
By jonerys_got18

89.7K 1.4K 144

Carrying on from the end of season 7 this is purely for my own entertainment of what I What to happen in seas... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25

Part 14

2.8K 46 1
By jonerys_got18

Months had past and it was getting closer to the baby's due date. Jon couldn't leave Daenerys for more the 20 minutes according to Tyrion who was teasing him about it all the time. Since the Great War Jon and quite grown fond of Bron and podrick who was spending a growing amount of time with Sansa. Arya and Gendry had a small wedding not long after the celebration they didn't make a big fuss with it and it was only family and close friends Jon gave her away and spent that night basically crying to Daenerys that he didn't like the fact she had grown up. Jon was still upset at himself for the argument him and Daenerys had just after the wedding, jealousy started it then it just turned into her shouting and screaming at him a side to her he hadn't seen before he ended up having to tell her about yeritte she didn't believe he had just been with the one women before her.They where a bit ruff for about a week although they never slept apart and Jon was always doing what ever he could for her then she seemed to forgive him. There time had mostly been spent trying to keep everyone happy the Dothraki where dying from the cold that Daenerys had no choice but to send the back to dragon stone where it was slightly warmer. The dragons now fly between there and winterfell protecting each part of her army. They spent a lot of time making sure everything was in place if Dario the name that started the argument between the king and queen couldn't turn the golden army to Daenerys side against the true mad queen Cersei. They didn't have to worry at the moment the snows where to bad just after the Dothraki left for anyone to come north winter was still here despite the ending of the night king but the masters believe this is the height of winter and it will soon be summer again something Daenerys was praying for.

Jon was sat around a table with Bron, prodrick, Tyrion, Sansa, Arya and Gendry. Grey worm enter he was nervous as he walked over to the table "join us Grey Worm" Said Arya he Let a small smile quickly show on his face as he sat down "where's missandei?" Asked Sansa who once getting to know the queens most trusted friend had grown to quite like her and enjoy her company. "She's with the queen"
"What's wrong with the queen?" Said Jon in a panic he hadn't been listening to there conversation he been deep in discussion with Tyrion. Everyone started laughing "nothing Grey Worm was just saying that missandei is with her" said Sansa. Jon turned red out of embarrassment!
The table carried on chatting and talking Bron being the main entertainment, the doors opened everyone looked round to see a heavily pregnant Daenerys walk in along with missandei despite being that heavily pregnant she still looked and walked like a queen she hadn't missed a meeting once she wasn't going to give into being pregnant.
The both took a seat next to there other half's Jon helping Daenerys to sit down. "How are you?" Asked Jon quietly not to disturb the conversation that had just started "tired and the baby won't stop moving just wanted it out now" huffed Dany Jon rubbed her back, heads shooting around again and sam, Gilly and little sam enter also joining the table little sam running to Jon. "Uncle Jon" said little Sam Jon freezing he hadn't said Jon let along uncle to him before he picked him up looking to sam and gilly who where sat on the corner of the table "we been trying to get him to say it for ages and we went let's go find everyone and he replied will uncle Jon be there!" Said sam proudly. Jon didn't reply just smiled as he sat little sam in his lap dany trying to hind the tears of joy of what a good father he's going to make "How are you feeling your grace" Asked gilly as she placed her hands on her small bump "tired and done with this I was at your stage loving being pregnant now I hate it!" Jon kissed her cheek "not long now you're grace I would put money on the next two days" said sam. A little while after Some food came out "why aren't you eating?" Whispered Jon to Dany "I not know I suddenly have no appetite, could you come with me back to are chambers I think I need to lay down" she whispered back Jon placed little sam down telling him to go find his papa and he ran of to sam and Gilly.
Jon got up helping Daenerys up they started walking towards the door Daenerys trying her best to walk normal but failing as she was basically getting carried by Jon "stop" she shouted "what?" Jon asked his heart racing Daenerys looked down to see that her water had broken Jon also saw "Sam" he shouted sam was all really right behind them. "It's starting" Said sam calmly "carry her to your room I be there in a minute"

Jon placed her gently on the bed "Are you okay"Jon said panicked as she moaned in pain "as okay as I can be" she smiled to reassure him grabbing his hand "you won't leave me when they come will you?" "No not if you not what me to" He said as he kissed her forehead softly he moved the pillows so she could lean back. They didn't talk Jon just helping her trough the moments of pain "where the fuck is sam" shouted dany.
"He's get everything he be here in a minute do you know that the First time I've heard you swear"
She rolled her eyes at him. There was scratching at the door ghost wanting to be let in. "Can I let him in he only sit by the fire" Asked Jon he was quiet when he spoke dany nodded "can you get me some wine?" She asked he got up he opened the door to see Sansa and Arya there with ghost "is she okay" "yes SHE's fine" shouted dany Arya taking this as a invite to enter "Sansa will you go and get some wine please" Asked Jon she nodded and started down the corridor.

Missandei entered with a nightgown in hand "can you stand your grace?" She asked as she entered Dany nodded and looking at Jon to help her up missandei and Jon helped her into her nightgown Arya felt awkward so she went over to pet ghost who didn't seemed bothered with anything going on. Sam entered just as the where helping her into back into bed gilly and master wolkan following behind Jon was sat on the edge of the bed holding her hand "What's the king doing in here this is no place for the father" said Maester wolkan "He's not going anywhere" spat Daenerys putting the man in his place moaning in pain after. "Very well Jon can stay but you two need to go" Said sam looking a Arya and missandei just as Sansa walked into the room with the wine "finally" said Dany Jon taking it from Sansa pouring Daenerys a glass "You three need to go" Said sam louder than before they left quickly but not before saying there good lucks to Jon and Daenerys downing the glass of wine.
"Let's see where you at your grace if that's alright" Daenerys nodded knowing what he wanted her to do. "Seven hells" Said sam "what's wrong" Said Jon as Daenerys griped his tighter "nothing I just didn't expect Dany to be this far along consider how well she's handling the pain" both Jon and Daenerys breath a sigh of relief. Sam walked over to Gilly telling her something as Jon pulled back the hair on Danys face "I'm so proud of you my love" Said Jon his voice shaky from all the mixed emotions he was feeling Gilly waked over to the other side "is it okay if I have a feel your grace?" Asked Gilly Dany nodded as she tried breathing through the pain of a contraction little out a scream.

About an hour passed "I think it time to start pushing your grace" Said sam Gilly was still on the other side to Dany "your grace you're doing a lot better than me with little sam a was screaming the place down".
"I not think I can do this" Said Dany she had tears in here eyes.
"I know for a facted that you can you're the strongest person I know" Said Jon as he kissed her forehead.
"You've dealt with the pain better than any mother I've delivered there child for" Said master wolkan
"I need you to start pushing when you have a contraction" Said sam
She did so Jon's heartbreaking with every moan or scream of pain although he wanted to scream as she crushed his hand.
Suddenly the room filled with newborn cry's.
"We have a child" he said as he began to cry Dany pulled herself up so she could see the baby "you have a little girl" Said sam as he rapped her in blanket passing her to Daenerys as soon as she was in her mother arms she stopped crying "Thank you"said a very emotional Jon "she looks like you your hair and your face" he smiled "but she's got your eyes" Said Dany
"Your grace do you want to pass her to Gilly when we make sure your okay" Said sam she nodded and went to pass her to Gilly "Can I have her" said Jon "your her father of course" smiled Daenerys as she handed him her.
"I will go and get the wet nurse, she be hungry soon" Said wolkan
"No she's my daughter I fed her myself" Said Daenerys. "Gilly will help you at first then your grace" Jon went over sat in his arm chair holding his daughter still unable to fight back the tears sam and Gilly helped Dany up to her chair as they put the bed fresh. "Jon do we even have crib for her" Asked Daenerys worriedly she kept refusing to get baby things in fear of tempting fate "Aye Sansa has gotten everything ready"
"Sorry to take her away Jon but could I just check her over" Asked Gilly Jon passed her to Gilly "help me back into bed Jon" Daenerys voice was tired he gave her a hand up back to the bed. "She's a healthy big baby congratulations a beautiful princess." Smiled sam as he passed her back to Daenerys "we leave you three" he finished
"I will come back in a little while to help you fed her your grace" Smiled Gilly.
Sam opened the door to find Sansa, Arya , Tyrion and even gendry all standing there "Jon there's a lot of people waiting here to meet the new princess" chuckled Sam as he left
"Can we come in?" Said Arya quietly at the door Jon looked to Dany she nodded "Aye come in then" said Jon.
"She's perfect" Said Sansa with tears in her eyes "I'm a auntie" she smiled.
"Get in the line as I'm going to be her favourite" Said Arya giving her sister a jokey look Tyrion and gendry where almost to scared to go any closer as Varys appeared at the door he walked in next to Tyrion "you look like your mother sat there your grace" said Varys Daenerys looked at him "really?" "Definitely your grace."
"What's her name" Asked Sansa
"If it's okay with Jon I want to name her after my mother Well I was thinking Rhaella Lyanna Targaryen" Said Daenerys
"Perfect" Replied Jon he whated her first name to be lyanna but he knew how much Daenerys wanted  her namesake to be her mother she didn't ever talk about her but when someone mentioned her like Varys just did you could she how much she cared.
"Congratulations you're grace we don't have to have that conversation about who we be your successor now" Said Tyrion as he left with Varys.
"Congratulations she one lucky baby, having a family who loves her" Smiled gendry as he also left straight after Arya couldn't help but think he acted a bit strange
"May I hold her" Asked Sansa
Dany nodded passing her to Sansa she had about 5 minutes with her before Arya sat in her brothers chair "Sansa can I hold her" Sansa huffed as she passed her over "Arya you look like a child sat there holding her" "I'll be better when she's older" Said Arya she began crying Arya's face looked like she was about to cry as well "what have I done".
"Nothing not worry" Smiled Jon as he took her of Arya suddenly she stopping crying.
"Arya baby's can smell fear" giggled Sansa
"Haha very funny you wait in till she wants to spend more time with fun aunt Arya!"
"Sansa will you go and get all the baby stuff I asked you to look after" Said Jon
"You will have to carry the crib" Said Sansa
He turned and pasted Rhaella back to her mother "will you be okay if I help Sansa" Asked Jon
"Of course we will be" Said Daenerys looking a Rhaella
"I will help as well" Said Arya as she realised dany might what sometime alone with her.
The three left just leaving ghost with Dany and Ella (going to nickname her Ella).

Rhaella started to open her eyes a little bit "hello darling you definitely have your fathers eyes. This hair better not turn dark though" Said Daenerys softly. "You're perfect though" as she kissed the top of her head, Daenerys sat watching her. There was a knock on the door "come in" said Daenerys quickly looking up to see who it was. Gilly entered "do you want help feeding her?"
"Please" Said dany nervously
Gilly helped her feed her "that was surprisingly easy for her first time" Smiled Gilly reassuring Daenerys "a very natural mother" finished Gilly

Jon walked back into there chambers carrying the crib going into a panic as dany wasn't in bed "Dany!!" Jon almost shouted "Jon? Gillys helping me bath her"" Daenerys Said Jon walked in bathroom he smiled and started to tear up at the sight of Daenerys bathing his little girl. Gilly left quickly after Jon walked in Sansa and Arya put the few bits they brought in also leaving. Jon took Rhaella of Dany "did you feed her?" Asked Jon
"Yeah Gilly was surprised how well she fed hopefully she's going to be a good baby" Said Dany hopefully
"How could she be anything else" said Jon as he walked over sitting in his chair.
There was a knock at the door Dany rolled her eyes to Jon she was fed up with visitors. She walked over to the doors opening it. A young northern girl was standing at the door with some food "Your grace, your dinners"
"Thank you" Daenerys went to take the plates but the young girl insisted on placing them on table for her Daenerys realised that she wanted to get a look at the princess "Congratulations your graces" said the girl as she left "Thank you" Said Daenerys

"Jon could you move the crib so she sleeps next to me"
"Of course my queen" Said Jon as he got up moving the crib next to Dany, Jon disappeared into the bathroom after he came out ready for bed he got in next to Daenerys "thank you, Jon I never dared dream that I would be this happy" as she placed her head on Jon's shoulder "you've made me a happy man, I promise I will always protect you two" Said Jon Dany kissed him. "I'm going to try and sleep I think we should put her down in her crib" Said dany as she got up placing her in the crib "will she be warm enough?" Asked Daenerys "Aye I would say so That's a heavy blanket she rapped in, get back in to bed darling and get some sleep you need it" Said Jon reaching out his arms for her to fall into she placed her head on his chest and within minutes she was asleep. "Good night my girls" said Jon looking to Dany then Rhaellas crib, he was completed he had a wife that he adored and a perfected healthy baby girl.

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