The Devil and the Spartan(Pyr...

By Balasubas19

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you are Y/N Sparda, son of sparda, after kyrie died on your world, you settled on the another world called re... More

Chapter 1:New world and the mission
Chapter 2:The invitation
Chapter 3:Welcome to Beacon
Chapter 4: Initiation
Chapter 5:Unexpected Event
Chapter 6: Spread the News
Chapter 7: Family Reunion
Chapter 8: A Threat is Coming
Chapter 10: Son of Sparda's Workout
Chapter 11: The Spartan's devil (lemon)
Chapter 12: The next step
Chapter 13: Light of the family
Teaser for a future chapter :0
Chapter 14: The War is near
Chapter 15: Devil's love (lemon)
Chapter 16: The war has come
Chapter 17: A necessary sacrifice
Chapter 18: Downfall
Chapter 19: Aftermath
Chapter 20: Who am I?
Chapter 21: Y/N's Awakening
Chapter 22: I'm back for you
Chapter 23: Welcome back
Chapter 24: The Party
Chapter 25: Epilogue
a little news
Thank you!

Chapter 9: Talk about upgrade

2.7K 31 11
By Balasubas19

( In this story, Summer is alive, Raven is with yang, And team STRQ is active)

*2 hours later*
I saw team RWBY, Team JNPR, School staffs, and A team graduated in beacon, Team STRQ.

They went dead silent when I entered the auditorium. I spoke to the mic.

Y/N: You all may have been wondering why all of you are here.

The people looks each other.

Y/N: We called all of you here because, there is a threat out there is much worse than Grimms. And they are called demons.*Looks at Dante* Dante bring it in.

Dante is lifting a big cage and drop it in the ground, He destroyed the lock and people were surprised what came out from the cage.

Y/N: That what is a demon looks like.

Yang readied her gauntlets and fired shotgun shells and the demon wasn't damaged. This makes everyone surprised.

Ozpin: As you can see, Our weapons is completely useless against those demons. And that includes dust.

Vergil used yamato on the demon and sliced it, the demon stopped moving, when he sheathed the blade, the demon died. This again, everyone was surprised.

Y/N: We are here to help, Those demons, is out there, we are going to help you train to kill those demons.

Port: How we supposed going to believe you?

Y/N: Watch this.* Activated the devil trigger*

Everyone was shocked to what they see, a demon is standing in front of them.

Y/N:*demonic voice* I know, I know, your going to tell me that I'm a demon and I'm going to kill all of you, But I'm not going to do that. My brothers Dante and Vergil were half demons and my father was a dark Knight of their demon world. We don't want destruction on your world, we needed a simple life, to what does it feels like to be a human. You all know that demons wanted to destroy everything, But there are demons shows pain, agony and suffering. And we are the walking example of it. We've lost our loves ones, we cried, they said that devil's never cry, and we proved that the devil may cry.

Everyone was shocked to what I said, and some was realized all demons was not all bad.

Y/N:*deactivated devil trigger* So, are you agree to we help you?

Then I heard professor oobleck said:

Oobleck: If it's the sake of remnant, I agree.

Next is Professor port said:

Port: I never seen this such a threat, Professor port at your service.

Summer: If it's the sake of our future. I'm in!

Taiyang: I'm in for my daughter's future!

Raven: Same here.

Qrow: I'm in, as long they don't destroy the bar and for my nieces!

They are all agreed

Y/N: Alright then, all of you have 1 hour to prepare yourselves for the new training. Your the first people to train with the veteran devil hunters and the dark knight itself.

*Time skip 1 hour later*
They are all in the training room, waiting for our orders.

Y/N: alright, Do you have all of your weapons?

They raised their weapons in the air.

Y/N: Alright. Just steady it in the air and we do the thing.

They were confused to what I said, And then Me, Dante, Vergil, and my dad raised our hands and the huntsman weapons was glowing brightly.

Ruby: I can't see!

Y/N: Hold it steady we are almost there!

The bright light is now gone and everyone was surprised.

Ruby has crescent rose and nevan fusion. The sniper rifle is still intact except it shoots electrical shots.

Weiss has Rapier and Yamato fusion. The sheath has the logo of the schnee.

Blake has her garmboul shroud and Agni and Rudrha fusion. It can still be throwed except it has fire and wind properties.

Yang has her gauntlets into Gilgamesh and beowolf gauntlets fusion. It's still have it's shotgun and added with a stinger on his hand and has dragon design on his gauntlets, it's also the same in her boots.

Jaune has his crocoa mors fusion with demonic property fusion. His shield has made tougher at the same time, it's much lighter. His sword can morph between scythe and Axe.

Nora has her hammer fused with nevan. It's not a guitar though but when she needed strength, the electricity will activate to the hammer making her much stronger.

Pyrrha has the biggest upgrade to all of them. Her shield can turn into hidden blades, her spear can transform into a sword, when at sword mode, it can turn into a scythe or an Axe. It can turn into a sniper rifle. On her right hand is a blue glowing glove, which is similar to devil bringer, except it's removable whenever she wants.

Ren has his stormflower upgraded to next level. It can transform into shurikens and it's perfect for crowd control.

Summer has her scythe upgraded. It can grapple objects and she has huge speed boost. Her scythe is also a rifle like ruby.

Taiyang is almost the same as yang except it's not shotgun, it fires rocket rounds.

Raven has her sword fused with the yamato. And it's fused with the nevan's electricity.

Qrow has dual edged sword, when go serious, it can turn into a dual edged scythe. He has also grappling hook like summer.

Everyone was in total loss to what the sparda family can do. They just upgraded their weapons exceeding their expectations. The silence was broke when ruby squeals.


Weiss: I don't know what to say, I'm totally speechless here.


I saw the others was drooling to their upgraded versions of their weapons.

Y/N: Alright everyone, let's go to the training room and have your babies getting tested.

Everyone: Hell yeah!

-End chapter

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