Rules Were Made to be Broken

By valethra

66K 2.2K 3.4K

Kiyotaka Ishimaru should be happy working for a high-paying tech company and living in a spacious apartment... More

‣ scene 01 [unhappy refrain]
‣ scene 02 [hot damn, he's familiar]
‣ scene 03 [not-so-bad boy]
‣ scene 04 [parental controls]
‣ scene 05 [can't catch a break]
‣ scene 06 [persistence is key]
‣ scene 07 [never mind]
‣ scene 08 [code cracker]
‣ scene 09 [comin' closer and closer]
‣ scene 10 [broken portrait]
‣ scene 11 [not again!]
‣ scene 12 [night ride]
‣ scene 13 [browari code]
‣ scene 14 [face the facts]
‣ scene 15 [shattered glass]
‣ scene 16 [brotherly business]
‣ scene 17 [tramp stamped]
‣ scene 19 [not quite a goodbye]
‣ scene 20 [those who keep secrets]
‣ scene 21 [hitting the fan]
‣ scene 22 [tomorrow can be brighter]
‣ scene 23 [the tanaka empire expands]
‣ scene 24 [confess it to the dark]
‣ scene 25 [leave it behind]
‣ scene 26 [late-night rendezvous]
‣ scene 27 [it's about time]
‣ scene 28 [sweet dreams]
‣ scene 29 [the big day]
‣ scene 30 [happy synthesizer]

‣ scene 18 [in for the long haul]

1.7K 67 85
By valethra

Both Kiyotaka and Sonia had hoped that their parents could keep the alleged engagement quiet. This, of course, was wishful thinking. They were both required to attend a grand engagement party at the Novoselic household only a week after the accidental announcement, where they were showered with food and wine and expensive gifts.

Takaaki had mentioned the engagement to Kiyotaka's boss when he'd stopped by to deliver the surprise present of a very nice silk tie, and now, his whole office knew. Most of his coworkers acted supportive. Chihiro seemed to know that something was wrong there. She didn't voice those concerns aloud, but she'd asked to eat lunch with him every day since then.

Sonia, in the meantime, had been fielding visits from relatives and family friends that she had not seen in ages. Novoselic's matrimonial traditions were numerous and strange. She'd said something about having to capture a weird animal that he'd never heard of. And companies were already contacting her, begging her to wear one of their wedding dresses or to have the ceremony at their venue. They'd hardly waited a day.

Kiyotaka and Sonia both knew what all of this meant. They were in too deep to back out. How could they tell the truth about their little scam after being treated so generously? And after the news had somehow reached the papers and local TV stations, even if Kiyotaka himself hadn't been mentioned by name?

He and Sonia had spent an entire night on the phone, discussing how far they would have to carry this lie. They'd reached a mutual decision. They'd go through with the engagement and the wedding and the marriage, carrying the ruse as far as it could possibly go, until they found some excuse for a divorce. Kiyotaka couldn't pretend to be happy about it, but they had little choice.

At the very least, Kiyotaka wouldn't mind living with Sonia, and a marriage could potentially make his parents treat him a little more nicely. To cheer themselves up, he and Sonia had talked about the things they would actually do in their shared home when everyone else thought they were romancing one another. Sonia suggested buying a home where Kiyotaka could have a secret library, and finally allowing him to adopt a cat, as she would take the credit for it and pretend it was hers. Kiyotaka promised that he'd let her screen as many horror movies and cheesy teen flicks as she wanted in their secret theatre. Sonia promised to hire housekeepers and a personal chef so that Kiyotaka would get to use all of what little free time he'd get from work on himself rather than household chores.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Maybe he'd learn to ignore the little voice in the back of his head that kept telling him to crash his new car just so he'd have an excuse to call for a tow truck again.

He shook his head and tried to focus on his surroundings. The party was now in full swing. Kiyotaka tried not to groan and swirled his wine glass around. Takaaki was bragging about his son to anybody who would listen, as if he'd bothered to actually compliment Kiyotaka on anything in the last decade or so. He was clearly using the party as an attempt to schmooze and meet potential business partners, and he was trying so hard that it was painful for Kiyotaka to watch. Satsuki, meanwhile, stood in a corner with a group of well-dressed women drinking martinis, and they gossiped about anyone who came through the front door.

Just as he began to contemplate escaping the oppressive atmosphere through a window, his phone buzzed. He glanced at the text message as discreetly as he could. The signal. He snuck away from the crowd and followed the familiar path to the rose garden. Sonia waited there for him on the bench and greeted him with a tired smile.

"Some party, huh?" He said bitterly. Sonia nodded. "I've never seen so many rich people in one room before."

"You will find that the wealthy make for terrible company. It seems like all that they ever want to talk about are boats and cars and the expensive painting they just bought for their study," Sonia muttered. "My interests are frowned upon, and I am certain that no one in that room cares about animals."

"I did see a few fur coats," Kiyotaka agreed. He was afraid to ask this question, but he did want to know. "Did you... Did you tell him? Your animal man."

Sonia frowned.

"That is what I wished to tell you. I did. I... confessed my romantic feelings to him a short while ago, and yet I met with him last night to explain that I could not see him anymore. I-I told him that I would gladly keep him by my side as a friend until all of this is over, and that we could continue to communicate in secrecy, but... he is having difficulty understanding. He cannot understand why I would marry someone that I do not love."

"I... can't really blame the man," Kiyotaka admitted. "Going from such an emotional high to such an emotional low so quickly is hard on anyone."

"I-I do not wish to cut my ties with him, but if he insists on making this even more difficult for me than it already is, I... I may have no choice."

"Don't say that! I'm sure that you can think of something to keep him at bay." Kiyotaka's heart hurt for her. The other man's anger was sensible, but it wasn't what Sonia needed right now. He sighed. "...We're actually doing this, aren't we?"

"I suppose so." She looked at Kiyotaka and seemed bothered by his glum expression. She sat up straighter. "If it is any consolation, I have a plan for the divorce!"

"...Already?!" Kiyotaka had to admit that he was intrigued. Sonia nodded proudly. There was an odd gleam in her eye.

"Yes. Here is the plan— we get married in a very lavish, grand ceremony. You are clearly stressed out by my demanding nature, as I want everything to be perfect. We move to a big house by the ocean, and within months, I begin to spend as if it is going out of style! I am a woefully selfish diva who wants nothing more than to spend all that you earn while keeping my fortune to myself. I spend your entire month's earnings on a tea party for myself and my friends, and then, you explode! You demand a divorce. And all of this occurs in only a year and six months!"

Sonia struck a dramatic pose. Kiyotaka felt like her eyes were literally sparkling. He stared at her, stunned, until he could form a response.

"That's... something straight out of a weekday drama." It was corny and a bit over-the-top, but it still told him that Sonia was willing to take all of the blame for the divorce. There was something noble in that.

"But of course!" Sonia agreed. "It is where I got the idea!"

Sonia hadn't struck Kiyotaka as the type to watch dramas, but she was a woman full of surprises. He still vividly remembered how shocked he'd been when she had casually mentioned her interest in the occult during their third fake date.

"That sounds like a plan, Sonia." He was suddenly reminded of his recent impulse decision. He stood up, and Sonia raised an eyebrow at him. "I've decided to allow myself some small rebellions, though! We'll both have to if we're going to pull this one off without dying of the stress. I—"

"Kiyotaka, aren't you gay?! Besides, I would not do such a vulgar thing while there is a party going on!"

"...What?" Kiyotaka paused halfway through trying to pull his pants down just enough to expose the tattoo. His face blanched when he realized what she was thinking. "Oh, God— that's not what I'm doing! I was just trying to... Just look, okay?!"

She studied him with a disapproving expression until he successfully exposed the emblem, and then she grinned and clapped her hands together. She, too, stood up, partly to get a better look at it.

"A tattoo! How delightful! I especially like the placement!" She winked. Kiyotaka blushed. It was a bit flirty-looking. "But why a diamond, if you do not mind my asking?"

His blush darkened further.

"...It's... kind of a long story, and I didn't actually ask for it, but... I think it's appropriate. It's sort of a tribute to, um. A certain man."

Sonia raised an eyebrow.

"A man? ...Kiyotaka, have you been seeing someone as well?"

"N-No! ...Not exactly. It's difficult to explain."

Sonia could clearly see that he was hiding something. She giggled, and then, to Kiyotaka's surprise, she moved to lift up her frilly skirt.

"It is an extraordinary coincidence, really... I, too, got a tattoo! I have always wanted one, but my parents forbade it. Exposing one's thighs is seen as very promiscuous in my country, and so I never do it. I chose to get my own tattoo in secret, and to get it here, on my thigh, where I can easily avoid prying eyes," she explained, moving her stocking down enough to expose the ink.

Some kind of moe face stared at Kiyotaka. He squinted at it.

"What... What is that?"

Sonia covered her mouth with her free hand and gasped.

"You mean... you do not recognize her?!" She looked offended. "She is the Sun Witch Esper Ito! It is without a doubt my favorite Japanese anime, and it has a viewership of over 90% in my country!"

Kiyotaka hardly knew what to say to that. He was surprised that anime (magical girls, anyway) was so popular in Novoselic, for one. And secondly, wasn't it redundant to call it "Japanese anime"? He wouldn't bother with trying to explain that right now.

"O-Of course it is," he answered, and she instantly looked relieved. "It's just that her name had slipped my mind. I'm sorry."

Kiyotaka smiled. Underneath all of the upper-class formalities and European glamour, Sonia Nevermind was a shockingly nice and normal girl. Maybe being fake-married to her wouldn't be so bad at all. The situation could be a lot worse, he supposed— at the very least, he'd made a wonderful friend.

For a couple of minutes, they laughed at the fact that they'd made the same decision in secret and discussed future "small rebellions". Sonia wanted to get more tattoos similar to the one she already had, turning that whole thigh into a magical girls tribute. Kiyotaka thought he might try taking up karate again. He hoped, that in changing the subject, Sonia would forget his earlier admission. He was not so lucky.

"Now tell me already," she pled, "who were you referring to earlier? If you've met a nice man, I would at least like to hear about him. I've so enjoyed getting to tell you all about my beloved while it lasted, after all. You must want to gush just a little bit!"

Kiyotaka groaned. He groaned because Sonia was right. He and Mondo Oowada were not and had never been a couple, and he'd been trying to deny the fact that he'd developed any feelings for the man at all, and he couldn't accept his advances. And yet here he was, feeling some silly urge to tell Sonia everything about him. ...Just a bit couldn't hurt, right?

"...Alright, alright, you win." Sonia cheered, and Kiyotaka laughed nervously. "I've... got a bit of a crush on someone."

Saying it out loud hurt. He'd never acknowledged it before. There was a lump in his throat, and there were nervous butterflies in his stomach.

"Tell me! What is he like?! I am admittedly very curious as to what your type is."

Kiyotaka scratched his cheek, noticing the heat there, as he struggled for the words to describe the man on his mind. Daiya's voice popped into his head for some reason. Daiya was like his brother in the way that his words stuck in one's head, no matter how ridiculous. That, and Kiyotaka still wondered what Daiya had been referring to when he'd turned so serious that day. His words had registered as ominous.

"...It might surprise you to hear this, but... he's actually a reformed 'bad boy'. He's got lots of tattoos and he used to run a biker gang with his older brother. He drives a tow truck now, and also works as a mechanic."

Sonia giggled, looking absolutely giddy.

"I would not have expected that from you! I was certain you'd fallen for an older coworker, for whatever reason. Someone stable."

"He... Well, he is stable, I guess, even if he doesn't look like it. He's very blunt and nosy and kind of rough around the edges, and he's still got the accent from his street days, but... he's oddly calming and gives me advice every time we meet. He's strong, and he's supportive, and he's... He's happy. He wants to share that with me, somehow. ...He's an animal guy, too. He has four dogs."

Sonia clasped her hands over her heart and smiled sweetly. Kiyotaka, embarrassed, avoided her eyes.

"He sounds just wonderful, and like a perfect fit for you. ...Is he handsome?"

Kiyotaka hid his face his his hands.


Sonia clapped and hopped up and down for a moment. Then, the sadness of the fact that Kiyotaka was describing a man he couldn't be with seemed to hit her, and her smile became a pained one. She was obviously thinking about her own special guy, too.

"...But we have to do the smart thing here, do we not?"

"...We do," Kiyotaka affirmed.

They exchanged a glance. It was a silent plea. Both of them wanted the same thing— to be free of their manipulative families, and to run away with the men of their respective dreams. But they both knew that this was a useless fantasy.

Sonia jerked to attention as she identified familiar voices approaching the garden. She flashed Kiyotaka a symbol with her hand, and he was instantly anxious. They'd planned this, and he knew it wasn't a big deal because Sonia herself knew it meant nothing, but it was still bound to be awkward.

"...Okay," Sonia whispered, grabbing hold of both of his hands. "My mother's on their way. Listen for the sound of door opening, and then go. We can do this."

"I guess so," Kiyotaka grumbled.

They waited, in their awkward staged couple pose, until the doors to the garden swung open. Kiyotaka held his breath and leaned in. Sonia imitated his movements. Their lips met for only a second or two. Kiyotaka heard Sonia's mother react, and then he pulled away.

"Now, now, you little lovebirds," Mrs. Nevermind cooed, "there will be time for that later. Come back to the party. Mr. and Mrs. Ishimaru are worried!"

"We shall catch up with you in just a moment, mother," Sonia replied, forcing a wide smile and squeezing Kiyotaka's hands a little too hard. Mrs. Nevermind nodded and left, giggling as she did so. Kiyotaka finally released his breath as soon as she was out of sight.

Sonia shrugged in Kiyotaka's direction.

"That... was not quite as bad as I had thought it would be."

"I know," Kiyotaka laughed. "...You have very soft lips, by the way."

Sonia giggled and slapped his arm, pretending to be offended.


"I mean, I'm still very gay, but I guess I understand the appeal. ...Do you use something, or is that just a girl thing?"

"Oh, that... it is a special balm, actually. I make it myself! I will lend you a tube, if you would like some."

"...I'd appreciate that."

With that, he offered her his elbow. They linked arms, took a moment to mentally prepare themselves, and then marched back into the fray of the party. They managed to keep up their carefully-rehearsed act up for the rest of the night. By the time he returned home, Kiyotaka was exhausted. He didn't bother with any of his usual chores, and instead leapt right into bed as soon as he'd changed out of his uncomfortable suit.

He pulled out his phone, intending to send Sonia an encouraging text message. She had beaten him to the punch.

Sonia: My relatives were very impressed with you. They are still talking about you. Let us continue to fight the good fight together!

Kiyotaka smiled. At least they liked him.

Kiyotaka: That's good to know. I'm glad to be in this mess with you, at least.

Another moment, and Kiyotaka received a picture. It was of a somewhat strange-looking man, tall and brooding, but with a blush dusting his cheeks. He was trying to hide the lower half of his face in a purple scarf. His get-up was odd, but he was handsome, and there was a hamster resting on one of his shoulders. He had a feeling that he knew who this was and why she was sending a picture now. It was probably Sonia's way of paying her respects.

Sonia: His name is Gundham.
Kiyotaka: What about the hamster?
Sonia: Cham-P! <3

Kiyotaka chuckled. Then, something occurred to him, and he searched through the photos on his phone.

He didn't take or save a lot of pictures. He'd had the phone for a year and had only fifteen photographs in total, so he easily found the one that he was looking for. When he had last visited the repair shop of a certain towing company, he had taken a few pictures of his car for insurance purposes. A particular mechanic had decided to treat it like a photo shoot, and he had insisted on striking a pose and being included in every shot. Kiyotaka had one particularly good picture that captured the man's mischievous grin. A few taps of his finger, and he sent the photograph to Sonia.

Kiyotaka: This is Mondo.
Sonia: :o
Sonia: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sonia: That smile! That figure! What a looker!
Kiyotaka: Gundham is cute, too.
Sonia: You slow down there, mister! >:( Gundham is mine!

Kiyotaka laughed. He felt warm and fuzzy inside, even if it was just for a minute.

Kiyotaka: Of course he is. I wouldn't steal him away from you.
Sonia: You'll have to speak to Mondo about the arrangement, won't you?

He paused, feeling the warmth dissipate.

Kiyotaka: I will. Wish me luck. Good night, Sonia.

She replied in kind, and Kiyotaka set his alarms and put the phone on the nightstand.

There was a throbbing and unfamiliar ache in chest as he tried to fall asleep.

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