beyond the temples and to the squamous suture. Without warning they burrowed through her skull and through her brain, the creature devouring the innards of her mind. She barely had a moment to struggle before she dangled in their grasp like a trophy. Blood refused to gush forth from the wound as she was sucked dry of every last drop. As the figure released her, she floated away into nothingness.

In reality, Eloise merely drooled helplessly as the magic took effect. Her mind was devoid of thought, or emotion.

A swirling ball of wistful smoke coalesced in Gavilis's hands which crashed against the edges like the ocean against a cliff side. After a few moments it settled into a dull gray mess.

He turned about and faced Ovelia. Without another word, he extended the object to her and she received it reluctantly. Gavilis's sword hissed as he unsheathed it and he plunged it through Eloise's heart. Her eyes widened and peace settled onto her visage before her eyes shut one final time. A final exhale escaped her and the chains faded from view. Her body, cold and lifeless, crashed against the floor in a heap.

He murmured a few words and raised his hand. Flames devoured her in seconds, the scent of cooked flesh tickling their nostrils. Dust only remained which appeared to be absorb into the chamber itself.

For a brief instant he caught the Grandmaster of the Justicar hesitate. His shoulders slumped and with a quick sigh he regained his composure.

Ovelia gave him a quick smile of reassurance before she exited shortly afterward. "I will debrief the other Justicar on their missions and tasks in the coming campaign."

He nodded and then turned to Gelehrter. "You have much to explain."


"How did you find Ernald?"

"I was in the Lower Sector--"

"How did you get there?"

"Eloise sent me there with Arden and Rena. She used some strange magic...I didn't think it was possible." He stammered over the next few words. "I...I was perhaps wondering if--"

"You were allowed a relationship as a Justicar?"



"Er...but...but sir..."

"Justicar are to be vigilant, unwavering and without equal. If you are speaking of Ana...I would hope she is doing alright. You are endangering her." His warning fell on deaf ears however and Gavilis growled under his breath. "I understand how you feel about the girl, but she will be used against you. They will turn her or worse...make her into something more vile than any form of magic ever could."

"I will guard her with my life." He spoke plainly.

Gavilis sighed. "If you wish to continue this, I will not stop you. However, there will come a time in the near future when you must make a choice. Will the Justicar survive, or be held down by his own worldly desires? I am launching an investigation of what occurred after you were transported to the Lower Sector. You were separated from your comrades and this is not like you."


"You will come with me. The others will be debriefed on their mission, but you will stay behind." His air of command resumed and Gelehrter held fast a sigh of relief. He motioned for him to follow and they exited from the interrogation's entrance proper.

Gelehrter's eyes widened as the corridor began to shrink before his very eyes and in another instant it stopped. He shook his head and attempted to shake off the feeling he was being watched.

He reached the lift only a few moments after Gavilis, whom appeared lost in his own thoughts. He absentmindedly pulled the switch as he scratched his chin.


"Aye, what is it?"

"You've been"

"Believe it or not, I have been where you were."

"You mean...?"

"But that is a tale for another time." He said matter-of-factually as he exited into the corridor ahead of him. The hallway before Gelehrter was its usual affair of dimly lit torch sconces. A place of many meetings and traveling. Unease crept from within however as he followed his Grandmaster into the massive metallic doors. They swung wide as they approached and allowed their entry. The Sanguine Overlord's living quarters were in their usual affair as well, save for a few vases of wilting flowers. His eyes darted to the painting above the fireplace and he shook his head. An empty painting stared back at him. Ernald's visage, its dark demeanor and its stark white hair, remained in his mind.

Gelehrter shook his head in dismay. He glanced around the room and took a seat on the sofa nearby, lowering his head to stare at the coffee table.

Gavilis placed a cup of coffee in front of him and took his place across from him. He rested a notebook nearby and waved his hand over a quill. The pen dipped itself in an invisible inkwell before awaiting his command.

"I will have to ask you more questions while we are waiting. I've prepared for Rena and Arden to be along shortly after their briefing, but until then I would like for you to recount what happened after you made camp with your companions." Gavilis eyed him suspiciously, his emerald gaze narrowing.

Gelehrter collected his thoughts and then responded with care. "The air in the Lower Sector is poisonous, as you are probably well aware of. I had finally been able to sleep and I had removed the mask so I could sleep soundly. We had established a form of base camp, you see, and the air had been purified using one of our barriers. Arden tried to use her holy sword, which we dubbed Solstice, to cleanse us. I suppose the dark matter in the air--"

"Are you certain of it is dark matter, or is it something else entirely?" Gavilis halted him with another question.

"I had wandered for a while and found myself in a facility where Accalia and someone named Hannibal were conspiring together."


"Yes, his name was Hannibal--"

"Interesting, go on."

"--err, yes sir. When I had found myself in that facility, it was immense. Much of the technology there was sophisticated and I had no prior knowledge to its use. I had stumbled my way to this device which extracted most of the dark matter from my body. It had used a vacuum to do most of the dirty work. I didn't get to see where it was stored, unfortunately." Gelehrter furrowed his brow and weighed his words carefully. "Is there something you are after, sir?"

"Continue." He replied coldly.

"I had entered this space after them and remained invisible while they discussed little and less of their plan. They had many other bodies stored in these...tall cylinders full of water. I think they were using them for some time of experiment."

"Did they say what?"

"I'm sorry, sir. I cannot remember." His lie held some merit.

Gavilis was unconvinced, but played along. "Right then. Sketch what you've seen in this journal."

The quill halted its scrawling and it lay dead against the surface of the book. He passed it across the table along with an inkwell.

Gelehrter grimaced as he attempted to recall a few items. His memory fogged as he attempted to doodle the devices he had seen.

The Grandmaster of the Justicar watched him attempt to draw and raised an eyebrow. Gavilis smirked and turned to the metallic doors.

Ovelia, Arden and Rena entered shortly afterward. They wore an expression filled with despair, save for Ovelia.

"Good evening, Gavilis."

"I have. It is a shame that our esteemed Gelehrter struggles with basic shapes." He jested and motioned for them to sit.

They took their respective places. Rena and Arden placed themselves beside Gelehrter while Ovelia sat next to Gavilis.

"This mission does not sound like it will be anything diplomatic." Rena sighed and crossed her arms. "I know how well received it was with our esteemed king."

For a spell there was silence. Old friends, regardless of station, enjoyed their company.

* * *

The darkness greeted him as his eyes lulled open.

Insomnia beckoned him to be alert. A shrill voice in the depths of his mind called to him and he obeyed, quietly standing upright. He turned to the door and exited, padding along the floor of Ana's home.

Beyond the barrier and into the outside, the cool night air caressed his skin. Wearing only loose pantaloons, he breathed in the evening. His nose was filled with the night's icy breath. Dark eyes drank in the ominous lights which loomed in the darkness, glowering at the denizens of Sanctuary like angels of death.


Another attack.


Northern bound this time.


Wind howled as a missile tore through the air and he covered his ears instinctively.

Clamor and chaos reigned in the smithy as Ana rose only to find him in the training yard. She had seen him perform this act many times during his stay.

Gelehrter was restless. He practiced day and night to hone his skills, borrowing every book he could while Gavilis finalized his authorization to serve once again.

And yet here he stood. No purpose other than to be a Justicar, though he disguised himself as a lover and caretaker.

To Ana, he appeared to be a world away. She took a few steps closer to him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"You've been doing this for quite some time..." She whispered.

He found no words to reply. His blade yearned to sink its teeth into vampires who now sought to drink life in the depths of night. Plans were already in motion to augment personnel to resist the massive blasts of magic.

"We're safe inside..." She murmured. "...I have you to protect me. Papa protects me, you have taught me how to fight. Please, let us—"

"I am a Justicar, Ana..." He replied finally.

"Aye, you are--"

"I cannot live this life. My purpose is to find the truth in all things and to serve my Overlord."

He was anxious to his very core.


"We cannot stay out here for long!" She growled and heaved him over her shoulder. Strangely, he had become accustomed to being moved about like furniture.

He found no use in struggling and he dangled limply as she carried him into her house.

Ana locked the door behind her once she placed him onto a chair in the kitchen. He lit a candle with a simple spell and focused onto her dim image as she entered once more.

She winced as she glimpsed the scarred tissue along the Blessed Star on his chest. A symbol--which bore its way into the wielder's chest to siphon and store energy away—of sacrifice and dedication. There is no known way of removing a Blessed Star once it has been bound. The flesh around the symbol seemed to crawl and seethe as he breathed. Spreading from the base of his collar, holding him like a harness, and halting near the sternum, its parasitic embrace was a true sign of a Justicar.

But to her, Gelehrter was her love. Her one and only.


He had changed. The final letter to her from the North instructed her to be vigilant and alert the Citadel immediately. Their mission had been compromised and they needed assistance.

However, it seemed due to his lack of foresight, or otherwise, he had been subdued by the Lower Sector. Its curse loomed over him like a shadow. The man she had known was gone. He had been calm, collected, studious. Now, his aura was something far sinister. Something abnormal.

Ana could discern the type of man who dozed in front of her.

Ernald's name slipped into her mind. A man whom had united all of Sanctuary under his banner since the beginning, a cold and heartless beast. His skill in combat was unmatched. His knowledge of the world was terrifying. Magic bent to his every whim. He was dubbed Mortem in the beginning and wore the mantle of caretaker to many.

And yet she could not placed them in the same category. She had never known him, nor would she ever. Ernald was in history books and was a figure whom changed Sanctuary forever.


Lights outside the windows flashed by and the house rattled. He jerked awake and appeared to search for his weapon. When he had discovered her, he smiled weakly.

That was the Gelehrter she knew. A man who was gentle and kind.

Who, or what, wakes him in the night?

Ominous sirens from the Citadel marked the deployment of soldiers and the deactivation of the defense matrix. A night raid had begun which was led by Justicar. Wielding their Blessed Star and magic, they were seen as an indomitable force.

Her imagination took her to the scene of battle. Crimson eyes flashed and teeth bared as they danced about. Holy magics spiraled through the air and blood soaked into the stone.

Gelehrter appeared to be wide awake now. The aura from before had returned tenfold. His eyes bore the weight of many sleepless nights and he barely had the strength to speak.

"I must go."

"You can't."

"I must!"

"No, you cannot!"

"You will not stop me!"

Ana reached for a hammer on a nearby counter and held it in front of her. "I will not see you disobey your orders nor will I lose you tonight!"

"When I am relieved of this, what will you do then? You will worry and seek me out. Should you do this, you will die."

The sirens halted. A brief excursion into the night, it seemed.





The windows were illuminated from the defense matrix firing onto any malevolent intent. Friend or foe mattered not.

Reality had sunken in. She bared her teeth and slugged him across the face. He reeled back and fell onto the floor.

"Do not speak to me that way." Ana barked. "You are possessed. We fight this every night..."

Gelehrter blinked in surprise as he regained himself. He turned to her and his expression softened.

"I do not enjoy this..." He said.

"Aye..." She held fast to the hammer. "Were it not for love, I would have bashed you to death."

He staggered to his feet and settled into the chair once again. "He is getting weaker, you know."

"...What do you mean?"

Gelehrter had fallen asleep and offered no sign of waking.

She sighed as she rested the weapon onto the table. Without further delay, she carried him to their room.

Ana placed him onto the bed and then crawled onto it beside him. She pulled him as close as she could. All the strength in the universe could not prepare her for the quaking fear of loss. Every fiber of her being marveled at his tenacity, his will. Gelehrter, being common born, rose from the depths of normality into a Justicar. Though the title bore merit, it offered little in the way of status. He was a soldier. She was a smith.

A craftsman and a warrior. She fashioned his tools and he wielded them.

Ana maneuvered onto his waist. Her hands rested near his head and gazed down at him.

Her hair draped over his visage as she nuzzled into his neck. His scent, his touch, she yearned for him.

He slept soundly for someone who caused her so much trouble.

Ana crept down to his chest and rested her ear against it.



Rhythmic life. Her heart fluttered as she listened.


She drifted into slumber.

* * *

Ana turned over in the bed. The shape of her lover sleeping caused her to smile and she slowly rose from underneath the blankets. She tiptoed across the expanse and exited into the hallway. Donning her stained shirt, leather apron and boots.

She ventured into the forge through the kitchen and quickly reached for a shovel. Her arms protested as she scooped the ashes into the sack as she hastily turned away from the clouds of dust. Ana tied the bag and exited into the training yard.

With a grunt she heaved the massive sack over her shoulder and she carried it over a hill. Her muscles groaned but seemed to welcome the labor.

The scent of death filled her nostrils. A familiar scent which appeared to be growing closer with each step. Rays of sunlight escaped from beyond the walls and the gigantic shadow of the Citadel was cast onto Sanctuary. As she peered over the small hill, her stomach churned as bodies greeted her with their cold, lifeless eyes. Their rotting flesh seethed with magical energy which surged from one body to another like lightning. Frost clung to their skin and appeared to crush their bones further with each passing seconds. With each jolt, they twitch and turned about as if they still lived. Limbs were scattered about and appeared to claw at the ground in desperation. Articles of clothing were shredded into ribbons from the terrible blasts from the night before, leaving their frames exposed to the elements. Sharp incisors reminded her of the enemy.

She hastily heaved the bag filled to the brim with ashes and dumped the load over the mound of corpses. In vain, she appeared to be hiding the evidence, but in truth, she scorned the sight. The image had been burned into the abyss of her psyche and took root. It sprouted into a rising tree and flourished, nourished by the fresh nutrients of fear.

Ana covered her mouth then turned away. She darted back to the safety of her own home and shut out the outside world. With her back to the door, she panted heavily, slowly sliding against the surface to the floor.

Her eyes shot to Gelehrter as he entered. He wore a disheveled tunic, dark pantaloons and leather boots. They were a simple garb she picked for him and kept it at her house, yet on his person they seemed drab. A sigh of relief escaped her and she composed herself.

"Is something the matter?" He asked.

", nothing is wrong." She stood upright and brushed herself off.

A mirror hung on the wall adjacent to him and she glimpsed their reflection. In his place, a man stood no taller than he. However, his snow white hair shone brilliantly despite the dim room. As he turned away and headed to one of the counters nearby, she attempted to contain her surprise. A pair of lapis lazuli eyes followed his movements as he readied a few dishes. Pale skin was wrapped around his frame.

Yet, as she compared the reflection to the truth, she found herself dumbfounded.

"You seem like you have seen a ghost." As he addressed her, he shifted his gaze to the mirror to peer back at her. The image of the man before had vanished and was replaced with the true Gelehrter. She shook her head in reply.

"I...I think... I think I've been working too much." Ana fed him a lie and he was sated.

"If you think so...then perhaps you should take a break. It is a healthy thing to do." He answered and he focused then on his task. The image of the man before returned, but it focused onto her. His eyes seemed to beg for her attention and Ana was unable to spurn.

A knock from the door jolted her to her senses. She hastily headed for the entrance and extended a hand to the knob. As her hand tightened around the knob, an eerie sense of foreboding suddenly embraced her. A feeling of immense fear, an irrational terror which swept through her frame like a torrential typhoon. She felt helpless. Seconds seemed to pass like an eternity as she finally turned the knob and opened the door wide.

Ana blinked in surprise as an immaculate figure stood before her. Accalia's pale visage bore the expression of a woman seeking to damn anyone who faced her. Sapphire eyes drank in the image before her with a sense of disgust. A white gown flowed with her movements as she curtsied to her gingerly, the Royal Vizier greeting her with respect. Dignified to her very core.

Ana realized it was only manners that she was met with, nothing more.

"Excuse me, my dear. I have come on behalf of our Sanguine Overlord. You are aware of Gelehrter's evaluation, are you not?" Accalia's voice cooed to her, yet it bore the slightest hint of malice as if Ana were lesser than she.

"I am. He is here if you wish to see him." Ana stepped aside dutifully. She smiled to Rena, who had been standing behind her silently. She was adorned with a simple dark gambeson, leather gloves, loose fitting pantaloons with boots that extended above her knees. Ana recognized the longsword and smiled, the tool she had created was still in use.

As the pair ventured into the room, Accalia focused onto him. He turned his head to her and feigned ignorance. Instantly he took note of her involvement and he glanced to Rena.

She seemed troubled, but he could not place why.

"I have come to take you to Gavilis. He is ready to give you one final meeting before he decides whether you are fit for duty." She motioned for him to follow, but he interjected.

"The Royal Vizier performing an errand for our Overlord? I have done my research on your station and none of them require you to do anything but advise. Our Sanguine Overlord seems to have little use for you--"

"Do not speak to me in such a manner, worm. I am here under her request and nothing more. I will have the respect I am due." She growled.

Ana stomached the exchange and yearned to leap to his aid.

"I will take his place while they are gone, don't worry. As of a few days ago, especially while we are conducting night raids, select Justicar will remain during the night and protect craftsman. There have been cases where vampires approached them in their sleep to turn them." She explained while crossing her arms.

Gelehrter glanced over to his lover and a yearning took hold of him. Though they were but a few steps from one another, the intrusion felt unjustified. There was no warning.

" had better get going." Ana suggested.

"Aye...the sooner I have been cleared by Gavilis--"

"The sooner you can quit moping about like a ninny." She giggled and shook her head. "Go on, get out of here."

She shooed them out of her front door. While Accalia was turned away, she gently pressed her lips onto his cheek and watched him disappear into the depths of Sanctuary's market. Her shoulder sunk in defeat as she entered her home. In the midst of Rena, her guardian, the home of her late father appeared empty.

"Perhaps you can help me start the forge, Rena..." Ana motioned for the other woman to follow. She obliged and followed her into the smithy. Its usual scent of soot and grime tickled at her nostrils. The shelves, once covered with various weaponry, were nearly bare.

They labored for a time gathering the necessary fuel for the flames. Their silence was filled with tension, as one wished to confide in the other.

"I've...something ask."

"Go ahead." A spear of fire magic spiraled into the coals and Ana raised her hand to pump the bellows. Air was forced into the flames and they hungrily devoured the oxygen within. Her keen eyes and experienced required for additional fuel, her body reacting instantaneously.

"How is he? Has he been getting better?"

Her memory focused onto the visage in the mirror. She nodded hastily as she rose with a filled spade. The coals readily took to the flame and she gritted her teeth as her hand approached the flame too closely.

"He has been...the progress has been slow. It is a shame...I had hoped he would remain here a little longer." She mused and Rena was taken aback.

"We need any and all Justicar for our operations. You cannot mean to keep him to yourself."

"At the end of the night, he is mine. I've given myself to him and he has given himself to me. We are partners, through and through. I am a little short with him at times and I am not a fighter, but I make his tools. I-I...I should have a say!" She growled and instead of a gaze filled with anger, she instead was met with sadness.

Rena, whom donned the mantle of Justicar years ago, stood before her not as a formidable giant, but as a mortal. A being who suffered immensely from simple words, a being who suffered from hunger and thirst. Dark eyes begged for her to stand down. The hues of understanding, which delved deeper into Rena's psyche, were filled with a yearning for Ana's obedience. Obedience which would allow Gelehrter to perform at a higher level than his current state. Free from the weight of her worry, her hardships, her agony. Silence pervaded between them for a spell before she shook her head and leaned against one of the counters. She crossed her arms, her intimidating presence returning.

"It is not so wrong for a lover to wish for her beloved to stay. At what cost, though? Would the lives of many be sacrificed for the whims of a craftsman who falls for one of their protectors? No one should be allowed to suffer such consequences." Rena argued.

Ana turned to her to retort, but her gaze locked with another mirror. This reflective surface was caked with soot, oil, and in some areas, blood. A pair of sapphire eyes focused onto her from the abyss. Their frame was diluted by the contents sticking to the surface and as Ana discovered the man observing her, she nonchalantly retrieved the mirror. She hugged the surface to her chest and then strode to Rena, her emerald eyes locking with hers.

"...I've been seeing things. I don't know if its because he's come back from the Lower Sector...but I'm worried. I'm worried over my own sanity." Ana turned the mirror over onto the counter as she spoke.

Rena raised an eyebrow.

"...I know of Ernald's spirit being housed within him." She grimaced and shook her head in dismay. "Please, do not let others know I am seeing these things. I...I won't know what I would do if I lost Gelehrter to them or if they took me from my forge."

The Justicar before her remained silent and seemed to contemplate the avenues on which this promise would venture.

"I...I know it is asking much. I cannot lose either of these things...they are the only aspects of my life worth fighting for." Ana pleaded and she was met with a solemn nod.

Their promise was sealed with a silent agreement, though Rena's eyes surveyed her cautiously. "I'll agree to this. I...I just wish to know why you protect him so."

"I love him."


"It is a love which cannot be broken with thousands of hammers. It cannot be made with even the hottest coals, or the most advanced forging techniques. I can melt metal and mold it into any shape I like, but it will always bend. Our love is unyielding as a contract and superior to any Blessed Star." Her reason hissed with passion, yet her young heart expanded it beyond mortal understanding. "You cannot being to comprehend the willingness I have for throwing myself into the pits of the Lower Sector should he be there. I would climb the rising Citadel a thousands times over to see him again should death wrap him in its cold embrace."

Rena glanced away nervously as the intensity of her aura threatened to engulf her.

"I-I...I'm sorry. I don't mean to like papa. He was a man of few words and enjoyed his work, as do I. Your books have helped enlightened me to understand that life yields more than fashioned steel." Ana's apology was followed with her retrieving a length of steel she had laid to rest previously.

The smith placed the metal into the heat of the forge and pulled down with the weight of her body, blaze bursting with life anew.

"I...see you've come on rough times." She glanced to the near empty counters as Ana prepared her set of tools for the deed: calipers, her worn hammer, gloves and waterskins which threatened to burst.

"Aye, I have." The master smith admitted. "Too many orders, not enough materials and too little time."

Rena's usual manner of observation took over for a spell. Ana proceeded to work in the pace she had set over many years. An unseen rhythm played deep in her psyche, the hammer shaping the steel. With each passing moment, she surveyed her work as it went.

Using the calipers to safely handle the white hot metal, she turned it over expertly. Her eyes strained to spot every imperfection within her work.

She rested the metal into the flames once again. Her keen eye caught Rena studying her movements, mostly out of habit.

"I wish to ask you something."

"E-Err...please, go ahead."

"You're hoping to make something which would never break. Enchanted weapons are such a thing, but they come at a cost." Rena shook her head in dismay. "The Soul Cube is used in its synthesis."

"Aye, I know. Papa's ring allowed me to learn the technique, but I have yet to put it into practice. It would be a nice to practice something like that...even if it is just for a little while... Papa made many enchanted weapons and armor over his lifetime." She hummed to herself as she attempted to gather her thoughts, reaching for a nearby set of calipers. "I've been wondering..."

"I've something to share, if you wish to listen."

Ana's ears perked up.

"You are to expel any thoughts of affection toward him. You will jeopardize any mission with your presence in his mind, he will lose his nerve and they will use you to break him." Rena grimaced as Ana answered with a quick glare.

"I know! I...I know."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"...I don't know."

Rena appeared to contemplate for a few moments before she leaned against one of the counters.

Ana resumed her work absentmindedly.

* * *

Gelehrter's body numbed. The air within the Sanguine Overlord's living area were unnaturally bitter, even more so while he concentrated on the protective spell of the Blessed Star.

All around him the Council were gathered in secret for this hearing.

He awaited their approval. He hoped for it.

He yearned for the matter to resolve to his liking. Carefully he calculated and began to mull over the possibilities of charming every individual in the chamber.

Gavilis, Ovelia and Accalia included.

From his sitting position, he counted several individuals in close proximity. They boasted long coats around their bodies, engulfing their otherwise hulking masses. Some consisted of fat, others heaved neglected muscle.

Targon's crimson gaze however took him by surprise. Their reflective, glossy scarlet hues studied him. His ancient, decrepit skin seemed to be stretched over a mannequin. His hands rested on a simple black cane. Each of his fingers bore a ring, many of them similar to one another. Metallic wings outstretched brilliantly, they appeared to resemble his House. However, upon a closer inspection, he glimpsed a few tiny details: the absence of Sanctuary's Holy Cross. The compass which all of Sanctuary resembled.

Several of the Council members he had forgotten over the years, or paid no attention to, observed him intently.

His eyes darted to the familiar painting on the wall. Gelehrter attempted to contain his shock when he drank in the image of Ernald once more.

"We've a few questions to ask of you, Gelehrter." One of the nobles near Targon finally spoke after the spell of silence.

He waited anxiously.

"You've been to the Lower Sector and returned. Are you...alright?"One of the other nobles asked feverishly. Their gazes shifted to him out of annoyance, but then they too shared his sentiment.

Within the darkest pits of his psyche, his focus had shifted. No longer would Sanctuary bind him to Her will, but instead guide him. Hierarchy mattered little to him, as he felt the weight of the cosmos rest on his shoulders, a weight he gleefully bore. Yet, on the surface, he wore the mask of the Justicar Gelehrter. As his dark eyes shifted to the coffee table ahead of him, he rested his palms against one another. He placed his index fingers against one another, curling them as he did so.

Gavilis and Ovelia raised an eyebrow slightly at the signal.

Accalia's senses however fell dully on the trap and she glossed it over.

"I...have been troubled. I am a Justicar, my blade and magic are mine to wield for the will of Sanctuary." Gelehrter raised his head slightly to stare blankly ahead as he spoke. "I am unable to help my comrades who routinely throw their lives in harm's way to protect those who wouldn't dare--"

"You will mind your tongue, boy!" Another noble to his right spat.

"Boy or not, I have survived the Lower Sector. When Rena and Arden returned, did you not treat them with the same disrespect? I am a Justicar. You will allow me to serve." His statement fell unto them like a command from the Overlord herself.

"Justicar or not, we are the Council. The Overlord has the final say, but we are the ones whom debate and fund your operation." Targon tapped his fingers against the wooden surface of his cane and his decrepit skin seemed to writhe under the simple movement. "You are paid just like the Templarate, who serve as Sanctuary's defense. You are Sanctuary's dagger, but not her spear. I will remind many Justicar of this one day, but you are our knife in the dark. We ask you to perform many strange duties such as espionage, theft, sabotage, take your pick. A Justicar may wear Sanctuary's Blessed Star, but we are the ones who give you purpose."

Targon's lips parted and Gelehrter contained his surprise of the elongated incisors.

"Perhaps I have said too much." The old noble wheezed and the others around him murmured uncertainly. " are arguing for your case to serve. If you are well enough to put up a fight with words, you are well enough to swing a sword."

Gavilis winced.

" would let him off so easily?"

"I have lived too long to allow for all this dawdling. We are at war with ourselves, whether we drink blood or otherwise. If we are to fight then we must utilize every blade." Targon's eyes flashed with a hint of malice.

"No, he is being allowed too much freedom. Allow Rena to guard him on tonight's raid. If all goes well, we will grant him full pardon." Another noble chimed in.

"We need any and all Justicar who are able." Gavilis growled.

Many individuals stood upright indignantly, their arguments growing in their fervor.

His mind silenced the rising din of contradiction. In his mind, all seemed bleak, save for Ana. Her smile, her laugh—everything appeared to be trivial, save for his love for her. The feelings locked deep within his heart took flight.

Yet, as the din settled and they reached an agreement, it fell onto his deaf ears. Gelehrter appeared to be worlds away.

He nodded absentmindedly. Whatever their decision was, he would follow it to the letter.

If only to have another chance to be with Ana once again.

The meeting however begged for his attention, but he continued his charade of participation. His eyes wandered to each and every nobleman in the room, though he had glimpsed their expressions of despair, his intuition grasped hints of their fear.

Fear of his exposure to the Lower Sector.

Would he morph into some kind of demon?

"Gelehrter, there are a few matters I would like to discuss with you." His attention returned to the task-at-hand as he was addressed. He glanced all about and his eyes widened as the room had emptied save for Gavilis, Ovelia and Accalia.

Her piercing icy gaze focused onto him, Accalia's familiar visage striking a cord of fear. He attempted to stifle this rising sensation.

"You've...seen things, haven't you?" Her musical voice seemed to coo to him like a parent to a child.


"You need to share all of what you've seen." Gavilis chimed in.

"But sir, I have shared all of my findings!"

"There are some questions many of us have. How did you survive?"

"I've told you many times!" He barked. "A machine removed all the dark matter inside of my body. There is naught left to corrupt!"

"Are you certain?" Ovelia now questioned him. Between the three, her gaze seemed softer. She appeared to be genuinely curious.

"I wish to read his memories." Accalia murmured.

"That is not wise." Gavilis argued.

"I am the Royal Vizier. My Overlord, his memories could hide the key to finding more about the vampire's plans. This could also be a chance to reveal the darker reaches of Sanctuary. The Lower Sector has not been visited in many millennia--"

She is hoping to find the memory of me hiding during her conversation with Hannibal. Any inkling of that could be my downfall. Gelehrter thought.

"--this could be our only chance to open expeditions!"

"The Lower Sector has been forbidden by Ernald for a reason. Though I am now Sanguine Overlord, I will not allow this to be rewritten for our gain."

Our gain?

"I see."

What is she talking about?

Another presence invaded his psyche. As he attempted to repress this advance, he was met with further interference. Memories leaped into view as he struggled to concentrate.

"We've been tracking down several of the vampire's movements. There are several--"

"I know you were there, Gelehrter." The voice echoed ominously in the depths of his mind.

"--groups of them who will be operating in the Market tonight. We will have you defend with the rest of the battalions--"

Who are you?!

"--stationed nearby. Rena will be with you. This is your chance to show you are capable, Gelehrter. Do not allow the Council to see that you are not. I'm fighting--"

"Traces of him are here. I can sense you housed his spirit, the amount of time I spent in the abyss searching for his elusive spirit. A spirit so powerful, its very essence was sought by many others. I have killed many and more while I wandered, absorbing their souls into mine own. Do not think I am without remorse. I know of your love, Ana. She will be brought down with you should you resist."

"--for you to remain a Justicar. I will not have you be retired early when you are still of some use to us." Gavilis's words seemed to become gibberish after a moment but he quickly pieced it all together. An icy gaze pierced into him all the while, the presence within his mind seeming to prance about, hoping for some measure of weakness.

The memory of Ana and her prowess strengthened his further. He gritted his teeth and stood upright, the stitching of his Blessed Star faltering for an instant.

Gavilis and Ovelia exchanged a subtle glance.

Accalia attempted to contain the malignant intent residing within her cold lapis lazuli orbs.

"I will examine your memories, young one. Should it happen today or tomorrow, I care little. Either way, you will bend to my will and aid me in my path to usurp Ovelia."

He stifled his surprise and merely addressed the two of his superiors with a bow, regaining his resolve. "Thank you for the opportunity. I will see the mission carried through with success. Should my mind fail me then I surely will have been destroyed."

The Blessed Star held fast and returned to its normal splendor. As he turned to exit the chambers, Gavilis lowered his head and glared at Accalia for an instant. She exited after a brief pause, scanning the room for an invisible individual.

"Gavilis...what became of Stolzer's sword?"

"It remains in the Medical Wing with the rest of his belongings. Many were convinced they were haunted and we had laid them there as a memorial to him. I suppose if you have need of his things, it would be right for you to have them, Gelehrter." Ovelia finally addressed him directly and she retreated to her bed chambers.

Without another word, he exited the Sanguine Overlord's quarters. The gigantic metallic doors wailed as they allowed him to leave, as if bidding him adieu.

His steps felt unnatural, though the body and the legs which seemed to occupy the space belonged to him.

Slowly he approached the entrance to the lift. The familiar contraption which had faithfully carried him from each floor of the Citadel now seemed to be alien as well. Lingering sensations seemed to dwell in the darker recesses of his mind, his fingers daintily touching the lever. He grasped the lever and pulled.

A series of clicks and moving parts should have startled him. As his mind was infiltrated by Accalia, he felt a series of lingering aspects calling to his attention. The entrance revealed itself and he took a step inside the elevator. He punched a few buttons and it carried him away.

Moments later he stood in the Medical Wing. Near the center was a myriad of offerings left at the pile of what was presumed to be Stolzer's equipment. His boots clicked as he ventured to the small alter. Wind tickled his skin as the windows were opened to allow for a breeze. He marked the scent of blood which filled the air, the scent of decay and death. He reached for the weapon in question, carefully setting aside the rustic Blessed Star. The hilt of the weapon resembled a pair of eagle's wings. A pommel, worn and otherwise functional at best, demanded for him to wield the sword. He grasped it gingerly and unsheathed the weapon. Its edge shown brilliantly despite the dusk light. He sheathed it finally after a few moments and tied it to his belt.

"It would be right of you to have them, Gelehrter." Gavilis's words rang true.

He turned to the others who occupied the Medical Wing. They did not bear the weight of a Blessed Star, but their armor lay nearby. Mail hauberks, pantaloons and boots, weapons and other garments.

"Hey, you a Justicar?" One of them asked. "We've been dealing with lots of them as of late. They've all come out of the woodwork."

Gelehrter was pulled from his musings and into reality. The drain of his Blessed Star reminded him of the magical armor which encased his frame, the shimmering dark cloth. He turned to them.


"We're part of the Templarate, see. Just in it for the money." The man who spoke to him bore dark hair and his features resembled Stolzer's. However, his demeanor and otherwise lax pose told him otherwise. "Some of us got real hurt last night. Not to mention we were either killed or turned."

He observed several of them reaching for their weapons. Two men and three women, though both men were injured. They sported several bandages on their visages.

One of the women stood upright, clutching at her side. "This is definitely one of them Justicar. He's always watching us."

"You mean to take me down?" He motioned to one of them pulling the dagger free from its scabbard and they hastily tried to hide it.

"We take down a Justicar, we show how strong we normies are!" She reached for her broadsword and lunged toward him.

He effortlessly stepped to the side and pushed her harmlessly away. Her weapon rested in his hands now, her dark eyes flashing with rage.

"We work from experience, just like you. Our conviction protects us. I would rather not waste a perfectly good sword." He spoke finally, the magical armor fading into his clothes. "I am just like you, I bleed like you can. If we are to stand against enemies in the night, then we must not falter."

* * *

The night was ripe. Its cold breeze halted only required conversation, though even that seemed bittersweet. Clouds above fled Sanctuary's Market District for fear of violence.

In the darkness, those who fed on red drink waited patiently for their master's beck and call. Slaughter was inevitable, but it was required. Justicar's blades were fearsome and struck true, especially the foul Mortem's.

Several individuals had gathered in a nearby warehouse. Their incisors flashed as they evaded a scouting party. An alarm roared above and the scarlet lights vanished behind their towers.

Always the towers. First the machines would be spurned and then they would hunt them down like sheep.

They cradled their weapons and prayed silently.

"If there is no others like us, we must all become one."

"Bring the Mortem to their knees and beg!" The words would rise into a dissonance which shook the very foundations of Sanctuary.

They marched into the night, their mouths agape with anticipation. Their blades slashed through many of their opponents in the night, their keen eyesight allowing them to see even in the bleakest corners of the Market District.

Yet, they were pushed back by the Justicar, the tip of the despicable Mortem's spear.

Gelehrter grunted as he parried another blow from his opponent. A lone vampire, no younger than twenty summers, attempted to ambush him with his fellows. Now only he stood and he was knocked down with a swift punch to his gut.

He howled and coughed as he rose to his feet. The myriad array of bruises which he nursed from the night were left from his other bouts.

The Justicar faced him with the tip of his sword pointed to the ground. The alleyway sang with gusts of wind whirling about, the scent of blood making his skin crawl. With a quick flash, the man before him lay dead, his head rolling about to meet his friends.

He turned about and scanned the area, searching for a sign of Rena. They had been separated for a time and uneasiness settled onto his shoulders as he took to a stride. Due to lack of intelligence on the enemy and lack of communication, he took matters into his own hands.

"You are to eradicate them all." Gavilis spoke plain.

"Even women and children?" He asked.

"They must all be cleansed." The Grandmaster of the Justicar growled. "Ovelia ordered this and it must be so."

A part of him wondered if he resented her for this and another simply surmised it was none of his business.

He rounded a corner and spotted several vampires fleeing at the sight of him. Gelehrter gritted his teeth and was met with steel; it snapped like a twig as it encountered the Blessed Star. He dashed forward, striking them with the pommel of his sword before rending them with a clean swipe. Effortlessly he stepped over the body and engaged in the pursuit.

Again and again, others tried to stop him. Their steel shattered against the Blessed Star, the dark robes which signified death. As terrible and terrifying as the void, his dark eyes flashed with righteous fervor. Wherever he went, death followed.


Rena's presence demanded his attention however and he snapped to reality.

She wiped the blood from her sword and scowled. "They've been meaning for us to hunt them down like rats."

"'Tis nothing we'd like to do surely. But it is something that needs to be done."

"For Ovelia?"

"Strange order to be coming from our Overlord...but it is an order nonetheless." He replied.

Rena rested a hand against her hip. "Something doesn't sit right with me."

They stifled conversation when commotion demanded their presence. They stealthily peeked around the corner and into the street beyond.

Crimson eyes could be seen from one end of the avenue to the next. The vampires operated carelessly. They paraded in the street and were silenced as dark robes appeared before them. Magic leaped from their palms and steel cut them down.

One by one they were slain and stragglers were routed with hasty incantations.

They stood in the street, their exposed forms poised to strike. As safety reared its ugly head, they lowered their guard for a brief instant. Rena however kept her gaze fixated on their surroundings.

"They're oddly unorganized. Aside from the unexplained incident with Stolzer, their efforts are found wanting." Rena commented after a short pause.

Scurrying across the street forced them to establish a mental link hastily. Her presence in his mind was comforting, yet filled with a sense of despair. She turned about to face the oncoming threat, but her eyes widened as she spotted a young man.

A man bearing the Templarate uniform, shining plate mail emblazoned with the symbol of the Blessed Star, bolted toward them as his gaze fixated on them. His maw frothed as he drank in their forms, their fear illuminating them like fireflies.

Rena and Gelehrter leaped over a massive swipe from his weapon, a scarlet blood-stained sickle which feasted upon its master. Within the handle, liquid hissed and formed into needle-like spines which extended out as he waited for them to land.

Their boots found purchase onto the cobblestone ground. Rena raised her hand and the air around it coalesced as the next swipe circled around. Dust rose into the air as the blow connected with the barrier, the pair of Justicar gritting their teeth as the strength of the blow forced them to their knees.

"This isn't good. He's been turned and got a hold of some enchanted weapon." Gelehrter's thought struck Rena and she grimaced, unsure of the strength of their connection.

"Perhaps we can overpower him." She surmised and rose to her feet. After she bolted forward to avoid another blow, metallic needles assailed her form. Their fingers attempted to penetrate the miniature barrier created by the Blessed Star, bruises forming at the points of impact.

The man maneuvered to their rear and the spines within the handle returned.

"Focus his attention. I will try to break his mind." Gelehrter severed their connection and grimaced as he forced his way through the man's skull with a telekinetic wave. As his consciousness melded with the crazed vampiric man, the sickle slammed into the shield surrounding his body. He spiraled away and kept the connection, losing himself in the broken individual's brain.

He sauntered forth, grimacing as the void encapsulated him. Gelehrter focused on the individual ahead of him, his legs wading across to the man. He was hunched forward in a pathetic fetal position. Tears cascaded down his cheeks as he focused onto the Justicar nearby. His sword hissed as he allowed it to breathe, the man's eyes widening in horror. In an instant, screens erupted into life all around him as events from the man's existence replayed all at once.

From the light of his birth to the very end. Through his eyes he witnessed Rena's onslaught on his body. His enchanted weapon would break her sword if she attempted to parry, but her magic flowed forth relentlessly. Sparks of electricity weaved about him which spiraled into wreaths of flame. His vision blurred as he suffered a blow to the stomach. Platemail crushed his ribs as it suffered another kick to his side. The grip on his dark weapon faltered for an instant but he held fast.

Gelehrter, within his mind, raised his steel overhead and gripped the handle in both hands. His weapon relieved the man of his skull. As the head sank into the water, the liquid rising to encase the frame. Around him, the screens shattered into millions of pieces—Gelehrter sheathed his blade and was enveloped in a torrent of prismatic pixel boxes—while the waters were absorbed into the earth underneath.

His dark eyes opened moments later and the man wielding the dark weapon halted mid-swing. Rena seized the moment and her shield arm was surrounded in flame. As she drove her fingers toward the vampire's heart, the metal melted and pressurized around her digits. Her hand drove through the man's heart, his innards melting instantaneously. He fell forward and she elegantly stepped aside.

Gelehrter rose to his feet and shook his head. His legs wobbled as he tried to reach Rena.

"You're hurt, you idiot..." She shook her head as she rushed to his side, whispering to him.

"Y-Yes, but we took him down, right?" He scowled as she reached for a small pouch near her belt. "What the--"

"Silence." Her command was obeyed reluctantly. She removed two small pills and rested it in his palm. Gelehrter tossed them into his mouth and as he swallowed them, his strength returned.

He stood upright and strode over to the massive scythe whose dark energies seemed to recede at his approach.

The weapon in question writhed as he knelt beside it, the blade cooing to him.

"We should destroy this." He surmised. The sickle was wedged in between a Holy Cross, the blade extending in one direction. Its sinister edge stained with countless victims, the handle extended until it appeared to reach with a singular claw onto an orb. The crimson orb seemed to focus on his every movement as he drank in the peculiar nature of the weapon.

"Aye, we should." Rena, although perplexed, agreed. Even just the sight of this thing caused her skin to crawl.

As he raised his hand to release a quick incantation of fire, a shadow leaped into view and the weapon vanished before his very eyes. He turned about in alarm and darted toward the direction of the shadow. Rena followed close behind, abandoning the body of their victim in the street. Their frames poised to strike, the silhouette vanished into an alleyway.

Casting a quick fire spell which dissipated into the air around him, the air around his boots grew hot and he was lifted above onto the rooftop of a nearby building. Rena continued her pursuit through the alleyway behind the figure.

They knocked aside several crates left behind by the Templarate, the official symbol of Sanctuary crashing against the cobblestone floor. Rena effortlessly hopped over it, appearing to soar over the boxes.

Above, Gelehrter heated the air with magic to keep apace from roof to roof. His dark eyes darting from the figure to the path ahead.

In an instant, the figure turned a corner and was met with a wall. Instead of leaping down to meet them, he scanned the area while Rena apprehended their adversary.

"You've nowhere to run. That weapon is now property of her Holiness, Ovelia. Our Sanguine Overlord will turn kindly should you hand it over." Her voice echoed, though barely audible to him.

The figure merely grasped the handle of the dark weapon.

"Come quietly and there will be no more bloodshed." Rena spoke plain. From her disposition and the instant he had shared a mental link, he felt the need to assist her.

Once his mouth opened to speak, the figure gripped the handle of the dark sickle firmly. They spun about and lodged the blade into the wall. Dust kicked into Rena's visage and she instinctively covered her face while the silhouette muttered a few arcane words. Needles from within the handle formed into quivering appendages which latched onto the stone. They sliced through the stonework like butter as the needles lifted them onto the roof.

Gelehrter grimaced and he narrowly avoided being lobbed in two. Rena was carried by hot air shortly after and they readied their weapons.

His mind shot several waves of energy to distract the figure before them, but to no avail. The figure hopped onto the handle of their weapon and retaliated with several spines aimed toward their hearts.

The Blessed Star held fast, Rena and Gelehrter's conviction barring the needle's passage. A shock wave pulsed from their bodies as their will forced the projectile to return to its master.

"This is your final chance. Return the weapon into our custody or face death." Gelehrter warned as he adjusted the grip on his sword.

The shadow spurned their attempts at peace and more needles rushed to their position. They both allowed it to pass by them with a swift step, the pair sheathing their weapons.

Rena established another mental link and grimaced. "This one seems more alive than the other."

"And less mad. I cannot invade their mind. I'm unsure if we can overpower this one." He simply observed the specimen before him. The figure was garbed in a peculiar cloak which seemed to mimic the wielder's movements and allow them full movement. Other cloaks would hinder the wearer in some manner, yet this one seemed to be enchanted as well. The cloth shimmered from the moonlight overhead and he glimpsed a faint inkling of unnaturally pale skin hidden by the hood.

They're wearing gloves, I'd warrant. Perhaps this thing is far too dangerous without it. How the other master lasted so long is beyond me. Gelehrter shook his head.

"They're watching us." Rena shifted her weight to her right foot nervously, feigning her interest to strike.

The figure moved as they did. They parted ways, the spines would grow in number to encompass them and vice versa.

They're a trained fighter as well. Gelehrter assumed and tapped his foot habitually. He took a few steps forward and the figure's strange apparatus retreated.

"You can speak our tongue, can you not?" He tried conversation again.

No response.

"What about Lycanthrope? You've some inkling of it, I'd wager." A guttural central Lycanthrope dialect escaped him.

"I've some knowledge of it." They responded. "This weapon is an abomination, but must be studied."

"It belongs to her Holiness, Ovelia Mortem." His words were slow and deliberate, as if to drive home the importance.

"You know Lycan?"

"Don't you?"

Rena's link filled him with a sense of alien frustration.

"If our Overlord wishes this weapon in her custody, she must fetch it herself." The figure removed the hood reveal a pale visage, the supple skin graced with elegant features. A pair of studious silver eyes which drank in their forms. "You are her lapdogs. Tonight is unusually long, perhaps the vampire scum you are hunting are not worth the effort."

"We were given orders."

"Dogs do not think for themselves. I readily forget. This dark weapon, named Darksworn, must be studied by us. We will allow for you to retrieve it at later date, should you survive this purgatory." In the instant the guttural language escaped him, he was enveloped by the very cloak he wore and he faded from view.

They growled under their breath almost in unison. Gelehrter raised his head to the heavens, the moon greeting him wistfully.

"It feels like we've been hunting for an age..." He complained finally after a brief silence.

Rena growled under her breath. "He got away...especially after saying those rude things about our--"

"I understand how you must feel, but we've a patrol to finish." He reminded her. Though she carried more experience, his expertise remained with patience.

She nodded and held her tongue. They turned to the massive dark Citadel in the distance, the looming tower serving as their landmark.

Facing due east, they took to a silent jog and hopped from roof to roof. Despite their heavy platemail boots, they kept silence pace.

Overhead, the moon gazed down at them lazily, the cool evening breeze caressing them gently. Their destination had been set for a seemingly abandoned warehouse near the Eastern District.

As far as plans went, in Gelehrter's mind, it was a simple operation. If there were any supplies waiting for them, they would retrieve what they could carry and meet a battalion of Templarate soldiers nearby.

Rena yanked him onto the cover of the roof as she apprehended activity below. They growled under their breath as the scent of death followed shortly afterward. He peeked from behind their vantage point.

The warehouse in question had been surrounded by their foe. Vampires wandered without care around the premises. Whether they were garbed in Templarate uniform or rags, their very existence caused his skin to crawl. A massive pile of corpses were set ablaze in the center, the stench of cooking human flesh stung his nostrils. Rena covered her mouth as the scent filled her and she gagged.

For a few moments they counted.

Seven hundred and thirty six.

He shook his head, dumbfounded. "Seven hundred and thirty six were turned. There were many casualties on both sides, I'd wager."

"Aye..." She sighed and she reached for her satchel. With a few bits of bread folded within a leaf, she extended him the ration.

He munched on the morsel, his body rejuvenated from the reprieve. They shared several long drains from a water skin and enjoyed their company in silence.

"We lose more with each night."

"No Justicar among them."

"Aye, none...thank goodness." Rena agreed. "At least, none I could see."

"Justicar should make a signal or something of the like for situations similar to this." He griped. "Perhaps we could have better commun--"

Rena held up a finger and they stifled conversation. A couple of armed personnel ventured within earshot, their voices carrying to them from below.

"--should've been us. I understand there are more they'd like to capture. Justicar and their ilk."

"There is a patrol heading this way. Two of them."

"Are you positive the intelligence on that is secure?"

"Targon himself verified it. He is never--"

Rena hastily established a mental link with him and exclaimed, "You were correct about Targon!"

"--wrong about anything."

"Yeah, perhaps he isn't. But this time I think he is. We're wasting our time here. Those corpses and that bonfire are going to catch someone's attention."

"They're not going to turn their defense matrix on anytime soon. He snatched their codes as well."

"Codes, huh?"

"That Arden girl, the Overlord's adopted daughter, could override the need for codes."

"Where is she?"

"Probably deployed to the South. What a waste, a few of our friends wanted to see her before they died."

"What makes you think we're going to get killed?"

"Either from Justicar steel or our own...we will eventually be driven out. Look at us, we're monsters."

Gelehrter and Rena exchanged glances as they fell silent. They wandered away without sharing any more words.

"I gave Gavilis and Ovelia the Justicar's signal for vampire while in Targon's presence. He was at my hearing to approve my deployment. I believe he pulled many strings to make this happen." Gelehrter surmised.

A moment of silence passed between them. Gelehrter had been fixated on their original objective. He glimpsed a figure alone midst their compatriots. A quick spell enchanted his vision and his eyes watered as the world around him magnified. The outline of the figure before him had a simple cloak surrounding his body. He estimated him standing at about six feet and two inches in height. Despite his efforts to blend into the background of his surroundings, he stood out like a sore thumb. The eerie aura which followed him like rot appeared to seethe and writhe.

He blinked a few times as his eyesight returned to its normalcy.

"I suggest we create a diversion of some sort and head into there."

"And what on earth possessed you into thinking this was okay?" Rena growled.

"We are outnumbered, sure, but I believe if we stick to the shadows and charm one of them, we may have a chance to break for it." He nodded once to her, hoping she would return the gesture.

Rena crossed her arms defiantly.

"I see no other avenue for us other than to regroup and wait out the night. We've lost." She shook her head and raised it to the moon. "We are running out of options..."

"You've lost heart, I can understand. But we've no other choice! We have to secure the warehouse--"

"We are just two Justicar. If we had a few more of us, I would consider, but this is suicide!" She hissed.

"There is something happening in there. I can feel it, I don't know why or how...but I can feel that we must go in there. It is imperative to the survival of Sanctuary." Gelehrter argued.

"What on Sanctuary are you so interested in? You saw something."

In that instant, a feeling rose from deep within his psyche. Every fiber of his being compelled him to leap into the fray awaiting him below, but his conscious chained him to their position. Without the aid of Rena, he would die. Any knowledge locked within his mind and any remnant Ernald left behind him—wherever he went—would be all for naught. This feeling rested in his throat, waiting for him reveal the aspect of uncertain death calling to him.

And yet, there was a simple solution. Turn tail and run—report what was seen and create a new plan of action. Here he remained, in the present.

"I saw...something. I did not share it with any hearing—I saw a mysterious man. His name was Hannibal. I feel as if...there could be a chance he is here. He is plotting behind our Overlord to either overthrow her...or worse." He shook his head as he felt his skin crawl. "He is plotting something, I am sure of it."

"What would Ana say if she heard you were killed? You have a responsibility to return to her in the near future." Rena growled and drew her sword. "I will create a diversion if that is what you wish for..."

"You do not have to do this. I can attempt it alone." He tried to halt her, but she had already hoisted herself onto the balcony.

"There is no other chance. I will try to draw them away while you head inside. Do not hesitate..." Rena's words trailed off as she plummeted into the crowd below.

He peeked over the balcony and witnessed the slaughter which followed.

Rena's arm burst into flame as she whirled about, dodging blow after her blow. Her form resembled a blur as she slammed her shoulder into a man wielding a tower shield, the force knocking him and several of his fellows from their feet. They crumbled underneath her as a torrent of fire cascaded onto her adversaries below.

"You will bend to the will of the Justicar, our Overlord's spear!" She bellowed, weapons shattering against her Blessed Star, the dark cloth robes shining in the darkness.

He watched for a few moments and then conjured a bubble of hot air underneath his form. He hovered slightly over the ground and then took to a slight jog, hopping into the air. The night breeze kissed his cheeks as he soared around the carnage below.

The courtyard filled with individuals seemed to shift as more of them took notice of the death happening at their doorstep. Many abandoned their posts to flee Rena's fiery wrath, the blaze scorching any who approached.

He quickly descended, reaching for his sword. Several stragglers who remained faithful to their position quickly took notice of him from below. Their attempts to skewer him with their spears failed, the spear tips shattering as they neared his magical armor. As his weapon kissed the night air, crossbow bolts crashed against the ground or bounced harmlessly against him.

One by one they rushed him. A quick parry and a lunge.

Feint, side step, swipe.

His movements were quick and precise with little room for error. As he apprehended them, several of their fellows attempted to flee. Instantaneously his arm raised and bolts of electricity engulfed them in their deadly claws.

Gelehrter stepped to the right to avoid a blade, slamming his shoulder into their plated armor. They staggered and tried to regain their footing. A palm released a jet of air toward their helmet and knocked it skyward.

Features belonging to a man greeted him. The man was no older than he, dark hair sprouting from his scalp. A sharp, chiseled chin and jaw hung limply after he suffered blow after blow. His crimson eyes flashed with worry and fear.

The young Justicar hesitated.

Before him stood Hector. The man he faced in the Grand Tournament seemed baffled, yet altogether relieved. His jaw had been broken by Gelehrter's blows and his comrades were all slain.

Only he remained.

He shook his head and lobbed his head clean from his shoulders with a single blow. Piercing the skull with the tip of his sword, he spun it about to launch it toward several crossbowmen nearby. The head smashed their armor and bounced away.

Several moments passed as he readied an incantation. His words falling from his gaping maw, electricity sparking about. The waves suddenly burst into a single bolt of lightning which surged into them mercilessly.

Gelehrter sheathed his weapon, turning about to the warehouse. As his gait quickened, his frame seemed to fade away.

He quieted his steps and faced the entrance. A massive door awaited him, hands pressing against the threshold. His form melded with the surface for a moment and he appeared to step through the door.

His eyes widened with surprise, his dark optics feasting on a massive metallic cube which appeared to be wrestled in the ground by a giant. The original contents of the storage facility were scattered about carelessly. From weapons to other accouterments to food, the mess had surrounded the gargantuan device before him. He shook his head in denial, the realization of everything in his life leading to this one moment. Stones hovered nearby the surface, as if attempting to lift it into the heavens. Strange runes—deep in his psyche, he felt the pulse of knowledge awaken—were carved eras in the past, appearing to be only gibberish for a few moments.

"Those who stand upon this shall become the fruit for the betters." Countless other phrases seemed to overlap one another, but this was the only one he could discern.

A warning...?

He shook his head in dismay, bracing himself against the wall. "This is it...we've found a Wrath of the Ancients. Didn't we?"

No response.

"I'm certain that if you are still there, you will tell me what on Sanctuary I am seeing." He pleaded softly.

No response.

Gelehrter hugged himself as tears cascaded down his cheeks. "You're not there...and if you are not there, how will I know what to do?"

The rampage from before seemed to die down. He wiped his face clean and took in a single breath.

"'Tis an illusion, surely..." He whispered to himself, jogging closer to the object. Gelehrter's hand instinctively extended to touch the metallic surface. Another hand reached out to meet his, the marred reflection of his Blessed Star frightening him.

As he reared back, he sensed another presence and his blade kissed the air. The naked steel was gripped firmly and it eased as he drank in the individual standing before him.

His matted blonde hair and bright eyes were beset with a skull unmatched in structure. A chiseled jaw and high cheekbones, he stood tall despite a strange sense of responsibility weighing on his shoulders.

The man stood poised to strike.

"Who are you?"

In the next instant he was gone.

Gelehrter stood stagnant against the river of change, taking a few moments to examine his surroundings before he sheathed his weapon. Striding up a set of metallic stairs, he ascended onto the surface. The ground hummed at his wake, but the absence of any other activity outside troubled him. He shook his head and quickly descended from the platform and onto the warehouse floor, examining the device once again.

Several lights in the distance caught his eye. Figures were illuminated in the distance and he shook his head.

Another illusion?

They stood much smaller in height than any regular human. As he ventured around the Wrath of the Ancients, the machine which tickled the advent of fear deep in his psyche, now appeared to disinterest him. A collection of stacked cubes which rose to the ceiling had taken him. Their shiny metallic surfaces glistened as he approached. Forms and shapes of humans rose to their feet, many of them bowing to him in reverence.

His heart skipped a beat as the same man from before was among them. His Blessed Star, which amplified his spirit, stuck out like a sore thumb. With no recollection of the Justicar trapped within the cube, he shook his head in horror as the millions of beady eyes drank in his frame. Sudden realization gave into some form of confusion and disbelief.

Cold sweat beaded down his brow as he clambered onto the cubes in hope of reaching the man. Their figures disappeared one by one as he made his way upward toward the source.

As he neared the object, the warehouse doors swung wide.

Rena's form had nearly crumpled as she crossed the threshold. Her head lulled back and she raised a hand, the door slamming shut.

"You're in here, aren't you?" She whispered, her voice echoing throughout the expanse.

He paused.

"Answer me, for all that is good in Sanctuary's holy name!" She barked.

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