U N H O L Y - [Sweet Pea]

Por curvaparabolica

559K 12.1K 2.5K

NO TRANSLATIONS ALLOWED "Pure sin, that's exactly what he was". Published II | II | MMXVIII Más

A/N: Lesson in Unholy
A/N: Pause (No biggie)


14.8K 343 102
Por curvaparabolica

    Jughead's eyes glanced down at his phone that rested on his thigh, his teacher still talking to him as he looked at the text message of Archie that made his phone light up.


Jughead frowned at the message, totally not focused on the conversation anymore. "Excuse me, I need to go really quick". He stammered and shoved the chair back to get out of it, standing up and jogging out of the teacher's office to see Archie running up to them. "Archie, what the hell are you doing here?". He asked, ready to push him back as he was the outsider in Southside High. "Mayor McCoy And Sheriff Keller are about to storm in here". Archie said, out of breath. "W-what?". Jughead asked, not sure if he understood. "What is going on?". He couldn't even finish his sentence as the doors opened with a loud bang and the police came in with Mayor McCoy.

"There!". Her harsh voice sounded and Archie roughly pulled Jughead with him. He looked over his shoulder to see Toni being forced against the locker, Sweet Pea's heavy voice sounding in protest as his body was slammed into the locker with three cops, his fist banging on the doors of the lockers and probably leaving some damage in the process. "You want to help them? You can't do that in jail, Jug". Archie said and pulled him behind the doors, where the cops didn't look as they arrested the younger Serpents, including his friends Toni, Sweet Pea and Fangs. Jughead watched how they were cuffed and walked out of the school with their heads down.

Sweet Pea tried to loosen his hands from the cuffs, he was probably strong enough to break them if he used all of his strength. "Fuck off, man!". He grunted as he was harshly pushed against the car. Toni and Fangs were shoved in first and he followed. "Why are we in here?". Fangs whispered, confused by why they were suddenly arrested and why they decided to make such a big thing of it by storming into their school. "I don't know, Fangs". Toni sighed. "They're probably blaming us for something stupid again". Sweet Pea gritted through his teeth. The others remained silence while the police car drove away.

It brought them and some other Serpents to the police station where sheriff Keller himself came to take the three friends out of the car. "You". He started. "We're keeping you here for a while". He barked, not finding it necessary to give any further explanation. "And why is that?". Sweet Pea spat back, tall enough to look have to look down at the sheriff. "Because you're convicted of vandalism, now move". He shoved Toni in front of them first, about to yank Sweet Pea at his arms when he gave them a mad look and stepped aside before they could touch him. His cuffs were loosened when they pushed him into a cell, away from Toni and Fangs. The cops had told him something about an interrogation later, but they seemed to be more in for the fun of getting on his nerves.

Jughead was very unpleased to see the younger Serpents being dragged out of school by the police. He had replaced his Serpent jacket by a normal leather jacket and went up to them as soon as he could. Sheriff Keller was surprised to see Jughead standing in front of his desk when the Jones boy came by. "I'm looking for my friends, Mr. Keller. Would you mind to explain what they are doing in here?". He asked, Betty on his side. "I would love to, Mr Jones". Sheriff Keller replied and sat straight up. "They're convicted of vandalism on the Northside, for example drawing something with an aersol on Fred Andrew's house and violating the order in the town". He simply stated.

Betty and Jughead shared a look. Was it even legal to keep convicted persons in the police station for that little amount of prove? "I'd like to see them". He gritted through his teeth as he received a lazy nod. The Sheriff called for another officer and he took them to the cells, as he asked to see Sweet Pea first. Everyone saw Sweet Pea as some sort of a second leader of their gang anyway. "Jones". His heavy voice echoed through the room. "Coming to get me out of here?". Jughead saw by the frown on Sweet Pea's face and the annoyed jaw clench that the Serpent was irritated and that he shouldn't say too much to make it worse. "I can't get you out of here, sadly. They're gathering more prove to keep you in here longer".

"What kind of evidence could they possibly find? We're not the ones who are making a mess of his town, Jug". Sweet Pea's knuckles turned white as he clenched his hands around the metal bars of the cell. "I know, Sweet Pea". Jughead replied. Sweet Pea's eyes briefly glanced over at Betty who stood halfly behind Jughead. "I think I know someone who can help us". She squeaked, looking back up at her boyfriend. "Who can help the Serpents, not us. You don't belong to them". Sweet Pea's words were harsh and made Betty swallow hard, yet she brought her phone to her ear and dialed Kate's number. Her father was a lawyer, he could push the cops with their noses to the facts of the law and get the Serpents out of here.

    Kate didn't hesitate to come over as soon as she could, however she couldn't ask her father to do it all for her. She had gotten a rant last night about how she shouldn't be involved with those dangerous boys and how she shouldn't even look at the thugs of the Serpents and she was just being the good girl and saying yes to everything. Kate moved her hand through her hair and pushed some files in her bag. She was quite annoyed by the cops that they were just arresting the Serpents while they hadn't done anything. It made her more resolute in her decision to stand up for them, besides, they were her friends. "Kate, honey. Where are you going so nicely dressed?". Her mother asked, looking over at her with a smile as she was wearing a pencil skirt with a shirt tucked in it, a pair of heels on her feet.

"Reggie". She blurted out. "H-He invited me over for a milkshake at Pop's". Kate forced out a quick lie and was glad her mother's smile widened when she mentioned Reggie's name. Somehow her mother seemed to like the guy and she could now use it as a cover for what she was actually going to do. "Tell him I said hi". Kate nodded and waved as she snatched the car keys away from the holder and rushed to her car. She drove to the police station and parked it one of the parking spots in front of it. She slammed the door close and pushed her glasses higher up her nose. A small bell rinkled when she opened the door of the police station, making the cop at the doorway look up at her. Kate wanted to throw up at the smirk he gave her, she was sure Sweet Pea would break all of his bones if he was with her now.

"I'm here to get my friends out of prison because you guys suck at your jobs". Kate hissed and he was visibly surprised by her tone. Sheriff Keller had overheard the conversation and came up to her. "Kate, what could I do for you?". He asked, a small smile on his lips. "Bring me to my friends, please". She asked, the please added to be polite, while she was furious on the inside. "You can join the club then". He said with a chuckle and a roll of his eyes. Sweet Pea looked up to see Kate walking trough, her heels clicking against the floor. Her confident state was something he didn't recognize in her, but a grin curled his lips as he sat straight up. "Sheriff Keller". She started. "Do you have any prove at this moment for this young man sitting in here?". She opened some of her documents, looking almost bored as he blinked at her question.

"W-well...". He started. "Or did you just follow your lover Sierra McCoy?". Kate asked sharply. "I'm sure you have camera's all around the town filming everything". Sweet Pea dug his teeth in his lower lip as he looked over at her. "We have, Ms Pearson, but...". "So if they indeed vandalised the town then you must know". She blinked back in surprise. "I think the law says that everyone is not guilty until it is proved. You don't have any evidence at the moment, Mr. Keller. I believe you have to let these teenagers go and go after the real threat of our town, Black Hood. Unless you want to have a talk with my father of course". She smiled sweetly. The Sheriff clenched his jaw and muttered in his walkie talkie to his colleagues to let the other Serpents go. Sweet Pea gladly stood up from the bench and walked out of the cell he had spend a couple hours in.

His arm wrapped around her and pulled her into his side with a smirk. "See ya later, Keller". Sweet Pea saluted him and Kate rolled her eyes, walking out in front of him. "The amazing Kate, can I get your autograph?". Fangs swung his arm around her shoulders as they were outside, but Sweet Pea pushed him away. "Go away, I'll come after you guys". He said, giving Fangs and Toni a warning look as they giggled. Betty smiled at Kate from over her shoulder as Sweet Pea remained with her for a moment. "And yet we meet again". She smiled, crossing her arms over her chest. "You look stunning". His tongue moved over his lower lip. "I have to look like a serious lawyer's daughter, don't I?". The Serpent chuckled, letting his hands slide over her lower back to pull her into his chest.

"I don't care about that all, it was just hot to see you speak up like that, save my Serpent ass and all". Sweet Pea chuckled. Kate smiled as she reached up to fix the collar of his leather jacket. "Maybe I was just doing that for Toni, Fangs and the others". She playfully said, giggling as he twirled her around. "I'm pretty sure you didn't". His nose brushed against hers and he took a deep, satisfied breath. "I'm your soft underbelly". He poked her stomach and she squealed, another joyful laugh falling off her lips, the sound he enjoyed so much. "And I guess that I'm yours?". Kate's voice softened. "Damn straight you are, baby". His voice lowered, almost creating goosebumps on her arms. "I'll see you tonight". She let their lips brush together, yet moved to kiss his cheek before getting into her car, giving him a last look over her shoulder before driving away.

Just as she was thinking about what she was going to say to her parents about going out with Sweet Pea tonight, her parents said that they were out of town again and she didn't need to say anything. She thought about saying that she met another guy and she didn't like Reggie at all, but she swallowed everything as she remembered their thoughts upon the Southside Serpents. As soon as her parents were gone, Kate went into her room to get dressed for the dinner Sweet Pea had invited her for. She rumbled through her walk-in closet and chose to pick a dress. She really wanted to blow him away with how she looked and not come across as a shy, constant nervous girl she had been so often around him.

Kate picked a red dress that was tight around her upperbody, yet loose around her legs. She could easily walk and sit down in without having to worry about the tight material. The fabric of the dress was soft and wavy, perfectly matching everything about her. She took a shower to wash her hair and shave her body, making sure her hair was soft as silk and her skin smooth. Kate felt carefree when she danced through her room with her speakers blaring some upbeat Spanish song, sitting down at her desk to do her makeup. She prepped her skin before starting her eye makeup, keeping it quite simple with just a nude shade and a winged eyeliner.

She popped some lashes on and started on her face, dabbing a bit of Estee Lauder Double Wear on her skin to get rid of the slight bit of redness and any blemishes. Kate delicately swiped her bronzer over her cheeks, not wanting to overdo it all and make a cakeface. She grabbed a smaller brush to apply some stunning highlighter, making her cheekbones pop. Her lips were covered with a layer of dark red lipstick to match her dress and her perfectly manicured nails she had gotten done last night. She slipped her feet in her heels and looked at herself in the mirror, finding the boost of confidence she needed for this night.

  Sweet Pea would lie if he said that he wasn't a tiny bit nervous. Fangs and Toni had laughed at him as he asked which flowers to bring for Kate, which made him cut off the Face Time with the two straight away and just go for roses to surprise her. This was the first official date he had ever been on, the only thing he did before was just sleeping around, seeing past the beauty of someone, seeing past beautiful eyes and seeing past amazing personalities. Yet there was, all nicely dressed and parking his bike on the porch of Kate's house with some roses. He had lost one on the way, but that couldn't bring his mood down. He shook the nervous feeling off as he was sure it was going to be a great night, pressing on the doorbell.

He was ready to say hello, tell her good evening, however his mouth went dry when she opened the door, offering him that bright smile, looking even more beautiful than she looked earlier today and he swore her beauty didn't know limits. "Pea?". Her voice woke him from his stare and he blinked a couple times. Sweet Pea sucked his lower lip between his teeth. "Did you even hear what I was saying?". She asked, her eyebrows raising in amusements. "I was distracted by how gorgeous you look". His lips curled up in a grin and she chuckled. "Thank you". Sweet Pea nonchalantly leaned against the doorway, his jacket swung over his shoulder by one of his hands, holding the roses in his other.

"I got you these, but they can't do anything to be on one line with your beauty tonight". He kept flirting with her and it made her heart flutter in her chest. "You didn't have to". Kate replied with a smile, taking the flowers from him and quickly moving to the kitchen to put them in some water. "Ready to go?". Kate asked for the second time and this time he heard her. He nodded with a smile and she closed the door behind her. "Your folks away?". He asked. "They are, luckily". She giggled and he shook his head with a smile. "They'll probably come back tomorrow morning so we can spend some time at my home after the dinner instead of at your place". She mentioned. "Because my trailer is trash, got it". Sweet Pea said and she gasped.

"No! I didn't mean...". She rolled her eyes as he started laughing. "I'm just messing with you, baby doll. Your bed's nicer than mine anyway". He smirked while he pushed the helmet over her head. "What made you assume we'd be around my bed tonight?". Kate replied. He just grinned and didn't say anything, waiting for her to hop on the motorcycle so he could drive off in the evening to their restaurant date. Kate wasn't sure about wearing her dress when she got on the motorcycle, but in the end it was all fine, she almost went through her ankle when she stepped off because her heels were a bit too high for that, yet she was okay as Sweet Pea had some cat alike reflexes and caught her before she could stumble over her own feet.

When they were seated on the opposite of each other, he had some time to really look at her, to stare at the sparkle in her sky blue eyes and her shining, blonde hair that waved over her shoulders. "You're the one who told me it's impolite to stare before". Kate mentioned and he lifted his eyes back to hers. "What would you do if the person in front of you is like the most beautiful painting in the museum?". He replied with a smile. "I'd stare at it all day". His voice softened. He watched how she brushed some hair away from her face and took her glass of wine to bring it to her lips and take a small sip. Sweet Pea briefly looked away from her to pass their order to the waitress that came by their table.

Kate took her chance to look over at him for a moment. He wore a button up for the first time since they knew each other. She eyed the way the material clung to his chest and arms, a few buttons left open and it exposed his collarbones a slight bit, her eyes falling on the necklace alike thing he seemed to wear, yet it was tucked into his shirt. She decided to ask about it later. He wore his rings around his fingers, a single bracelet around his wrists and she was thinking about how attractive his hands were. She didn't know how to explain it, but his hands were just attractive. Strong, and lean, the veins running over the back of his hand and long yet slightly thick fingers.

They spend the time at the restaurant by talking a lot, getting behind the fact that they weren't so different at all, except that Kate had a much richer family than he did. Kate tried to not be so bothered about why he didn't tell a lot about his mother and father, she didn't want to push him into something if he didn't want to. Sweet Pea insisted on paying for the dinner, while she didn't want him to as she could easily afford it, but the gesture of him wanting to pay for her still made her feel warm inside. He had been saving money for her and she thought it was the cutest thing ever. She wanted the next date to be on her and after a small argument he finally agreed.

She didn't have to say anything about feeling cold as he already slipped his thick, leather Serpent jacket around her. Kate looked up at him as he was about to hand her the helmet again and she leaned up for a kiss, feeling somehow thrilled to spent some more time with him at her place. The kiss they shared now was different somehow, more lust, more feelings poured into it and he could barely get himself to pull away from her now. Kate locked her helmet under her chin and he sped away as soon as she was seated behind him. She was relieved to see that her parents hadn't suddenly came home and he could park his bike on their porch.

Kate fiddled with the keys to open the front door, glad that she was greeted by the warm, home feeling of the fireplace still burning. Sweet Pea came in behind her, throwing his jacket on the coat rack and kicking his boots off. "Kate?". He asked, not sure where she had gone. He found her in front of the fireplace, the reflection of the flames visible on her face. She looked up at him as he looked down at her, her hand reaching back to slowly unzip her dress. Sweet Pea watched how the material loosened around her, suddenly dropping to the floor to pool around her ankles. He was startled by the moment of her suddenly standing in front of her, dressed in lingerie just as red as her dress had been.

His hands reached out to pull her closer, sliding his palms over her bare back and over her shoulders up to her face, angling it towards his. "No limits tonight, baby girl". His low voice hummed, his palm big enough to cover the whole side of her face.

"Have me, Pea".

A/N: I'm back from my week in Finland! Hope you like this chapter :) Spoiler: they're going to do it in front of the fire place like Archie & Veronica, but better bc it's Pea and I'm sure he's hell of a good lover o m g

Do you guys have any good ship names for them by the way? Let me know!

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