Collection of TaeNy Oneshots...

By kimmacchiatto_

408K 7.2K 2.4K

i do not own any of the stories posted. All of the stories are made by "thedonkatsu". Just re-posting his/her... More

A Winter Tale
Baby, It's Cold Outside
First Love
Five Senses
It Started with a Cake
Just Another Love Story
Let Me
Look at me
Love Me
Midnight Kiss
Never Stop
Of Love and Puppies
Rainkissed Leaves
Roughing it
Say It With Flowers
The Final Choice
The Right Time
The Right Time (for those who wanted the happy ending)
Running Bet
The Smallest Things
This Christmas
What if
Who is to Know?
You and Me
Bestest Best Friend
Different - ver A
Different - ver B
The ABC of Love
Starlight - 1: The Awakening
Starlight - 2: Coming Home
Starlight - 3: Soulmates
I Love You
Sitting in a Cafe - 2
Sitting in a Cafe - 3
Call Me Maybe - 1
Call Me Maybe - 2
Call Me Maybe - 3
Call Me Maybe - 4
Call Me Maybe - 5
Coincidences - 1
Coincidences - 2A
Coincidences - 2B
Up on that tree - 1
Up on that tree - 2
Up on that tree - Bonus
Stupid - 1
Stupid - 2
Stupid - Bonus
Fluffy Tails - 1
Fluffy Tails - 2
Fluffy Tails - 3
Fluffy Tails - 4
Tit For Tat - 1
Tit For Tat - 2
Tit For Tat - 3
Tit For Tat - 4
Tit For Tat - 5
Tit For Tat - 6
Tit For Tat - 7
Perfect Strangers - 1
Perfect Strangers - 2
Perfect Strangers - 3
Perfect Strangers - 4
Perfect Strangers - 5
Perfect Strangers - 6
Perfect Strangers - 7 (END)
Perfect Strangers - Bonus
Triple Play: Part 1
Triple Play: Part 2
Triple Play: Part 3
Must Love Dogs - 1
Must Love Dogs - 2
Must Love Dogs - 3
Seasons - 1
Seasons - 2
Seasons - 3
Seasons - 4
Seasons - END
Reset - 1
Reset - 2
Reset - 3
Reset - 4
Reset - 5A
Reset - 5B
Reset - Bonus
Gilded - A
Gilded - B
Gilded - C
Gilded - D (END)
Old Fashioned - 1
Old Fashioned - 2
Old Fashioned - 3
Old Fashioned - 4
Old Fashioned - 5
Old Fashioned - 6
Old Fashioned - 7
Old Fashioned - 8
Old Fashioned - Epilogue (END)

Sitting in a Cafe - 1

2.7K 47 28
By kimmacchiatto_

Posted on October 19, 2012 by thedokantsu


(Chapter 1)


She held out her palm and took the coins being placed on it, dropping them carelessly in her bag. "Thank you." She gave the young man behind the counter a quick smile before stepping aside to wait for her coffee.

She checked her phone for messages and drummed her fingers absentmindedly on the small wooden surface near the espresso machine while waiting.

She turned around and caught sight of a young woman sitting in a corner table, alone, sipping her coffee calmly.

The woman was not reading a book nor was she listening to music or busily typing on a laptop. She was just watching people around her or stared dreamily at the empty seat in front of her – smiling to herself every once a while.

"One non-fat latte."

She heard the voice and turned around to grab her order. "Thank you." She sipped the hot liquid carefully and returned to watching the sitting woman for a few more seconds before deciding to approach her.

The woman looked up in surprise – face lighting up in joyful expectation – and almost stood up when she pulled the chair and roughly sat on it. The face quickly turned into sour resentment and a frown – complete with furrowed brows and pouting lips. "What are you doing here?"

"Hello. I'm happy to see you too, my friend. It's been a while indeed. Months, I think?" She answered coolly, sipping her drink one more time before putting it down on the table and crossing her arms. She raised her eyebrows and threw her friend a questioning look.

The young woman pretended to drink from her cup as well, averting the gaze.


No answer.

"What are you doing here?" She leaned forward.

"Drinking coffee."

She didn't move. "Who did you think I was?"

Her friend looked away, tapping her cup with her finger.


Taeyeon sighed and finally faced her friend. "What?"

"Who are you waiting for?"

"A friend."

She tilted her head. "Hi, I'm your best friend who met you when you hadn't even hit puberty. I don't think an ordinary friend would make you sit alone, waiting in a café, staring at an empty chair while smiling to yourself then standing up like a kid greeting Santa and his bag of toys on Christmas Eve. Who is it?"

Taeyeon rolled her eyes. "Nosy."

"The title 'best friend' automatically comes with that job description, unfortunately," she calmly replied – undeterred by her friend's attempt to avoid the topic.

Taeyeon didn't reply.

"Is this why you've been refusing to hang out with us? Why you keep disappearing and not answering my calls or my texts? You've been meeting someone?" She asked again when the other person didn't seem to want to say anything else.

Her best friend hesitated but then nodded slowly.

She took a deep breath. "Spill it out, Taeng."

Taeyeon finally looked at her. "Promise me you won't freak out?"

She raised her eyebrows again. "Is he married?"

"What?!" Taeyeon then lowered her voice and nodded apologetically to some of the other customers who turned to look at their table.

"Does he have a girlfriend? Engaged?" She kept asking.

"What the heck are you talking about?!" She hissed.

"Is he forty and above?"

"Lee Soonkyu..."

She shrugged. "Then I don't see why I should freak out."

She looked down at her cup. "Just promise me."

"I assume utmost secrecy is part of the promise?"

Taeyeon nodded.

She sighed. "Fine. I promise."

Taeyeon took a deep breath and tried to find a way to start her explanation. "It's not a he," she mumbled.


She gulped – not wishing to repeat her words.

"Not a he?" She wasn't sure she heard her correctly.

Taeyeon didn't move.

"Taeng, please just get to the point."

She sighed. "Yes, it's not a he."

"So... a she?" She carefully asked.

Her best friend blushed and hid her face behind the cup she lifted to her mouth again.

She leaned back in her chair and observed her nervous and shy best friend. "Who is she?"

Taeyeon tried to meet her gaze. "F-fany..." She looked down again, cheeks even more pink than before.

"WHAT?!" She almost banged the table.


"Oh, excuse me," she bowed to the people in the café – blushing a bit because of her outburst.

"Remember your promise, Soonkyu." She clenched her jaws.

"Fany?" She leaned forward and lowered her voice. "Tiffany? Hwang Tiffany? Our friend Tiffany? Miyoung?"

Taeyeon nodded. "But she doesn't know how I feel, okay? Please don't tell her? I don't want her to freak out."

She sighed and leaned back – returning to her previous pose with her arms crossed. "Since when?"

She shrugged. "A couple of months?"

She observed her fidgety friend for a full minute before speaking again. "She doesn't know?"

Taeyeon shook her head.

"Does she feel the same way?"

"How should I know?"

"Are you planning to tell her how you feel?"


"Why not?"

She looked at her. "Are you crazy? That would totally freak her out! I don't want to lose her as a friend, okay."

"Is there a possibility that she feels the same way?"

"How the hell could I possibly know that?" She was getting irritated. "Like I said, I can't risk it."

"How often have you been meeting up with her then?"

Taeyeon tried to count. "At least twice a week?"

She raised her eyebrows. "Here?"

She nodded.

"For coffee?"

"Yes and just talking. Like we do all the time."

"We haven't been doing that for quite a long time actually," she grinned.

"You know what I mean..." Taeyeon emptied her cup and stood up to order another one.

She waited patiently, sipping her own drink.

She sat back down with a fresh cup a few minutes later. "You're not going to avoid me, are you? Or hate me or be disgusted with me?"

"Why should I?"

"I don't think I need to answer that."

She clasped her hands on her lap. "We've been friends for almost a decade, Taeng. I've seen a lot – if not all. Unless you turn out to be a reincarnation of the devil himself, I think nothing could make me hate you." She paused. "Just... be careful. I don't want to see you heartbroken."

"Thanks," she smiled.

"No problem." She quietly digested everything.

Taeyeon took a sip. "I know about the heartbreak possibility, Soonkyu." She finally spoke again after a while.

"And yet?"

"And yet here I am, waiting quietly for almost an hour because she suddenly had something to finish at work first." She smiled. "And I don't mind even for a second."

"Wow. Almost an hour? You? The human being who couldn't even stand still for more than five minutes?"

She laughed. "Yeah." And blushed again.

She smiled. "Is that why you kept smiling to yourself and why you were practically jumping when I came to sit here?"

"I thought you were her, okay?" Taeyeon tried to defend herself.

"What's with all the smiling alone then?"

"Not sure." She stared at her coffee cup. "Just... going through our conversations and stuff. No big deal."

She smiled. "You're love sick."

"I'm not!" She pouted – her cheeks still blushing furiously.

"Even your ears are turning red, Taeng. Admit it."

She sighed. "I told you. I like her."

"And that's it?"

No answer.

"It's okay, Taeng. I'm surprised and I honestly don't know whether this is a good thing or not. But I recognize that glow anywhere."

Taeyeon looked at her and took a deep breath. "These are the times I look forward to most – waiting to see her. Here." She gestured around the place. "I don't cringe or envy couples like I used to anymore, Soonkyu." She nodded towards the table to her left. "Even clingy ones like that," she lowered her voice. "I keep mistakenly hear her voice whenever I hear someone talking nearby or walking past my table. It's exciting to see what she would wear when she appears each time we meet," she smiled. "Or what her hairstyle today would be or what first word would come out of her mouth." She paused. "You know how I don't really pay attention to song lyrics like everybody else does?"

She nodded.

"Yet every song I hear in this café makes me think of her." She grinned shyly. "It makes my heart beat faster." She took a deep breath. "When she appears at that door, I can't care whether the world is ending. It's instant joy. This is the best wait in the world." She chuckled.

She laughed. "I repeat. Love sick, Taeng. You're totally head over heels in love with her."

Taeyeon was still smiling. "I guess so." Her smile slowly disappeared. She looked at her best friend again, pleading. "Don't tell her, please? I'm happy like this, Soonkyu. Waiting for her."


"Please?" She gulped. "Let me have this for as long as I can? Please?"

She observed her once more. The sincerely pleading eyes were slightly glistening. The tremble in her voice, the tense fingers grabbing the paper cup, the faint smile. She took a deep breath. "Okay. I will keep my promise."

Taeyeon exhaled in relief. "Thank you."

She nodded and finished her drink. She checked her watch – noting that she still had a few more minutes before she had to go. "Are you planning to tell her about this? About how you feel?"

She shook her head. "Like I said, I don't want to endanger this."

"She might feel the same way."

"She won't. You know her."

"So do you."

"Then you should know that the possibility of her freaking out and breaking all contact with me is far greater than actually accepting this calmly."

"You can't predict people, Taeng."

"No, Soonkyu. You know she doesn't like girls."

"You didn't either, last time I checked. I still have all your exes' contacts, you know."

She sighed. "I'm trying to forget that fact, actually."


"It got confusing and complicated and..." She stopped and took another deep breath. "Like I said, I just want to enjoy this for as long as I can. Please?" She pleaded again.

"Are you sure?" She asked after a few seconds of quiet consideration.

Taeyeon nodded. "I don't mind the wait, Soonkyu. I'm happy." She smiled. "Let's just leave it at that."

She said nothing more.


"One large non-fat latte to go please," she told the barista after putting a hand over the receiver of her phone. "Yes, Unnie. Yes, I understand," she spoke into her phone – pressing it between her ear and shoulder as she pulled her wallet out to pay for her order.

She then walked to the other side of the long counter. "I'll take care of it, don't worry. I'll email you the details later tonight, okay? Relax." She turned around and saw someone she recognized sitting at the same table where she had the conversation just a few weeks earlier. She silently sighed. "Yes, Unnie. I'll get on it. I gotta go now. Talk to you later." She ended her call.

"Large non-fat latte."

She turned and took her order. "Thank you." She then silently, yet swiftly, made her way to the corner table. She abruptly pulled the empty chair and sat down, startling the other person who looked up smiling but frowning just a second later.

"Oh, hi!"

"Well, at least you greet me nicely." She mumbled and put her large paper cup down on the table.


She ignored the question. "What are you doing here?"

"Getting coffee. What else?" She sipped her drink and avoided her eyes.

Dejavu. She kept her face straight. "Who are you waiting for?"

"No one."

She raised her eyebrows. Wow, you're worse than her. "Don't lie, Fany. I've known you for too long."

Tiffany said nothing and continued sipping her coffee, blowing lightly on the hot liquid.

"A date?" She asked again.

"I told you, no one. Can't I just enjoy a quiet time by myself?"

"You're never quiet, Fany."

She looked at her. "Come on, you know what I mean."

She sat there quietly, observing her friend who had become fidgety – glancing at her watch and at the door every few seconds. She decided to speak again when she saw her typing in her phone. She assumed that she was texting her appointment to maybe postpone their meeting time. "So how's life?" She kept her tone casual.

Tiffany shrugged. "The usual." She kept typing in her phone.

"I thought you've been busy."

"Huh?" She finally looked up from the device in her hand. "Why did you think that?"

"Because you never want to hang out with us lately," she sipped her drink while keeping her eyes on her friend – observing her reaction. "So I thought either you're busy at work or maybe you have a new boyfriend that you're hiding from us." She saw pink cheeks and held back her smile. "Which one is it?"

Tiffany gulped, trying to keep her cool. "Neither. I've just been a bit lazy lately, that's all."

"You're telling me that you've been staying home or here, sipping coffee alone, instead of socializing with people? Real life human beings?" She scoffed. "You? Hwang Miyoung? Psh... Who are you trying to fool, Fany?"

She didn't answer.

"Who is it?" She wanted to hear it.

"Just a friend," she finally said with a small defeated sigh.

"And why did you have to deny it like that?" She leaned forward. "Who is he?"

Tiffany gulped again, keeping her eyes on her nails.


Tiffany finally looked up and met the friendly gaze. She took a deep breath. "Please don't tell anyone? And please don't think I'm crazy or weird or a freak or..."

"Fany." She stopped her rambling. "You know I'm not like that," her tone softened. "Who is he?"

"T-tae..." Tiffany stuttered and faltered. She took another deep breath and steadied herself, closing her eyes. "Taeyeon." Her voice squeaked. She flinched, preparing herself for any reaction or outburst from her friend. When time passed and nothing happened, she opened her eyes to see her sipping her coffee quietly and typing on her phone. "Soonkyu..."

"Hmm?" She put the cup down and kept typing. "Hang on. My unnie is seriously annoying today." She shook her head.

Tiffany was surprised to see the nonchalance.

"There." She sent the message and put the phone back in her bag. She looked up to see a pair of wide eyes staring at her. "What?"

"Did you even hear me?"

"Yep." She sipped her coffee again and sighed. "I've been craving a good latte all day." She then met the disbelieving gaze. "I heard you loud and clear, Fany. You said Taeyeon."

"Th-then why are you..." She didn't know how to react. On one hand, she was glad her friend didn't freak out but on the other hand... Why didn't she freak out?

"I guess this explains why you two have been ignoring the rest of us."

Tiffany blushed and looked down.

"Are you sure you're not just enjoying her company as a friend?"

She lifted her head. "I've enjoyed having her as my dear friend for a few years now, Soonkyu. I know when it's different." All her fear and awkwardness had been replaced by the slight irritation of having anyone – even her close friend – doubting her feelings.

She inwardly smiled at the possessive term. "I just wanted to make sure, Fany. This is not something to be taken lightly. You know that."

Her annoyance receded. "I know. Sorry. It's just that..." She paused and took a deep breath. "It's been... different." Her brain couldn't seem to find a better word to describe it.

"What has?"

She gulped. "Taeyeon and me."

She raised her eyebrows. "Really? Taeng feels the same way?"

"I don't know about that." She then looked at her with panic in her eyes. "Don't tell her! I don't want to scare her away!"

"Relax, I won't."

She exhaled. "I meant to say that how I... look at her is somehow... different." She grew quiet.

"And how long has this been going on?"

"A few months... I guess."

She nodded. "What changed?" She drank her coffee.

Tiffany shrugged. "Not sure. It just feels like she understands me more than anyone I've ever met." A small smile inadvertently graced her face. "I feel most comfortable when I'm with her – like I don't have to hide anything or pretend or keep up an image that people expect of me." Her eyes twinkled. "She seems to care about even the smallest things about me. I feel... special... when I'm with her." She blushed harder and paused. "And she makes me laugh." Her lips curved into a wide smile, showing her teeth. Her eyes disappeared. "I guess we just click."

She quietly smiled at the obvious happiness exuding from her friend.

She took a deep breath. "I don't want her to find out I feel this way." She looked at her friend, pleading. "Please don't ever let her know?"

"You don't plan to tell her?"

Her eyes widened. "Are you crazy?! It's hard enough to admit to myself that I actually feel this way about one of my best friends." She gulped. "A-another girl."

She raised her eyebrows. "She might feel the same way."

Tiffany shook her head. "I don't think so. And I don't want to scare her away so not a word, okay?"

"For the hundredth time, okay." She observed her friend who was now looking worried and sad. "So you're not going to do anything about it? At all? Not even hinting subtly or something?"

"Nope." She finished her cup of coffee. "I like our coffee times." She smiled. "I want to enjoy it for as long as I can." The smile now contained a hint of sadness.

She understood. "Okay then. It's your decision." She noticed the other woman nervously glancing at her watch and took the hint. She stood up with her cup in one hand. "Well, gotta go take care of some stuff before my unnie goes on a rampage." She smiled. "Don't worry. Your secret's safe with me."



She sipped her drink quietly, watching the people passing by in front of the small café. She smiled to herself as she saw her friend appearing at the door and approaching her table.

"Hey, sorry I'm a bit late. Have you been waiting long?" She took a seat.

"Nope. You're only five minutes late, Fany. Chill," she smiled.

Tiffany nodded and tried to catch her breath, leaning back.

"Go get something to drink."

"In a minute." She was still breathing shallowly. "I was half running all the way here."

She didn't respond, waiting until her friend had calmed down.

"So. What's up?" Tiffany was finally back to breathing normally.

She shrugged. "Nothing. Just wanted to catch up and see how things are with you." She observed her friend. "Especially with regards to Taeng." She noticed the shifting eyes at the mention of their mutual friend's name. "Any progress?"

"There will never be progress. We are just friends and we will stay friends. I thought I've made that very clear last time."

"I was just asking. No need to be all defensive, Fany."

"Sorry," she grinned. "I'll go get that drink then." She took out her wallet and walked to the cashier to place her order.

She watched her friend and glanced at her phone. She leaned back and waited patiently.

"So." Tiffany sat back down with her drink. "How's life?"

She shrugged, shaking the plastic glass in her hand. "Same old, same old. You?" She took a sip.

"Pretty much the same. Work and work."

She took the straw out of her mouth. "And coffee times with Taeng?" She smiled.

Tiffany didn't answer, taking a long sip from her own cold drink.

"I think you should talk to her about it, Fany."

"I told you why I don't want to."

"But aren't you curious?"

"About what?"

"About her feelings towards you? She might be feeling the same way, you know, and you might be missing out on a great thing here."

"Or I could destroy it and won't even have her as my friend." She sighed. "I've considered it at least a thousand times, Soonkyu. Trust me."


Tiffany took a deep breath. "Just let me be a coward, please? At least I'm a happy coward. I choose that above heartbroken bravery any day."

She caught a glimpse of a familiar figure walking through the door and looking around. She lifted both hands and waved.

Tiffany saw the sudden strange gesture and turned around. Her eyes widened in shock and her jaw dropped as she saw the person waving back while walking towards their table. She turned back to face her now smiling friend. "What are you doing?!" She hissed.

"Making sure that you don't have to be heartbroken." She grinned and turned towards the figure now sitting next to her. "You're late."

"Sorry, had an errand to run." Taeyeon looked at Tiffany and smiled. "You're here too?"

"I called her," she interrupted before her nervously blushing friend could answer the question.


"I call it an intervention." She put her phone in her bag.

"Huh? For what?" Taeyeon looked at her and at the quiet person across the table.

"For two cowards I call my best friends," she stood up and shouldered her bag. "Talk. Honestly. I'll be at the restaurant across the street. Watching. So don't even think about leaving after me." She warned the two. "I know I'm being nosy and meddling but I can't stand seeing any of you get hurt. And at this rate, one of you – if not both of you – will." She paused as she observed one looking down and one looking away. "It's been months, guys. I've run out of explanations and excuses every time the rest ask why you two won't join us anymore. So before they find out, please at least talk this out?" She took a deep breath. "And just a side note... the whole unrequited love martyr concept is so last decade." She grinned and waved. "See you kids later."

Sunny walked towards the door and turned around to see the two still keeping their heads down – their cheeks and ears burning red. She grinned and sipped her drink again. "Good job, Lee Soonkyu." She turned on her heels and exited the café.


Enjoy reading!!!

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