Colorful Twists

By SaucyOneCurious

410K 16.2K 790

Seth didn't expect to receive a bundle when he went grocery shopping, but he did. He makes the decision to ta... More

1. The Gain is Greater
2. The Request
3. Blink of an Eye
4. Preparing
5. Introducing
6. Reaction
7. See You Later
8. Settling
9. Initiating
10. A New World
11. Locking
12. Pairing Up Part 1
13. Pairing Up Part 2
14. Bittersweet
15. Sweet Meddling
16. Sweet Flavors
17. Jubilant
18. Breathless
19. Elated
20. Joyful
21. Induction
22. Origins
23. Enticing
24. Nectarous
25. Thunderbolt
26. Swirling
27. Charming
28. Static
Father's Day
29. Tug of War
30. Competitive
31. Twister
33. Explosive
34. Fireworks
35. Impasse
36. Definitely
37. Infinity

32. Anticipation

7K 276 11
By SaucyOneCurious

The next update is ready! :) Enjoy! Thanks for the comments/votes/reads. I think this is the longest update!


After hearing Seth’s words that he had scheduled the DNA test Monday, Scarlett doesn’t say anything else. None of them do. Scarlett can’t believe everything she has heard even though many of the details match. After a bit Nate goes over to Scarlett and gives her hug telling her that everything will work itself out. Then, he goes to Seth.

He whispers to Seth, “thanks love. I’m proud of you.”

“Thanks. Is she going to be all right?”

“She is. She is just processing everything right now.”

“Do you both want to spend the night? It’s already really late. She can stay in Karla’s bedroom.”

“Yes, we’ll stay. Scarlett, are you alright with staying the night here? You can stay in Karla’s room.”

“Yes. It’s fine.”

“Scarlett, I’ll show you to your room.” Seth says getting up.

Scarlett follows him to the room. Seth walks to the closet to get Scarlett some pajamas.

“Scarlett, here are some pajamas. They belong to Karla, but she won’t mind you wearing them. Goodnight, see you in the morning.”



“Thank you...thank you for being so open minded with the possibility that I might be his mother. If I were in your place I don’t know if I could do what you’re doing. I can see you love my brother.”

“You’re welcome and you would probably do the same. You see that?” Seth smiles.

“Yes and I know he loves you too.”

Seth smiles and bids her goodnight again. He goes to his bedroom and finds Nate sitting on his bed. He begins to get ready for bed as Nate finishes taking his clothes off. Once done, Seth gets in bed and sits with his back to the headboard next to Nate.

“How do you think she is taking all of this new information?” He asks starting the conversation.

“I think she’s still processing it, but doesn’t want to place too much hope in it. I’m proud of you. I have to admit everything went smoother than I thought.”

“Were you nervous that it wouldn’t then?”

“Yes, I didn’t know, but knew how my sister might react.”

“Yes, understandable and how are you doing? I know we’ve had longer to process the information, but at the same time it feels like we didn’t.”

“I’m fine, just worried about her and you. How are you doing?”

“I’m well. I haven’t admitted it to you, but I do have the fear that Danny’s mother will try to take him away from me.”

Nate embraces Seth and says, “she wouldn’t do that and besides it would be hard for her to obtain custody because of how she gave him up even if she were to want to do that. I don’t like saying it, but I doubt anyone would give her custody maybe visiting rights, but not custody.”

“You’re probably right and she just seems to be happy with her being able to be in his life.”

“Yes, she is aware of the crime she committed that’s why she knows and just wants to be part of her child’s life.”

“Do you know who the father is?”

“Yes, well I know his first name. I never met him. She started dating him after I left for college.”

“Do you think she knows where he is?”

“I don’t know. You are going to want to locate him if it’s confirmed Scarlett is Danny’s mother?”

“Yes...I would like to see if he would like to be part of Danny’s life too. I’m sure Danny would like to meet him too and it would be a good idea to tell him if we know where his father is or not.  I think he might ask if given the opportunity.”

“You keep surprising me every time. We can ask her tomorrow or I can ask her if you want.”

“Whoever gets the chance asks her.”

“Okay and we should try to fall asleep. It’s pretty late and we both know there’s no sleeping late on Sundays.”

“Yes a human alarm.”

Nate says chuckling, “so that’s what we’re calling Danny, a human alarm.”

“Yes, I tell him that. He just laughs though maybe it should be jumping alarm.”

“Whatever you say Seth, but come closer.”

“I’m already close enough.”

“But I want you closer.” Nate says while scooting closer to Seth and cuddling.

“Goodnight, Nate.”

“Goodnight, Seth.”


It takes the longest time for Scarlett to fall asleep. Her mind keeps being filled by her many thoughts--what it would mean if Danny is indeed her son, but how couldn’t he be when all the details match. She can’t believe that in a twist of faith her brother had met Seth and yes, she remembered her brother telling her that sometimes others had confused him to be Danny’s dad instead of Seth. She saw how that could happen, especially when they were all together. Her thoughts keep swirling around until almost three in the morning is she able to fall into a light sleep. Waking up only two hours later and after lying in bed for half an hour she gets up. She sees no point in prolonging her stay in bed when she knows she can’t fall asleep. She decides to go see if Nate left his keys on the coffee table. She wants to go home for a change of clothes and hopefully make it back before they all wake up.


The next morning waking up Seth finds Nate still asleep and looking at the clock he sees it’s six in the morning. It’s early for him and wonders why he woke up so early. It’s Danny’s job to wake him on Sundays. Instead of pondering, he cuddles even more into Nate. Nate sensing him wraps his arm tighter around him. Seth ends up falling asleep.

Nate wakes up a bit later and smiles realizing that Seth is still asleep. He too turns to look at the clock remembering that Danny always comes to wake up Seth on Sundays. It’s a few minutes to seven. He tries to listen to any noise, but he doesn’t hear anything. He turns back to look at Seth and places a kiss on Seth’s cheek. It causes Seth to mumble.

“He’ll be coming in here.”

Nate chuckles before he says, “yes, but we’re not doing anything.”

“Uh.” Seth begins to open his eyes.

“Were you dreaming?” Nate asks.

Seth is about to answer when Danny opens their door and comes running in. He jumps on the bed and sees both of them.

“Dad wake up! Nate wake up!” He says while jumping on them.

“Danny, we’re awake.” Nate responds grabbing him.

“Good morning, Danny.” Seth greets at the same time that Nate starts tickling Danny.

“Good morning, Danny.” Nate says as he tickles Danny.


“Nate, I think that’s enough.” Seth says in amusement.

“Yeah, you’re right.” Nate says with a smile letting Danny go.

Seth gives Danny a moment before he squeezes Danny in a hug.

“Dad, you’re squeezing me.”

“Oops, sorry I thought you were my fluffy pillow.” Seth says.

“Sure, dad. I have legs and arms.” Danny says trying to wiggle his arms.

“Hmm, yes, you do.”

Danny smiles when Seth lets him go. “Let’s go Dad get up and you too Nate. I want breakfast.”

“Yes, Danny we’ll get ready and be right out. You go brush your teeth and think about what you want for breakfast.”

“Okay, dad.” Danny responds before getting off the bed and walking out of the bedroom.

“Oh, Danny, Scarlett slept here too, so you might see her.”


Seth gets out of the bed to get his morning routine over with. When he doesn’t see Nate get up, he calls him.

“Nate, we have to hurry. You know Danny might get impatient and I don’t want a mess in the kitchen today. If you don’t and there’s one you’re cleaning it.” Seth says in a teasing tone.

“Hey, why would I get stuck cleaning it?”

“Because you love me!”

“But because you love me, you should help me! You don’t want me all tired!”

Both Seth and Nate don’t realize at the moment they said what they did that they had admitted they know each loves the other until after they process it.

Seth comes out of the restroom as Nate is walking towards it. Both now realizing the implication of what they said. Their eyes meet. They see that they mean it. Yes, they hadn’t yet said it aloud directly to each other, but they do love each other. They both keep walking towards each other and like if something had taken over them at the same time they say, I love you. They smile and it’s not clear who starts the kiss, but it’s the most passionate one they have had. Seth’s hands find their way into Nate’s hair and Nate’s hands are on Seth’s waist bringing him as close as he can. Breaking from the kiss only because of the need for air they stare at each other. The smell of breakfast interrupts them fortunately considering they’re not alone. It takes them a moment before either reacts.

“Oh no, tell me Danny is not the one cooking!” Seth says while removing his arms from Nate.

“I don’t think. It might be Scarlett, she spent the night remember.” Nate responds with amusement. “But, let’s go check it out just in case!”

Nearing the kitchen they hear voices and arriving at the entrance to the kitchen they find both Scarlett and Danny. Danny is sitting at the table while Scarlett is making pancakes.

“So how do you like your pancakes, Danny?”

“Smiley pancakes.”

“Chocolate chips or blueberries?”


“Danny, what did I say about both?” Seth asks.

“That I can only have one, but I love both. Can I have both, please daddy?” Danny responds giving him a puppy face.

“How can you resist that?” Scarlett asks.

“Because then he gets too energetic.” Seth smiles.

“Daddy, please!”

“What do you think Nate can we handle an extremely excited Danny today?”

“Hmm, I think we can.”

“Hmm, okay he can have both.”

“Thanks dad!” Danny responds getting off the stool and going to give him a hug.

Scarlett smiles at the interchange.

“Good morning Seth and Nate. I hope you don’t mind that I started breakfast.”

“Good morning, Scarlett. No, I don’t. Everyone at some point has started breakfast. It’s everyone’s kitchen.” Seth responds.

“How will you like your pancakes, Seth?”

“Don’t worry about it. You can finish making Danny’s and your own and I can take over, so you can eat them warm.”

“Nope, I’m taking over.” Nate says walking to Scarlett and taking the spatula out of her hand.

“Give me back the spatula I can finish at least this one!”

“Nope, I’m the cook this morning. Go sit and drink some coffee while you wait.”

“You might as well give up and join us, Scarlett and let Nate do all the work. He’ll also volunteer to wash the dishes.” Seth says.

“Oh well in that case I will. I just didn’t want to get stuck with the dishes.” Scarlett responds with a smile. I also wanted some more time to get comfortable.

“Hey, I don’t want to wash the dishes.”

“Don’t start whining, I’ll help.” Seth responds.

“I was not whining.”

“Yes, you were Nate.” Danny says causing them to laugh.

After everyone has had their fill, they move to the living room to decide how they want to spend the rest of the day. They are stuck with inside activities because it starts to rain.

“Is anyone coming over Seth?” Nate asks.

“Caleb and his parents are supposed to, but I doubt they’ll come in this weather?”

“Yes, it’s raining pretty hard. Did you check your phone?”

“Hmm, no...let’s see. I have a text message. They’re not coming, so it’s just the four of us.”

“Dad can we bake cookies pretty please?!” Danny asks while jumping.

“Omg, you already have too much energy, you don’t need more sugar.” Seth responds.

“Pretty please dad!”

“Oh goodness, but I suppose it would use some of your energy that way. Hmm...Let’s go bake some cookies.”

“Yay! Can we make a lot? Some for Caleb and his parents, uncle Robert and Esteban,  uncle Eric, aunt Sandra…”

“I’m already regretting saying yes.” Seth murmurs.

“Aww, he’ll be fine.” Nate says.

They start following Danny who already left for the kitchen.

“Scarlett are you coming?” Nate asks.

Scarlett tries not think or treat Danny any differently from yesterday, but she finds herself analyzing all his actions. They have some similar habits and she doesn’t know if it is the possibility playing tricks, but his smile seems to resemble his father’s. She hasn’t kept up with him. She presumes Danny’s father lives in the city. She starts wondering if Danny is going to want to meet him.

“Oh, yes.” Scarlett answers shaking off the thoughts.

“Well, let’s see. I’ll get all the ingredients out for chocolate chip and sugar cookies. We can make both. We have enough time. Danny go wash your hands.”

“Nate could you please get the bowls, mixer, hmm, what else?”

“Baking sheets.” Scarlett adds.

“Yes, so Scarlett do you like baking?” Seth asks.

At that Nate starts laughing.

“Hey that happened so long ago!” Scarlett exclaims.

“Sure it did, but it’s so funny and prevents me from letting you go near anything that requires baking.”

Seth smiles and asks what happened.

“Nothing, ignore my brother while he dies of laughter and I sort of do, but--”

“No, I have to tell him the story!” Nate interrupts.

“--Ignore him. I don’t bake often.”

“I want to hear the story.” Danny adds.

“No, there’s no ignoring me, sister. When we were--she was twelve and I was fourteen we decided to bake. Funny enough it was raining that day too and fortunately, we had all the ingredients. Our parents weren’t home. So we downloaded the recipe and started mixing all the ingredients during the process though we got flour all over us and some of the eggs didn’t make it into the bowl either. We put the cookies inside the oven and Scarlett was supposed to keep the time, but she didn’t. It wasn’t until we smelled the cookies burning that we knew they were way over-baked. The smoke detector started going off the moment Scarlett opened the oven. It startled her and she sent the cookies flying. Then, I see her getting a towel and getting on a chair to blow the air away from the smoke detector.

Danny is laughing and Seth is trying to contain his chuckling.  

“It finally grew silent. I was laughing throughout and couldn’t stop when she realized she had sent the cookies flying. We were a mess. After I stopped laughing and apologized we sat down on the floor and ate the cookie dough we had left instead of attempting to bake any more cookies. We didn’t realize the time and our parents found us like that and made us clean the kitchen until it was spotless.”

Scarlett is smiling. She doesn’t admit it, but it’s one of her favorite memories she shares with her brother. Still laughing Danny asks if they got grounded.

“Yes, we did. We were given more chores for the next two weeks for using the oven when our parents weren’t home and for the mess we did.” Scarlett responds.

“Yes, we spent the next two weeks at home. We haven’t baked together since then actually.” Nate adds.

“Today is your chance to do so along with us.” Seth says. “And Danny if you ever make a mess you’re cleaning it up and getting grounded.”

“But dad!”

“No, no buts.”

“Sorry Danny, I think we gave him that idea with our story.” Nate says.

“It’s all right. Can we start baking?! I want some cookies!”

“Yes, we can.” Seth replies.

Danny gets the chance to add the eggs, but only after Scarlett cracks them in a separate bowl. He mixes them in. Seth gets the flour and pours it in while Danny helps mixing it in. Once the cookie dough is mixed the sugar cookies are placed in the oven. Nate makes sure the timer is on. Then, they start the mixer for the chocolate chip cookies. Danny convinces them to let him mix the flour and in his enthusiasm it goes flying everywhere like a dust storm.

“Danny!” Seth asks.

“It’s all right, dad.” Danny responds.

At the same the timer goes off, which startles Scarlett making her scream. Nate starts laughing.

He goes to take the cookies out and says, “well, we’re a good sight!”

“Why does this always happen when I try baking?” Scarlett murmurs to herself.

Seth looks around at everyone.

Shaking his head, he says, “we all have flour on us and Danny has had too much sugar. We should just go play out in the rain. I did always love playing out in the rain.”

“Yes!” Danny says already walking towards the back of the house.

“Wait Danny, wear your older shoes.”

“And how about you Nate and Scarlett?”

“Yes, you can count us in.” Nate answers.

“Let’s go!” Seth says enthusiastically.

They play tag and many times they end up slipping on the ground, but they have a great time. By the time they come inside, all of them are covered in grass and mud. They head to the showers. Scarlett is the first to finish and she prepares hot chocolate to go with the cookies. They spend the rest of the day watching movies and playing games inside the house. Throughout, Danny seems to already love Scarlett.

It shouldn’t be hard to for him to accept the news if it’s true. Seth thinks.

On Monday morning, they all go together to the doctor’s office. Nate seats between Scarlett and Seth and Danny beside Seth. Danny thinks it’s a routine check up, but Seth did tell him there will be needles involved.


“Danny Mendoza.” A nurse calls.

“Let’s go Danny.” Seth tells Danny as he waits for him to get down from the chair and hold his hand.

“Dad am I getting ice cream afterwards?”

“Yes, Danny if you are brave.”

Seth has always given Danny a reward after a check up. Danny doesn’t like them, especially needles. It is one of the few things Danny will give him trouble with.

“Danny, how are you?”

“I don’t want to be here, but if I behave I get ice cream, Doctor Gomez!”

Chuckling the doctor says, “so you won’t be trying to get away today?”

“No, doctor.”

“That should make my job easier. I need you to sit in the chair. “First, tell me have you grown taller?”

“Yes, I’m taller than Caleb!”

“And who is Caleb?”

“My best friend.”

“It’s good to have a best friend. Here come over here, so that we can see how much you’ve grown. Hmm, it seems you did grow.”

“Yes! I’m going to tell Caleb!” Danny says.

Seth stands on the side with a smile.

My little boy is growing up and we’re here for a DNA test. I didn’t think Danny would be finding out about his parents at this age, but I can’t back down. I do want his parents in his life if possible. I should know. It’ll be best this way.

“Yes, you can, let’s see how much your weight...okay good. You’re on the right track. Let’s go back to your seat.”

“Is it the time for the needle?” Danny asks unenthusiastically.

“I’m afraid it is, but it won’t hurt.” Doctor Gomez says taking Danny’s arm and cleaning the spot where the needle will be inserted. “Tell me more about Caleb. How did you two become best friends?”

“He was about to be bullied, but I took him with me to play.”

“That was brave of you.”

“I just didn’t want him to get hurt. I taught him soccer. He wasn’t very good at the beginning, but now he is.”

“You must be a good teacher and there we go we’re done. You’re ready to go.”

The distraction worked because Danny didn’t even feel the needle.

“I’m proud of you Danny for getting through it.” Seth adds.

Danny gives them a grin. “Thank you, Doctor Gomez.”

Talking to Seth, Doctor Gomez lets him know that the results will take about a week. They exit the room and find Nate and Scarlett ready to go.

“How did it go Danny?” Nate asks.

“I didn’t feel the needle!”

“That’s great to hear, so ready for the ice cream your dad promised you?”


“But first lunch and then the ice cream.” Seth says.

Danny walks ahead with Nate while Seth matches his steps with Scarlett’s.

“How did it go?” Seth asks.

“It went well.”

“Are you afraid of needles as Danny is?”

“Hmm, yeah, that’s why Nate had to come in with me.” She responds.

“Yes, it’s the only thing Danny gives me any trouble with. I can remember the first time. It took a long time to get him to quiet down.”

“Yes, so how did you quiet him down?”

“I actually had to take him out of the doctor’s office and go for a walk. He was just a few months and he still noticed the difference. I thought it would just help if I took him out of the office, but I had to take him outside.”

“He’s been very observant then.”

“Yes and we’ll know the results in a week. You’re spending the rest of your summer here before going back to college?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Hmm, I did want to ask you this and I’m not sure if  Nate already you know where the father of your child is?”

“No, I’m assuming he’s still in the city though. You’re going to want to talk to him?”


“I can see if he still has the same number.”

“Yes, if you can do that, but only after we get the DNA test results.”

“Okay.” But I should try it sometime today. It would be better not to wait. Even if it’s not true he should probably know that I’m looking for my baby.

“Now, let’s catch up with the boys.” Seth states.


Thanks for reading! And comments are appreaciated! :)

And you know who you are thanks for your help with this chapter :).

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