Danny's Curse| Angels and Dem...


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After the Issue with Ivy, Alex and Nicole. Nicole suddenly disappeared..... Meanwhile, Lucy started to realis... Еще

Lucy's First Boyfriend!!!
Plenty of Surprises!!!
Wolf Ears???
What is going on with me??!!
Lucy Finds Out!!!!
Trailer!! (A/N)
History Of The First Wolf!!!
Family Reunion!!
Choose one and Lose one💔😞
Cuts and Bruises💔😢
Art and Spoiler (A/n)
Secrets and Revenge!!😈
The Angel's Cure
Dreams but (Part 2)
Nightmares too (Part 3)
Lucy's Last Secret (Finale)

Memories Make (Part 1)

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Lucy's Pov

"LUCY!!!" was the last sentence I heard before I blacked out. He screamed my name. I wanted to comfort him and tell him that he was okay. That I was okay but sometimes fate don't work that way.
The last thing I could see were his eyes. Light blue eyes. He was back. The Danny I knew and loved was back. That was all I cared about. I can't share that moment.........

3 Days Later (Danny's Pov)

The guilt and sadness I felt overcame me. After returning home, I can't sleep. Eat. Or even speak. I was too upset. Too upset and anger at myself, knowing that She is in a critical condition now. Cindy and Jay have been with her. She hasn't woke up for 3 days now........


She hasn't woke up because of me. I did it to her. I hurt her. I cause her pain. Sadness. Anger or even worse, I caused her fear. Fear of me. I don't want her to love and feel like she is living with a monster. What will she think??. Does she think I'm a danger to her or even Alyssa??. She might leave me and take Alyssa with her....

I'm sorry, Lucy. I'm so Sorry........

Lucy's Pov

Darkness. Darkness was all I see. I can't hear anything. Suddenly, a flash appeared before my eyes. Closing my eyes due to the bright eyes, I opened them to see I was in a small woods. Why does the woods look so familiar??
Looking around, I saw a picnic in the clearing. Trees decorated with lights. Full moon with stars scattered in the moonlit sky.
Realision hit me. This is the woods. My first date with Danny.
The memories came back. My first kiss with him.
Younger Lucy wandered into the clearing. Gasping at the sight that stood before her. Younger Danny blushed and escorted her to the picnic. I smiled at the memory. After a while, they laughed, blushed and ate. This was about the time we kissed.
They were about to kiss when.......

"There you are, Princess" a voice called out. I turned around to see him. The demon king. Younger Lucy screamed as the demon king grabbed her by the neck.
"Don't go near my son" he said, angrily.
I screamed, trying to get him to stop. Then, I realized he can't hear me and I couldn't move.
Younger Lucy's body fell on the floor, lifeless. He killed her.
Danny stood there, smiling. The woods slowly disappeared into darkness. All that was left with Danny. Smirking, he walked towards me and said:
"I never loved you, Lucy"
With that, he disapy into thin air.
I fell to my knees, sobbing. Begging myself to wake up but I didn't.
Was this the end??

To Be continued
(Sorry for the short chapter)

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