The one named luna (dnd story)

By Sainted_Crusader

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This story is based of a D&D story that my friends and I played a few days ago. This is a rendition of the st... More

The beginning
The two quests
it only goes up stairs from here

Quest One(The half-lings mistake )

7 0 0
By Sainted_Crusader

POV: Everyone

Crimzon stared at the farmer as he was tending to his field. The corn looked as big as orcs foot, and seemed to be almost natural in shape and color. He started walking up to the orc signaling Darian Blor to go sneak around. Crimzon got into the field, and upon stepping his foot onto it the orc immediately looked up at him and sniffed the air. The orc could already sense his chaos. Crimzon walked up and said, " hows the night going along?" As the orc pushed out the air from his lungs. The farmer just stood there, still as a statue. You could see the sweat pore down from Crimzon's face as once had a bad recollection with orcs.

"What are you doing in my field pathetic human?" The orc exclaimed.

"Well, i was wondering if you could give me some corn." He said almost getting whacked out of conscious by it. The orc seemed to chuckle then go back to a grim state picking up his stature. He walked towards Crimzon as he just stood there.

Meanwhile, Darian Blor was sneaking around the corn as Crimzon was distracting the orc. He managed to cut down all the corn in a blink of the eye. Darian carrying around two hundred and fifty pounds of corn for his little elf body. As he was now carrying the corn away from the field Alex came up and waved towards his friends. The orc saw his motions, looked behind him, saw Darian, and immediately begun to go rage out in front of us. He started his charge at Crimzon and Alexander.

"What the hell!! Alex!! When this is over i will personally cut of your head!!!" As Crimzon flailed his arms running like a madman towards Alexander. Alex saw him running towards him and pulled out his shield. His shield marveled and gleamed against the light of the night. Its sun shaped symbols etched upon the sides telling a story of his past. As he took out his shield, you could hear the metal scrape against each other as a hooked blade shifted out from the bottom of it. With all might, he slammed it into the ground, ground shaking, Alex kneeled and Crimzon rolled behind the shield.

Darian saw all the action and took on with his path like nothing mattered. He waved over to Crimzon to come over and assist with his escape;yet, Crimzon was still flopped behind Alex's tower shield. Once he got up, shook the dirt of his armor, the orc was already a foot in front of the shield. His putrid smell, and hideous face lie in front of them, possessed by hate and anger. Watching the sweat pore from my face as he slammed his body into the shield.

"They heck was that for you big brute." Alex shouted towards the orcs direction. He could see that the shield started to bend to the orcs force. He sees a blinked out smoke outline of the Crimzon that was once there. Pissed, Alex took his morning star, raised it above his head, and started beating the living daylights out of the orc.

Crimzon finally got over to Darian, starting to cut seven pieces of corn down and frantically watching his back. Darian finally got all the fifty corn they needed for the halflings. "Those halflings better really need this corn." Crimzon said as Darian nodded his head. They looked around, and Crimzon found a cart about ten feet near the pub and the farmer's house.

Darian stayed back as Crimzon ran towards the cart, hearing frantic movements from it. Two people, were making out in the cart. Disgust in his face he was almost tempted to find another cart; being unsuccessful as usual. He just took the cart, and thinking the faster he moved the people would just fall out with momentum. They stayed in, and Darian just shrugged once seeing the situation in front of them. *Splat!* Is all you heard after the situation. He put all five hundred pounds of corn onto the people, finishing it up with a new smell and noise never to be forgotten.

Alex, was smashing the living soul into the depths of hellim. Once he finally threw his final blow towards the orc, unleashing the might of the tool. It unhooked from its latching and swung towards the orc, killing him instantly on the spot. Now no longer able to tell who was in more rage, Alex got back his shield, put back his morning star, and dusted off his shoulder. He started walking to the two people hustling towards him with the most putrid smell following them. Crimzon came up and said, " got the bodies, got the corn, and we are ready to go!"

The adventures, drunks, and whatever they are started heading back to the pub. As they were heading back, they about died, not from goblins, orcs, or retched bugbears, but by stench. The halflings were already standing out as of they were team of true stars. They got of their personal pyramid and started walking over to me. The other two walked into the bar seeing that it wasn't their business. As soon as they were gone, the halfling started to walk up to Crimzon.

"Ah, so i see that you brought the corn." The other three nodding in excitement. The two behind them reached behind their backs insync with each other as the one in front put his hand into his money poach. "Well, since you gave us such huge amounts of corn, i will give you a little extra. He pulled out his small club and smacked Crimzon among the head knocking him unconscious. The two others came up from behind him and spilled the dusk vodka all over his body.

An:To start off, holy smokes, there was a whole butt ton of nati-20's rolled. There was a total of 5 nati-20's rolled and that's PRETTY impressive for not using lucky or unlucky die. Lastly warning, this next part is a little gruesome and gets really insane a little too quickly for our tastes 

POV: Crimzon snow

Finally waking up from the wretched smell and actions of the half lungs and the joyful smell of vodka spilled all over me. Yet there was no time to waste, i had to do the second most important thing in my life. Murder. "Those little freaking halflings did WHAT to me!!" I said to myself. I watched as Alex and Darian started running towards the jerks.

Beautiful the view was, watching helplines runaway with corn they never deserved. They jumped around, celebrating their now beholden victory. Singing, they were really a were a triplet of singers. All the burning rage inside of my was enough to turn me psychopathic. Getting of my feet, i felt the cold vodka drip down my chin, falling ever so gracefully to the ground below.

"Crimson we got th..." Darian tried to exclaim before I made a great and monstrous, "AHHHHHAHAHAHAHHHHHHHHH!! I'M GONNA MURDER SOME HALFLINGS!!"

Charging with all my might, i pulled out my scythe, and started a skip towards my foes. Darian had jumped back upon the cart of corn, throwing the halflings onto the ground. His armor shined upon the nightly glow. The bow was gracefully pulled out, notched with three arrows, and in ten seconds, hit two of the halflings. It was sudden, beautiful, majestic. The arrow slid from the bow and the string Darians fingers. I could see sweat and a scar appear falling the feathers of the arrow. The halflings pierced, a red velvet trail following them as they fell. Flopping, is all i could describe from that situation.

"ugh, i was going to handle it." Saying that as i was still running towards them. I prepared my attack by spinning around and with all my momentum, flung my scythe at the last halfling that was standing there. My aim wasn't bad, except the fact that Darian was in the way. Now, here is the interesting part of the adventure. The halflings ran over to the traveling merchant, or whatever he was. Fleeing to his carriage's protection, as the old man was still in the shop. The man saw what happened to the halflings, drawing his bow with great reaction. The man had notched his arrow towards Darian with surprising speed. Hurraling my scythe now towards the man. It now escaped my hands, flying with vicious colors. It beheaded the old man. Clean cut. Disgustingly beautiful. It was a five rupee performance.

Everything was silent as Darian stood there on corn, Alex jaw dropped, and me standing there almost in tears. "Well, that was actually a little terrifying." Alex said standing there among us. "Also, where did the other halfling go?"

"That is a good question, but, what do we do with this situation?" Darian responded with. I walked up to them, and with the most majestic voice possible.

"We... go... drink our victory and failure away! Yeah!" Blank eyed, everyone just stared at me. The other two finally made up their mind, Darian going to get the drink, and Alexander to search the carriage.

Now, from what he told me after our adventure, his exact words.

'I ran towards the carriage, like a madman i had the thirst for the riches. Finally getting up to the carriage and ripping apart the door from the carriage i saw. Nothing. Nothing is all i saw. I hopped into the carriage, hoping to find something, examining every possible nook and cranny on the thing. Nothing, nothing but air. Examining the situation more i realized my idiocy. The man, had to be a wizard, and the wizard could summon a fake rope. He held the rope in front of me, not allowing me to touch it. It would possibly have vanished from his hands if i touched it. In disappointment i stood there, head hung low, until an idea came up. SEARCH THE BODIES! Looking at the body of the old man, i found a new map!

"Wow," i said to myself as the map was older than i thought with an unknown language to me was in-scripted onto it. Then the sun god came to me.

"Praise the sun god!" He boomed towards me. I bowed, and started throwing my hands up into the air. "Good, now that you finally can communicate to me, you need that halfling." Questioned i let him continue talking. "The halfling i demand of you to search is where you will go next, it is the destination of truth that will be found."

"Great sun god i will obey." I responded, knowing who knows what he said. Then it flashed back into the norma bleh of a world i came back, then I'm here after so much more.'... and those were Alexander's exact words.

Now that that is over, many things flashed inside my head. I rushed back to the town and started exploring the shops. I found a tailor shop and asked for the best dress possible. The man asked about a million questions before making the dress. Once he was done, he handed me a silk dress the color of red. It was gorgeous as it started to reflect the moon. Once i started heading back to the pub, i saw Darian put the carriage onto the longboat.

*Bam!* I emerged the pub, brushing back my neatly untidy hair i opened the door. "My lady, i have arrived with a gift worthy for the gods!" As she was the only lady in the pub, she turned around and saw the dress I withheld in front of me. She came up, you could see the eagerness inside of her. She was attracted to the high heavens with me. She took the dress, and motioned me to follow her. Even though the bartender was there, with the look of shame upon his face, i ignored him. She almost dragged me with temptation up the stairs and into her room.

"I thank you for this beautiful and elegant dress you have for shared with me." She said as attractively as possible, being enough for me.

"Well, only the best for the best." I said half blushing. She turned around a gleam and mischievous look in her eyes.

"Well, would you care to watch me put it on?" Also with this response, i didn't know either to run, or to enjoy my night. The obvious choice was in plain sight. All night, we had a Wham Bam Shang-A-Lang while the others long rested all night long. Quiet it was not, pretty not so much.

The night sky, filled with stars, and the ocean flooded with its reflection. Peace and hate clashing against the horizon. It was a ugly night, with beautiful endings for all of us.

AN: The scythe throw was a nati-20. It was a horrible nati-20. Yet all was true and my friend playing 'Alexander' literally for the past few parts started saying, "I'm rolling to find a halfling," and it only gets better from there. All of this story was true, and there is more to come in chapter four.

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