Nicu - The Littlest Vampire i...

By EliasZapple

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Nicu - The Littlest Vampire in 'Fangless'

86 1 0
By EliasZapple

Nicu -

The Littlest Vampire



Book One


Copyright © 2014 Elias Zapple

All rights reserved.

ISBN-10: 1500338192

ISBN-13: 978-1500338190



In Eastern Europe there’s a country called Romania, and in Romania there’s a region called Transylvania. In the south and east of Transylvania there are mountains called the Carpathian Mountains, and in the deepest darkest valley of the Carpathian Mountains, surrounded by tall dead trees without a leaf to be found, there was a house.

Now, this was no ordinary house like you or I live in. This was a dark, crooked and grim-looking house, with grime, dust and cobwebs all over it, and indeed, in it. This house also had no doors, as the occupants did not need doors. For all they needed were windows to fly in and out of.

Now unless you just picked up or downloaded this book without somehow looking at the title and jumped to this bit, then perhaps you would assume that this house was occupied by birds, or by people trying to be a bit different. You’d be wrong. For this house was occupied by a family of vampires, and every night these vampires would turn into bats and fly out of the windows in search of humans, so that they could drink the humans’ blood and satisfy their hunger.



The youngest of this family of vampires was Nicu, a 9 year-old vampire who was podgy, and very short for his age. However, that was the least of his problems, as he was also fangless.

Now, like human beings when getting their adult teeth, vampires normally get their fangs at any point after the age of 6, (normally between 6 and 8). Unlike Nicu, his older, spiky-haired brother Adam had a great set of fangs, the sharpest in all of Romania for his age, and had gotten them when he had just turned 6.

He was also an expert at turning into a bat, flying, and biting a human’s neck within the time it took Nicu to unscrew his bottle of freshly-drained blood – this was a ready-made drink for young vampires before they got their fangs, for if vampires don’t drink blood they turn into vegetarian cats, and as there’s not a lot of vegetables in the Carpathian Mountains that pretty much means certain death.

Nicu’s parents were tall, slender with cold-dead eyes, and who always dressed as if about to go ballroom dancing. They were also known to be two of the most bloodthirsty vampires in all of Romania.

Poor Nicu!

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