Evil of the world

By user7081079

123 1 0

The Demon King comes back from his two thousand year slumber and sees the state the world is in and decides t... More

Evil of the world
Chapter 2 the lone samurai
Chapter 3 Jerusalem The Unholy Land

Chapter 1

36 1 0
By user7081079

This story is for the mature
Just be prepared

Edward was walking to the king's throne room. He then here's a scream come from the princesses room and then he changes course to princesses room to see a orc in the about to stab her then Edward takes action. By kicking orc in the face then the orc stumble's to the window then Edward berries his war axe in the orc's head and then pushes the orc out of the window.

A/N Edward is the royal family's guard and yes he has a British accent.

Princess: Thank you for rescuing me from that foul creature.

Edward: Princess you must hide I will find your mother and father.

Princess: Yes of course.

Edward then rushes to the throne room and is killing orc's on the way there as he reaches the throne room the orc army launches catapult shot at the castle as it hits the castle he can here the orc army's war drums banging out side. The leader of the royal guard shoot out.

Lead guard: all members of the Royal Guard defend the Royal Family and has anyone seen the Princes!!!

Edward: the princes is in her room you should send some of the men to get her.

Lead guard: thank you for the report.

Lead guard: you 6 men go get the princes. If we can't save the king or the queen at the least Usher her safety.

Edward: I will go find the king.

Edward then runs of to find another way inside Edward fuond away inside of the throne room. he Climbs up a pile of rubble to the window and when he finally gets up there Edward  peeks his head up to see if the king is in the throne room then he comes face to face with a orcs boot. Edward falls down the pile of rubble lands face down. He then rolls over on his back to 4 orcs walking over to him and one of the the orcs has Edward's war axe in his hand And the orc say's.

Orc with axe: how dose it feel to die by your own weapon man swine hehehe.

As the orc is about to kill Edward an arrow comes form the castle wall and hits the orc with Edward's axe directly between his eyes. Edward then gets his war axe out of orc that was about to kill him hands while the other three orcs were looking for were the arrow came from Edward then sliced off one of the orcs legs and  then cut off the orcs head as he was doing that one of then the third orc turns around to see Edward cut of his friends head and then runs at in angr Edward. The third orc is stopped by Edward punchis the orc in the face and Edward then puts the orc in a headlock and breaks the orcs neck. As he watch's Edward break the third orcs neck in horror and he is to scared to even attack Edward. So the fourth orc decides to run for his life he is then shot in the back of the head
by mysterious Archer.

Edward: I appreciate your help but can you reveal yourself so I can thank you properly.

Edward is surprised at what he sees.

And this is the mysterious Archer looks like.

A/N: She has a Scottish accent.

Edward: Thank you for saveing me from those Basterds and by the way what shall I call you lass.

???: my name is Elizabeth not miss I was just hunting in the woods and noticed that most of the animals in the forest were gone a I hard that there was a castle and a king in this region so I came here to get back to Scotland.

Edward: Probably herd the orc army marching to this castle.

Elizabeth: Orc what is that.

Edward: we call them orcs the king came up with the name.

Elizabeth: So do you know were the king is Edward.

Edward: do you see the Building that is destroyed. That I fell from that is the throne room I believe that blokes killed the king and queen but the princes is still alive.

Elizabeth: let's save the princess and get her out of here what do you say lad.

She says as she pats his shoulder and walk's to the Direction of the way Edward came from.

Edward: what a strange woman.

Edward picks his war axe off the ground and run over by her side.
And when they get to the Plaza of the castle were Edward was before he met Elizabeth. And all the men that were dead.

Elizabeth: it doesn't matter we have to get the princes and leave.

Edward: this way I left the princes down this way I told her to hide in her room and I hope the men that the leader of the royal guard sent got her out of the castle.

Elizabeth and Edward went to the princess room to find all the men that were sent to get the princes out of the castle were all mutilated and ripped a part and the princess body was laying on her bed with her close torn off with clear indications that she was raped.

Edward: my god.

Elizabeth: Damn sick Basterds

Edward then wrapped the princes up in her Sheets and then go to Cliffside. that was on the edge of the castle the highest Cliffside in the castle which had a three and flowers there and that spot was her favorite place in the castle. And Edward started digging a hole and after you gently set her in there and before you buried her you put a handful of flowers on her and then nailed on one knee.

Edward: oh heavenly Lord please watch over this soul that is coming to your kingdom.

Elizabeth: I'm sorry was she dear to you.

Edward: aye she was like a sister to me she was the only person that ever treated me with kindness during she is now with god.

Elizabeth: we should leave.

Edward: Aye we should leave before more orcs come.

chapter 2 will be about the Samurai.


The orcs in this story are the one's from Lord Of The Rings.

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