The Phantom Thief

By neonmurder

160 12 9

“Ashque” he whispered, oh for the love of… “Go away, I don’t need you right now.” I whispered angrily. Here I... More


Chapter One

51 4 1
By neonmurder

“Shut up.” I hissed at Levi.

The knight approached us. “My Lords.” He nodded to us and motioned us to follow him with a gloved hand.

I followed as gracefully as I could, harder than you think when you have a, full grown man I should mention, following behind you mumbling and fidgeting.

“Shut up.” I whispered to him again. If we played it cool, the King couldn’t suspect anything.

Did it bother me that Lord Livion was the cousin of his highness? Yeah, we were screwed.

It wouldn’t have usually mattered because all the Lords are somehow related to the King. He is my third cousin, two times removed, or something like that. Our relationship is tenuous at best… okay I’ve ever spoken to the man, hey, he’s probably really busy.

Anyways, Lord Livion and the King are very tightly knit, you know, they kind where they invite each other to dinner and presumably do very dirty things to each other at night. Okay, that’s a rumor, one that has been high gossip with the nobles for the longest time, but never proven that they were lovers. Eh, I had more important things to do with my time than speculate an affair.

“He knows, Ashque, he knows.” Levi turned to me with a panicked expression, huge blue eyes boring into my face. I lost the urge to slap him. He was too damn pretty for his own good… and too nervous. The moment the king saw him he would suspect something. I had to do something.

I caught up with the knight and tapped his shoulder; he turned to me with a blank expression on his face, but almost annoyed.

“Yeah sorry, but my cousin here really needs to use the restroom.” I beamed at him. “Is it possible that we got that in order before we saw the King.” I said in my best pleading voice.

He looked at Levi, who was chewing his nails and looking suspiciously to his left and right, and an expression of distaste flickered across his face “Very well.”

I fought the urge to snicker, letting out a delicate cough instead.

“Follow me.” He sighed and turned left into a plush red-carpeted hallway. He motioned to a door and stood outside of it.

I pushed Levi in and for a moment I was stunned. If I had bathrooms like this, I’d never leave them.

White and blue patterned tiled walls. Huge baths and paintings of nude men and women on the walls, candles on shelves and large mirrors on every side.

“Now this is a visit to the latrine that you’ll never forget my friend.” I laughed at Levi’s horrified face.

“Why would you do this?” he let out. “Bathrooms are not meant to be a place where people have orgies.”

I laughed again, but then sobered.

“Levi, you need to calm down, that knight suspected something and so will the King. Showing up with a guilty look on your face will not help us get out of this without any trouble.”

Levi looked at me distressed. “Are you telling me that you’re not even a little scared, I mean, he probably asked the King to nicely get rid of us so he didn’t have to do it himself.”

“Of course I’m scared, but unlike you I’m putting all emotion behind an opaque wall in my mind and I kindly ask you to do the same thing.” Exasperation colouring my voice, “just follow my lead and do your whole silent and deadly act while slowly dying inside, alright?”

“I’m not worried about that you fool, I’m worried about my assignment from a certain robe wearing deity if you’ve forgotten. We can’t be killed until we push that little future of yours out of the picture, because trust me, if we fail.” He paused for a moment. “What we’ll be facing will be a lot worse than Lord Livions wrath.”

“You mean, my destiny still hasn’t changed?” I was surprised, I hadn’t thought about it for so long, I had just expected it to go away. Levi was such a positive force in my life, I couldn’t imagine doing something like that when I had him.

Levi shook his head sadly at me. “If it had I’d have known, I’d have either been pulled out or notified, I’m sorry Ashque.”

I plastered a smile on my face, I wouldn’t worry Levi about how scared I actually was. It’s not like I wanted to kill people, I just wished that my fate was not decided. I’d much prefer the unknown.

“It’s fine, he can’t do anything to us without proof, alright.” I grabbed his shoulders so that he was facing me. “Alright?”

After a few tense moments, Levi’s anxious face smoothed out. “Alright.” He murmured.

“Let’s go then.” I breathed out.

We walked out of the brightly lit bathroom to the knight who hadn’t moved since we’d gone in.

“All done, lets not keep his highness waiting.” I said cheerfully to the knight. If there was one thing I was good at, it was faking my emotions.

He merely nodded and walked back to the hallway, which we’d come through. We walked till the end of it and there, concealed as part of the wall was a door. “Clever” I said to myself.

The knight knocked on the door and an old man ushered us in to a dimly lit room, and when I say old, I mean ‘how is he still alive’ old.

My eyes were just starting to adjust to the light when I heard. “Ashqueron, Levi! Just the two boys I wanted to see. Come, come, sit down you two honored guests.”

I exchanged a look with Levi, this wasn’t what we had been expecting, the King to be acting so friendly towards us. The old man moved and stood behind the king in a courtly manner, while the king himself sat lazily on a chair in front of a fireplace.

I never really got over how young he really was, just in his early thirties. Most kings weren’t crowned until they were in their forties or fifties.

King Kirao had been crowned when he was very young. Some would say too young but by the way he was running the country I’d doubt that anyone could openly complain. He was doing an exceptional job for everyone… unless you were on his bad side.

“Your Highness.” I bowed and Levi followed my example.

“Please, no need to do that here. You’re among friends.” Kirao beamed at us.

By the looks of the knight and the old man I’d beg to differ, but I smiled back and played the easy charming lord that I was.

“Well then your highness, you wont mind me asking why you’ve roused us in the middle of the night? No offenses meant. It’s just that myself and my cousin Levi have some business that we need to go over tomorrow.” I smiled again.

“Ho ho, right down to business aren’t we?” he laughed looking at the old man and back to us. “Yes, I know you and Lord Livion have some things to speak of in the morning. Oh well, no harm done, eh?”

Levi stiffened behind me. I chuckled.

“Yes we do.” I murmured.

“Come, sit.” Kirao beckoned to us on the couch in front of him. “Do not worry, Livion had that coming, I mean, who decides that stealing from the most accomplished thieves in the city is a good idea, huh?”

I decided to remain silent on that one, thanking him might be too much of an assumption. Words held power and he clearly meant to trick me. I just nodded pleasantly, acknowledging his compliment if it were meant for me, or agreeing with him if it wasn’t. Either way, it was the best I could do.

“Ashque, do you mind if I call you Ashque? And dear Levi, I was so happy when I found that Ashque wasn’t going to be left alone when his parents decided to…” he coughed, “leave.”

He clearly meant that one to hurt, well, punch a bruise long enough and it become numb. I had gotten over their absence a long time ago.

Levi didn’t smile, he just stared at Kirao with no expression on his face. I knew that he was angry though. Levi takes insults to me very personally, even though I tell him that I don’t even get offended.

There was an awkward silence, each of us waiting for the other to talk.

“Yes.” Levi finally said. “Although it is me who is thankful of Ashque’s friendship. Had I not met him I wouldn’t have been introduced to such… fine people.” Oh dear, that was a very direct, indirect insult to the king. I wouldn’t have the guts to say it but either Levi’s a fool or the bravest person I know.

Kirao laughed pleasantly, but there was a cold glint in his chocolate eyes. He didn’t take well to being insulted in his own residence.

“I suppose we are all thankful of Ashquerons will to survive.” He said. It didn’t go unmentioned that he used my full name.

I decided it was time to smooth things over. I laughed heartily, “Really highness, you make me seem like a man of wonders.”

“But you are my friend.” Kirao smiled. “I called you tonight to ask a personal favour. A very personal favour, one that I would appreciate would not breach outside these walls.”

Interesting, he wasn’t condemning us, he was asking us for help.

“As you know, my dear wife has never been one to, eh, stick by the rules. Very much like me in some ways.” He smiled. “Lately I have noticed that she is acting especially mischievous. You see my clever friends, my wife is having an affair. With none other than the esteemed Lord Livion.”

There was silence. Now this was really something. The man that he was rumored to be lovers with was really sleeping with his wife. Ouch.

“Are you sure highness?” I asked.

“Yes, very sure I’m afraid, I caught the rascals in the act.” He said sadly, his face however showed that he was more embarrassed than upset.

Lady Janila had always been a woman that excelled when she was being spoken about. She loved to be in the middle of a scandal, this time however she seemed to have gone too far.

“It is important for my reputation that no one find out about this affair, and Janila to be taught a lesson.” He stood up, rage colouring his face this time. “Stupid, foolish girl, she does not realize what she has done to me. With this ruinous affair she has destroyed my relationship with a man I considered a brother. I cannot afford to make more enemies and when people find out about this, which they will most likely soon as she can’t keep her slippery mouth shut.” He looked back at us. “I need you to teach her a lesson. One that she will not easily forget. If she dares try to trifle with me again I shall have her be sent to Lique as a slave. The girl is too troublesome for her own good.”

“If you don’t mind me asking highness, why are you still keeping her? Wouldn’t it be easier to get rid of her now before she tells anyone?” Levi spoke up hesitantly.

“Easier it shall be but not the smartest move. What would the other nobles say if she disappeared this morning? Plenty or rumors would circulate about how I murdered her in different ways and I can’t afford that.” He smiled grimly. “I only need you to warn her about her actions. Show her that slavery is not my top choice. She still has a chance. Do whatever you have to but get it done by the end of the week. Is that clear?”

“As a bell, highness.” I said, I wasn’t agreeing to it yet. He hadn’t said what he’d be rewarding us with.

“Oh, yes.” He muttered, then raised his voice to say “if you do this and if I am pleased with the outcome, you shall be reunited with your dear parents.”

I gasped, how was that possible. No castaway prince or princess had ever been reunited with their parents.

“Yes, I know, it’s never happened before, blah, blah. I can pull a few strings and bring them back, but only if you do as I say and Janila comes to me before the weeks end and stops her nonsense.”

I was shocked, the thought of seeing my parents again was too huge to comprehend. I barely heard the last words the king had said.

“Ashque.” Levi whispered. My eyes snapped to his blue worried gaze. He motioned to the king. “Will you do it?”

Would I? for such a small assignment, what would I lose? Nothing.

“Only if you help me.” I smiled at Levi. He reluctantly returned my smile and nodded.

I turned to the king. “I need proof that you can do it.”

He just smiled at me. “That I can’t give you, but think about it, why would I lie? And why would you not take this chance. Don’t you realize Ashque, I’m not only offering you your parents, but a friendship that you can’t afford to let out of your grasp.”

He meant him, he wanted me to be his Livion. That I had no intention of being, however I wasn’t going to let this chance go.

“Very well then, we have a deal.”

Kirao smiled, clearly relieved.

I didn’t know what he would have done had I refused, but then again, I would have been a fool to refuse. A petty job like warning a silly girl was almost too easy for the prize. When I was reunited with my parents though I would leave. Leave this wretched place and travel to the northern lands. Not a chance that I would become buddies with the king.

“It’s a deal.” He smiled.


“Are you seriously going to do it, Ashque? I mean, you know he meant more than just a little assignment, he wants you to be his right hand man and I really don’t know how you’re going to get out of that one.”

I rolled my eyes but kept walking. Apparently the king’s hospitality did not include a ride back to Virona manor. We were walking, and I didn’t live close to the palace. Its okay though, the cool night air was helping me concentrate, I needed to plan something good enough to make the Kirao happy enough to give me what I wanted.

My parents.

I’d long ago accepted that they were gone forever. That I would never go to my fathers study to see him writing another story, or never hear my mother complain about how I would never get a nice girl to marry me if I didn’t start to take care of my hair. I suppose because of their absence I’d done the things that they had to make me do when I was young. Now in my free time I’d get countless scrolls and start short novels about different worlds and different lives, lives that I could have had. Levi particularly enjoyed those of thieves. I based them on our life  and exploits.

I took great care of my appearance now, silk shirts and expensive pants. My hair was impeccably cut. I never forgot my mother’s love for the materialistic.

You could say that I’m a handsome man, I took the better genes from my parents, but it wasn’t hard seeing how both my mother and father were beautiful. My mother had a regal face, a high aquiline nose which I had inherited along with her hazel eyes. Unfortunately I hadn’t inherited her chocolate hair, instead I had my fathers ash blonde hair, not the greatest for blending in the night.

It had been hard to get Levi pass as my cousin, he was so different from me, he was the more brooding, silent figure while I was the flamboyant and charming host of parties.

I wondered what my parents would see when they saw me. Would they see me as a the self assured Lord or the vulnerable young man that I still was.

Levi walked silently next to me, I think he could tell that I was deep in thought and I inwardly thanked him for his silence. I decided to put his mind at ease now, we were passing the cobbled streets surrounded by shops leading to the main gate of my manor.

“I’m doing it.”

His eyes snapped to my face. “I knew that.” He said, “What about Kirao, how are you going to deal with him trying to be buddies with you.”

I sighed, “I don’t know yet, but I sure as hell am not going for it. Thanks but there’s enough rumors about you and me being lovers, I don’t need him in there too.” I smirked at Levi’s annoyed face. He’d never been comfortable with the whispers, and since he had arrived out of nowhere claiming to be my cousin in front of the other nobles had not helped his case. The fact that he was very handsome also made him something of a celebrity among the younger women and men.

“Don’t remind me of those.” He groaned. I chuckled.

“I’m going to leave.” I said, Levi remained silent. “If he gives me back my parents I’ll leave.”

He still didn’t say a word.

I suddenly needed to know if he would come with me, I don’t think I could stand it if he didn’t come with me. It could be too much to ask him, here in Laerille he had his life again. He could live in the manor and mingle with the lords, find a wife and have beautiful children. I wouldn’t make him come with me, even if it was incredibly hard.

“Will you come?” I didn’t need to elaborate.

He was silent; the seconds ticking away excruciatingly slow. I still wouldn’t look at his face.

He stopped and grabbed my shoulders so I faced him. He looked at my face, searching for some emotion but I kept it blank.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

“I’m almost angry that you need to ask that.” He finally said.

I smiled, he would come with me.

He’d been my brother for so long I didn’t know how I would take care of things without him. His opinion I cherished above all things. After all, he’d nursed me back to health after my little stint.

He looked sideways at me through his dark hair and shoved me playfully. I laughed and shoved him back.

We walked the rest of the way in silence, but it was a comforting one.

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