BangTan Academy

By BangtanBoys26

496 16 6


BangTan Academy

496 16 6
By BangtanBoys26

"What if a group of seven girls meet a group of seven boys who have different personalities and has prospect in life because of their past experiences. What will happen to them if they encountered each other. Can Love exist in their world.??

"Can love be the key to pound the stone heart?" 
"Can love break the wall that block their heart to fall inlove?"
"Can love grew from being enemies?"
"Can love be the bridge to overcome their fear?"
"Can love healed their broken hearts?"
"Can love start in a fake realationship?" Or
"Can love be sweeter in the second time around?"

"What if sacrifices where made??.. What if this sacrifices leads them to stay away from each other??...Will they suffer because of this sacrifices or they will they have the Love that they longing for??...

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