Hunted by Ewoks

By ItzKaneMk

174 3 6

TK-779 and his squad are sent to Endor to assist on defeating the rebel and ewok forces. They soon find thems... More

A Death Trap
Note from Author

The Ambush

31 0 1
By ItzKaneMk

  TK-786 was busy trying to get radio contact to the rest of the groups. Some people say they've seen glowing eyes, weird lights. Everyone was seeing things, it must be the thunder and rain, or the darkness. Weird light glitches in the helmet. No one knows.

"This is TK-786 of group four. Group three is down, all troops on high alert. Continue with plan. Lead out." TK-786 said through the radio, "got through the mini jam. Told them what to do." He stood up.

"Should we move sir?" I said, "we should help the main group, who knows how long they'll be fighting for."

"We should start moving out now, I agree TK-779, we should move out..." The officer replied, "PACK UP! We're moving out!"

As moved out, the storm slowly calmed down. More and more troopers say they see things, the officer, MP-324, said it's only our imagination.

~~{ + }~~

"Uhh... guys... look at the death star... " I told everyone, as they all looked up to see the death star exploding. Then suddenly a large sound of a explosion rang through the air. Everyone stared in awe.

Troopers started talking amongst each other saying, what do we do, are we doomed, and so on. MP-324 looked like we was thinking of something to say.

"We'll continue on corse, tell all other squads to move on, we're almost ready for the abush any way," MP-324 announced, "lets get a move on. We'll probably get orders from HQ."

"All squads, continue with plan. We'll wait for more orders from HQ," TK-786 said.

"I have a bad feeling about this, all I know is that it feels like we're being followed," I said out loud. I picked up my DLT-19, ahhh, heavy as always.

The sounds of gunfire, explosions intensified as we came closer. It didn't sound good even from here, "hault, contact the other groups that we're ready, once I give the order we'll attack."

"Group One is ready, Group Three is MIA" TK-786 replied to MP-324, "You're call to attack"

Everyone just got quiet, no one said a word, or sound, "let's hope we don't die," I interrupted the silence,"

"Lets hope so," MP-324 told me, "because we're attacking, tell the other groups attack,"

"All groups! Attack attack!" TK-786 yelled.

As we peered over the hill an AT-AT had fallen over on flames, other troopers we're pinned down around the AT-AT. Dead bodies littered the ground, only a few AT-STs stood, to plunge real fear through the rebels hearts.

We took the rebels by surprise, just as planned. I sprayed suppressive fire to the general area of rebels. They were falling one by one, falling into the justice of the Empire.

After a few minutes, we weren't ambushing rebels, we we're being ambushed. What seemed to be hundreds of Ewoks popping out of nowhere throwing rocks spears, tingling lights that burn us.

"We're being ambushed?" I said, I looked for MP-324, but he was lying on the ground with a few blaster shots in him and a spear through his arm, he was bloody, toes to head, "all men! Get to the main force down there, we can't hold this!" I yelled, I was the closest in charge, or just the most fit.

We stumbled and ran down the hill. Most of us being gunned down or speared and rocked down. We found cover around the AT-AT with the rest of the stranded troopers. We all became stranded, in our own trap. 

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