Fearless • {Opie Winston}

By -lovethevoid

23.7K 507 8

finished - july 27, 2018 In which they're both completely fearless... unless it comes to each other. More

C A S T & A U T H O R ' S N O T E


1.9K 56 0
By -lovethevoid

Jameson sped out of the clubhouse lot while Tig was inside, something she was honestly surprised he hadn't expected. Chibs and Bobby made to follow her, but she lost them easily and almost accidentally behind a truck.

When she pulled up to Isaac's mom's house a little while later, Jax and Opie's bikes were parked outside. She wondered if Jax's lead had been Isaac all along and he'd just been an ass about telling her, but it wasn't important at that moment. She checked the holster at her ribs to make sure both of her pistols were there, and they were.

She walked up the driveway, but before she'd even stepped onto the porch, Isaac stepped outside.

"Hello, love," he said, again using the pet name he knew she hated.

"Let me see them," she said, and Isaac shook his head.

"Not until you drop your weapons. That's the ones holstered inside your cut and the one on your ankle, and that big-ass knife you and your brother like to carry around to show the world how small your dicks are," he said, and she scoffed but dropped them.

She stepped towards him and he smiled, leading her inside. Opie and Jax were handcuffed to a radiator in the living room, and both of them looked like Isaac had given them a few good punches here and there. There was a pool of blood on Opie's shirt and his nose was clearly broken; Isaac was obviously at least a little more angry at him than Jax, probably because he'd always had a sneaking suspicion she was in love with Ope. She absently wondered if he'd followed them to his place the night before.

She shot a look at her brother, and he shook his head, obviously annoyed she hadn't listened to him. After coming to the conclusion that Jax was mostly okay, she melted to the floor in front of Opie. She took his face in her hands, studying him.

"Are you okay?" she asked, and he nodded.

"Yeah. Prick broke my fuckin' nose and stabbed me, but it's nothing. I don't think it's even bleeding anymore," he said, and she lifted his shirt to look at the wound. He was right; it wasn't bleeding. "Why did you come, Jameson?" he asked, and she shrugged.

"You know goddamn well either of you would've come if it was me," she said, shooting a look at Jax. He looked back at her in a way that told her she was absolutely right.

"Enough," Isaac said, yanking her to her feet. Opie gritted his teeth, shaking his head.

"Don't you fucking hurt her," he said, and Isaac laughed.

"I'd never hurt her. I love her, and she loves me. Don't you, Jamie? Tell him," he said, pulling a gun out of the waistband of his jeans and holding it to her head. She cowered under it just slightly, and both Opie and Jax struggled against their cuffs.

"I love him," she said quietly, her eyes not meeting Opie's.

"Let's go," Isaac said, wrapping his arm around Jameson's neck and pushing her towards the door. She went with him for a few steps, and then dropped an elbow hard to his crotch. He crumpled onto the floor and she kicked the gun out of his hand, grabbing it.

"You fucking idiot," she said, pointing the gun at him. He backed into a corner of the room, shaking. "Did you really think I'd let this shit happen for a second? You're more of a goddamn idiot than I thought," she said, the sound of motorcycles thundering into the driveway.

The other members of the club stormed through the door, getting Jax and Opie out of their cuffs with a key Chibs found on the kitchen counter.

"Jamie..." Isaac started, but she shook her head.

"Don't fucking pet name me, you piece of shit," she said, spitting in his face.

"You're not going to shoot me," he said, and she shook her head, turning to look at the guys, who were all now standing right behind her.

"You're right, I'm not. I am, however going to let the guys do whatever they want to you. I wouldn't let them before, but now... now I know you deserve whatever you get. I never loved you, and you know I didn't. You know it was all just some fucked up game we were playing, and it's over now. Bye, Isaac," she said, kissing Jax on the cheek and wrapping her fingers around Opie's forearm to pull him outside with her.

As soon as they were on the porch with the door closed behind them, she kissed him passionately, leaning into him heavily as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Are you okay? Do you need Tara to patch you up?" she asked him, referring to Jax's wife, who was a doctor.

"No, I'm fine. You can patch anything I do need and mostly I just wanna get the fuck home with you," he said, and she shook her head.

"Well I mean there's not a threat anymore so I don't really need to stay with you anymore..." she said, trailing off and trying to keep her face as serious as she could. Opie rolled his eyes and bent down to kiss her again.

"Oh yeah?" he asked, and she nodded. He leaned into her, getting his face close to her ear. A shiver erupted through her body and he gave her an amused look. "But I love you, Jameson," he whispered in her ear, and she all but melted into him. Goosebumps rose over her body and she laughed.

"Well when you put it that way... let's go home, Ope," she said quietly, kissing his cheek. He took her hand as they walked to the driveway and then kissed her one more time before they got on their bikes.

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