lingering love » lashton.

By lashtonsnuggles

19.5K 1.2K 423

❝i'm just terrified. i'm dead and you're alive and i really want this to work between us, but i know we'll ne... More



1.1K 126 47
By lashtonsnuggles

Hey guys! Here's chapter 5! I don't have much to say except thank you all for even reading this book and please comment and vote! :D This chapter is dedicated to the author of one of my favorite fanfics at the moment columnhoods :) her story is called already home and it's amazing!

While Calum and Michael were going through their bags getting out their "ghost hunting equipment" which was really just a couple of flash lights, a voice recorder and a video camera, I took the opportunity to go over to the closet to talk to Luke quickly. "You remember the plan right" I whispered to Luke while turning my back every few seconds to make sure Calum or Michael weren't looking."100 percent" he nodded doing a devious smile. Luke and I had a simple plan, just scare the shit out of Michael and Calum. I was never one to pull practical jokes on anyone because frankly I was terrible at them, well I was terrible at basically everything but I won't get in to that. Luke was pretty innocent too from what I could see so we both had trouble coming up with something so we decided just to wing it. Luke was going to move some shit around, throw some things, hide in the shadows, and he had to do it all without Calum seeing him, which I still couldn't understand how he could? I'll figure it out later. "I'll lead them out of the room and then you can go wherever okay?" "Okay" Luke replied. "Ashton we're ready!" Calum said, I quickly turned around from my closet and laughed at the sight in front of me. Calum and Michael both looked ridiculous, they had night vision goggles on, black paint on their cheeks, all black clothes and their "ghost hunting equipment in their hands. "Really guys?" We're searching around my house not hunting for an endangered species in the Amazon" I said mentally high fiving myself for that one. "Well we just want to be prepared for anything" Michael strugged fixing his goggles. "Oh I almost forgot Ash we have equipment for you too!" Calum exclaimed lifting up his duffel bag and pulling out an extra flashlight and tape recorder. "Wow..thanks" I said in a monotone as Calum handed me the items. "This is the most excited I've been for something since the pizza place opened up downtown" Michael added in clasping his hands together in a childlike way. "Then let's start?" I smirked shutting off the lights in my room before heading to the hallway and shutting off those lights as well. Harry and Lauren were in their rooms and I told them to stay there so we wouldn't have to worry about them.

After shutting off all the lights in my house I walked back in to my room to see Michael and Calum turning on their night vision goggles "holy fuck these things are epic" Calum said walking in circles around my room like an amused 5 year old. "Ashton you look green" Michael laughed. Switching on my flashlight I shook my head and smiled at their amusement. "Let's go" I said signaling them to follow me, I was going to take them to the attic first since that's usually where Luke hangs out and I didn't know exactly where he's hiding plus, I have yet to go up there.

I pulled down the attic stairs and looked back at Michael and Calum who already had nervous looks on their faces. "Well um maybe this isn't such a great idea" Calum said looking down at the ground and twiddling his thumbs nervously. Perfect. They were going to be scared shitless. "You guys insisted we do this and we already started so there's no stopping now" I told them looking between the both of them "Fine" Michael sighed "let's go." I started walking up the attic stairs with Michael and Calum walking closely behind, they looked like they were about to jump in to each other's arms at any minute and it was hilarious.

Once we reached the top I could feel the cool breeze coming from one of the slightly cracked windows. The area around the attic was very dark and dusty. There were a few old boxes scattered here and there and quite a few bits of old furniture, I couldn't comprehend as to why Luke liked to spend so much time up here. For the next few minutes we explored around, picking up dusty boxes and spilling out the contents which seemed to be mostly old clothes and books. "Hey look what I found" Calum said lifting up a photo album. "Let me see that" I said grabbing it from his hands rather rudely, he just shrugged it off and continued searching around with Michael. I took the photo album with me to a secluded corner of the attic and sat down in one of the creaky old chairs. I admired the front of the photo album for a bit, it looked just to be made of simple black leather with nothing on it but it had a sentimental feel to it. Most of the pictures in side of it seemed to be of this young couple who looked to be living in about the 80's or 90's, but with each page it seemed to be a different stage of their relationship; from going on dates, to getting married, to buying their first house and finally having children. It was rather sweet. I continued going through the pictures not really paying much attention to the details of each of them until I stumbled across one, it showed the couple, now a bit older standing in front of this house, but instead of it just being the two of them there was another person in the picture, a boy, who looked to be about my age...shit it was Luke "Oh my god" I said loud enough for Michael and Calum to here "What! what is it?!" they said running over taking out their voice recorders and camera's "did you see a ghost?!" Michael asked scanning around the area with his eyes, " "Uh no I thought I saw a spider" I lied to him. "Dammit" He sighed "I wanna see a ghost" He then stomped like a child "Let's go somewhere else, there's nothing here and this area is really starting to freak me out" Calum rambled pulling Michael's arm. I would follow them but I wanted to take a closer look at Luke in this photo. He was wearing a simple pair of black jeans and a red sweater and he had his arm around his mom with the biggest and most beautiful smile I had ever seen. I didn't realize he had been here that long. I grabbed the photo from the album and folded it up shoving it in my back pocket I would ask him about this later I knew he was sensitive about his death and his family but I feel like I just really need answers, how did he die? why is he still here? what happened to his family? Maybe I could finally ease him in to it after tonight. But first I had to find out where he was and even if he was going to scare Malum like we planned I put their names together, yes I know I'm clever I praised myself in my mind.

I walked down from the attic and started searching for Michael and Calum, this house was huge so it might take a while. As I opened each individual room I felt a sense like someone was touching my shoulder and I quickly turned around to be faced with Luke "Hi there" He said biting his lip slighty and pulling me in to a hug, it was strange, hugging a ghost, he didn't feel warm, but he wasn't freezing cold. I was suprised, I had no idea why he would just randomly hug me, but I liked it alot and I couldn't help but feel like there were a million butterflies flying around in my stomach "Uh well hi, why the hug?" I said nervously tugging on my shirt. "I don't know" He shrugged "I haven't been able to hug someone in so long and I just got the feeling that you would be a great hugger" I chuckled at how adorable he was. "So are you even going to scare them?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "Uh yeah I was actually going to soon, they're in the music room, would now work?" Luke said "That's perfect" I smiled "fool around with the instruments and shit for a bit" I gave him a thumbs up. "Oh and Luke I gotta ask you about something when Malum leave" "Uh okay.....and Malum?" He gave me a confused look "Yup, I decided to combine their names like the totally awesome person I am" "That you are" He grabbed my arm slightly giving it a small squeeze and it felt like another bolt of electricity was raging through my body. "Well I better get to them and get ready to act scared" I stuck my tongue out at him. "Yeah well I gotta get ready to scare you guys" He winked and shifted in to his transparent state which I hadn't seen since I first met him, it was really strange being able to see right through someone. I gave Luke a smile and nod before walking in to the music room.

"Man we never thought you'd get here" Calum exclaimed "I swear I heard a sound coming from near the piano" he pointed. I was shit at acting but I wanted to make my reaction to Luke as believable as ever. "There's nothing there guys" I rolled my eyes and walked towards the piano. Luke was sneaking in and hiding behind a few of the boxes filled with instruments. "Hey what happened to your night vision goggles?" I asked them both while eyeing Luke, he was trying to contain his laughter. "Pieces of shit broke, never buy night vision goggles at a crappy corner store" Michael said with a huff. Just then Luke started rattling one of the boxes slightly "what the fuck?!" I said trying to sound startled. Right after i reacted the door slammed loudly and Michael let out a girly shriek "Holy fuck, oh my god, there's a ghost in here! get me out!" Michael pulled Calum in to his side burying his head in the other boy's shoulder. Calum had the same scared look at his face but had yet to say anything. "Maybe try talking to it guys" I smirked. I kind of felt like I was on one of those ghost hunting shows and it was pretty epic. "Um-ah-um is anyone there?" Calum said in a voice barely above a whisper. We waited a few seconds before Luke finally did something and slightly shifted another one of the boxes. "What the hell is going on here?!" I said having to cover my mouth with my hand after to contain my laughter, I was seriously shit at pranks. "Ashton can we please get out of here? We can go to my house or something?!? please! I thought I could handle being a ghost hunter and this would be fun but I was wrong okay?!" Calum cuddled more in to Michael who still had his head on his shoulder. "Wimps" I said quietly. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" Michael lifted his head and stared wide eyed at the wall. I pointed my flash light towards where Michael was looking and sure enough there was a large shadow of Luke."Fuck this shit i'm done!" Calum pulled Michael off of him and ran towards the door which of course wouldn't open "It's fucking not opening!" He pulled at it multiple times. Then an erruption of sounds happened, I wasn't quite sure what it was but I think Luke was some how getting all the instruments to play and it was loud as fuck, I covered my ears and stared back at Michael and Calum who literally looked like they were about to piss themselves, with one more pull they opened the door and collapsed in to the hallway and I ran out after them to see them both panting and lying on the floor "holy shit" Calum threw all his ghost hunting equipment on the floor and ran a hand shakingly through his hair.

"Dude you have some freaking demonic shit happening in your house!!!!" Michael said pulling himself off the floor, he was still shaking. I just shrugged, I just couldn't believe Luke and I had pulled this off. "Seriously that's your reaction?!! you have like the devil in your music room!" Michael exclaimed flailing his arms around. "Whatever man i'm not sleeping here" Calum walked in the direction of my room and grabbed all of his things. "Michael and I will be at his house if you want to come over, just text me" "And oh please turn on all the lights i'm not fucking walking around here in the dark" Michael lifted his bag and I chuckled. I walked with them downstairs and made sure to turn on all the lights along the way so they wouldn't shit themselves "we'll have to hang out again sometime" I smiled. They both nodded "but not at your house, no way in hell i'll be back here anytime soon" Michael said taking a shaky breath and stepping out the door 'later guys" I waved and watched them disappear towards Michael's house.

My house was quiet now, it was strange after hearing Michael and Calum scream like little girls. I grabbed a cup of water from the kitchen and walked to Lauren and Harry's rooms to see if they were asleep, and surely they were which I didn't understand at all after all that noise. Mom would be home any minute so I made my way to my room and placed my cup on my bedside table. "So how'd I do?" Luke randomly appeared at the corner of my bed with a cocky smirk on his face "that was so fucking awesome!" I chuckled standing up and pulling Luke down to sit next to me "Their reactions were priceless" he laughed "I haven't had that much fun in years" "Me either" I said looking in to his beautiful blue eyes, I couldn't help but glance at his lips and I could feel myself blushing. "Ashton?" Luke said quietly. "Ye-yeah?" I replied snapping out of my thoughts but I was still being drawn to the boys lips "You make me really happy" Luke placed his hand on mine. His touch was my favorite thing in the world right now. "You make me really happy too, I'm so glad I moved here, and I met you and you're just-" "Ashton" He cut me off "Can I try something?" I nodded, positive I knew what was about to happen. Luke leaned in and I did the same,

Damn I wonder what kissing a ghost will be like

right before our lips met my door burst open and Luke quickly disappeared "Ashton are you up?" My mom questioned before looking towards me

of course this happens

"Yeah mom isn't it obvious?" I stated looking at her with an annoyed look on my face, why did she have to choose now to come home and burst in to my room. "Well I just wanted to say goodnight" She walked towards me and placed a kiss on my cheek. "Night" I mumbled laying on my bed. My mom finally left and I sighed waiting for Luke's return.

Longest chapter i've ever done YESSS :D  I guess I owe it to you for taking so long to update :P And Sorry for the end! Don't hate me I guess it will just have to continue next chapter and you'll find out more about what happened to Luke ;)

Please comment and vote it literally means so much to me and I would love it if this story could get to 200 votes and 100 comments before my next update! Could we try?! Especially more comments because getting them makes me super happy and motivates me to update <3

Question: What is everyone's favorite songs on the 5sos album?!

Mine are End Up Here, Voodoo Doll and Never Be! :D

ily guys i'll have the next update soon!

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