To Catch A Killer

By HollyMD

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Ashley is a new detective with the Atlanta Police Department. As her first major case, she is tasked with fin... More

Detective Davies
Recon: Day 1
Spencer Carlin: The Accomplice
The Calm Before the Storm
What Are You Doing?
We Need To Talk About Glen
Our Past, His Present, Your Future
A New Game
The Perfect Alibi
The Struggle
No Regrets

The Cost of Love

726 34 0
By HollyMD

"I've done what you asked, where is my family?" The man asked Glen in a panic. Glen only smirked. "Please!" The man begged.

"I don't think I'm done with you yet Gary. I may just have to hold on to your wife and kids just a little bit longer."

"No!" Gary shrieked. They both looked around the parking garage to make sure no one was looking at them after Gary's outburst.

"Yell like that again and I'll slit your daughters' throat the next time I see her." Glen stated calmly.

"Why are you doing this, why me?"

"You're a creature of habit Gary. I watched you for an entire week do the same routine with your family. I knew your every move before you made it. It was easy, that's why."

"Please, I'll do anything you ask. My family doesn't have to be apart of this." The short balding man took off his glasses and wiped his sweaty brow.

"You're a little nervous nelly aren't you? I hope you didn't sweat all over that apartment or you'll have bigger worries than me holding your family."

"I was careful." The man nodded quickly. "Did everything the way you asked."

"Good." Glen smiled and patted Gary on the shoulder. "This will all be over soon. But I can't let your family go Gary. What's to keep you from going to the cops after I do? You've seen my face now..."

"Please." Gary said.

"Go Gary." Glen pointed in a general direction. "I'm losing interest in this little rendezvous. I'll text you a time and place when you can pick up your family. Until then, don't try to contact me." Glen pulled out the burner phone he'd purchased only two days ago and threw it on the ground smashing it with his foot.

Gary stared at Glen desperately. He just wanted his family back. He had just committed an unspeakable act for him, and still it wasn't enough. Gary whimpered and scurried off as Glen's stare hardened. A smirk appeared on his lips after the man had disappeared out of view. Glen knew that with the man's family tucked away somewhere he'd be able to get him to do whatever he wanted.

And he'd need him again real soon...


Ashley gripped her steering wheel tighter as she inhaled deeply. She knew that she would have to ask Spencer about the picture right away. There would be no holding off on this. This was the second crime scene that Spencer had been connected to somehow. Something was going on and she needed to figure out what that something was.

The ringing of her phone brought her back to her car.

"Davies." She answered.

"It's Avery. Look Davies, I know that the picture has you reeling right now, but I'm giving you permission to hold off on interviewing Spencer. Let's regroup tomorrow and discuss how to proceed with the case okay?"

"Could I actually have the day off tomorrow Avery? I'm gonna talk to Spencer. I don't want to bring her down to the station again Ave. Can I just talk to her and see what all this means first?"

Avery sighed before replying. He knew the answer should have been no because that wasn't how things worked, but he understood where Ashley was coming from, having already questioned Spencer once and her being cleared of that crime scene.

"Okay Davies, but if she gives you any useful information you better..."

"I will." Ashley replied quickly cutting him off.

"I can stall for a day Ashley, but even I have higher powers to answer to. We're closer than we've ever been on this case Ash. Your girlfriend is wrapped up in all this somehow. We've gotta..."

"I'll get the info we need Ave, if she knows something I'll get it from her. I promise."

Ashley sighed and rubbed her forehead. She put her phone in her pocket and climbed out of her car. The walk up to her loft was a stressful one. She has a million thoughts running through her mind and all of them end in question marks.

Ashley unlocked her door and made her way inside. Spencer and Kyla were both asleep on the couch with the TV's idle noise in the background. Ashley smiled at the sight. The two most important women in her life.

Spencer was curled up on the end of the couch and Kyla was laying her head on her lap. Ashley turned and walked into the closet, placing her service weapon and badge into the safe. She walked back into the living room, she grabbed the remote from the coffee table and turned it off.

"Spencer," she whispered as she leaned down to the blonde and shook her gently. Spencer stirred but didn't wake up. "Spencer, babe." Ashley tried again. This time Spencer grunted and blinked her eyes open. A smile appeared at her lips when she saw Ashley.

"Hi." Spencer grumbled sleepily as she stretched slightly, the task a bit difficult with the smaller brunette on her. "What time is it?"

"Time for bed, come." Ashley held out her hand for Spencer to take.

"What about Kyla?" Spencer pointed to the brunette.

"I'll come back out for her once you're in bed."

Spencer nodded and moved Klya's head gently to lay it down on the couch so she could stand up. Ashley helped her to her feet and they laced their hands and walked into the bedroom. "Rough night?" Spencer angled her head to look at the brunette.

Ashley shook her head. "Let's not talk about the case tonight. I have a proposition for you. I'll be right back, let me go put my sister into bed. Here, get under the covers." Ashley said as she pulled the covers up Spencer's body. She hurriedly made her way back into the living room, she lifted her sister from the couch with ease and carried her into the spare bed room adjacent the kitchen. She smiled as she kissed her sister on the forehead and shut off the side lamp then exited the room.

"Kyla was really bummed about the canceled date with Avery." Spencer mumbled softly as Ashley entered the bedroom and started to undress.

"Was she now?" Ashley smiled as the blonde nodded cutely.

"I'm sure he'll make it up to her, things are really hectic right now."

"What is this proposition?" Spencer asked as Ashley climbed into bed, not bothering to open her eyes.

Ashley pulled the blonde closer to her, so the blonde's head was resting on her chest.

"I wanna take you out tomorrow. A day with just us. I feel like I've been so wrapped up in this case that you and I haven't really spent much time together."

Spencer opened one eye and glanced up at Ashley with a smile. "I would love that." Ashley leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on the blonde's lips.

"Go back to sleep." She commanded the blonde who pouted and leaned in for another kiss. Ashley couldn't help but smile at the blonde's cuteness. "Sleep." She ordered again as she reached over to turn off her bedside lamp.


"Good morning." Spencer smiled down at the brunette who blinked rapidly to adjust to the morning light.

She smiled when she saw the blonde holding a tray of food in front of her. "Mmm, morning." She replied groggily.

"I made you breakfast in bed." Spencer stated unnecessarily.

Ashley chuckled. "I see." She sat up and scooted back against the headboard. "What's the special occasion?" The brunette asked as Spencer placed the tray down on her lap.

"I'm excited for our date today." Spencer said simply with a shrug. Ashley beamed a smiled at her.

"That's very cute."

Spencer blushed and shrugged again. "I'm gonna take a shower. What time are we heading out?"

"Come and eat with me, we'll shower together when we're done and then head out." Ashley picked up a piece of bacon and bit it then held it out for the blonde. "I can't eat all this by myself." She popped a brow and the blonde smiled.

"I'm not sure if we'll ever leave the shower if we go in there together, Ashley." The blonde stated matter-of-factly, as she took the bacon from Ashley's hand with her teeth and climbed back onto the bed.

Ashley shrugged. "I'm totally okay with that. Is Kyla up?"

"Mhm. She was on the phone with your partner I think." Spencer said in a sing-song voice.

Ashley turned and glanced over at the clock on the nightstand. "Hmph." It was way too early to be up flirting.

"I think it's cute." Spencer said taking another piece of bacon off the tray and eating it.

"I wouldn't call it that." Ashley scrunched her face in disgust causing Spencer to chuckle and shake her head at the brunette.

"I'm sure you wouldn't. How long has Avery been your partner?"

"Not long." Ashley said placing the tray of food on the bed between them. "Let's not talk about my partner or my job or any of that right now. I'd like to be kissing you."

"Who's stopping you?" Spencer asked, popping a brow.

Ashley smiled as she climbed over the breakfast tray and on top of her girlfriend, bringing their lips together in a heated kiss.

Safe to say it'd be a while before the pair headed out.


He watched as his sister and the detective exited the apartment. He watched as they climbed in the detective's car and drove off. He put his car in drive and followed. He watched them as they laughed and kissed in her car. His anger quickly brewing.

Everything about this relationship was wrong to Glen. It reminded him of so much. The reason this has all happened.

He tried to control it, but the medicine fogged his mind. It made him unable to think properly. He needed to think properly. He wanted to fix her. To make her see the error of her ways.

She was like their mother.

Always leaving...

Always walking away.

Why didn't she just listen?

Take his warning?

Everything that happened from that point on would be her fault.


Ashley put the car in park and they both climbed out. Spencer hurried around the car and took the brunette's hand in hers before kissing her quickly.

It was so nice to be out with just Ashley, no thoughts of Glen and his extra-curricular activities. It was just her and the woman she was falling head over heels for.

"There's a festival today in the park. That's where we're going later." Ashley turned and said to the blonde who only smiled. "I was thinking we could feed the ducks and go on the boat before then or we can ride bikes. It's up to you."

"Whatever you wanna do Ashley. I'm just happy to be here with you." Ashley smiled brightly as she looked over at the blonde.

There was no way that Spencer could be involved in all of this. There had to be a super reasonable explanation on why Spencer had been connected to both those crime scenes. Was someone trying to set her up and if so why? Do they know that she and Spencer were together, Ashley thought to herself before quickly shaking the thoughts from her head. She wanted a day with Spencer away from the case.

"Ashley, you okay?" Spencer asked, pulling the brunette from her thoughts.

"Hmm? Yeah, I'm good." Ashley smiled and nodded.

"You look like you were having a conversation in your head, are you sure?" The brunette nodded again. "Okay." Spencer conceded. She knew that something was bothering the brunette, but she wouldn't press.


"Spencer not so much at once you'll be out of bread in no time." Ashley chuckled as the blonde grabbed giant hand-fulls of bread and tossed them into the pond. Ashley leaned over and looked in Spencer's bag. "See it's already half empty."

"They really like it though." Spencer said seriously, referring to the ducks that had gathered in front of her place by the pond.

"That's cause you're too generous." Ashley laughed a shook her head. "You haven't been to work in a while." Ashley said after a moment.

Spencer turned her head slightly to look at the brunette. "They wanted me on the CFK case. After what happened to your friend I thought I'd back away from it." Spencer shrugged and turned her attention back to the ducks.

Ashley narrowed her eyes. Spencer isn't working right now because she's opposed to working on a case that has affected Ashley personally...

Ashley bit her lip to fight a smile. "Are you all out yet?" Ashley leaned over to try and look in Spencer's bag again.

"No." Spencer moved quickly so Ashley couldn't see.

"You totally are, aren't you?" Ashley asked chuckling.

Spencer stared at Ashley shaking her head with a straight a face as she could muster. Ashley popped a brow. Spencer's shaking became nodding as she finally decided to tell the brunette the truth. Ashley couldn't help but laugh once more at the blonde.

"Here." She reached into her bag and grabbed a handful of breadcrumbs. "Take some of mine. When you're done we'll take the boat ride. Fall out Boy is playing here later tonight."

Spencer's head whipped quickly in Ashley's direction. "What?" She asked, thinking she heard the brunette incorrectly.

"Fall Out Boy." Ashley nodded with a smile. Spencer's eyes widened. Fall Out Boy happened to be Spencer's favorite band and under any other circumstance, she would have probably known that they were playing in Piedmont park tonight. With everything going on with Glen she hasn't really had the time to keep up with basically any of her interest.

"Oh my God Ashley I love Fa—"

"I know, which is why we're here." Ashley grinned showing all her teeth. Spencer stood, tossing the rest of the bread she'd just gotten from Ashley into the pond. "Spencer! I thought we discussed that's not how you do it." Ashley whined cutely.

"I wanted to kiss you, so I'm over these ducks. Is that okay?"

Ashley stared up at Spencer blinking quickly. She could only nod. Ashley tossed the rest of her bread crumbs into the water as the blonde moved in for the kill. They both moaned at the contact. Ashley loved the way the blonde's lips felt against her own. They always felt so right. Like they were made to be kissed by Ashley's.

"If you don't stop moaning that way, I'm going to take you right here in this park Spencer. And I'd much rather not go to jail today for indecent exposure and lewd public acts." Ashley pulled back from the blonde to see a giant smile on her face. "You're such trouble, Carlin." Ashley returned a smile. "Come on, let's take a boat ride." Ashley pulled her protesting girlfriend towards the boat rentals.


"When you said a boat ride, I thought you meant we'd be actually riding." Spencer said as they pedaled the Sun Dolphin 5 Peddle Boat out to the middle of the lake.

"Come on Spence, it's not that bad." Ashley chuckled at her girlfriend. When Spencer saw the type of boat they'd be getting on she tried to back out, citing knee problems and some other made up ailments. Ashley could only laugh and pull her protesting girlfriend onto the boat. "Plus, I'm doing all the work." She turned and looked at her girlfriend. Spencer couldn't argue with that, so she did the next best thing... pouted. Ashley leaned over and kissed it away.

Ashley loved how normal this felt. The thoughts of CFK far from her mind. Little did she know she was doing the same thing for Spencer. Keeping her psychotic brother far from her mind, filling it with memories of the woman she was quickly falling in love with.

"Thank you." Spencer said softly, turning to look at Ashley.

"For what?"

Spencer shrugged. "Today. You don't understand how much I needed this." She said truthfully.

"Is this about what was bothering you before? That important thing you said you needed to tell me?" Ashley asked curiously, recalling the conversation that she and Spencer had a few days ago.

Spencer stopped pedaling and looked at Ashley. Truth be told, Spencer's feelings for Ashley had grown so deep she didn't want to tell the brunette anymore. She didn't want to risk losing her. She felt too deeply to have Ashley walk away.

"No. I just, I know you've been working really hard and everything going on with the CFK case and I'm blonde and a lesbian, remember?" Spencer tried to joke.

"Spencer," Ashley paused and stopped pedaling, turning fully to face the blonde. "I would never let anything happen to you." She said emphatically. Spencer believing every word.

"I know." Spencer nods. "It's just... my DNA being found at one crime scene when I have no idea how it got there still has me a bit off."

Ashley fought the urge to cringe. The mention of the DNA was a cold hard reminder of the main reason Ashley wanted a day away from the case. The picture was still something that she had to ask Spencer about and clearly Spencer was still smarting over the questioning of her DNA at a crime scene.

"I'm sorry Spencer, you know I was just doing my job otherwise I wouldn't—"

"I know." Spencer cut her off quickly. "I told you that already. Are you going to tell me what's going on with you? You've had something on your mind all day. What is it?"

Ashley shook her head. "I don't want to ruin our day. It's been so lovely." Ashley pursed her lips.

"It has." Spencer nodded. "But I don't want you to feel like you can't talk to me Ashley. Is it about the case?" Ashley only nodded. "You can talk to me Ashley."

Ashley reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. "Here." She said after unlocking it and pulling up the picture. Spencer took the phone from her hand and stared at it like it was the most foreign thing in the world.

On the screen in her hand was a picture of her and her ex-girlfriend... "Chas." Spencer whispered. She pulled her eyes away from the phone to look at Ashley. "Why do you have this?"

"Spencer, I—"

Spencer shook her head. "No."

Ashley took the phone from Spencer's hand and pulled her impossibly closer. "I'm sorry Spence. The call I got last night, it was to her place." Ashley bit the inside of her jaw. Spencer was clearly distraught, so Ashley knew she needed to proceed with caution. "Spencer, I have to ask because of the nature of the picture and because of the previous crime scene connection. The two of you were intimate, yes?" Ashley turned expectantly to Spencer and awaited her answer.

It took her a moment, but she was finally able to get the words out. "Yes."

"How long ago?"

"We broke up five months ago." Spencer shook her head as she fought back tears. You see Chasity was the only girl that Spencer had ever had an extended relationship with. She loved Chasity. She didn't want to end it. But Glen could be very territorial, and she didn't want Chasity caught in the middle of everything. So the day after Spencer had helped Glen clean up his first crime scene, she knew she had no other choice but to let Chasity go. To protect her.

"Spencer I'm sorry." Ashley pulled the blonde into her embrace. Ashley fought the urge to ask Spencer why she'd lied to her all those weeks ago telling her that she'd never been in a significant relationship with anyone, nothing lasting longer than a few weeks. Clearly, she'd love this Chasity woman.

"Were you two together long?" Ashley asked the unnecessary to the case question.

"Eight months." Spencer answered quietly.

"That's pretty significant," Ashley replied just as softly. Spencer turned with narrow eyes to look at Ashley. She wasn't sure what that meant. "Spence, this is the second crime scene you've been tied to. Can you think of any reason that might be the case? Obviously, someone is trying to make sure we think you're involved." Ashley stopped and went into deep thought. Maybe she was looking at the case all wrong, maybe they should be investigating the men in Spencer's life instead of the lives of the victims.

"I can't, no." Spencer shook her head. "Have you guys contacted her family?"

"Her parents were notified last night." Ashley nodded. "I'm sorry Spencer." Ashley mumbled realizing that she's now brought Spencer's mood down. The very last thing she wanted to do today. "Come on, let's head back to shore, Fall Out Boy awaits." Ashley tried to smile to lighten the mood, but she could tell the smile Spencer returned wasn't a genuine one. This murder had really hit Spencer to the core.


Spencer picked at the blades of grass as they sat waiting for Fall out Boy's opening acts to come on stage.

"Spencer you haven't said a word since the boat." Ashley said softly, trying to catch the blonde's eyes.

Spencer shrugged. "I haven't had much to say really."

"What was your favorite TV show as a kid?" Ashley asked suddenly.

Spencer furrowed her brows in confusion and looked over at Ashley. "Huh?"

"Favorite show as a kid, what was it?" Ashley asked again.

Spencer thought for a moment then answered, "Too hard of a question, I had several. What age range are we talking, prepubescent, pre-teen or teenager?"

"First one."

"Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego." Spencer said after contemplation.

"Really?" Ashley popped a brow.

"Mhm. While she sneaks around the world from the Kiev to Carolina. She's a sticky finger filcher from Berlin down to Belize. She'll take you for a ride on a slow boat to China. Tell me where in world is Carmen Sandiego." Spencer sang the theme song to the show and Ashley beamed a smile.

"If that's not the cutest thing ever."

Spencer shrugged. "Every Monday like clockwork."

"Mine was Arthur. Well... kinda still is." Ashley said bashfully.

"You still watch it?" Spencer pulled her bottom lip between her teeth to keep from laughing at the brunette.

"It reminds me of my childhood, leave me alone." Ashley swatted at the blonde's arm. "Things were so much less complicated back then. I love to just sit back and watch Arthur to forget. Don't you have things that take you back to childhood that you still watch or do?" Ashley asked as the production crew walks onstage to set sound check all the instruments and mics one last time.

"No, not really." Spencer shook her head. And if she was being honest her childhood wasn't really a place she'd like to go back to anyways. It's filled with just as much regret, pain and suffering as her present.

"Are you guys ready to get this party started!" A man came out on stage and said causing the crowd to erupt into to cheers. "Well get up on your feet and welcome our first act Max!" The crowd screamed louder as a small black haired boy appeared on stage.

"How yall doing tonight Atlanta?" He asked as Ashley and Spencer stood up to get a better view as everyone in front of them was now standing as well. "I'm so happy to be here tonight with all you cuties. Let's get this thing started. You all know this one some feel free sing along with me, let's keep this energy up Atlanta I love yall!"

"Do you like Max?" Ashley leaned towards Spencer's ear and asked.

"I only know two songs of his." Spencer admitted with a grin. The band on stage began to play the intro. "This is one of them." Spencer yelled over the music. Ashley chuckled.

"Heaven only knows where you been, but I don't really need to know, I know where you're gonna go." Max sang effortlessly.

Ashley stared at Spencer as swayed to the music, singing the lyrics softly. As she stared at the blonde so many things became abundantly clear; Spencer was this amazing happenstance that she was so grateful had wandered into her life, no one had ever made her feel the way Spencer did, she'd do anything for the blonde and last, but not least she was no longer falling in love...

She was there.

Full on, head first, heels up, caution out the window there.

"On my heart where you're resting your head, and you just look so beautiful, it's like you were an angel." Max continued.

"Spencer." Ashley called softly.

"Oh turn the lights down lights down low. Yeah, now I'm feeling you breathing slow. Cause baby we're just reckless kids, trying to find an island in the flood. Oh, turn the lights, turn the lights down low." Max sang.

"Hmm?" Spencer responded absentmindedly.

"I love you."

Spencer's head slowly turned to the left to look at the brunette.

"Can I stop the flow of time? Can I swim in your divine? Cause I don't think I'd ever leave this place." He continued.

"I know it's been only a month since I've known you, but despite all the circumstances you're my bright spot in a dark time and I don't think I'd—"

"I love you too." Spencer cut the brunette off eagerly.

"Oh turn the lights down lights down low. Yeah, now I'm feeling you breathing slow. Cause baby we're just reckless kids, trying to find an island in the flood. Oh, turn the lights, turn the lights down low." Max sang.

Ashley couldn't help the ear-splitting grin. She pulled the blonde into her for a kiss. She was everything the brunette had ever wanted.


"Are you sure you can't stay with me. I really don't want you home alone Spencer." Ashley pouted as they sat outside Spencer's place.

"I told you, the landlord is coming over super early tomorrow with some maintenance people to fix some stuff I've needed fixing for a while. Plus I won't be alone, my brother stays with me a lot. I'll text him and tell him to come stay with me tonight."

Ashley wasn't sure why but the mere mention of Glen's name sent shivers down her spine. She shook her head free.

"I'll probably head in for a shift then since I won't have the pleasure of sleeping in your company. I'm sure Kyla won't be pleased. You two sure hit it off."

"Kyla's easy to like." Spencer shrugged. "I should head up." She leaned over the seat and kissed her girlfriend. "Thank you for such a wonderful night Ashley. It's been one of the best of my life." Spencer smiled and placed another chaste kiss on Ashley's lips. "I love you." She whispered against them.

Ashley smiled, "I love you too." Spencer pulled back and exited the car, much to Ashley's chagrin.

"I'll call you tomorrow." Ashley nodded, flashing another bright smile before pulling off.

Spencer stared at the retreating car until it disappeared out of sight and then headed upstairs to her apartment. Once inside she checked to see if Glen was home.

Thankfully he wasn't.

Spencer sat on her couch contemplating her next move. Clearly Glen wouldn't stop. He would do everything he could to get Spencer implicated in all this. He was determined to bring his sister down, when it was him that needed knocking down.

Spencer had a plan. A plan that she hoped would kill two birds with one stone. She grabbed her phone and texted her brother.

'I'm at the apartment. Can you come home and we talk about this? I'll leave Ashley if that get's us back to being a family, I promise.' She hit send and waited. Not even seconds later she read his reply.

'Why should I believe anything that comes out of your mouth?'

'I can prove it. I'll text her right in front of you. Or call her and break it out. Whatever you want. Please Glen, I miss my brother. You're the only family I have left.' She replied.

'I'll be there in an hour.'

Spencer smiled. She had an hour to get ready. She was gonna take her brother down once and for all. She walked around the couch to Glen's room and rummaged through his drawers.

It had to be there somewhere. She knew it was his drug of choice to get the victims, she just wasn't sure where he kept it. She searched nearly his whole room before finding the needle and vial she was looking for.

She then headed to her own bedroom and grabbed the gas mask from the top shelf of her closet. She'd been a CDC worker a few years ago for Halloween and still had the whole costume tucked away in the closet.

Spencer stopped and glanced down at her watch. She only had 20 minutes left, give or take. She went into her bag and grabbed her mace then into the bathroom the grab the cable ties from under the sink. She headed into the kitchen and grabbed the duct tape from a drawer. She placed all her gathered items on the counter and looked around the apartment.

She took a deep breath. Was she ready for what was about to happen? He was giving her no choice and if she was being completely honest with herself it was something she should have done a long time ago. Spencer dropped her head in her hands as she leaned against the counter and attempted to calm her nerves. Glancing up she realized the living rooms layout wasn't ideal for what she had planned. She looked down at her watch again. Ten minutes. She moved around the counter and hurriedly rearranged the furniture just a bit. She closed the blinds and stood back, looking around. Glen would be there any moment.

She took another steadying breath and took her position behind the door with the gas mask on and the mace in one hand with the recently filled syringe in the other. She was thankful for the darkness that enshrouded her.

Only the sound of Spencer's breathing could be heard as Glen used his key to unlock the door.

"Spencer." He called out as he pushed the door open. She could hear it in his voice that he was confused or maybe suspicious. Whatever the case, she knew she needed to act fast. As soon as Glen emerged from around the door she quickly kicked it closed and sprayed him directly in the eyes with the mace.

Glen doubled over grunting and moaning as he rubbed his eyes. She dropped the can and moved closer to him, stabbing him in the neck with the needle and pushing the contents into his neck. It didn't take long before Glen was laying on the floor unconscious.

Spencer stared down at his still body. She removed the masked and placed it on the floor next to him as she bent down to check his pulse to make sure she hadn't used too much of the sedative. He was fine... just out cold.

She didn't know how long he would be unconscious, so she went to work quickly.

Glen blinked his eyes rapidly. The mace burning them. Once he gathered himself he lifted his head to look at his sister. She was standing in front of him with an unsettled look on her face. Glen's lips curled up into a smirk. He tore his eyes away from his sister to look down at his hands that were cable tied to the chair he was sister in as well as his feet.

Glen narrowed his eyes as he looked back up as his sister. "Well done sister."

"I didn't wanna do this Glen, you've left me no choice." Spencer shrugged and shook her head. She was at the end of her rope and her brother just kept pulling and pulling.

"And what is it exactly that you're doing? Are you going to keep me hostage here forever?" He asked, creepily calm about the whole being bound to a chair thing.

"I don't know yet exactly. All I know is that for now I must keep you here. I can't let anyone else die. You killed Chas. Why?" Spencer leaned closer to her brother and asked.

"Because I knew it would hurt you." He stated coolly.

Spencer clinched her jaw and fought the urge to strike her brother. She turned in a huff and grabbed the duct tape from the coffee table. She ripped off a rectangle size piece and placed it over her brother's mouth.

What was the plan here?

Spencer had no idea. She only knew of one thing: she had to protect the public from her brother... at any cost.

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