The Hogwarts princess

By lionkingdiva16

239 3 1

Celeste Daniels cousin to Ronald weasley gets invited to hogwarts . She gets into trouble with the troublesom... More

chapter one

239 3 1
By lionkingdiva16

Chapter one

I was singing in my room packing my stuff, my first year in Hogwarts. "Celeste! Let's go the train leaves at 11." My mother yelled. I flinched and ran to the car. "Ungrateful brat!" My father hissed. I put my head down. "Pick up your head! Your a Daniel!" I put my head up quickly and helps it there. I live in London, england with my mum and dad. My big brother died when I was 4 and my parents wish it was me. I miss him dearly. Once at kings cross station I put all my stuff on a trolley and wheeled it through the wall between 9 and 10. My kitten, brownie was curled up on my suitcase. She had brown fur and blue eyes. She was a gift from my cousin for my birthday. My birthday was 2 days ago. After loading all my things onto the train, I smiled and went to find a compartment. "Hey you, girl!" I turned my head letting my hair whip behind me. "Yes?" I asked politely. "Are you Celeste Daniels?" I gave him a quick look over. He had pale blonde hair and grey eyes, and quite good looking too. "Yes I am. Why do you ask?" I replied in curiosity. He gave me a look over and nodded. "Come sit with me." He demanded. "I can not i must find my cousin. I'm sorry." I responded with a heart melting smile. He nodded and walked off. I went to an pretty empty compartment and saw a boy with black hair, blue eyes, and glasses. "Hello. Is this seat taken?" I asked softly. "No. You can sit here. My name is Harry, harry potter." He said with a smile. "Nice to meet you. I'm Celeste, Celeste Daniels." I replied with a shy smile and sat down. "Hello, do you mind if i sit with you?" I glanced at the boy slightly. He had red hair and blue eyes, he seemed very nice. Brownie climbed into my lap and curled up into a ball. "I'm Ron, Ron weasley." He said. "I'm Celeste Daniels." His eyes widened. "Daughter of Carissa and Joshua? Your mum is my aunt." I was slightly surprised. "My mum calls her family blood traitors but i like to meet people before i judge them." I admitted. He smiled and sat next to me. "Well I'm harry." Ron gasped. "As in harry potter. The boy who lived? Do you have the scar?" Ron questioned. "Ron. Don't do that" I sighed. He smiled sheepishly and apologized softly. "Have any of you seen a toad, a boy named Neville lost it." "Mione?" "Oh my gosh, Celeste!" She hugged me nearly choking me. "Harry, Ron. Can Mione sit here with us?" I begged softly. "Sure." They smiled. "My name is hermione, Hermione Granger." She introduced smiling. I took out my wand and make little sparkles in the air. "How did you already learn spells?" Ron acknowledged. "My big brother." I whispered sadly. Mione rubbed my back. I smiled at her. "I miss him a lot." I mumbled. "How many siblings do you have Ron?" I questioned softly. "6." He responded smiling. "Wow. What are their names?" I begged in interest. " Ginny, Fred, George, Percy, bill, and Charlie." He laughed. I smiled. "Ron. Do you think molly would let me stay with you guys? I don't want to go home. They hurt me." I sobbed. Hermione gasped and hugged me tightly. "You said you fell." She cried. I sobbed into her shoulder. After that I put on my robes and ate a piece of candy. "First years... First years over here." I followed harry, Ron, and Hermione to the boats. At the school I stood with Ron, Harry, and Hermione waiting for the sorting to begin. "Well lookie here. Hello miss Celeste." Draco smiled. "Hi." I whispered. He took my hand and kissed it softly. I pulled it back slightly and hid behind Ron. "Let the sorting begin." We all got into the line. "Celeste Daniels." I went up to the stool and sat down. "Hmm. Loyal, dependable, and hardworking. Maybe, Hufflepuff!" I smiled and skipped to the right table. "Hermione granger!" I smiled slightly. "Gryffindor!" After all my friends and cousin were put in Gryffindor I was upset because I was all alone in Hufflepuff. I went to the Hufflepuff common room and played with brownie. "Hopscotch bunnies." My friend, Lauren said entering the common room. "Celeste headmaster wishes to see you." I nodded and followed her to the headmasters office. "lemon drops." I whispered. "Yes uncle dumbledore?" I asked sitting down. "I want to switch you to Gryffindor." I gasped and smiled. "Really? Thank you!" I hugged him crying slightly. "You will also live with Ron and the other weasley." I was so happy. "Finally a real family." I mumbled. "Your stuff is in miss grangers room." "Thank you." I skipped to the gryffindor common room.

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